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1 hour ago, Yuni said:


One of the debuff/buff conditions being how much cum is on you, from sexlab's cum layers.

Cum layers and FHU are also planned for V15. Cum layers are just a typing job; very easy. FHU is a bit more involved as I have to decide to what extent to support its different "pools".


Ultimately, some things may not make it into the planned version, but they probably will still get done in the order I intended. It just might be that V15 ends up including less things because otherwise it would be holding back bug-fixes, which is what happened with V13.


I currently have a 13.5 on my dev machine, which supports bundled animations. Now I just need to get/find appropriate animations without rights issues.

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So, quick question. Setting things up to buff/debuff on arousal I figured out, no problem. However did I miss seeing it, or is there not a way to increase/decrease arousal as a buff/debuff? It's entirely possible I'm just not seeing the option, or it might be more complicated than it sounds and isn't in SLD (yet?).

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6 hours ago, Xiaron said:

However did I miss seeing it, or is there not a way to increase/decrease arousal as a buff/debuff? It's entirely possible I'm just not seeing the option, or it might be more complicated than it sounds and isn't in SLD (yet?).

There is no way at this point.


With the current inputs, there's a lack of good sources to drive it, and I wasn't sure what would be the best way to apply it either.


If we had a modifier slider -/+ for arousal, what would it mean?


One possibility is to have arousal gain as an event, like tripping or falling, where if the event passes its chance check, you get -/+ one point of arousal, or maybe -/+ current exposure rate. But there are other ways it could work. Modifying the time rate, for example, or applying a scale value to current arousal.


And this obviously allows feedback loops if you use an arousal driven modifier to drive arousal. You're basically reprogramming SLA behaviour in a roundabout way. To some extent I thought it might be better to create a mechanism to simply replace SLA's internal model.


I'm still unsure how to proceed here, and unclear on the scenarios people are trying to create.

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I'd love to thank you very much for this mod, it's such a great idea even if actually I'm only using a very small percentage of its potential.


Not sure if this is intended: things don't change in werewolf form. Anyway it was funny to see my wolf so goofy in combat, tripping continuously, because my character took some extra kgs.


Someone knows if there's a way to make the vibrant IMOD working with ENB?

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26 minutes ago, A.J. said:

Not sure if this is intended: things don't change in werewolf form. Anyway it was funny to see my wolf so goofy in combat, tripping continuously, because my character took some extra kgs.

Things like shapeshifting are something the "Conditions" system is supposed to address.

Conditions will be simple yes/no tests, unlike inputs that are on a sliding scale, like breasts, weight or arousal.

So there will be a set of modifiers you can apply based on werewolf or not werewolf. It won't be overly sophisticated, but it should be enough.


I also need to do something so none of the node-based modifiers get applied in shifted forms like werewolf or vampire lord. I can imagine those aren't working well right now.


I'm going to put V13.5 up tomorrow - it's done now, I just don't have time to upload it and update the notes - and once that's done, I'll make a start on V14.


But proper were/vamp/vamplord support won't be until V15, and possibly not in 15.0 either.

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11 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

There is no way at this point.


With the current inputs, there's a lack of good sources to drive it, and I wasn't sure what would be the best way to apply it either.


If we had a modifier slider -/+ for arousal, what would it mean?


One possibility is to have arousal gain as an event, like tripping or falling, where if the event passes its chance check, you get -/+ one point of arousal, or maybe -/+ current exposure rate. But there are other ways it could work. Modifying the time rate, for example, or applying a scale value to current arousal.


And this obviously allows feedback loops if you use an arousal driven modifier to drive arousal. You're basically reprogramming SLA behaviour in a roundabout way. To some extent I thought it might be better to create a mechanism to simply replace SLA's internal model.


I'm still unsure how to proceed here, and unclear on the scenarios people are trying to create.

Way more complicated than it sounded then, yikes.


I am unfortunately utterly rubbish at code, so I wouldn't even begin to know where to make suggestions. I had been thinking something along the lines of scale value, but for what I would be after, honestly any of the ways you suggested would be fine. The scenario I was after personally, was increased belly/breast size also increases arousal. So, wishlist, but it sounds like you've got a bunch of great ideas coming down the line, so I'll just look forward to what's coming and hope you figure out what you want to do with arousal and how.


Thanks again for a great mod.

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5 hours ago, Xiaron said:

I am unfortunately utterly rubbish at code, so I wouldn't even begin to know where to make suggestions. I had been thinking something along the lines of scale value, but for what I would be after, honestly any of the ways you suggested would be fine. The scenario I was after personally, was increased belly/breast size also increases arousal. So, wishlist, but it sounds like you've got a bunch of great ideas coming down the line, so I'll just look forward to what's coming and hope you figure out what you want to do with arousal and how.

I think the most likely implementation will be event based; where the sliders drive the event chance, and the event adds a specific amount of arousal you set "globally" in the event configuration page.


This and a "blackout" event are something I want to get in, but I don't have a release in mind where they fit. I guess they fall in a nebulous area of feasible wish-list items for a V16 ... stuff that ends up sneaking in before I do a "comments" system.


Other obvious events:

  • Arousal decrease
  • Orgasm
  • Body weight increase
  • Body weight decrease
    • (Node modifications, like breasts or belly seem like they should have a lot more control - morph support basically - so I don't know about those).
  • W&T increase
  • W&T decrease
  • Permanently increase stat (health/magicka/stamina)
  • Permanently decrease stat (health/magicka/stamina)
  • Permanently increase [skill]
  • Permanently decrease [skill]
  • Add [skill] experience
  • Reset [skill] experience

I've thought about these things, and would like them, but other than blackout, arousal changes and orgasm, they're way out in luxury-feature land right now.



If I considered node modification naively, and just modified the nodes, it would be straightforward enough, but in practice node changes are visually horrible. Small changes are OK, up to a point, but any major change looks terrible. The mods that rely on crude node scaling to provide pregnancy graphics do not satisfy me. My preferred pregnancy mod, Fertility Mode, has morph support, so I'm fine with that. Most of the SLIF patches add morph support. The "problem" mods for me are EC+, Hormones, and Egg Factory, which would all benefit from NiOverride based morph support.


SLIF itself is a tricky proposition. SLIF by itself isn't a problem mod, but it's a nexus of problems introduced by the mods that reference it via bad coding patterns. While I haven't proved it, I have a strong suspicion that problems are caused by premature access to SLIF scripts before SLIF itself has loaded them, which can cause the calling mods to corrupt the game-state at start-up, poisoning your game from the very beginning, in a way that is extremely sensitive to load-order. My suspicion is you want to get SLIF loaded as early as possible.



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Uploaded V13.5


This adds ... basically nothing :)


It fixes a bug in the update process that meant that your settings were stale, and your soft-dep mods missing, until you opened and closed the MCM.

If you're already on 13.4, there is no reason to install this release ... well almost none.


However, if you're on 13.3 or an older release, you should definitely install it to get all the fixes.

It doesn't require a new game, and it should be fine to add to a game-in-progress.


It has one new feature.

It adds a system for playing custom animations for stagger, trip and fall, but...


Unless you already have animations you want to use, it's of no use to you. No animations are bundled in V13.5.

One way or another, I plan to fix this down the track, but for now, it's a feature of not of much interest to most users.


What is significant about this release is that it's the end of bug-fixing on V13 - I'm moving on to V14 development now.

V14 will have the worn items system; just that, and any bug fixes that come up.

There will be no more fixes for V13 and any newly discovered bugs will be be part of the V14 release.

V14 will not require a new game.


However, I will release a V13.6 if I get some animations prior to V14 being completed. In this case it will effectively be V13.5 plus bundled animations enabled by default and an updated hover tooltip.

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I almost got what I wanted with "Denial" and "Raped" values... thanks, Lupine00.

I found issue in MCM with limits sliders:

Function SetupLimitsSliderRangesAndDefaults()
    limitsLoMin[exAttackSpeed] = 0.0              
 ; must be -100 ?
    limitsHiMax[exAttackSpeed] = 100.0
    limitsLoMin[exBowSpeed   ] = -100.0
    limitsHiMax[exBowSpeed   ] = 0.0                
; must be 100 ?

Also for weapon speed exist 2 perks (for right and left arms):
"Weapon Speed Mult"
"Left Weapon Speed Multiply"

(I think it is worth adding an effect for the left arm as well)

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18 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I think the most likely implementation will be event based; where the sliders drive the event chance, and the event adds a specific amount of arousal you set "globally" in the event configuration page.


This and a "blackout" event are something I want to get in, but I don't have a release in mind where they fit. I guess they fall in a nebulous area of feasible wish-list items for a V16 ... stuff that ends up sneaking in before I do a "comments" system.


Other obvious events:

  • Arousal decrease
  • Orgasm
  • Body weight increase
  • Body weight decrease
    • (Node modifications, like breasts or belly seem like they should have a lot more control - morph support basically - so I don't know about those).
  • W&T increase
  • W&T decrease
  • Permanently increase stat (health/magicka/stamina)
  • Permanently decrease stat (health/magicka/stamina)
  • Permanently increase [skill]
  • Permanently decrease [skill]
  • Add [skill] experience
  • Reset [skill] experience

I've thought about these things, and would like them, but other than blackout, arousal changes and orgasm, they're way out in luxury-feature land right now.

  Reveal hidden contents


If I considered node modification naively, and just modified the nodes, it would be straightforward enough, but in practice node changes are visually horrible. Small changes are OK, up to a point, but any major change looks terrible. The mods that rely on crude node scaling to provide pregnancy graphics do not satisfy me. My preferred pregnancy mod, Fertility Mode, has morph support, so I'm fine with that. Most of the SLIF patches add morph support. The "problem" mods for me are EC+, Hormones, and Egg Factory, which would all benefit from NiOverride based morph support.


SLIF itself is a tricky proposition. SLIF by itself isn't a problem mod, but it's a nexus of problems introduced by the mods that reference it via bad coding patterns. While I haven't proved it, I have a strong suspicion that problems are caused by premature access to SLIF scripts before SLIF itself has loaded them, which can cause the calling mods to corrupt the game-state at start-up, poisoning your game from the very beginning, in a way that is extremely sensitive to load-order. My suspicion is you want to get SLIF loaded as early as possible.



I like your wishlist. It may be way out in luxury-feature land right now but they and your other planned ideas look great and I'll be happy to wait patiently for you to get to them.


Also, I think you're right about SLIF. Unless I get everything to load correctly the first time, that mod give me such headaches. Not enough to stop using it, since once things are working it's fine but...fragile mods are kinda annoying even if the fault isn't directly with them. It's still a great mod, but oh the headaches.

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8 hours ago, Asertyp said:

I almost got what I wanted with "Denial" and "Raped" values... thanks, Lupine00.

I found issue in MCM with limits sliders:

Function SetupLimitsSliderRangesAndDefaults()
    limitsLoMin[exAttackSpeed] = 0.0              
 ; must be -100 ?
    limitsHiMax[exAttackSpeed] = 100.0
    limitsLoMin[exBowSpeed   ] = -100.0
    limitsHiMax[exBowSpeed   ] = 0.0                
; must be 100 ?

Also for weapon speed exist 2 perks (for right and left arms):
"Weapon Speed Mult"
"Left Weapon Speed Multiply"

(I think it is worth adding an effect for the left arm as well)

These are "working as intended".


It's not possible to debuff Attack Speed, or to buff bow speed. That's just how Skyrim works.

Rather than represent that with -100 to 100, I chose to explicitly indicate it.


These modifiers are for the Actor Values, they are not for the perks. However, the bow speed AV does nothing unless you have the bow speed perk. Again, that's just Skyrim.


Weapons speed modifiers by arm are another thing entirely, and I never tried messing with them, as I suspected it was possible for a PC to not even have those perks.

Possibly, they do allow debuff as well as buff, so they might be worth investigating.

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6 hours ago, Kingslayer101 said:

What about Pearl Juice?

Ask me again after FHU is done :) 

I have to pick priorities, and FHU seems more widely used. I don't use either mod, so I have no particular preference.

Even FHU is a dream feature right now. If I'm wrong and Pearl Juice is way more popular, that could be changed, but from what I can see, FHU NI Patch is ten times more popular than Pearl Juice Continued (and they're both fairly contemporary with each other).


It's like Apropos. I supported Apropos2, but I'd like to also support Apropos Classic (it seems less buggy than the new one), and vlkSexLife, but there's quite a bit of busy-work in doing that. I picked something to deliver first. It might not be what everyone wants, but I can't really do what everyone wants. I just have to guess what is useful to more people more of the time. With Apropos, it's all guesswork, because Apropos2 has slightly fewer downloads, but it's much newer, so I just have to guess that most people are using it now and the Classic downloads are a historical artifact.

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17 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Weapons speed modifiers by arm are another thing entirely, and I never tried messing with them, as I suspected it was possible for a PC to not even have those perks.

Possibly, they do allow debuff as well as buff, so they might be worth investigating.

For my testing:
By default in Skyrim "Weapon Speed Mult" = 0.
Skyrim ignored values if ("Weapon Speed Mult" < 0) and apply default speed to PC/NPC.
PC and NPC very slowly wave weapon if (0 < "Weapon Speed Mult" < 0.2), and very fast if ("Weapon Speed Mult" > 2).
Normall values: 0.4...1.6.


Weapons speed modifiers work correctly only if I apply fix for "Weapon Speed Mult" (eg in original "Disparity" mod).



Fix making ("Weapon Speed Mult" = 1.0) by default.
Then modifiers will work correctly:
Debuff: -0.8...0.0  ("Weapon Speed Mult" = 0.2...1.0) 
Buff:   0.0...+1.0  ("Weapon Speed Mult" = 1.0...2.0)

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9 hours ago, Asertyp said:

Weapons speed modifiers work correctly only if I apply fix for "Weapon Speed Mult" (eg in original "Disparity" mod).

As stated in Disparity, many other mods also apply the "fix".


It should be self-evident that if the "fix" is applied, you can't slow down weapon speed.


I suppose there is no way around this other than adding a tick box like in Disparity to toggle the +1, but that doesn't solve the problem of whether you can slow down weapon speed or not. If you have a mod that applies the +1, there's no way to remove it reliably without the value popping about all over the place as it continually reapplies it.


If a mod applies it, all you can do is accept that if you set anything < 1.0, it will get 1.0 added to it by the mod - and you might get 1.0 added anyway, depending on the mod.


However, attempting to use values less than 1.0 is unreliable if any of those mods is in play.


If you want SLD to work reliably without a "fix", you have to set a base modifier of 25% for one of your columns, and then offset your other modifications around that.


e.g. I often use one of the butt-size columns to provide a set of constant offsets.

Set scale to 100%.

Set From: 0.0 and To 0.0

This means that any node value >= 0.0 will be simply applied directly, with no interpolation.

Then set Weapon Speed = +25%.

You will now have weapon speeds based around 0.25, and negative modifiers will reduce it ... assuming you don't have some "fixer" mod changing it by adding 1.0 because it "knows best".


Something I don't document, but which is useful to know, is that values above or below To/From are clamped, and they are clamped according to the "sense" of the ordering.



From 1.0, To 4.0,  means that values >= 4.0 are 100%, and values <= 1.0 are 0%

From 1.0, To 0.0,  means that values >= 1.0 are 0%, and values <= 0.0 are 100%


However, if you set From equal to To, ALL values are clamped, and the sense is always considered positive.


So, if you set From 1.0, To 1.0, then any value < 1.0 is 0%, and any value >= 1.0 is 100%

Or, if you set From 0.0, To 0.0, then any value < 0.0 is 0%, and any value >= 0.0 is 100%


When I say 0%, or 100% in this sense, I mean that the modifier values are scaled by that amount.


Exploiting this allows you to re-purpose any unused column as a set of constant modifiers that always apply as a base.

You can then offset your stats, like "Disparity" would if you use the mode where it applies the stat modifications as effects rather than base AV changes.


You can also create threshold modifiers, where instead of interpolating nicely, it changes all at once as you trip over the threshold.


However, if you want to mess with your base AV values, you can do that in the developer menu.

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Have you thought of adding sleep deprivation debuffs? It would check how long it's been since last sleep and increase in severity after N ingame hours. It might encourage sleeping even in a bandit camp just to get this "stupid haziness"/"whatever player set to himself" away.


Drunkenness and skooma are other features my game isn't being affected by at all, but would like them to somehow. And i don't use RealisticNeedsAndDiseases anymore. The Cursed Loot is maybe trying to do skooma traps sometimes but they are pointless as is.

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8 hours ago, Zaflis said:

Have you thought of adding sleep deprivation debuffs? It would check how long it's been since last sleep and increase in severity after N ingame hours. It might encourage sleeping even in a bandit camp just to get this "stupid haziness"/"whatever player set to himself" away.


Drunkenness and skooma are other features my game isn't being affected by at all, but would like them to somehow. And i don't use RealisticNeedsAndDiseases anymore. The Cursed Loot is maybe trying to do skooma traps sometimes but they are pointless as is.

I certainly thought about it ...


I didn't do it because I was thinking about integrating some parts from my own needs mod - which is in need of a bit of work - but on further consideration, that's probably not what I'm going to do.


I'll revisit that question when and if Devices and Conditions are both done.


I see three ways to do it right now:

1) Integration with needs mods in the same way as Apropos.

2) Simple number based system, like the SLA integration, where you can use "Time since last meal", "Time since last drink", "Time since last sleep", as inputs.

3) Integrate my own needs mod

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Guest AthenaESIV

Love this mod, has a lot of really interesting features and works really well. Thanks for sharing it!


One feature I would request is changing the logging to screen, could you make things like VIZ FX change notifications only print to console? Or have option to also disable only those?


And if anyone has time... I also have a question... I'd like to use Apropos and MME, but they just never really did anything for me and Im not sure if it was because of my settings or what.


MME: Just seemed to be really bothersome and not offer much... My PC is a mature looking warrior goddess though with super thick thighs, round ass and A cups, so I guess the A cup thing kinda makes MME unsuitable... Is there a way in settings to make MME only affect breast size a very small amount, and to not need to constantly be milked every few hours??


And another thing on MME... Are tehre any addons that change how milking is done? For example - an addon that changes conversations when breasts are full, where NPC demand to milk them or something...


As for Apropos... I guess I'm just interested if anyone has settings recommendations to make this mod optimal and more interesting. And if you think it is worth it for the performance hit. 



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On 2/28/2019 at 11:46 PM, Lupine00 said:

I certainly thought about it ...


I didn't do it because I was thinking about integrating some parts from my own needs mod - which is in need of a bit of work - but on further consideration, that's probably not what I'm going to do.


I'll revisit that question when and if Devices and Conditions are both done.


I see three ways to do it right now:

1) Integration with needs mods in the same way as Apropos.

2) Simple number based system, like the SLA integration, where you can use "Time since last meal", "Time since last drink", "Time since last sleep", as inputs.

3) Integrate my own needs mod

He raised a good point. 


I try not to cheat in my games, but the instant time progression possible at nighttime is probably the one thing that I have never yet managed to discipline myself to avoid. 


If you could add a penalty, or range of penalties, to doing that, it would be a really excellent feature

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4 hours ago, AthenaESIV said:

One feature I would request is changing the logging to screen, could you make things like VIZ FX change notifications only print to console? Or have option to also disable only those?

I thought that was fixed in 13.4 ... do you have the latest version?


4 hours ago, AthenaESIV said:

MME: Just seemed to be really bothersome and not offer much... My PC is a mature looking warrior goddess though with super thick thighs, round ass and A cups, so I guess the A cup thing kinda makes MME unsuitable... Is there a way in settings to make MME only affect breast size a very small amount, and to not need to constantly be milked every few hours

I'd say that given your two requirements, MME is the opposite of what you want.

That said, MME probably could be configured to do what you want. I'm not sure what you'd be getting from it at that point - but a major part of MME is about making NPCs into milkmaids, so you'd still have that.


4 hours ago, AthenaESIV said:

And another thing on MME... Are tehre any addons that change how milking is done? For example - an addon that changes conversations when breasts are full, where NPC demand to milk them or something...

I believe there are.


4 hours ago, AthenaESIV said:

As for Apropos... I guess I'm just interested if anyone has settings recommendations to make this mod optimal and more interesting. And if you think it is worth it for the performance hit. 

Depends what you want from Apropos. It is two mods stuck together. One spams text at you during sex. Sometimes this text is appropriate, other times it's way off base and highly immersion breaking. Because it will never be able to know the circumstances of the sex event properly - even if it knew what all the animations did - it will never be 100% correct with its comments. Apropos 2 comments are a lot better than Apropos Classic.


The other part is sexual wear and tear. This work better than Apropos Classic, but is buggier in some ways. If it gets broken, it stays broken. The W&T in Apropos Classic is rock solid, in so far as it attributes damage types correctly (which it doesn't a lot of the time).


If you want sexual wear and tear, Apropos is a way to get that. I'm not aware of it generating any performance hit, because it relies entirely on hooking sex animation events and running the occasional simple timed update. It is not a performance heavy mod.

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1 hour ago, donkeywho said:

I try not to cheat in my games, but the instant time progression possible at nighttime is probably the one thing that I have never yet managed to discipline myself to avoid. 

You mean sleep? 

How is sleeping a cheat though?


Resting also does the same thing. Neither is constrained to night time, so maybe you meant something else?



Devious Followers makes sleeping a costly business. Even if you aren't paying high inn fees, you're still paying the follower to do nothing.


The Realistic Room Rental Enhanced mod adds further expenses to inns.


Many mods add a risk of rape for every hour of sleep.



How would SLD punish sleeping?

(Needs mods punish you for not sleeping).


Sleep rape chance?

Sleep theft chance?

Any other ideas?


Theft would be a major new feature, particularly as there probably needs to be a way to get the stolen items back.

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5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

You mean sleep? 

How is sleeping a cheat though?


Resting also does the same thing. Neither is constrained to night time, so maybe you meant something else?



Devious Followers makes sleeping a costly business. Even if you aren't paying high inn fees, you're still paying the follower to do nothing.


The Realistic Room Rental Enhanced mod adds further expenses to inns.


Many mods add a risk of rape for every hour of sleep.



How would SLD punish sleeping?

(Needs mods punish you for not sleeping).


Sleep rape chance?

Sleep theft chance?

Any other ideas?


Theft would be a major new feature, particularly as there probably needs to be a way to get the stolen items back.

I'd probably mistakenly assumed that merely 'waiting' was not the equivalent of 'sleeping/resting'.  I use  ...




... and you can 'wait' almost anywhere, in a town or house, the wilderness, a dungeon, while standing on your two legs, stock still, looking at a wall, the horizon, or the rear end of a dragon. ?


I'm not looking to add buffs on sleeping, or waiting.  I'm talking about adding buffs if you don't sleep ?in a bed/on a bedroll etc 


Does that help explain better what I meant?  ?


And is it something that you could magic up for us in SLD?  Please?





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9 hours ago, donkeywho said:

I'd probably mistakenly assumed that merely 'waiting' was not the equivalent of 'sleeping/resting'.  I use  ...

There's a subtle difference even in vanilla, so they are not identical, but as you spoke of instant time progression, I meant in that context. Both progress game time rapidly over a few seconds of real time. Vanilla skyrim offers a buff for sleeping, which you don't get from resting. Needs mods tend to make there be severe debuffs for not sleeping, but may allow you to mitigate them with some kind of "rest" that isn't sleep.


But as for your idea:

9 hours ago, donkeywho said:

I'm not looking to add buffs on sleeping, or waiting.  I'm talking about adding buffs if you don't sleep ?in a bed/on a bedroll etc 

Clearly, technically possible. Parasites, for example, gives a risk of contracting something nasty if you sleep in random bedrolls.

SexLab Survival does various things based on where you sleep, and also penalises you for not sleeping naked.


When you say "buffs", I guess you mean in the general sense of SLD ... the whole set of modifiers to stats?


It's certainly something that could fit into "Conditions", using the existing modifiers and events...

(Conditions system is planned for V15).


However, I'm asking about possible new events that might result:

15 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

How would SLD punish sleeping?

(Needs mods punish you for not sleeping).


Sleep rape chance?

Sleep theft chance?

Any other ideas?

Given the way SLD works, any events added would just be events, that could result (probabalistically) due to any condition or status, so could be used for other things, but I guess the focus here is events that make sense for sleeping (or not sleeping).

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9 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

There's a subtle difference even in vanilla, so they are not identical, but as you spoke of instant time progression, I meant in that context. Both progress game time rapidly over a few seconds of real time. Vanilla skyrim offers a buff for sleeping, which you don't get from resting. Needs mods tend to make there be severe debuffs for not sleeping, but may allow you to mitigate them with some kind of "rest" that isn't sleep.


But as for your idea:

Clearly, technically possible. Parasites, for example, gives a risk of contracting something nasty if you sleep in random bedrolls.

SexLab Survival does various things based on where you sleep, and also penalises you for not sleeping naked.


When you say "buffs", I guess you mean in the general sense of SLD ... the whole set of modifiers to stats?


It's certainly something that could fit into "Conditions", using the existing modifiers and events...

(Conditions system is planned for V15).


However, I'm asking about possible new events that might result:

Given the way SLD works, any events added would just be events, that could result (probabalistically) due to any condition or status, so could be used for other things, but I guess the focus here is events that make sense for sleeping (or not sleeping).

I'm not bothered about more events.  There are enough mods that cover those already.  They're in my load orders


But you can 'cheat', and skip the risk of their being fired up, if you 'wait' rather than 'sleep'


So real buffs to speed, carry weight etc, reflecting tiredness, for NOT sleeping IN a bed, would MAKE bed rest necessary, with the consequent effect of 'adding back/enforcing the taking' of the additional sleeping event mod risks. 


And make the game that bit more difficult ?


Does that make it any simpler?

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