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Skyrim Chain Beasts Tech Demo

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Skyrim chain Beasts tech-demo (v0.0.1)

Obligatory `first mod from Noob' warning; keep well away from anything important !


Something I've been playing with inspired by an oblivion mod called `chainbeasts': (www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/34346)
This proof-of-concept/tech-demo adds chainbeasts to Skyrim.




In the riften ratway, go to the round room with the roots and the battleaxe.


The extremely limited content of this `proof of concept/tech demo' level mod:


Use the chain-beast-mines to summon chainbeasts if you dare. (See location above.)
Chain Beasts will attempt to ware out targets by using their stamina damaging attack.
Their power attacks will `capture' victims when their stamina is low (at most 50 in this demo).
A captured victim is stripped of her/his items (which are dropped in a locked container).
Female victims are also equipped with some non-removable(*) Zaz metal bondage items each time they are captured.
When all 4 devices have been equipped she will be considered a permanently captured and the beasts will leave her alone.
(*) sort of anyways; See escaping below.

That's all there is in this little demo.




Currently does not have a mechanism to remove devices.
Unequip devices manually with the console command UnequipAll or open up a container and store them in there.
(The devices only have the `non-removable' flag set. They do not disable player controls nor use scripted protection like e.g. in devious devices.)

ZAZ animation pack v7 (or above) (www.loverslab.com/topic/17062-zaz-animation-pack-v70-2017-05-16/).
Get up faster (www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17491) recommended.


Use mod manager (recommended) or simply drop the files from data in your Skyrim data folder.
Manual remove: Remove the files (SkyrimChainBeast.esp, meshes are in meshes\SCB\ and scripts all start with SCB_ or QF_SCB_)


Possible conflicts:
Small edit to riften ratway so might conflict with mods that change that.
Certain worn quest items may brake the progression in this mod.

Unsure. May decide to flesh this out a bit or not. Depends on time and motivation.
I have very little of the former and the latter tends to come and go...
So don't expect rapid progress.
Still, if you have ideas feel free to post them. If I like them I might try to implement them.
(With the emphasis on try; see noob, time and motivation warnings.)

See ZAZ animation pack as this uses some of its resources.
Other than that feel free to use as you like.

Credits & Tools used (in no particular order):

  • Oblivion chainbeasts mod for the basic idea
  • Zaz animation pack
    • This mod uses devices & textures from this mod and meshes created using ZAP meshes as a base.
  • Blender
  • Blender nif tools
  • Anton tools
  • NifSkape
  • Skyrim creation kit and game.
  • Mod Organizer (see here on how to use it with scripts.)
  • (and perhaps others I've forgotten...)




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Nice, I am somewhat surprised that it has taken this long for somebody to convert it.


They just the sort of thing you could find wandering around in dwemer ruins as well, used by the dwemer to bind and transport prisoners both male and female, but now with no dwemer around and it being so long the magic running them has become corrupted changing them into what they are now. ;)

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chain beasts was one of my favorite oblivion mods... the other one was cursed armor


It would be so great to have this here in Skyrim...

if I can support you in any one, please let me know, but I know nothing about models or animations :-)


So thank you for trying to port this great mod

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tested with both ZAZ 7.0 and ZAZ 8.0 plus


works as advertised (other than bug already reported by FCDXX)


not trying to have a hard requirement added, but the new DDX has items in it that could fit really well with this (several chains of various type, including a body chain).


really do like what you have done and would like to see it more fully fleshed out, and have the beasts appear in other locations too while i am wishing


thanks for the work you have done


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Small update.


Change history:



  • [Added]        Spell to summon a friendly chainbeast; a quest to obtain it should be added, for now there is a spell book on the table in the ratway, close to the chainbeast mines.
  • [Added]        Fully captured victims will now be placed in a ZAZ furniture for a while (20sec). Pillory added to Ratway to test/demonstrate.
    • Currently only works for player not NPCs; they will go to the device but not enter it.        
    • Pathing is rather poor, especially in the cramped Ratway crawling with chain beasts. If captured far from the pillory it may take long to get there.
    • Punishment quest does not (yet) support multiple victims at the same time; any victims captured while it is already running will not be punished.
  • [Fixed]        Chainbeasts Paralyzing each other; changed effect from target to contact which seems to solve this issue.
  • [Fixed]        Updated mesh to reduce chainbeast `feet' clipping into ground (now better but not perfect).
  • [Changed]    Replaced gag by `iron mask' - a metal variant (for supported races) of ZAZ muzzle mask (same as zbfmuzzle01 for other races).
  • [Changed]    Chainbeasts drop a single lock pick as well. (Would like this to be a custom key for the stripped item boxes but can't figure out how to set associated key for a dynamically created item.)
  • [Changed]    Chainbeasts will only capture playable races. Global variable to set target gender for capturing in devices (set SCB_TargetSex to -1/0/1 : any gender, male only, female only, default is 1).
    • Capturing males does not work well in my testing profile eg hdt ankle chains don't work on them (may have to change to other devices), wrist restraints don't stop them from fighting (the later may be true for all NPCs not sure).
  • [Changed]    Some code cleaning

First release; introduces chainbeasts and mines to summon them.


Known issues (in addition :

  • If there are more than 10 CBs around, the procedure to calm them after a take down may not handle all of them.
  • Might advance two bondage phases in one go if two CBs hit the target at the same time.
  • I have no idea what I'm doing...


Ideas (calling them plans may be too optimistic):

  • [Fixes]        Make furniture work for all victims, support more victims at the same time.
  • [Fix-optional] Make summoned chain beasts hostile to all but the player ? (Now they only attack player enemies. - Not sure wanted not sure possible...)
  • [Change]    Make victims crawl instead of walk to the furniture.


  • [Add]  Punishment while in furniture.
  • [Add]  More (outdoor) locations with chainbeasts
  • [Add]  Quest to obtain summon chain beast spell
  • [...]    Fix and add more stuff

Let me know if you have any more.


On 2/5/2018 at 8:01 PM, Varithina said:

Nice, I am somewhat surprised that it has taken this long for somebody to convert it.


They just the sort of thing you could find wandering around in dwemer ruins as well, used by the dwemer to bind and transport prisoners both male and female, but now with no dwemer around and it being so long the magic running them has become corrupted changing them into what they are now. ;)

Yes, don't you just hate when that happens...;)

(By the way the update adds some male support - see change log.)


On 2/5/2018 at 8:02 PM, Kenjoka said:



chain beasts was one of my favorite oblivion mods... the other one was cursed armor


It would be so great to have this here in Skyrim...

if I can support you in any one, please let me know, but I know nothing about models or animations :-)


So thank you for trying to port this great mod

Any help would be welcome.  Just some random thoughts: Ideas for things to add, (a design for) a quest for getting the summoning spell (eg like in the original), if you have any CK expertise that also useful; I'm struggling with the CK a lot ... see remarks above... e.g. I'm trying to figure out how to fill a quest alias with an object with a specific keyword (zbfFurniture in this case); this seems to fail for some reason (see DeviceAlt alias in SCB_QuestPunish).  Also making NPCs use ZAZ furniture. Getting bystanders to punish the victim should be possible but have not looked into it.  etc.


On 2/7/2018 at 5:45 AM, valcon767 said:

tested with both ZAZ 7.0 and ZAZ 8.0 plus


works as advertised (other than bug already reported by FCDXX)


not trying to have a hard requirement added, but the new DDX has items in it that could fit really well with this (several chains of various type, including a body chain).


really do like what you have done and would like to see it more fully fleshed out, and have the beasts appear in other locations too while i am wishing


thanks for the work you have done


Thanks, I was thinking the prisoners chains in the new DD(X?)4 would be perfect but have not yet looked into the DD API and how to use them.

More locations makes a lot of sense but will need to get the basic functionality stable first; then chain beasts can start taking over Skyrim :smile:




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11 hours ago, MTB said:

Small update.


Change history:

  Hide contents


  • [Added]        Spell to summon a friendly chainbeast; a quest to obtain it should be added, for now there is a spell book on the table in the ratway, close to the chainbeast mines.
  • [Added]        Fully captured victims will now be placed in a ZAZ furniture for a while (20sec). Pillory added to Ratway to test/demonstrate.
    • Currently only works for player not NPCs; they will go to the device but not enter it.        
    • Pathing is rather poor, especially in the cramped Ratway crawling with chain beasts. If captured far from the pillory it may take long to get there.
    • Punishment quest does not (yet) support multiple victims at the same time; any victims captured while it is already running will not be punished.
  • [Fixed]        Chainbeasts Paralyzing each other; changed effect from target to contact which seems to solve this issue.
  • [Fixed]        Updated mesh to reduce chainbeast `feet' clipping into ground (now better but not perfect).
  • [Changed]    Replaced gag by `iron mask' - a metal variant (for supported races) of ZAZ muzzle mask (same as zbfmuzzle01 for other races).
  • [Changed]    Chainbeasts drop a single lock pick as well. (Would like this to be a custom key for the stripped item boxes but can't figure out how to set associated key for a dynamically created item.) while a key would be nice this should work for now (so people can pick the lock on the box if they are lucky)
  • [Changed]    Chainbeasts will only capture playable races. Global variable to set target gender for capturing in devices (set SCB_TargetSex to -1/0/1 : any gender, male only, female only, default is 1).
    • Capturing males does not work well in my testing profile eg hdt ankle chains don't work on them (may have to change to other devices), wrist restraints don't stop them from fighting (the later may be true for all NPCs not sure).
  • [Changed]    Some code cleaning

First release; introduces chainbeasts and mines to summon them.


Known issues (in addition :

  Hide contents
  • If there are more than 10 CBs around, the procedure to calm them after a take down may not handle all of them.
  • Might advance two bondage phases in one go if two CBs hit the target at the same time.
  • I have no idea what I'm doing... (this seems to be a standard phrase when beginning to mod Skyrim so you should fir right in)


Ideas (calling them plans may be too optimistic):

  Hide contents
  • [Fixes]        Make furniture work for all victims, support more victims at the same time. see 3 below
  • [Fix-optional] Make summoned chain beasts hostile to all but the player ? (Now they only attack player enemies. - Not sure wanted not sure possible...)
  • explanation below will be number 1 in list
  • [Change]    Make victims crawl instead of walk to the furniture. number 2 below


  • [Add]  Punishment while in furniture.
  • [Add]  More (outdoor) locations with chainbeasts
  • [Add]  Quest to obtain summon chain beast spell
  • [...]    Fix and add more stuff

Let me know if you have any more.


Any help would be welcome.  Just some random thoughts: Ideas for things to add, (a design for) a quest for getting the summoning spell (eg like in the original), if you have any CK expertise that also useful; I'm struggling with the CK a lot ... see remarks above... e.g. I'm trying to figure out how to fill a quest alias with an object with a specific keyword (zbfFurniture in this case); this seems to fail for some reason (see DeviceAlt alias in SCB_QuestPunish).  Also making NPCs use ZAZ furniture. Getting bystanders to punish the victim should be possible but have not looked into it.  etc.


Thanks, I was thinking the prisoners chains in the new DD(X?)4 would be perfect but have not yet looked into the DD API and how to use them.

More locations makes a lot of sense but will need to get the basic functionality stable first; then chain beasts can start taking over Skyrim :smile:


note time 


1 - i would leave the chain beasts hostility as it is now personally, but you may have to make them friendly (factions would work for this purpose) to other

     certain races (player enemy types) when adding to other remote areas.


2 - while i personally love this ides if you figure out how to do it, please do not make a hard requirement on ZEP to do so (ZEP is not being developed further, and

     has issues with ZAZ 8.0)


3 - for some things Inte (Prison Overhaul Patches ring a bell?) may be able to help with multiple people in furniture, punishment in furniture, people punishing 

     others (both in and out of furniture), and more.


4 - while DDX (version 4) does have some nice (could be useful for this) stuff in it (prisoner chains full set, chain harness that comes in pieces etc), it is your

     choice on whether you want to use them or not.


5 - you are quite correct in wanting to get the basic functionality done first, then worry about when and where to add them to more locations.


one last thing - while people (me included) will make request, toss out ideas (that might seem to develop a life of their own), suggestions etc etc

just remember it is YOUR mod and you can do with it whatever you want, and take it in any direction you want.  as the creator of the mod you

should never feel you HAVE to do anything someone else suggests/wants.


anyway in conclusion i do want to thank you for your work



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On 11.2.2018 at 12:45 AM, MTB said:

Any help would be welcome.  Just some random thoughts: Ideas for things to add, (a design for) a quest for getting the summoning spell (eg like in the original), if you have any CK expertise that also useful; I'm struggling with the CK a lot ... see remarks above... e.g. I'm trying to figure out how to fill a quest alias with an object with a specific keyword (zbfFurniture in this case); this seems to fail for some reason (see DeviceAlt alias in SCB_QuestPunish).  Also making NPCs use ZAZ furniture. Getting bystanders to punish the victim should be possible but have not looked into it.  etc.


to let NPC use a ZAZ furniture I use Packages with the template ActivateSpecialFurniture (is from Skyrim). If your NPC is pushed in a Quest ReferenceAlias you can add a Package to that ReferenceAlias


you can also define empty Referencealias and fill them by script, but I guess you want your quest alias be filled automaticaly by defining "Match conditions" and using "Find Matching Reference"? I have done this to find NPC but never for objects like furnitures, so I am not sure if this works, but in theory it should as with papyrus you can scan your current cell for everything and NPC is just a special type of thing for this


"Getting bystanders to punish the victim" : best approach is probably also by using a Package for this. In Slaverun I use this in scenes all the time when one NPC is whipping another one :-)

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Small update...not that many additions (got strange behaviour due to a copy paste error causing me to update the alias on the wrong quest - wasted A LOT of time trying to figure that one out. (Feeling rather stupid...)) but at least a player release mechanism and some bug fixes;
Anyway, created a file in the beta-download section to gather updates:



On 2/13/2018 at 6:38 PM, Kenjoka said:


to let NPC use a ZAZ furniture I use Packages with the template ActivateSpecialFurniture (is from Skyrim). If your NPC is pushed in a Quest ReferenceAlias you can add a Package to that ReferenceAlias


you can also define empty Referencealias and fill them by script, but I guess you want your quest alias be filled automaticaly by defining "Match conditions" and using "Find Matching Reference"? I have done this to find NPC but never for objects like furnitures, so I am not sure if this works, but in theory it should as with papyrus you can scan your current cell for everything and NPC is just a special type of thing for this


"Getting bystanders to punish the victim" : best approach is probably also by using a Package for this. In Slaverun I use this in scenes all the time when one NPC is whipping another one :-)

Thanks a lot for the tips!  NPC use is working now as is finding the closest furniture.


Will need to look into more advanced package use later...


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Fun ideas... if possible.


Wandering around at night is not a good idea, as various types of chain beasts wander around outside. Sent out by bounty hunters to slow down people who break the law, ( prison overhaul. )


- Chased by leg manacles in the dark of night, the bounty hunters sending them out to slow you down. The manacles looking like a set of legs, made out of leg manacles.


- Draugr traps setting off a balloon hood perched atop of walking leg manacles. Head and leg trap, destroy them before they attach to you.


- Rat sized chain beasts, with pear gags for heads. Depositing their head in your mouth, gagging you.


- A corset chain beast, with its ribcage made of a corset jumps at its victim and attaches it to them when they are exhausted. Sabrecat sized...


- Various chain creatures, various sizes. Being easy to see what they are going to lock on you, as the devious device is a part of them.


- Small creatures carrying small items.


- Medium creatures carrying medium sized items, corsets, armbinders, etc.


- Large creatures are a nightmare, and are only found outside, carrying nasty items such as Yokes and bondage outfits rattling around inside of them.


- Sleeping outside, you may awaken to find a chain creature making love to you. When its finished, it deposits its devious device.


- Small dungeons are mainly filled with harmless, and relatively small. Bondage creatures, no bigger than a dog, or a rat. Adding only light bondage gear, like corsets, collars and gags.


- Dark wilderness is filled with larger, up to sabrecat sized creatures, with medium bondage sized items. No heavy, game stopping stuff.


- Boss chain beasts carry large rewards for slaying, as well as big inventories of bondage gear if they beat you. Giant chain beasts, walking upright. Mammoth chain beasts, like something from a nightmare, prowling areas where giants keep their stashes of loot. Dragon chain beasts flying around your head, breathing fire and trying to bite you with a bondage bite...


Just some crazy ideas... if they are too much for you, or you don't like them. Then just ignore this post, as these ideas would need bondage gear inserted into the 3d chain monsters, to tell them apart... :smile:

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On 2/3/2018 at 4:30 PM, MTB said:

Unsure. May decide to flesh this out a bit or not. Depends on time and motivation.
I have very little of the former and the latter tends to come and go...
So don't expect rapid progress.

Anything the people here can do to help with that?


Also, does this mod support the beast races? I can't think of why it wouldn't, but they tend to be a sore point at times.

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14 hours ago, Wuumaster said:

Anything the people here can do to help with that?


Also, does this mod support the beast races? I can't think of why it wouldn't, but they tend to be a sore point at times.


Yes, any vanilla playable race should work.

(Like with ZAP beast races use a different model for the `mask'.)



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  • 4 weeks later...

Can't wait for more chainbeast locations! don't give up!


side note: the original has you lose control of your pc and the ai takes over? will  this potentially have that feature? i could settle for basic ai control and a animation for all thats worth for now. I'm just going to wait and see what happens with this, its only a newborn mod and its only been a month so it isn't dead take your time and make a faithful recreation, I respect anybody trying to port over such an ambitious mod from oblivion, 


Some day i'd like to see other ambitious oblvion mods brought to skyrim. Furotrap and loversbitch to name a few. 

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Great update... more chain beasts, as well as them taking over control of their victims. :smile:


I love the idea of the chain beasts adding to the list of monsters prowling Skyrim.



Easier ideas for more chain beasts...


Scale... Re-scale some new types and have them specialise in single items.


Tiny... Tiny ones that cannot do anything but equip tiny objects.


Colour... Recolour the chain beast to make it a different type.



Possible with size and colour changes only.


- Tiny pink = Orifice devices Mouth and Private parts.


- Tiny red = Nipple rings



-- Clothing ban

-- Chest clothing ban

-- Breast expansion, clothing cannot be worn on body. ( Milk mod economy does this with milk filled breasts doing it, and its a really cool effect. )

-- Tie into Milk Mod Economy if installed, for lactation. ( JUST ADD LACTACID TO THE HOST, WHILE NIPPLE RINGS ARE WORN )


Release... Only jailers can remove the nipple rings, as they are an aid to bounty hunters. Of course, any outstanding warrants will also give you jail time.



Size of Beasts...


Black = A Black chain beast, will lock devious devices on you. Size gives you an idea of how many, small = 1, large = 2 -3, massive = 4 - 5, Behemoth = Full bondage


White = A white chain beast will lock onto you, and take you and take you to Jail. It's a conjured Bounty hunter... Appears at Dusk and Dawn in wilderness. 


It will strip you naked, and parade you around on all fours during its journey to jail. To stop you dying, its attacks on anyone attacking you will be severe.



Just some more ideas... :smile:

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  • 2 months later...

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