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Skyrim SE for Beginners - V 3.2.6 (3BBB / HDT-SMP / HPH)

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That's odd it worked for me.  I only ticked the first 3 boxes in fnis, make overwrite,  disable main fnis LEAVE CREATURES ACTIVED, activate and run nemesis,  make sure you run update first,  then check boxes that you have mods for, make overwrite,  place nemesis overwrite under Fnis overwrite.  Still leave main fnis mod deactivated You should be good.



Yes I know you removed them from list but I kinda like them so I left them in on mine  I like a challenge now and then.

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ARGH. **** me. I downloaded an older version of Nemesis by mistake, not the newest one. ****ing Github looks confusing to my sleep addled brain.


Yep, it works exactly as everyone else is describing. FNIS Behaviors is still off, no more CTDs. And the Movement Overhaul is working fine now. AND I got some Oldrim animations converted to SE and working with Project New Reign Nemesis PCEA so now I have PC-only animations so I can crawl around like a kitty cat and Lydia doesn't so she won't give me nightmares until the day I die.


Argh. Working perfectly now. Only took two afternoons. Weird that the previous version was incompatible with so much stuff. Hmm, I still need to check some of the FNIS creature animations, but that's for tomorrow.

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This has been so good, thank you!

I went through similar phases that I imagine a lot of people did with this list: first with Vortex, trying to add some mods to my existing lineup, then spending hours troubleshooting, or living with constant CTDs.

I've had a few playthroughs now with earlier versions, and just starting a new game with this recent order, plus a few others. I'm trying Combat Evolved to make combat a bit more challenging, Path of Sorcery (and some patches) to try to make magic a bit more interesting than I usually find it, and Skyrim Alchemy Fixed, mainly to stop myself from the temptation of getting into enchant/alchemy/smith buff loops that I find hard to resist and then kills all the fun.

Rudy is a bit too demanding for my mac in bootcamp, so I'm running re-engaged, which looks nice, although this time around the lighting is a bit off on skins, maybe I need to tweak the settings, or use a different skin. Also having a bit of issue with faces with the new expressive facial expressions, but it will just take a bit of tweaking.


EDIT: Blackfaces on the children was caused by the IWI RS patch, so I've taken that out. You seem to be doing fine without it, so I'll assume nothing bad will happen.


I like EagerNPCs, as it allows me to swap player gender by hotkey, and equip schlongs when desired, not using gender bender or the no futa cock mods as a result. Also putting up with cursed loot, and Radiant Prostitution, which both can be a pain, but I like the extra options. Radiant Prostitution has some broken parts, and I want to really get stuck in and change *all* the dialogue to fix typos and generally bad phrasing, but I make a few tweaks and get a headache. I'm not a modder.


Overall I remain shocked at how good the game looks now, and it hasn't been this stable since I started adding more than a couple of armor mods.

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On 9/16/2020 at 5:48 AM, Dirknina said:

as long as aylis doesn't mind.

No problem. I'd even add it to 'Tips and Tricks'.




Glad to hear that my guide is helping you. :)  


I'll take a look at the three mods you mentioned. ?



In the works


Mods to remove:

Beautiful Amulets and Rings                              Redundant

Witcher 2 Steel Plate Armour Replacer              Sadly not working as intended - got to see if i can get it back in somehow. But in this form useless...

Enhanced Circlets                                               We got better mods

ETHEREAL CLOUDS - Special Edition                 Got a replacement

Kyoe's Bang'n Brows - Replacement - Female   Got a replacement

High Poly NPC Overhaul - Ressources               Redundant



Mods to add/move:

SexLab Aroused SSE                                           Going up

High Poly Bones

Snowberries                                                        Better than what we got now (i hope he reworks more plants ;))

Tamriel Master Lights                                         Using the separate mod works better for us

JK Skyrim - TML Cities

Big Backpack HD                                                Small but nice visual upgrade

Wrye Bash                                                          Can't get around it anymore. Need to write watertight instructions. Screenshots without language mix!

Diverse Random Normal Attack                         Once you get used to it surprisingly good

KS Hairdos for Dawnguard Sentries Plus SE

Beautiful Clouds                                                 Looks good and more options

ESL High Poly Pretty Face Brows                        Works better with HPH

NPC AI Process Position Fix - SSE




Elisif The Fairest SE                                            This could blow up... Although it would be plausible in the historical context/timeframe Skyrim is supposed to be.

Improved Hearthfire Lighting SE                       Needs a recheck - lighting changed

SC - KS Hairdos Retextured (plus physics)         One GB just for hair? Is it even noticable?

Natural Skin Tones                                             Possibly redundant

Kyoe's Bang'n Brows - Replacement - Male      Possibly redundant



Not usable:

Ashlander Outfit                                                 Too much clipping and too many holes

Immersive Dawnguard Starting Quest               Sadly not working as intended


Started to replace pics in the screenshot section.


Reworked the instructions for Nemesis a bit. Should be easier now...

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2 hours ago, Aylis said:


  Hide contents





Elisif The Fairest SE                                            This could blow up... Although it would be plausible in the historical context/timeframe Skyrim is supposed to be.



Since it doesn't give her age nor does it give an age for torygg i'm assuming they may have been middle age or even early to middle (late 20's to mid 30's) but wouldn't this be closer to the original?

@Varithina eventually it will be the replacement since Fore retired from modding and turned over FNIS to nexus.

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2 hours ago, jaeos said:

Since it doesn't give her age nor does it give an age for torygg i'm assuming they may have been middle age or even early to middle (late 20's to mid 30's) but wouldn't this be closer to the original?

Thats the question and nowhere is an information how long they were married. Maybe he was killed a short time after the marriage.


In the middle ages they married early as the mortality rate was very high. 35 was already a high age for women (childbirth killed a lot) - for men it was around 50 (depends on the timeperiod). Add to that the lacking hygiene, unreliable food supply and the... lets say... not-so-developed medicine (bloodletting was still a course of treatment) and it looks quite grim.


In regard to Skyrim the next question is how big the influence of magic is for the normal life (especially with that distrust of magic). But in the end can magic explain/fix everything... so that is not really reliable.


But if you look closer and see how Falk and Sybil treat her... I get the impression she's (very?) young and inexperienced. Still learning how to handle situations while trying to show the facade of a ruler who knows what she's doing.


All in all it depends on how HPH makes her look. It is very possible that there's no need for a replacer. With the exception of Cicero and MWBS i havn't installed any replacer for NPC atm. I'm very curious to see the HPH Serana...


€: of course i use 'RS Children' too.


2 hours ago, jaeos said:

eventually it will be the replacement since Fore retired from modding and turned over FNIS to nexus.

With all the new mods coming out that either require or support Nemesis this is almost a sure thing. Also, even being a Beta release, it already has some advantages. Like for example its speed. Animations start a lot faster through Nemesis and it doesn't feel as sluggish as FNIS.

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8 hours ago, Starfire12 said:

Doesn't Timing is Everything SE already include what Immersive Dawnguard Starting Quest does? If I'm mistaken, what exactly doe it different?

Timing sets a level - IDSQ stops it from happening until you decide to go there.



One question for those who use the 'Bashed Patch' longer than me. When is the best time to run it? Before or after DynDOLOD?


The informations i found seem to be either very old (aka LE) or contradict each other.

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9 hours ago, Aylis said:

Timing sets a level - IDSQ stops it from happening until you decide to go there.



One question for those who use the 'Bashed Patch' longer than me. When is the best time to run it? Before or after DynDOLOD?


The informations i found seem to be either very old (aka LE) or contradict each other.

I had always done it prior to the DynDOLOD run, which was how I learned to do it following Lexy's SE guide originally when i started modding SE (and had my first experiences with LOOT :( , god do I love that you don't insist on that!)

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3 hours ago, Starfire12 said:

Must be a different mod I use, that stopped it until I went to the Fort then. My bad.


Timing is everything just changes the level that durak comes and force greets you about the growing vampire menace. You can also change when the priests of mirrack come visit you as well. ( i always set mine to after i kill alduin) what level the vampires start attacking town etc. However if you go to say ft dawnguard and talk to whats his name (the kid you meet walking down the path.. the one that swings his pa's axe).. it will update to start since you are doing the starting. It pretty much lets you be a lowbie without ya know.. saving the fucking world because some fucking god decided you were the only one who could save the cheerleader.. (take that reference wollboi :P ) 

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I like the new movement mods and nemesis, but I wonder if i've missed some config or something in the set up because the amount of leaning seems to be a bit extreme, the character looks like an airplane going into a heavy turn. Or is this a "have to get used to" thing?


another one i require help with from you good gents;

when i sheathe weapon my helmet is hidden and it reappears when you draw weapon. this is usually a really good thing.

as it where, i happened to find a mod with some cool HDT wigs, lots of different looks, good collision etc and I wanted to give them a go.

since they are wigs they are basically.. hair helmets..


i'm sure you can see where this is going; each time i now sheathe my weapon i also lose my hair :D


what mod is it exactly that does this hiding of helmet when you sheathe? so i can have a look to see if i can at least temporary disable it?


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Thats why i don't use wigs and KS-Hair with HDT instead. ;)


What you're looking for is 'Dynamic Equipment Manager' which can be configured.




Thanks for the answer. :)



The 'new' Aela needs some getting used to...




So far i'm very positively surprised with the conversion of the NPC to HPH. The OA did a great job with that mod.


Added a few more screenshots.

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1 hour ago, Fantasy-Fan said:

I followed the guide, now I have a CTD before the main menu. how can I find out which mod is the reason?


For me it's usually one of these three:

  1. A mod missing it's master - MO2 should warn you for that
  2. ENB not loading correctly/misconfigured -Reinstall the ENB
  3. An issue with Skyrim's files - verify in Steam and reinstall ENB since the verify removes the ENB dll's
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All what johnny0183 said plus accidently downloading a mod for LE.


We use a few of those but i marked them in the list (and those do work fine if set up correctly).



The quiver replacer i'm working on:


Better textures and getting rid of some of the other designs. If you change the arrows the quiver shouldn't change too.


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Keeping track...


Mods to remove:


Kyoe's Bang'n Brows - Replacement - Female   Got a replacement

Kyoe's Bang'n Brows - Replacement - Male       Got a replacement

Realistic Hair Colors                                           Got a replacement

Aylis (Breton) (File)                                             Gets updated to HPH


Physics and Animation:

1hm and Dual Wield Animations Overhaul SSE Redundant


Weapons and Armor:

Beautiful Amulets and Rings                              Redundant

Witcher 2 Steel Plate Armour Replacer              Sadly not working as intended - got to see if i can get it back in somehow. But in this form useless...

Enhanced Circlets                                               We got better mods



High Poly NPC Overhaul - Ressources               Redundant


Weather and Lighting:

ETHEREAL CLOUDS - Special Edition                 Got a replacement

Horncandles                                                       Redundant



DynDOLOD-DLL-SE                                           Redundant



Mods to add/move:


Wrye Bash                                                          Can't get around it anymore. Instructions added



High Poly Bones



NPC AI Process Position Fix - SSE



Renthal Nettle SSE                                              Moved from 'Foundation'

Snowberries                                                        Better than what we got now (i hope he reworks more plants ;))


Vanilla Table Replacers

Common Table replacer SE (No Ropes)

Basic Dining Set Replacer



Fair Skin Complexion                                         We do need the textures for the teeth.

Fair Skin Complexion - Makeup Addon             Actually useful

ESL High Poly Pretty Face Brows                        Works better with HPH

SC - KS Hairdos Retextured                                A bit big, but the results are too good.

Aylis (Breton) HPH (File)


Physics and Animation:

Diverse Random Normal Attacks

SC - KS Hairdos Retextured - Physics



MLU - JKs The Drunken Huntsman-ESL             Missed that one (and fixed the typo of the OA)

Big Backpack HD                                                Small but nice visual upgrade



Dawnguard Sentries Plus SE                              Finally in the right spot

KS Hairdos for Dawnguard sentries Plus


Weapons and Armor:

JS Circlet Replacer                                             Filling gaps


Weather and Lighting:

Tamriel Master Lights                                         Using the separate mod works better for us

JK Skyrim - TML Cities

Beautiful Clouds                                                 Looks good and more options



SexLab Aroused SSE                                           Going up



Bashed Patch

Texture Fix (File)




Improved Hearthfire Lighting SE                       Description Done




Elisif The Fairest SE                                            This could blow up... Although it would be plausible in the historical context/timeframe Skyrim is supposed to be.

Combat Evolved                                                Replacement for MLU and all the patches for it?

Spell Research

Spell Research - Experience Book

Altered Spell Tomes for Spell Research

Guards Armor - Bodyslide Files                          This should work for some of the other armors too...



Not usable:

Ashlander Outfit                                                 Too much clipping and too many holes

Immersive Dawnguard Starting Quest               Sadly not working as intended aka useless for us

Skin Feature Overlays                                         Sadly not working as intended aka useless for us

Community Overlays 1                                       Sadly not working as intended aka useless for us

Community Overlays 2 - CBBE and Male            Sadly not working as intended aka useless for us

Community Overlays 3 - CBBE and Male            Sadly not working as intended aka useless for us




Texture Fix (File)

Aylis (Breton) HPH (File)


Next bunch of screenshots added. Preview slowly gets filled again...


Fixed an error and changed some descriptions.

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3 hours ago, Dirknina said:


I'm off work this whole weekend on that Wright up how you want it?  With pics, or a video?

Almost got my stream setup finished.

I leave that up to you. Also if i post as a text here or set a link to a video or a website.


The one about building the dungeon will be very interesting to me. I have no idea where i would even start such a project (and i still have so much material from my selfwritten RPG).




Hope you won't mind if i use your entry from post #3147 for 'Tips and Tricks'. Thanks - Added

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