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More Nasty Critters Special/Anniversary Edition

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Very slight issue with More Nasty Critters/Hentai Creatures. The Werewolf doesn't want to use an erect cock. By default it stays a sheath (for about a second after I summon the hentai Werewolf there's a regular flaccid cock before it switches to a sheath), going into the Creature Framework and changing the Werewolf to MNC_Werewolf will produce an erect cock on initiating a sex scene but it's stretched about 3ft away from the body. I choose the Classic Meshes and there's an erect cock overtop a flaccid one that's half hanging out underneath the bigger canine cock. Have all the prequisite mods installed (I'm pretty sure) and far as I can tell, of the creatures I prefer, only the werewolf is experiencing this issue.

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1 hour ago, Rokabur said:

Very slight issue with More Nasty Critters/Hentai Creatures. The Werewolf doesn't want to use an erect cock. By default it stays a sheath (for about a second after I summon the hentai Werewolf there's a regular flaccid cock before it switches to a sheath), going into the Creature Framework and changing the Werewolf to MNC_Werewolf will produce an erect cock on initiating a sex scene but it's stretched about 3ft away from the body. I choose the Classic Meshes and there's an erect cock overtop a flaccid one that's half hanging out underneath the bigger canine cock. Have all the prequisite mods installed (I'm pretty sure) and far as I can tell, of the creatures I prefer, only the werewolf is experiencing this issue.


Did you disable werewolves in the SOS MCM?  It needs to be done for each penis addon type.

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Disabled werewolves in SOS MCM, re-clean/re-built/whatever the Creature Framework, set the werewolf to MNC Werewolf and the cock is still stretched 2ft straight from its body. I also noticed that the werewolves tongue also hovers 2 feet away from the body during sex. When the werewolf walks, the erect cock stays static like its not attached to the body.

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5 minutes ago, Rokabur said:

Disabled werewolves in SOS MCM, re-clean/re-built/whatever the Creature Framework, set the werewolf to MNC Werewolf and the cock is still stretched 2ft straight from its body. I also noticed that the werewolves tongue also hovers 2 feet away from the body during sex. When the werewolf walks, the erect cock stays static like its not attached to the body.


Is anything overwriting MNC? Allowed are XP32, ASOS, ABC.

Something like this is good too, you might have to have mnc overwrite xp32 if it's not up to date.




asos / abc


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Hmm... Female Werewolf Extended, Real Shelter?, a permenently blocked mod on Nexus because of accusations of 'stolen assets' and just 'speaking up' about Beyond Skyrim (and Nexus siding with Beyond Skyrim and telling the mod author to shut up), Edhildils Female Creatures (funny thing is, the ONLY meshes I have are for female Reiklings), XP32 and SexLab Anim Loader are 'installed' before MNC in MO2 (those are the ones tagged in MO2 as being over-written by MNC). XP32 is at 4.80 and have no idea what ASOS and ABC are. Most of the mods listed are after MNC in the actual load order. There's also an XP32 patch for Undeath, if I put it after MNC in the 'install' order, MNC reports it over-writes it. If I put it before MNC, MO2 tags the patch as redundant.

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29 minutes ago, Rokabur said:

Hmm... Female Werewolf Extended, Real Shelter?, a permenently blocked mod on Nexus because of accusations of 'stolen assets' and just 'speaking up' about Beyond Skyrim (and Nexus siding with Beyond Skyrim and telling the mod author to shut up), Edhildils Female Creatures (funny thing is, the ONLY meshes I have are for female Reiklings), XP32 and SexLab Anim Loader are 'installed' before MNC in MO2 (those are the ones tagged in MO2 as being over-written by MNC). XP32 is at 4.80 and have no idea what ASOS and ABC are. Most of the mods listed are after MNC in the actual load order. There's also an XP32 patch for Undeath, if I put it after MNC in the 'install' order, MNC reports it over-writes it. If I put it before MNC, MO2 tags the patch as redundant.


Stretching is an incompatible skeleton from what i've seen, so you want to make sure nothing other than those mods I already mentioned overwrite it. ABC is animated beast cocks, and asos is animal sos.


What skeleton is undeath overwriting? If you go right click on the patch in mo2 and select information, you'll have a conflicts tab to see exactly which file is overwriting mnc. If it's not a beast skeleton, it should be fine. If it is, you could have issues with that creature. I wouldn't expect it to be werewolves though. maybe draugr.


You can also do that conflict check from mnc to see what conflicts it's losing. If any are the werewolf skeleton, that's likely your issue.


Edit: You also want to make sure mnc is overwriting sos

Edited by zarantha
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24 minutes ago, Rokabur said:

Didn't realize SOS had to be before MNC (had to reinstall it cause out of nowhere my char started wearing underwear).


Only matters if you install the SOS skeleton. The SOS skeleton is not needed if you have xp32. But, since I don't know what options you selected during install, it's just easier to say mnc overwrites. :)

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I need some help with setting up MNC in VR.  

First of all i already modded Skyrim SE so im not realy nwe to this just need help setting up SOS and MNC for Skyrim VR. I have SKSEVR,SkyUI VR, PapyrusUtilitys VR, Sexlab Beta8, MaximumSekeletonExtended, SOS, Animal SOS, MNC, Hentai Creatures, CBPC, HDT SMP, 3BBB and CBBE, Sexlab Arroused, etz 

First question: is it even possible as of now? I mean Everything works just fine but i can´t get the SOS or MNC Schlongs to show in animations and they don´t show up in the Creature Framework aswell. Creature Framework can see that i use the VR Patch as SexLab Version and everything else but its not showing the animals in the pages tab like it was in Spezial edition. 

I tryed different orders in MO2 and used different Guides to set up MNC but nothing worked. I did a lot of digging but seam to be stuck.
Can someone that has a working VR Setup help me with this one? Or any idears from SE Veterans. And yes i set up 3BBB with the SOS patches etz. Seams to be a loadingorder problem or just notworking in VR in general but thats realy unlikely.


(Here are the loadingorders from the guide i tryed)



Desktop Screenshot 2021.08.04 -

Desktop Screenshot 2021.08.04 -

Desktop Screenshot 2021.08.04 -

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I hope soemone can help and even know what the issue might be as i have a problem. Basically I have Aroused Creatures and obviously sexlab Se and Creature Framework and More Nasty crittters.


When any animals arousal reaches a certain level they can get erect ( aroused) and then after a set time will instigate mating. So far every animl and creature it works fine.


Creatires arousale grows, mesh erection shows ( More Nasty Critters via Creature Framework) then sex.


However with horses the moment its triggering the visible erection i get an instant CTD. If i disable the cocks in the Creature Framework then i dont get a CTD and sex starts but obviousdly minus a visible erect horse cock.


Does anyone know why i an getting a CTD with horse cocks? :(


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6 hours ago, sophiextime said:

Does anyone know why i an getting a CTD with horse cocks? :(

stock mnc?, or abc/asos? because hdt stuff can crash if the wrong skeleton is used.

Edited by MadMansGun
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7 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

stock mnc?, or abc/asos? because hdt stuff can crash if the wrong skeleton is used.


Hi MadMan. Thank you for your reply.



I dont use any ABC anims or ASOS.


I do use an independent physics mod for my player which simple wobbles the breasts and ass cheeks called CBP Physics but i do not have any of the Creature ABC animations installed at all. And my player works fine with anyother creature and the right bits wobble. 


Ok if i list the actual names of the creature mods i had when it CTD'ed could you kindly let me know what i shouldnt be using and what instead to use? i would ideally like the most upto date versions of MNC and CF but fully understand if any are a bad choice at the moment and a better alternative should be used instead. I just have likely got something wrong installed.


So when i crashed i used :



Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2A-SE.7z

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended v 4.80


When i changed to :



Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2-SE.7z


with the same skeleton it works fine so far, horse schlong appears and works and i didnt CTD.


But i now am not using the latest MNC and CF which i am sad about. :(


If i was to use the latest MoreNastyCritters_v12_6SE.7z and Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2A-SE.7z but dropped back a version of the XP32 skeleton ie version 4.72 will it all work fine? or any suggestion please? Am i using the wrong skeleton?


thankies. :)




Edited by sophiextime
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8 hours ago, sophiextime said:


XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended v 4.80


8 hours ago, sophiextime said:

Am i using the wrong skeleton?

well the real question is whats actually getting used here? is something wrong with mnc or is it XP32? or is the mod manager messing something up? or is there another mod installed that is messing with the horses? have you tried installing ABC to see if that changes anything?


horses are the worst thing to troubleshoot in this fucking game, too many people trying to mod them.

Edited by MadMansGun
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47 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:


well the real question is whats actually getting used here? is something wrong with mnc or is it XP32? or is the mod manager messing something up? or is there another mod installed that is messing with the horses? have you tried installing ABC to see if that changes anything?


horses are the worst thing to troubleshoot in this fucking game, too many people trying to mod them.

I havent used ABC mostly because i have worried it would break the horse with his wobbly animated schlongs. :(


I have avoided anything that bends or animated the schlongs physics wise. I could try ABC but would that fix the CTD? Everything else works fine. i dont get any CTD at all with any other animl or creature. its literally the moment a horse gets aroused and the game tries to show its erect schlong. bam i CTD. Only horses.

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37 minutes ago, sophiextime said:

I havent used ABC mostly because i have worried it would break the horse with his wobbly animated schlongs. :(


I have avoided anything that bends or animated the schlongs physics wise. I could try ABC but would that fix the CTD? Everything else works fine. i dont get any CTD at all with any other animl or creature. its literally the moment a horse gets aroused and the game tries to show its erect schlong. bam i CTD. Only horses.

Try it with ABC and put it at the very End of the load order. So you make sure, that no other mod messes up the Horses.... 

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Hello there, I come from Oldrim, so I plan to mod my Special Edition with all the sexlab related mod, but i'm pretty confused with it when it comes to SE.

There is no Creature Framework available to download on the file page of MNC. Do we need to use the Oldrim CF for SE ? I'm lost...


If someone could help, I would be grateful. Thanks in advance.

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5 minutes ago, Firch50 said:

Hello there, I come from Oldrim, so I plan to mod my Special Edition with all the sexlab related mod, but i'm pretty confused with it when it comes to SE.

There is no Creature Framework available to download on the file page of MNC. Do we need to use the Oldrim CF for SE ? I'm lost...


If someone could help, I would be grateful. Thanks in advance.


CF is twitchy on SE, people have varying results.
You can use the newer CF from the LE MNC  SLAL download page (CF 2.02 plus these patches), or you can use the SE conversion (1.1.0-pre2A-SE) here:


Additional stuff to try beyond, MMG's normal steps on the MNC page are here if you run into issues with the dicks showing up:


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5 minutes ago, Firch50 said:

Hello there, I come from Oldrim, so I plan to mod my Special Edition with all the sexlab related mod, but i'm pretty confused with it when it comes to SE.

There is no Creature Framework available to download on the file page of MNC. Do we need to use the Oldrim CF for SE ? I'm lost...


If someone could help, I would be grateful. Thanks in advance.

There are two versions of CF. One is the port of the oldrim version in the SE download section. 



The other version can be found on the LE download of MNC.


The old version is more 'reliable' the new version is more 'elegant'....

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When testing out the mod I've noticed that there are a number of creatures that don't have animations to play so an interaction won't start. (Deer, chaurushunter, netch, large spider, small spider, dwarven spider. Is this on my end or have the animations not been added to the mod?


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1 hour ago, Bloodshed2031 said:

When testing out the mod I've noticed that there are a number of creatures that don't have animations to play so an interaction won't start. (Deer, chaurushunter, netch, large spider, small spider, dwarven spider. Is this on my end or have the animations not been added to the mod?


install billyy's SLAL Pack.

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On 11/15/2020 at 6:13 PM, GemGem said:

"Creature Framework has been downgraded to 1.1.0-pre2. Things will be broken!"


I get this message after upgrading from MNC version 12.3 to 12.5.

I have CF version 1.1.0-pre2 installed.

I checked in MO2 and MNC isn't overwriting anything from CF.

What instruction did I miss?


MNC 12.6, CF 1.1.0-pre2A, same here...

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