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CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR

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Just went thru 2 days of tryn to make this work. checked everything many times removed every mod that wasn't needed to make it work or test it, reinstalled everything left was just about to ask for help for the 1st time ever and then I downloaded it manually and installed from that and when it asked what ver skse I was using I about cried... It never did that before. I think MO has a lil issue. Now I'm bouncing all over the place. Thanks for the mod and for the help I'm sure you would have given but would you have guessed that?


Or maybe it asked what ver of the game....

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I've been trying to get a thing to work for awhile now. You see, all physics and stuff are working but for some reason when i equip torso armor my female characters body changes in size. So if i for example use a bikini the bikini would be much bigger than the breasts. Took a quick gyazo gif of what i mean inside of bodyslide https://gyazo.com/3ac68801d803ddbb1d939b97ce05ec9f the armor is working fine and the naked body is working fine but the combination of the two does not work :S

This is exactly how it looks in game too. as soon as i put on armor everything just fucks up. And i've searched around for quite awhile and tried a few different things in bodyslide but there's really not that much i can think of doing... Please help?


Oh, and i'm using the CosioHD as my female body replacer.

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5 hours ago, deovan said:

 the armor is working fine and the naked body is working fine but the combination of the two does not work

You will never see a combination of your naked body and any chest-covering (Biped Slot 32) clothing or armor. That is because your naked body is your default installed (and/or BodySlide-built) body, but the body you see whenever you equip any torso item is the body that is included in that torso item's nif file, not your default body. As such, it may look totally different than your default body.


The fix is simple-

  1. replace whatever reference body shape is in the item's nif with a physics-capable version of your default body type (e.g. "UUNP-Special" or "CBBE-Special", unknown what it would be for Cosio),
  2. conform the body to the outfit to make a Conversion Reference
  3. then fine-tune-conform the outfit to the body to make a Base Shape
  4. add breast+butt+belly physics bones to the outfit if necessary, but only as appropriate- you wouldn't add butt bones to a bikini top :classic_biggrin:
  5. batch-build that outfit item to your default body shape/template/preset with BodySlide


From that point onward-

  • the body you see when you wear the outfit will look identical to your default body (it will appear to be your "naked body")
  • the outfit will look like it is being worn on your default body (it will appear to "fit the body")
  • the outfit will have physics (if it has the required physics bones and you have a physics-capable skeleton and a body-physics engine, i.e. CBPC or SMP)


The BodySlide page has extensive tutorials and references on how to do this, I have written a short mini-guide in plain English and there are many online videos on how to do it.

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On 6/7/2019 at 7:38 AM, Shizof said:


Open CBPCMasterConfig.txt 


Change SkipFramesPelvis value to 1 or 0 for example. That would get rid of the snappiness.


The spreading depends on the collision amount. Specifically between [NPC Pelvis [Pelv]] and the [NPC Genitals** [Gen**]] nodes for example so if one of them has a radius of 3 and the other is 5, collision amount between these can be 3 maximum.


Vagina opening has a hardcoded max of 5. So you can increase the sphere radius's up to 5 to increase the opening amount.

Sorry to be so dense, but could you give an example of what the changes should specifically look like in order to increase the vaginal opening a little?


Also for those of you needing animal-player collisions to work, I discovered that adding Animal SOS does this out of the box. The downside is that not all creatures are represented in the SOS mod, so I still need to figure out how to get More Nasty Critters to work. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t understand how to do this from the earlier posts.  More help would be greatly appreciated (ELI5 please:)). 


Thanks in advance!



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On 6/14/2019 at 1:05 PM, Shizof said:

Getting CTD after Beth logo is displayed and just about at the time Skyrim is to show menus (Continue, Load, New, ...).


If I remove cbp.dll, Skyrim works.

I installed old cpb.dll(not compatible with current version) and  cbp.dll doesn't load. OK. Wrong version.

I install new/correct version ... CTD. 99.99% of times.


One weird thing is that in like 100 tries(load), it actualy worked once.


I even removed everything, re-added stuff one by one ... CTD.


Just once it worked, but in that try, I changed nothing.


Have no clue what else to try :/

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15 hours ago, Fotogen said:

Hmm, now it started to work. I hit that "Verify integrity of game files ...".


Still odd, that before Skyrim had trouble with cbp.dll but would work if cbp.dll was removed.



CBPC uses a unique hook that wouldn't work unless the game exe is 100% correctly the same version.

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5 hours ago, DaCoolX said:

Joy of Perspective user here, should CBPC work with the first person body or is this combination not supported.

Was wondering if I did something wrong or if the mods just don't play (nice) with each other.

I never used that. The mod supports VRIK for player body detection but I guess joy of perspective use a different way to show the body. 


It may be because of a few different things, but probably because of the skeleton JoP uses.

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As far as I can make educated guesses, it adds an extra body to represent the 3rd person body to the first person view minus arms and head to let the viewmodel handle that.


XP32 has an compatibility option for Joy of Perspective, so the skeleton should be compatible,

shifting through the skeleton in Nifscope, I don't spot any bones that would be missing.


So yeah, CBP probably would need to be aware of where that body is as an extra case to be able to animate it,

not that I can do more that ask if there is future compatibility would be an option worthy of consideration.

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1 hour ago, DaCoolX said:

As far as I can make educated guesses, it adds an extra body to represent the 3rd person body to the first person view minus arms and head to let the viewmodel handle that.


XP32 has an compatibility option for Joy of Perspective, so the skeleton should be compatible,

shifting through the skeleton in Nifscope, I don't spot any bones that would be missing.


So yeah, CBP probably would need to be aware of where that body is as an extra case to be able to animate it,

not that I can do more that ask if there is future compatibility would be an option worthy of consideration.

Of course, it's just a matter of testing and modification. I'll add it to the list.

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Okay, the following may be kind of a stupid question, but I am curious. I emphasize that nothing I write is meant in an offensive way. So please keep that in mind. ^_^"


During a recent discussion about Skyrim (both LE and SE), a friend of mine claimed that HDT-SMP would be able to achieve more realistic results if configured correctly due to it calculating physics based on the entire skinned mesh, while CBP wouldn't be able to achieve the same due to it "only" calculating the physics based on the bones in the skeleton, which, while lighter on the necessary CPU footprint, makes it harder, if not impossible to achieve comparable realistic results.


As I personally have no freakin idea about such matters and am usually of the common user mindset "if it works, thats good enough for me, I don't care how", but became curious if such a difference really exists in some form, I dared to ask now. Please, do not take this as any sort of offense, @Shizof . I am simply curious.




Incidentally, and on another note, anybody got any tips for me what settings with SINful CBP are good ones if striving for realistic behaviour of my girls "assets"? All I was able to manage so far was many things (some hilarious balloon behaviour included), but certainly not anything that comes close to the halfway realistic behaviour I am used to from HDT PE I was utilizing in Oldrim.

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5 hours ago, Twycross448 said:

a friend of mine claimed that HDT-SMP would be able to achieve more realistic results if configured correctly due to it calculating physics based on the entire skinned mesh, while CBP wouldn't be able to achieve the same due to it "only" calculating the physics based on the bones in the skeleton, which, while lighter on the necessary CPU footprint, makes it harder, if not impossible to achieve comparable realistic results.


As I personally have no freakin idea about such matters and am usually of the common user mindset "if it works, thats good enough for me, I don't care how", but became curious if such a difference really exists in some form, I dared to ask now. Please, do not take this as any sort of offense, @Shizof . I am simply curious.

Here's the thing- techincal ("theoretical") superiority is irrelevant to most of us- the only thing that matters is how it looks in-game running on OUR potatoes and displaying on OUR 960x720 RGB monitors. I can cite two examples of the irrelevance of theoretical superiority in my recent experience- a new "Hi Poly" body type that looks identical to my Leyenda-skinned UUNP body in-game, and CBPC Body Physics, that is completely indistinguishable from HDT-SMP Body Physics in-game.


I have seen three "accusations" leveled at CBPC (in various places including that font of scholarly erudition, Reddit) in order to justify using HDT-SMP for Body physics-

  1. The breast movement is "mechanical," reminiscent of the "BBP Animation" mods. Both breasts always move in sync, both up, then both down, never side to side, never one up and one down and never round-and-round like they do with HDT-SMP. Since reading this statement a month or two ago, I have paid close attention and seen all 3 behaviors frequently with CBPC. So this one is total bullshit. I respectfully disagree with this wild conjecture thoughtful observation.
  2. The breast movement does not apply to NPCs but only to the player character. All I can say is whoever wrote this is simply blind, or, more likely, someone playing a unique race who has not bothered to copy their female body replacer files to Data\actors\character\character assets. My twin sister Heidi :classic_biggrin: has as much bounce as I do and so do all the other female NPCs in my game who use the default body.
  3. CBPC does not produce jigglies on more than one person at a time. Again, apparently written by a blind person. I can't seem to get SexLab+SLEN+TDFPP to give me any threesomes (the dialog options are grayed out FFS! :classic_ohmy: ), but SLEN gives me random NPC orgies and I can attest to the fact that with 4 FF couples coupling Chez Dibella, I saw sixteen boobies a-bouncing while still running 55 fps.

So while your friend may or may not be correct, the whole discussion is academic to me- I couldn't care less. CBPC gives me realistic Breast, Butt and Belly bounce and jiggles and I don't lose as much framerate using my potato-tech UUNP body and CBPC as I do with (the shiny alternatives), and I absolutely can not tell the difference in my game on my i5-3570K@4.2GHz, 8GB DDR3, GTX970 potato.



5 hours ago, Twycross448 said:

anybody got any tips for me what settings with SINful CBP are good ones if striving for realistic behaviour of my girls "assets"? All I was able to manage so far was many things (some hilarious balloon behaviour included), but certainly not anything that comes close to the halfway realistic behaviour I am used to from HDT PE I was utilizing in Oldrim.

I could give you my settings but then I'd have to kill you. :classic_biggrin:


Srsly, everybody's settings are going to produce different results on different body shapes- I use a custom UUNP body shape/preset and other than selecting the "large body" (which means "big boobs") settings, there is not going to be much in common between the way my settings react with my body and the way the same settings react with yours. Basically, I set my butt and belly to "firm" and boobs to the more/most bouncy/fluid/elastic settings and let 'em fly.


After that I tweaked the belly bulge settings to keep it from looking like poor Kane when The Baby Alien emerged...





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19 hours ago, Twycross448 said:

a friend of mine claimed that HDT-SMP would be able to achieve more realistic results if configured correctly due to it calculating physics based on the entire skinned mesh, while CBP wouldn't be able to achieve the same due to it "only" calculating the physics based on the bones in the skeleton, which, while lighter on the necessary CPU footprint, makes it harder, if not impossible to achieve comparable realistic results.

Vyxenne wonderfully explained already, but I want to say a few of my thoughts about the matter too.


Less is more approach is something that is always preferred in gaming. You can see this in 3d modelling for games(building full detail and then decimating it for game use), using just enough texture resolution and not more, not trying to perfect animations, but just making them enough for gaming purposes is the most important thing in gaming. Because unfortunately our resources are limited for real-time rendering. This may change in the future of course, but skyrim will always be skyrim, and it has limits.


You may get better physics from calculations on the entire skinned mesh(They may even be detectable by end-users instead of just 3dcg enthusiasts), but if it's only good for rendered videos and not real-time gaming purposes, then I'm afraid the choice is simple, the better approach would always be the more playable asset, for me anyway. I just wanted to enjoy boob collisions while I can also play the game without any problems or thinking about performance loss. That's why I made it.

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2 hours ago, Shizof said:

Vyxenne wonderfully explained already, but I want to say a few of my thoughts about the matter too.


Less is more approach is something that is always preferred in gaming. You can see this in 3d modelling for games(building full detail and then decimating it for game use), using just enough texture resolution and not more, not trying to perfect animations, but just making them enough for gaming purposes is the most important thing in gaming. Because unfortunately our resources are limited for real-time rendering. This may change in the future of course, but skyrim will always be skyrim, and it has limits.


You may get better physics from calculations on the entire skinned mesh(They may even be detectable by end-users instead of just 3dcg enthusiasts), but if it's only good for rendered videos and not real-time gaming purposes, then I'm afraid the choice is simple, the better approach would always be the more playable asset, for me anyway. I just wanted to enjoy boob collisions while I can also play the game without any problems or thinking about performance loss. That's why I made it.

Nothing against that from my side, @Shizof. I just wanted to know if my friend got it right from a technical point of view. As said, I am a simple consumer. As long as it works, I rarely ask how or why. ^_^"

Speaking of which, are you still planning on trying to make CBP work with hairs, clothing, accesoires etc. as well or is that off the table?

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3 hours ago, Twycross448 said:

Nothing against that from my side, @Shizof. I just wanted to know if my friend got it right from a technical point of view. As said, I am a simple consumer. As long as it works, I rarely ask how or why. ^_^"

Speaking of which, are you still planning on trying to make CBP work with hairs, clothing, accesoires etc. as well or is that off the table?

Of course I do.

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how can i add male physics to cbpc such as balls butt schlong ect?

When i disabled the defaultbbp in the smp for cbp to take over physics for the bodies the balls on all schlongs stop working along with all other physics provided by the schlongs of skyrim hdtsmp file.

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2 hours ago, Yoxgg04 said:

how can i add male physics to cbpc such as balls butt schlong ect?

When i disabled the defaultbbp in the smp for cbp to take over physics for the bodies the balls on all schlongs stop working along with all other physics provided by the schlongs of skyrim hdtsmp file.

I read that the SMP MaleGenitals.xml file must be active in order to give my (SoS-Full) males the floppies. Here is my DefaultBBPs.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

	<map shape="UUNP" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\uunp-body.xml"/>
	<map shape="Hands" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\Hands.xml"/>
	<map shape="Feet" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\Feet.xml"/>
	<map shape="FemaleHead" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\Head.xml"/>
	<map shape="MaleGenitals" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\MaleGenitals.xml"/>	
	<map shape="MaleFeet" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\MaleFeet.xml"/>
	<map shape="MaleHands" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\MaleHands.xml"/>
	<map shape="MaleBody" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\MaleBody.xml"/>
	<map shape="MaleHead" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\MaleHead.xml"/>

That said, I also read that CBPC is supposed to provide male floppies too, but it never did in my game.

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7 hours ago, Vyxenne said:

That said, I also read that CBPC is supposed to provide male floppies too, but it never did in my game.

CBPC supports male body physics for those who use physics compatible bodies for males(I know there are some that use it). But male genitals physics is not implemented yet.

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17 hours ago, Shizof said:

CBPC supports male body physics for those who use physics compatible bodies for males <snip> But male genitals physics is not implemented yet.

Thanks for clarifying that, it explains the conflict- when I read "CBPC supports male body physics" I assumed that "body physics" included the genitals since CBPC supports labia physics for the female "UUNP-Special" and "CBBE-Special" bodies.


Once again, we see the pitfalls inherent in the word "assume."

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7 hours ago, Vyxenne said:

Once again, we see the pitfalls inherent in the word "assume."


Very well said. Now excuse me for butting in, but this is a moral lesson I can totally get behind *cough*. I even had a great analogy *cough* to share with y'all, but I completely forgot about it, so I better stop before I make an ass of myself...


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19 hours ago, Redswift said:

excuse me for butting in, but  this is a moral lesson I can totally get behind *cough*. I even had a great analogy *cough* to share with y'all, but I completely forgot about it, so I better stop before I make an ass of myself...

Your cheeky references, alas, went right over my head. Please explain in more fundamental terms, starting with a background analysis and an underview of the whole thing... :classic_biggrin:


Here are some visual aids to get you started on the correctal path so you won't have to assk so many questions:













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2 hours ago, Vyxenne said:

Your cheeky references, alas, went right over my head. Please explain in more fundamental terms, starting with a background analysis and an underview of the whole thing... :classic_biggrin:


Here are some visual aids to get you started on the correctal path so you won't have to assk so many questions:

  Reveal hidden contents













Ass much ass I'd love to provide a thorough background analysis, that would require a thorough background inspection first. One would have to get his hands dirty, so to speak. And while your visual... assistance was definitely a step in the right direction, I'm afraid it's nowhere near enough to get to the bottom of this.


(is that an actual mod-added IG book? lol)

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