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About Palladya

  • Birthday 09/13/1993

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  1. Does anyone know how to remove the once a day condition to have sex with your housecarls? I looked at the plugin in TES5Edit but I have no idea what I'm doing.
  2. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/xcom-the-snek-war-begins.341637/page-693#post-36065236 information on the new expansion
  3. my character was kidnapped by the vigilants of stendarr in the Hall of the Vigilant. I think an MCM to toggle which factions will kidnap would be a good idea. the hall of the vigilants should be disabled as a kidnapping location after it's been burnt down. I'd like control over whether or not my character submits
  4. I meant this encounter for a male player character. I have not installed the addon mod.
  5. Problem during encounter with Sydney and Emaline. After telling Emaline it's her turn the conversation with Sydney will start again without the option to rape and the only dialogue option available makes them hostile.
  6. It's where Jade has a conversation with Bourne (T-51 woman). If you have general subtitles disabled, make sure you turn those on, there's a number of scenes where NPC's talk to each other which you can only "hear" with subtitles on. Once that conversation is done, Jade will talk to you. If the conversation doesn't trigger, use this console command: First, select Jade in console, then type "Say FBJI04Conversation" This should trigger the conversation between Jade and Bourne. If the conversation went as normal, but Jade doesn't talk to you afterwards, do this: Select Jade in console, then type "StartConversation Player FBJI04Greeting" This should get Jade to talk to you and continue the game as normal. Thanks for the reply. The startconversation has worked for the greeting but the part that comes after that isnt triggering as well. Ok so after the conversation ends and me and Jade are supposed to travel togeather we are both stuck standing around. I can't move or use the pipboy and the HUD is gone. Ok fixed that with console commands. I think I've found the where the problem is. In FBJI04 conversation there is a choice for Jade to refure to me as a lover or a friend. those choices aren't showing up so I don't know if im a lover or a friend to her. i think the problem started in the Zeta DLC and I didn't really talk to her all that much especially at the start where we can team up or go our seperate ways. I didn't have that part of the conversation with her. So I must of missed a "lover" or "friend" flag some where. After she asks "Are you ready to hit the road?" the conversation ends and the controls are still disabled. What do I do?
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