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14 hours ago, mishovur said:

Nope, everything remains the same. 

You can jump, interact with object in your reach, you can turn the camera freely, but you are locked in place.

Same as with v.1.9.2


It happens if your character is 'knocked down' (doesn't matter how, hypno, draged or whatever), I mean after you see your character down on the ground.

The scripted animation play, meaning 'the sex round/rounds' and after that you are stuck as I described above.


Hope it will help you to unscrew it :)

I've run into the same bug... a blackmail scenario, ended in forced orgasm, fell down, ran through the sex animation, then could not move. Very strange

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19 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

Hmm strange. I think I might know what caused it, although it has never happened to me before. I haven't been able to play that much recently.


Uploaded 1.9.3 which reverts some recent changes I made since 1.9.0 that I think may be the culprit for the freeze bug after sex.


(Requires SexAttributes 2.3.0 or newer; Clean save not req)

- FIXED: Should fix bug where players were not able to move after sex finishes.

kind a random bug , happend to me once.

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Hmm, I have no idea. Works for me on AAF 154 and 121. Perhaps a load order issue, mod conflicts, or maybe save corrupt? Not sure.


I uploaded a PATCH for 1.9.3. that you can use to outright disable the "knockdown" effect that's probably causing the player to be stuck in place after AAF sex finishes. The setting is available from the MCM's debug section. When this setting is turned on, the player will no longer fall to the floor for various scenarios (like drinking a spiked drink), but instead will remain standing. A little less immersive, but hell of a lot better than not being able to move I guess. Of course, you'll have to load a previous save first where the player isn't already frozen in place.

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Your mod is the last in the order, I tried clean save as well (just to be sure, you know).

I will try this evening a new version with the option to 'avoid knockdown' , and I completely agree with you it will be less immersive, but my guess is you are using death animation, am I correct? Maybe the game turns of the player's ability to control character after it dies :))


Btw, I tried it on a clean copy, no mods but the ones that are necessary for your mod to work....  Same result.

Something very fishy is going on, but as you can see - I'm not the only one affected.


And thank you very much for the quick reaction and the patch, much appreciated! 

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3 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

Hmm, I have no idea. Works for me on AAF 154 and 121. Perhaps a load order issue, mod conflicts, or maybe save corrupt? Not sure.


BTW, again if I may.

Will it be very complicated to somehow 'flag' , let's say boot slot as 'no strip' during your animation? With this the mod will be damn perfect, I kid you not :)

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Great ... unfortunately he took control for the first time and by no means wants to give it back. 

I printed everything. I saved it and refilled it just as badly,

It's true that the program seemed to go well .... although it didn't do anything, .... except for verbal sex, it just took control of the machine.


I found some clutter in the system. RSEII is running and it is now somewhat certain that the disturbances will occur in this circle to which the controlled animation also contributes. When the system takes control, there's nothing you can get back ... or something maybe ... but I don't know what it is.


* When the surrender begins ... and the subject is killed ... the fact of the surrender persists but there is no continuation. One of the errors feeds from here and the last backup has to be loaded again. It's like when they suddenly ... explode with an air bomb or shoot a tank cannon and you die ... 10x. - 100x. 

The bully is coming ... fucking. (with its death, the initiated processes persist and do not stop)

Despite your surrender ... because sometimes ... you immediately surrendered without a shot. SOMETIMES! Accidentally. Unexpectedly. For no real reason ... maybe a scratch may not be enough. (or even) There are no programs that function with each other in any way. That is, maybe yes ... but execution is the point and not the intention that is seen in many places in the mass of files. And this one who naturalizes knows ... he sees the many overlapping commands.


RSE ... pity for him. But one either messes with it or deletes or goes back to an older version reducing the multitude of features.


* The deferred death function ... is confusing. It will certainly crash ... The death happened randomly and the Purgatory part won't start either, just reloading the last save ...


....then it seems we will delete this.





---------------- consequence ----------------

----------- only as a supplement ------------


Remek... sajnos elvette az első alkalommal az irányítást és sehogy nem akarta visszaadni. Nyomtam mindent. Mentettem és ugyan olyan rosszul töltött vissza, 

Az igaz, hogy a program látszólag jól végigment.... habár semmit nem csinált a,.... verbális szexen kívül csak átvette a gép felett az uralmat.

Az 1.9.3 és a narancs nem igazán melózik ... nálam. Neked persze jó lesz.


Egyenlőre visszamentem az 1.8.1-re... de lehet, hogy azt is törlöm.


Némi zűrzavart találtam a rendszerben. Az RSEII 3.1 fut és most némileg bizonyos, hogy a zavarok ebben a körben keletkeznek amihez a vezérelt animáció is hozzá teszi a maga részét. Amikor a rendszer elveszi az irányítást semmivel nem lehet visszakapni... vagy valamivel talán... de én azt nem tudom, hogy micsoda.


* Amikor a megadás beindul... és az alanyt megölik... a megadás ténye fennmarad azonban semmiféle folytatás nincs. Az egyik hiba innen táplálkozik és az utolsó mentést kell ismét tölteni. Ez olyan, mint amikor váratlanul... levegőbombával felrobbantanak vagy tankágyúval lelőnek és meghalsz... 10x. - 100x és közben a zaklató is a saját nyavalyájával elfoglalt.

A zaklató jön... baszakodik. (a halálával a beindított folyamatok fennmaradnak és nem állnak le)

 A megadásod ellenére... mert volt néha... hogy azonnal megadtad magad egy lövés nélkül. NÉHA! Véletlenül. Váratlanul. Valódi ok nélkül... talán egy karcolás ehhez nem lehet elég ok. (vagy még is) Nincsenek a programok funkció egymásra semmiféle módon tekintettel. Vagyis talán igen... de a végrehajtás a lényeg és nem a szándék ami a fájlok tömegében sokfelé látható. És ezt aki honosít tudja... látja a sok egymást átfedő parancsot. 


RSE ... kár érte. De az ember vagy vacakol vele vagy törli vagy vissza megy egy régebbi változathoz a funkciók sokaságát csökkentve. A kompatibilitás hiba számomra ... valós. 


Az elhalasztott halál funkció ... zavaros. Minden bizonnyal összeakad... A halál bekövetkezte véletlenszerű és a Purgatórium rész sem indul, csak az utolsó mentés visszatöltése...




Az animáció vetítés részben megáll:



...más helyzetben dolgozik:


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something in 1.9.3a / 1.9.3a patch broke the mod for me somehow. npc just walks away after dialogue. things were fine in 1.9.3 but alas, i've removed the mod when i updated. i usually don't remove prior versions until i can confirm things work but i had a moment of weakness. this one bloody time i didn't and things break. =/

removed the mod and tried using 1.8.1 and everything works fine, so not AAF problems. any ideas?

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3 hours ago, Astrarella said:

Then its happening to someone else too, I've got same problem. Like having only Institute Collar allowed in Roggvir's DD Items Manager (MCM) but a red leather one is attached instead?

Yep. Collars and gags so far. I have all gags disabled because of the way dialogue is handled by Devious Wasteland. Unless there's a patch for Devious Wasteland that fixes this that I missed. You get an NPC approaching the player with forced dialogue, e.g. this mod. Sexual Harassment, and the gag blocks it. The dialogue fails. The approach fails. Nothing happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starting a new FO4 play through with AAF and have run into a bit of a problem. An event triggers, I see the NPC's mouth moving but no dialog is appearing on screen. The only dialog I see on screen are the player responses. Is this a problem or is this the way the mod is supposed to work?  The images on the description page show on screen dialog for the NPC so I'm not really sure.

Right now I have a very minimal mod list and all AAF files are at the bottom of the mod list in MO2. Any advice would be appreciated.


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5 hours ago, packprof said:

Starting a new FO4 play through with AAF and have run into a bit of a problem. An event triggers, I see the NPC's mouth moving but no dialog is appearing on screen. The only dialog I see on screen are the player responses. Is this a problem or is this the way the mod is supposed to work?  The images on the description page show on screen dialog for the NPC so I'm not really sure.

Right now I have a very minimal mod list and all AAF files are at the bottom of the mod list in MO2. Any advice would be appreciated.


Think you have to activate sub-titles.  Enter the game , press Esc go settings, then display , look for dialog subtitles must be on.

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Uploaded v1.10.0 - Body morphs!


(Requires SexAttributes 2.3.0 or newer; Clean save not req)

- NEW: Breast & Butt Morphs! When a devious fan knocks you out with a spiked drink or an evil hypnotist sexually assaults you in hypnosis, there's a chance that the NPC will inject you with a Bimbo Serum that will turn you into a... bimbo!

- When under the effect of this serum, the player's butt and breast size will increase. The player will receive a "Bimbo" perk.

- This special serum lasts for 3 game days (configurable) and the body morph returns to normal once expired. But the catch is, the drug is powered by a protein only found in semen, so the serum duration resets whenever you have sex. Not only that, your butt and breast size will increase even more if you have sex while under the effects of the serum. You have to stop feeding the drug with semen!

- To make matters worse, the drug interferes with the player's brain, causing the player to crave sex and sexual domination. The player will find it difficult to resist sex while under this effect (additional willpower resist cost for various approach scenarios)

- CHANGED: When things get physical with an NPC, Agility (SPECIAL) now increases the chance the player will successfully struggle out of it. In contrast, Strength will lower the willpower required to overpower the NPC and escape. (Previously Strength did both - struggle chance and willpower cost. But now, Agility helps with the former whereas Strength helps with the latter)

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I have idea: I think new features (bimbo, hypno arousal perks) should more affect other dialogues


For example with arousal and bimbo perk even being aroused I can still choose plead and intimidate in sex approach instead of something like bimbo option (I will suck all of your cum... etc)

And for other aproaches also such changes


Also new approach gangbang: if player have slut reputation group of npc will aproach player which will be hard to resist

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Thanks for the updates. My character is a prostitute, and becoming a Bimbo is problematic as it implies having sex for free ? And waiting three days is a lot of punishment, hehe. Perhaps if there was an immediate (but difficult or morally difficult) cure, such as "consuming" Deatclaw or dog semen. But hey, I will decrease the days in the settings.


Ohhh, what I love is the physical change. If it is possible to have an option to maintain the physical change even after the mind is healed ... ?





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18 hours ago, Indarello said:

I have idea: I think new features (bimbo, hypno arousal perks) should more affect other dialogues


For example with arousal and bimbo perk even being aroused I can still choose plead and intimidate in sex approach instead of something like bimbo option (I will suck all of your cum... etc)

And for other aproaches also such changes


Also new approach gangbang: if player have slut reputation group of npc will aproach player which will be hard to resist


I like the idea of the bimbo serum affecting other types of harassment too, even for consensual/good harassment. Roleplaying-wise, it would be like, "I'm letting you inject me with the serum because I'm so into it right now."


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