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This mod is a more elaborate version of the Infiltration scenario in my Rogue Sexbot mod - but with simpler dependencies and (so far) restricted to Raiders (not mutants... yet).  It's intended for people who don't necessarily want to use any of the Sexbot mods, or who just feel like playing a different kind of character.  So if that aspect of Rogue Sexbot appealed to you, this one's for you.


I recommend playing it with Devious Devices, and that's the way I've play-tested it, but that's not a hard requirement.


The Toxic Raider outfit (if available) may be given as a reward from the raider boss.  If that's not available, you'll just get caps or drugs instead.

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1 hour ago, MyNiBBa1 said:

Your mod is great but I got problem with one thing. Jun Long won't stop folllowing me and talking about the note that he found even if I fast travel.

Did he give you the note?


EDIT: I'll limit his package to Sanctuary in the next update.  In the meantime, you should be able to get him to stop using a console command:


setpqv RaiderPetDialogueQuest hasBeenThreatened_var True


(if I'm remembering the console syntax correctly).

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1 hour ago, justbob2 said:

The RSE Player Abduction feature seems like it would be redundant to this just like the Sexbot mod.  That option can be turned off in the RSE mod menu, however,  Is that what you would recommend, or do you think the two mods would play nice together?


You could play them together, just not both scenarios at the same time.  Since they have different triggers that shouldn't be hard to avoid (or you can disable the RSE abductions, just temporarily).  Last I checked, RSE had much simpler captivity scenarios than this, but that was a while ago.


I suppose SexHarrassment random approaches could interfere a bit too, though I didn't have any problems in play-test and I had left FPSH approaches enabled.  Mostly my toon was too busy for FPSH to have time for her.

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1 hour ago, dabuzzkiller said:

This sounds great!  Love the idea.  I am biting my lip hoping that you plan to expand it, right?  I can imagine so many interactions that are potential for this.  If you want ideas, I'm happy to share.  But let me know what you have planned.  I haven't played it yet, going to right now!

Likely enhancements:

  • Supermutant support (same basic idea, but different dialogue).
  • Mini-quests, tasks for the captors to make things more varied.  There's only one such implemented so far (a simple fetch quest involving duct tape).  A much more complicated example would be, say, getting loaned to another gang - to sabotage them.
  • I'd like to experiment more with combining AAF animations.  I have one example so far, simple kissing transitioning into something else, but there are other possibilities to explore.  The new AAF tags have been a great help.
  • Other reputation consequences (besides the current one with the DC guards).

Less likely, but certainly possible:

  • Using the 'Bad End' furniture animations for recalcitrant slaves.  Kind of a corner case, but having the threat in reserve would certainly fit.  If so, it would be another optional dependency.
  • Use of other DD gear (in limited circumstances).
  • Looking at interactions w/ the Nuka World factions and their main quest.  Again, it would be optional (maybe a separate ESP).
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BTW, I forgot to mention it in the original post, but there's one other hazard: there's a risk that one of the raiders will attack you in a jealous rage.  Hopefully, the other raiders will gang up on her, before she beats you to a pulp.


She cornered me in a bathroom at the Corvega plant once, and bashed my skull in.  Play-testing has its surprises...

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Kinda raider enslavement mod!
Stobor, you are my hero! I was waiting for so long. 
Mod like this got so much potential and I hope for the future expansion. Can't wait to see my character to be used and abused like on TheKite's arts!
Dabuzzkiller ? said about some dirt, consequences and hardcore. I'd like to roleplay that staff too))

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Just gave this a try and was really impressed.  A few observations:

  • Not sure if this is by design, but it appears that getting the note from Jun is necessary for this mod to work at all.  I initially tried going to Backstreet Apparel and Evans Way Cul-de-Sac, but the Raiders always attacked me even though I had no weapons in my inventory.  Once I fast-traveled to Sanctuary and got the note, those same locations worked as expected.
  • The interactions with the Raiders are really well done.  I like the dialogue and the facial expressions, and the direction that the dialogue takes you in.
  • The scene where the foreplay transitions into a sex animation works beautifully.  I'm pretty sure this is the first mod to use ChangePosition().
  • I had a four-on-one gangbang which worked fine, but there was a long delay between the time all four Raiders were close to me and the time the animation started.  In my Papyrus log there was a delay of 1 minute and 47 seconds between "Creating an AAF Scene with recent actors" and the AAF SceneInit event.  I think this is due to the AAF travel packages taking a long time.  You might want to consider disabling the AAF packages in SceneSettings and using your own travel packages to gather the actors, it's more work, but you can control the timing a lot better.

A few minor things side, this is really great.  I'm going to try this again in another location with a Raider boss so I can see what that dialogue is like.

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Thanks for the feedback.  Glad you enjoyed it. ?


Implementation specifics:


The main quest's start trigger is a location change event (returning to Sanctuary after the initial rebuilding, or alternately arriving in Lexington for the first time).  I never do Start-Enabled Quests, as they make play-testing much more annoying.  But the quest can also be manually started from console without any trouble; it really doesn't have any hard dependencies.


There's also a location change needed (any change, no specific place) after stowing weapons; that triggers the prep work (puts the character into CaptiveFaction, resets state variables to defaults, etc.).  Because I didn't want the quest to be listening for every inventory-change event in the whole game (ugh!).


I have my AAF settings set to skip the 'gather' step after 30 sec. and go straight to animation.  I find that avoids the worst case delays, without being too abrupt in the more typical case.  I've had one or two gang scenes that came up w/ one missing actor (probably because the missing NPC was in a different cell), but nothing worse.


Raider boss alias fill should occur when the character's first collared.  The boss can't be in Disabled state (that causes mischief in some locations where there's a generic boss and a named boss, and one or the other is disabled).  There's a subsidiary quest to fill the aliases in each new location, which then reports the results (if any) to the main quest to control dialogue.  If you check console, the relevant property is GangBossRef on the RaiderPetDialogueQuest IIRC.


EDIT: By the way, the note from Jun shouldn't appear at all, if the Corvega assemply plant has already been cleared.  That's one of the quest conditions on his package.

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Yes Yes Yes.  My level 50 character is way to strong.  Even sexual harassment fails to force her to (except getting drugged from the "Special Drink" as 80% persuasion is apparently unbeatable)
I kinda wanna add this in right now and see how long it takes for me to forget that this mod is installed.  You did say that I have to go to Santuary for it to start right?
I haven't tried it yet so my only suggestion is when you try to sleep you wake up to being apart of a aaf scene.  Maybe after 3 hours of sleep to prevent you from trying to sleep through the day.  maybe if you try to sit an wait after the first hour you get "interrupted" with an aaf scene

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1 hour ago, stobor said:




EDIT: By the way, the note from Jun shouldn't appear at all, if the Corvega assemply plant has already been cleared.  That's one of the quest conditions on his package.


Just letting you know, that didn't happen in my game.  My pc cleared the Corvega Plant at least twice before I installed the mod.  Installed mod.  Got the note from Jun.  The note sent pc to the Corvega Plant.

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How would I start this quest from the console? 


I tend to use StartMeUp for all playthroughs now, and I haven't started in 111, or met Preston in some time now....and I'm eager to check this mod out. ?


On that same thought, you may want to add an alternate start route for people like me...just a thought. ;)


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29 minutes ago, WandererZero said:



How would I start this quest from the console?  


I tend to use StartMeUp for all playthroughs now, and I haven't started in 111, or met Preston in some time now....and I'm eager to check this mod out. ?


On that same thought, you may want to add an alternate start route for people like me...just a thought. ;)



I'll give it some thought, sure.  The difficulty would be that there's a lot less commonality to any alt start game.


The console command would be:


startquest RaiderPetDialogueQuest

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22 minutes ago, stobor said:

I'll give it some thought, sure.  The difficulty would be that there's a lot less commonality to any alt start game.

Eh, make it level or conditional based. Along the lines of a bounty placed on you for X number of raiders killed by the PC. If you're planning to use Super Mutants, the same thing works., but thematically....they might want to make you their pet cause they think you're tasty due to all the SM's you killed. Gunners too under the premise of "TALON COMPANY!" (someone takes out a contract on you). 


The main questline...is nice and all, but, I haven't started it in ages cause it's incredibly stale to me now. I like loose fitting quest mods that leave room for headcanon. This can be a mod like that. I get where you're looking for commonality, and it's semi important in this context. I can only speak for myself here, but I'd be willing to bet that a lot of people want plausible scenarios that aren't too rigid, that fit the overall theme of the game itself. 


Just my $0.02. ;)



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