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Thank you for digging through this.


AAF tries to recover as much as possible from broken XML. But, users should not rely on AAF to survive (or even report about) every way that XML can be messed up.


The best solution is to repair or simply remove faulty XML. After all, it's kind of pointless to continue using since the best AAF can do is attempt to disable it.


Update: Fixed this in build 171.

Edited by dagobaking
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15 minutes ago, Aethero said:

I need some help. I was wondering why it wouldn't start any scenes, pressed home, went to admin, it's saying it can't find the animation packs that I have and I've never had this issue before.


Check your AAF installation with the AAF_GFV.exe tool (available from Moddingham, same place you download AAF), review The Fucking Manual to see if you missed something, and if all else fails ask in the help channels on the AAF Discord (link is near the beginning of the manual).

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25 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


Check your AAF installation with the AAF_GFV.exe tool (available from Moddingham, same place you download AAF), review The Fucking Manual to see if you missed something, and if all else fails ask in the help channels on the AAF Discord (link is near the beginning of the manual).


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21 minutes ago, Aethero said:

I got it from here on LL.


AAF has never been available for download from LL. At one point its LL file page linked to Nexus Mods, but for the past few years it's pointed to Moddingham.


Anyway, the GFV report you screenshotted says "AAF: Version: Not installed" so that could be a hint. What mod manager are you using? It detects my AAF installation but I'm deploying mods with Vortex. If you're using MO2 it might need to be told where to look for files, I suppose.


Take a look through the manual I linked earlier and see if you've overlooked something critical.

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1 hour ago, Aethero said:

20 corrupted? What.





I think you were trying to get help already today on the AAF server, and we can definitely help you there.  You just need to update to the latest version of GFV and also run it through your mod manager as a tool, and post a new screen shot of the GFV to AAF_Issues_NSFW.



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New AAF release build: 171



## [Beta 171] - 2023-07-18
### Fixed
- Missing animation references in XML causing unpredictable additional issues. Thanks to Dlinny_Lag for troubleshooting and fix ideas. (As a related note: I can't promise that AAF can keep working despite any/all types of XML issues. The best solution is always to fix any XML problems rather than rely on AAF to survive it at run-time.)
- Some actor types animations getting stuck during scenes. -Egoballistic
- Updated to LLFP v46

### Added
- Ability to start AAF furniture scene with actor that is using the furniture.

## [Beta 170] - 2023-07-07
### Added
- GetFurnitureList function. Allows mod authors to get a list of all furniture locations currently installed.
- GetAAFStatus to API. For checking readiness state of AAF. See AAF_API.psc for more info.

### Changed
- PositionID string in various OnAnimation events so that they are more consistent in Position Tree context. (forgot to mention. but, this change was present in build 169 also)
- Cleaned up errant Debug entries (which should make nicer logs when testing)

### Fixed
- Animation duration not applying after joining/unjoining actor from scene.

### Removed
- Code handling meters. These seemed to cause too much of a performance hit and to my knowledge, nobody was really using them. Disabled to recapture some performance. (Note: stats still supported as normal. Only the visual meters were disabled.)

## [Beta 169] - 2023-06-04
### Fixed

EgoBallistic Optimizations & Fixes:

- Replaced GetFormFromFile() loops to fill formlists with LL_Fourplay.PopulateFormList() call
- Replaced GetFormFromFile() loops to fill arrays with LL_FourPlay.GetFormArray() calls
- Replaced PlayIdle() loop in StartMultipleIdles with single LL_FourPlay.PlayMultipleIdle() calls for synchronized animations (thanks also to snapdragon for work on this issue)
- Replaced individual PlayIdle() calls with LL_FourPlay.PlayIdle() call which internally performs checks for deleted / disabled actors
- OnUnlockActor() will now reset animation graphs of non-humanoid creatures to prevent stuck idles
- If OnUnlockActor() is called while in menu mode, animation reset will be deferred until game exits menu mode, to prevent stuck idles
- Fixed missing unlockParameter[2] in call to OnUnlockActor()
- Changed Protected Equipment Keywords storage from Keyword array to FormList
- Updated to LLFP v44

## [Beta 168] - 2022-10-10
### Changed
- Removed Facelight handling as it does not appear to be working and is only adding overhead to scene start. Same or similar functionality is possible with external code triggered by AAF init/end scene events.

### Fixed

EgoBallistic fixes:
- Fixed occupied furniture not being excluded from furniture search

- Fixed equipment added in a Position StartEquipmentSet not being copied to the doppelganger

- Fixed passive attacks (e.g. radiation from Glowing creatures) interrupting animations


## [Beta 167] - 2022-2-4
### Fixed
- AAF fonts not reflecting changes to game fonts.


Available here: https://www.moddingham.com/viewtopic.php?t=2




Sad side note:


It has come to my attention that at least one person over at wabbajack is inducing users to violate the AAF terms of service by including AAF in a mod list system / pack.


To be clear, I'm not against mod list / automation systems. I think they are a good idea. What I am against is authors of these packs including other peoples work without prior permission.


I'm pretty sure that doing so is a copyright violation similar to how sampling audio from a song on the radio into a new song is also a copyright violation. There is a reason why Nexus obtained this right specifically in contract rather than insisting they could do it automatically.


Of course, mod authors aren't typically in a financial position to defend themselves against this type of abuse. So, there is no Napster vs. Metallica, little guy vs. big corporation sheen to this. It's just shitting on the guy who is trying to contribute to the community.


Despite claims, the packs/lists impact mod authors in a number of ways. Defenders can flail around all day about whether or not the net result is good or bad. But, the bottom line is that it isn't for them to decide how authors evaluate the impact on themselves. That evaluation is for the mod author alone to make. Including mods in packs without permision removes the authors ability to: decide if they want to be involved with someone elses money-making schemes brand or personality, decide if they want to be involved in specific types of content, require credit or any other type of notes or disclaimers, deal with support issues the list/pack creates.


In the case I've seen, the user has created branding for their list without as much as a thank you to the authors who actually did 99% of the work let alone getting any apparent permission to benefit from their effort.


We're working on a lot of new updates for AAF and are looking toward expanding efforts into Starfield if possible. But, if the above isn't resolved and it's just going to be dog-eat-dog, it really makes the case for more of a long-term or even indefinite patreon model.


Edited by dagobaking
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28 minutes ago, RenFL2 said:

For anyone who has issues starting scenes after updating to v171, I had to disable AAF NativeSync.


Yes. Good call out.


AAF includes some additional code that does the same thing now. So that mod overlaps and will likely cause things to break.

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6 hours ago, TheHenshinGamer said:

So... I removed NativeSync... but now people just phase into each other and the animations still don't play. Moaning happens, but they just stand there for some reason. 


NativeSync installs a DLL and replaces one of AAF's scripts.  Looks like you removed the DLL but still have NativeSync's version of the AAF script.  So animations can't play.


You need to reinstall AAF.

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13 hours ago, TheHenshinGamer said:

So... I removed NativeSync... but now people just phase into each other and the animations still don't play. Moaning happens, but they just stand there for some reason.

I have the same problem, but since I use MO2 and can easily disable complete mods, I can exclude that I have removed AAF files by disabling NativeSync.
Can the Ultimate AAF patch be responsible for this?

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23 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:


NativeSync installs a DLL and replaces one of AAF's scripts.  Looks like you removed the DLL but still have NativeSync's version of the AAF script.  So animations can't play.


You need to reinstall AAF.

Umm, so I did that, but it's still not working. Not to mention opening the scene menu gives me this. (I have two female companions with me and yet it still says this)



Not to mention when an animation is "happening", this is what it says.


Edited by TheHenshinGamer
more info
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On 7/25/2023 at 2:58 PM, TheHenshinGamer said:

So... I removed NativeSync... but now people just phase into each other and the animations still don't play. Moaning happens, but they just stand there for some reason. image.png.f68658fa213334cb0cde4b797abdfc94.png 


On 7/25/2023 at 9:54 PM, EgoBallistic said:


NativeSync installs a DLL and replaces one of AAF's scripts.  Looks like you removed the DLL but still have NativeSync's version of the AAF script.  So animations can't play.


You need to reinstall AAF.

Same issue lmao. My character is clipping into other NPCS without actually playing the animations, only sounds+effects. Uninstalled both NativeSync and Content Library, not sure if there is an easy fix for above~

aasassa (1).png

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10 minutes ago, ETHEREAL!! said:


Same issue lmao. My character is clipping into other NPCS without actually playing the animations, only sounds+effects. Uninstalled both NativeSync and Content Library, not sure if there is an easy fix for above~

aasassa (1).png

BTW should I be using AAF ver. 161.1 or 171.0 beta? 

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4 minutes ago, ETHEREAL!! said:

BTW should I be using AAF ver. 161.1 or 171.0 beta? 

No way, It worked going back from AAF ver. 161.1 to 171.0 beta; animations are playing in order lmao


apologies for the spam ^above, try installing the version listed on Nexus (161.1), and replacing the beta (pulled directly off the dev's website) fully~

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21 hours ago, N.Gamma said:

I have the same problem, but since I use MO2 and can easily disable complete mods, I can exclude that I have removed AAF files by disabling NativeSync.
Can the Ultimate AAF patch be responsible for this?

Some other mod is overriding the LL_FourPlay.dll that comes with AAF.  Your debug output shows AAF 171 but LLFP v42.  The version of LLFP that comes with AAF 171 is 46.


Real Handcuffs for example optionally includes that if you enable it in its installer.  Check in MO2 and make sure none of AAF’s files are being overridden.


Same answer for @TheHenshinGamer


You should not be using 161 beta from Nexus.  It is out of date and unsupported.


Edited by EgoBallistic
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50 minutes ago, EgoBallistic said:

Some other mod is overriding the LL_FourPlay.dll that comes with AAF.  Your debug output shows AAF 171 but LLFP v42.  The version of LLFP that comes with AAF 171 is 46.


Thanks, I found out which mods overwrite LL_FourPlay.dll.
Rad Morphing Redux and Real Handcuffs.
I guess I have to wait until these two mods bring an update. Until then I continue to use AAF 166.

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