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I used the developer console to force the event Nymph Joins via create incident but I got this error. Any help?


Error while generating pawn. Rethrowing. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at rjw.Nymph_Generator.sum_previous_gains (RimWorld.SkillDef def, RimWorld.Pawn_StoryTracker sto, Verse.Pawn_AgeTracker age) [0x00021] in <a19cb4109a1744029d631168baf81a0d>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.Nymph_Generator.rjw.Nymph_Generator.set_skills_Patch1(Verse.Pawn)
  at rjw.Patch_PawnGenerator.Fix_Nymph (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest& request, Verse.Pawn& __result) [0x00014] in <a19cb4109a1744029d631168baf81a0d>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewPawnInternal_Patch6(Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&)
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateOrRedressPawnInternal (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest request) [0x00188] in <b3714756cc77449b8a338506fd9aedbb>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch3(Verse.PawnGenerationRequest)
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch1 (string)
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator:Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch3 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest)
rjw.Modules.Nymphs.Implementation.NymphService:GenerateNymph (Verse.Map,Verse.PawnKindDef,RimWorld.Faction)
rjw.Modules.Nymphs.Incidents.IncidentWorker_NymphJoin:GenerateNymph (Verse.Map)
rjw.Modules.Nymphs.Incidents.IncidentWorker_NymphJoin:TryExecuteWorker (RimWorld.IncidentParms)
(wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.IncidentWorker:RimWorld.IncidentWorker.TryExecute_Patch1 (RimWorld.IncidentWorker,RimWorld.IncidentParms)
Verse.DebugActionsIncidents/<>c__DisplayClass5_1:<GetIncidentDebugAction>b__3 ()
Verse.DebugActionNode:Enter (Verse.Dialog_Debug)
Verse.Dialog_Debug:DoButton (Verse.DebugActionNode,bool)
Verse.Dialog_Debug:DrawNode (Verse.DebugActionNode,bool)
Verse.DebugTabMenu:ListOptions (int)
Verse.Dialog_Debug:DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect)
Verse.Window:InnerWindowOnGUI (int)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,int,int,UnityEngine.GUISkin,int,single,single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)


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6 hours ago, H31ghtof53xual1ty said:

Does anyone else have the issue of adding the latest update to a save - my colonists all swapped hair colors and skin colors to something random lol. My blue-skinned pawn is now Caucasian and my Black pawn is now white lmao. I know it's not a great idea to add it to an existing save, but, oh well. Weird side effect.

I've had this happen when I've designed pawns with character editor and then something has changed after starting the game. I think the issue lies in that you can edit characters to look one way, but it does not change their genes and so when the edited appearance is lost they revert to their genetics. I now make sure to change their genes as well :)

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13 hours ago, H31ghtof53xual1ty said:

Does anyone else have the issue of adding the latest update to a save - my colonists all swapped hair colors and skin colors to something random lol. My blue-skinned pawn is now Caucasian and my Black pawn is now white lmao. I know it's not a great idea to add it to an existing save, but, oh well. Weird side effect.


Do you have Humanoid Alien Races installed?  It's currently ignoring all gene-based skin and hair colors.

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Exception in JobDriver tick for pawn Vance driver=JobDriver_BestialityForFemale (toilIndex=5) driver.job=(BestialityForFemale (Job_63640) A=Thing_LabradorRetriever12080 B=Thing_Bed54945)
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RJWSexperience.Ideology.IdeoUtility.ConvertPawnBySex (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Pawn partner, System.Single severity) [0x00031] in <aa6db6e6cc4345c996f286889110f00a>:0 
  at RJWSexperience.Ideology.Patches.RJW_Patch_Orgasm_IdeoConversion.Postfix (rjw.SexProps props) [0x0002f] in <aa6db6e6cc4345c996f286889110f00a>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.SexUtility.rjw.SexUtility.SatisfyPersonal_Patch3(rjw.SexProps,single)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.JobDriver_Sex.rjw.JobDriver_Sex.Orgasm_Patch2(rjw.JobDriver_Sex)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.JobDriver_Sex.rjw.JobDriver_Sex.SexTick_Patch1(rjw.JobDriver_Sex,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,bool,bool)
  at rjw.JobDriver_BestialityForFemale+<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<MakeNewToils>b__13 () [0x000ad] in <a19cb4109a1744029d631168baf81a0d>:0 
  at Verse.AI.JobDriver.DriverTick () [0x00117] in <b3714756cc77449b8a338506fd9aedbb>:0  


Every time any of my (female) pawns would attempt to relieve sex need with the dog, a null exception is thrown. Is it trying to use the bed as the partner?

Recorded with a fresh install of all RJW mods and an existing colony



On 10/30/2022 at 8:49 AM, Severyx said:

Hmm. I'm noticing that animal-humanlike sex does not fill the sex need for the human pawn, leading to the pawn constantly bringing an animal over for lovin repeatedly until they just end up masturbating (which DOES fill the sex need). human-human lovin seems to work fine. Note that this is not comfort breeding or anything, the human pawn is initiating.


Anyone else have this issue? I do have a bunch of supposedly 1.4-compatible mods, so if no one else notices this then I'll follow with some investigation.


Same issue as here

Edited by schevendau
added quote
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10 hours ago, schevendau said:
Exception in JobDriver tick for pawn Vance driver=JobDriver_BestialityForFemale (toilIndex=5) driver.job=(BestialityForFemale (Job_63640) A=Thing_LabradorRetriever12080 B=Thing_Bed54945)
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RJWSexperience.Ideology.IdeoUtility.ConvertPawnBySex (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Pawn partner, System.Single severity) [0x00031] in <aa6db6e6cc4345c996f286889110f00a>:0 
  at RJWSexperience.Ideology.Patches.RJW_Patch_Orgasm_IdeoConversion.Postfix (rjw.SexProps props) [0x0002f] in <aa6db6e6cc4345c996f286889110f00a>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.SexUtility.rjw.SexUtility.SatisfyPersonal_Patch3(rjw.SexProps,single)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.JobDriver_Sex.rjw.JobDriver_Sex.Orgasm_Patch2(rjw.JobDriver_Sex)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) rjw.JobDriver_Sex.rjw.JobDriver_Sex.SexTick_Patch1(rjw.JobDriver_Sex,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Thing,bool,bool)
  at rjw.JobDriver_BestialityForFemale+<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<MakeNewToils>b__13 () [0x000ad] in <a19cb4109a1744029d631168baf81a0d>:0 
  at Verse.AI.JobDriver.DriverTick () [0x00117] in <b3714756cc77449b8a338506fd9aedbb>:0  


Every time any of my (female) pawns would attempt to relieve sex need with the dog, a null exception is thrown. Is it trying to use the bed as the partner?

Recorded with a fresh install of all RJW mods and an existing colony




Same issue as here

Whatever the issue it seems to be coming from sexperience ideology, ensure that and rjw is fully up to date and in a good spot in load order.

6 hours ago, lololo54230 said:

someone very nice can give me the older version of rimmjobworld ? Whoever do that will have a life full of joy 

give a man fish or teach a man to fish? Here is how to fish, click on where it says tags on the git page https://gitgud.io/Ed86/rjw/-/tags boom there they all are, download button is on the right.

3 hours ago, indixavior17 said:

Ive installed everything with no errors BUT when sex does happen between my colonist, they get together and a speech bubble just says they had sex. 

No animations and no errors.

By everything does that include animation framework submod? If so include a hugslog (ctrl f12 in game) that way you can help from people who are not psychic.

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7 hours ago, Wooded Meadow said:

That was the first place I looked but it never showed up no matter what I tried. Whole bunch of other operations but nothing to do with crests.




This is what I see under Add Bill when I have a crest available but it doesn't show if I have no crests made.

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Hi, don't want to create a new topic, but I have a question. Is it possible to set up control of a single pawn, like in the hero mod, but without ignoring requirements? I think I had it like that in 1.3, but unable to achieve that in 1.4. Maybe there are some extra mods for that? 

Also, when enabling direct control, options seem to be conditional in terms of genders and family relations, but don't take into account opinion level. Is that normal?

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7 hours ago, Tory187 said:

Whatever the issue it seems to be coming from sexperience ideology, ensure that and rjw is fully up to date and in a good spot in load order.


Thanks for the quick reply. It seems the precept "sexual proselytizing" from sexperience ideology is the culprit, since removing the precept removes the error.

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1.4, under the "Social" tab on Pawns, the "Romance..." button doesn't utilize RJW's sexual identity preferences to populate the list of available romantic relationships, regardless of the source (e.g. psychology, RJW, etc.). Is there a desire to fix that in RJW or should try to get the modders for the mods providing base sexual identity to attack the bug?

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Ideas on reviving the rapist trait. 

I think rapists should firstly do it more often than standard pawns. In fact in standard rape behavior I’ve noticed that visitors and colonists if various ideologies just seem to rape anyone who is designated. I think that they shouldn’t unless they either have ideological precepts that allow that or have this trait.   I just find it odd that a faction of Amish visitors will rape my prisoners or slaves when their ideology says rape is abhorrent. Then they feel bad that they did it.  It shouldn’t work that way. 

Anyway Rapists should override that somewhat.   And I think if they have that trait they should be able to target pawns who are not designated. Because that part of the point of a rapist. They don’t care if it’s allowed. The vulnerability will still need to be factored in of course.  

Also as an idea. If I set my colony to find rape abhorrent, and a visitor has this trait and attacks one if my colonists or slaves, I think that character should become hostile and I would be justified in killing or arresting them without harming relations with their faction and without angering other members of their party. 

Edited by PeachyBeechMTi
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An amusing situation.


I'm playing with the Vanilla Expanded Saurid mod and RJW both installed, with all DLCs


The Saurid adds a gene that allows for the carriers to lay "human eggs" in place of giving live birth.


I had a female colonist with the gene copulate with a female futa which resulted in a Biotech pregnancy for the female with the oviposition gene.


She then immediately laid an egg while still retaining her normal Biotech pregnancy status.  She then laid another egg a few seconds later...and then another..and another...and another.


By the time I turned off the human-human pregnancy setting in RJW (which fixed the issue), she'd deposited 28 fertile human eggs.


This is the Rimworld; only the strong survive.  I set fertilized human eggs to be cookable and queued up an order for 20 simple meals.  I was eventually left with 4 eggs which I decided to keep.


The unintended stories that pop up from the "interesting" interactions between mods is just too good not to share, sometimes.

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Ok, are there up to date installation instructions for this somewhere?  I've never tried to install mods for Rimworld without just using the workshop before, and the instructions given here don't match the actual download.


"Move the folder from the zip into "...steam/steamapps/common/rimworld/mods/" - you can use programs like 7-Zip to unpack the .zip/.7z

Make sure your RJW mod files aren't nested .../Rimworld/mods/RJW/[all the mod files here] is mandatory"


Uhh, when I unzip the download there are 6 folders, not 1, (none of them named RJW) with a bunch of sub folders inside them (which the instructions imply is bad) and a bunch of loose files.  If I just put rjw-master in the mods folder, it doesn't register in the in-game mod list, if I put the sub-folders in separately they all show up as out-of-date and won't let me start a new game, and if I take the individual files out and put them in the mods folder the game won't even turn on.

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The instructions are still the same; RJW didn't change how computer files work.


Download the RJW .zip.


In your Downloads folder, find the .zip.


Select the .zip file and right click on it to bring up your un-zip options.


If you make use of 7-Zip (which I suggest, it's a far superior program to any native operating system .zip software I've seen), do not select "Extract files..." or "Extract here."  Select the option that says something like "Extract to 'RJW-Master\'"  This will create a folder named "RJW-Master" inside of which you'll find all those loose files.


Copy and paste or cut said "RJW-Master" folder, then navigate to whichever drive you have your steam folder in.  Typically the path looks like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods"  You want to paste the copied "RJW-Master" folder into that last "Mods" location.  There should even be a text file already in the "Mods" folder that says "Place mods here.text"


If you have Rimworld running, restart the game.  When it loads back up, RJW-Master should now appear in your mods list, ready to activate.

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