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Hey vin, for the fly camera, could the function call for it happen near the end of four_play_main? Custom event handlers that change the apparel of npcs that are about to have sex may not swap the armors in time, and armor swaps don't apply during fly cam in Bethesda games, because I guess bethesda expected fly cam to be used when the game is paused.


So having a Utility.Wait(0.25) before toggling fly camera, and/or leaving flycam to be toggled at the end of four_play_main would help alleviate this issue.


Also, jaam, could you allow for a custom SUCSM value? SUCSM sets the speed of the camera, and vanilla FO4's default value is quite fast for adjusting camera angles.



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Hey vin, for the fly camera, could the function call for it happen near the end of four_play_main? Custom event handlers that change the apparel of npcs that are about to have sex may not swap the armors in time, and armor swaps don't apply during fly cam in Bethesda games, because I guess bethesda expected fly cam to be used when the game is paused.


So having a Utility.Wait(0.25) before toggling fly camera, and/or leaving flycam to be toggled at the end of four_play_main would help alleviate this issue.


Also, jaam, could you allow for a custom SUCSM value? SUCSM sets the speed of the camera, and vanilla FO4's default value is quite fast for adjusting camera angles.




Could do. It's actually already near the end but before sending animation_start. I'll move it right at the end.

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Strap-on is not displayed on the main female character.


Does pressing Numpad 3 twice fix it?


I copied some script from the original strap-on at sex start into my Change Position script this update. Wondered if I screwed up and hit Ctrl + X rather than Ctrl + C.


I have the same issue, and hitting 3 twice doesn't fix it. For FF scenes, they change places, and the strap-on properly equips to the NPC. Swapping places back doesn't equip the strap-on to the player, though.

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I've hit a small glitch, When I use the "swap position" Num3 key, by accident, I can't swap back to the original position.


Alignment keys aren't perfect, but work pretty well. Some of the positions seem to be offset from the directional keys, so trying to move the actor into position causes them to jump around.


Edit add more detail: My female PC and a male actor NPC. Agressively held down by the wrist animation. Accidental swap, and I end up on top, holding him down, with a strapon equipped... Not what I had in mind... LOL

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Tried 2.2 , everything seemed to work except it takes sooooo long for it to. I mean near 30 sec. to strip, come on now. Even the begining  popups for Mindless Sex take forever. I'm thinking MASSIVE Script Lag. Moved back to 1.9 and it help a little, but still. Tried to have Sex and selected Yes ti Bed, it walked me halfway across Sanctuary, into the ground, before I waited another 30 sec. to strip then another wait for the animation to begin.

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2.2.1 Released
  • Fixed the issue with strap-on not being equipped in player scenes
  • Make sure Fly Cam always ends automatically after sex scene
  • Moved the Fly Cam script down so that other mods that listen to Four-Play's custom events have time to equip their things





Tried 2.2 , everything seemed to work except it takes sooooo long for it to. I mean near 30 sec. to strip, come on now. Even the begining  popups for Mindless Sex take forever. I'm thinking MASSIVE Script Lag. Moved back to 1.9 and it help a little, but still. Tried to have Sex and selected Yes ti Bed, it walked me halfway across Sanctuary, into the ground, before I waited another 30 sec. to strip then another wait for the animation to begin.


Disable Walking to Sex Scene in the MCM.


We're adding a lot of features right now. No point trying to keep the script trimmed and optimized every single version while adding so many features so quickly. We'll look through the script again once all the core features have been added to optimize performance.


In any case, it shouldn't take that long like you describe. So most likely at least contributed by something on your end too. Especially that you mentioned the popup for Mindless Sex, that happens BEFORE Four-Play is called and I haven't added anything to Mindless Sex since early April so if even that's slow then it's your setup.

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Strap-on is not displayed on the main female character.


Does pressing Numpad 3 twice fix it?


I copied some script from the original strap-on at sex start into my Change Position script this update. Wondered if I screwed up and hit Ctrl + X rather than Ctrl + C. 


I'm sending logs.



Your log looks fine to me. Those "Assigning None" errors are harmless.


No idea how Four-Play would/ could affect your controller. No-one else has reported any issues with controller so far and I use controller myself. However, in the unlikely case that it's related to the F4SE plugin which is too a long stretch, maybe jaam would have a better idea.



If a script was running and a person reloaded a save, possibly back to the exact spot where the NPC is saying

"So, uh, nookie-nookie? canu-canu?"

Is it possible that the partially finished script could have leftover variables in memory?

I've found (I think) that letting the scene complete keeps the computer keys happy.

Anyway I don't know if it's even possible but flushing all variables before sex starts (because, who knows)

would certainly fix the problem you do not seem to have (read the next line)

  If you were happy with the scene you would not reload mid-scene, which is probably why you would not see it.

An example of a scene I'd be less than satisfied with was in the picture I posted, the NPC becomes non-existent and reappears at the end of the scene.


After I typed this a new version came out. I am about to try it.

Thank you.


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2.2.1 Released
  • Fixed the issue with strap-on not being equipped in player scenes
  • Make sure Fly Cam always ends automatically after sex scene
  • Moved the Fly Cam script down so that other mods that listen to Four-Play's custom events have time to equip their things





Tried 2.2 , everything seemed to work except it takes sooooo long for it to. I mean near 30 sec. to strip, come on now. Even the begining  popups for Mindless Sex take forever. I'm thinking MASSIVE Script Lag. Moved back to 1.9 and it help a little, but still. Tried to have Sex and selected Yes ti Bed, it walked me halfway across Sanctuary, into the ground, before I waited another 30 sec. to strip then another wait for the animation to begin.


Disable Walking to Sex Scene in the MCM.


We're adding a lot of features right now. No point trying to keep the script trimmed and optimized every single version while adding so many features so quickly. We'll look through the script again once all the core features have been added to optimize performance.


In any case, it shouldn't take that long like you describe. So most likely at least contributed by something on your end too. Especially that you mentioned the popup for Mindless Sex, that happens BEFORE Four-Play is called and I haven't added anything to Mindless Sex since early April so if even that's slow then it's your setup.


Started a New Game, for "Shits and Giggles", works great.Must have had a lot of lingering scripts left over from the "Upgrade Wars". You do seem to upgrade faster than we can keep up. My Kingdom for a Good Script Cleaner.

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Since you seem to be the go-to guy for adding new sexy features, the "Survival" difficulty could use a bathing/showering feature. Staying clean could strengthen your immunity and improve stealth from not being stinky. While being filthy could lower endurance one or two ticks.

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Any advice as to why my female character is always fucking men, when I want it to be the other way around? I smash my numpad 3, but it never swaps the actors... 333 (testing), also my numpad 1 does not work to change positions. Any clue?


Do you have any mods that might make the game recognize your character as male?


Maybe try the "Treat Player as Opposite Gender" MCM option.


Also, the hotkeys should work. Although 1 ends the scene, 0 changes it.

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Since you seem to be the go-to guy for adding new sexy features, the "Survival" difficulty could use a bathing/showering feature. Staying clean could strengthen your immunity and improve stealth from not being stinky. While being filthy could lower endurance one or two ticks.


Not sure why you would think that showering/bathing should be included in a sex framework, but whatever...  Have you looked at this mod:  http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14326/?

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"Since you seem to be the go-to guy for adding new sexy features, the "Survival" difficulty could use a bathing/showering feature. Staying clean could strengthen your immunity and improve stealth from not being stinky. While being filthy could lower endurance one or two ticks."


Yeah. CWSS has got you covered. It strips you, animates your bathing, and then gives you buffs in survival. 

Yeah. CWSS has got all of your shower needs covered. Animations, buffs, all of it. 

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Since you seem to be the go-to guy for adding new sexy features, the "Survival" difficulty could use a bathing/showering feature. Staying clean could strengthen your immunity and improve stealth from not being stinky. While being filthy could lower endurance one or two ticks.


Not sure why you would think that showering/bathing should be included in a sex framework, but whatever...  Have you looked at this mod:  http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14326/?


Thanks, I'll check it out.

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Brilliant mod suite I Thank you for your hard work, responses and patience.

OK I am now using Movement WASD keys, not arrow keys for full functionality, and using the MCM camera enabled all the time.

I am finding the movement speed during animations is a bit fast I’m having to lightly tap the keys to eventually get the camera position where I want it, is that right or have I missed something.


Also Dongs_of_Fallout__1_5 doesn’t seem to be working all the time. I think it worked once, then it’s just down to luck which position the male member is in with the animation. Before you could always change the position to suit the animation.




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Personally I would have it in this order.  Though the patch being last and not just below four play itself is so so, depending on what is overwritten by the patch.












Though I do not have the stats or vanilla fudge mod installed myself.

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Personally I would have it in this order.  Though the patch being last and not just below four play itself is so so, depending on what is overwritten by the patch.












Though I do not have the stats or vanilla fudge mod installed myself.


That’s not my load order that’s just to show which versions I have running.

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ey Vinfamy!


First off, great work you and the others do on this mod! :)


But I am running into a strange issue that I cannot seem to solve on my own. The hotkeys that are supposed to change animations and so forth do not work. Hitting any Numpad button does not cause a response from the game. Even remapping them via the MCM menu and the console command you supplied won't work. And it does not even recognize all keys. When I want to remap for instance and press 'Home' after the prompt to hit the new key, nothing happens. Only numbers seem to get registered and even then, hitting them causes no response.


I have followed the installation instructions, but cannot seem to get any wiser. Any ideas?

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ey Vinfamy!


First off, great work you and the others do on this mod! :)


But I am running into a strange issue that I cannot seem to solve on my own. The hotkeys that are supposed to change animations and so forth do not work. Hitting any Numpad button does not cause a response from the game. Even remapping them via the MCM menu and the console command you supplied won't work. And it does not even recognize all keys. When I want to remap for instance and press 'Home' after the prompt to hit the new key, nothing happens. Only numbers seem to get registered and even then, hitting them causes no response.


I have followed the installation instructions, but cannot seem to get any wiser. Any ideas?


Do you have a hotkeys mod like AutoHotkey or FO4 Hotkeys? Those mods could be interfering since they tend to set keys that aren't used by the game up for extra hotkey functionality. It's likely that, or as Vinfamy said, update/reinstall your F4SE... if that doesn't fix it, redownload and reinstall the fourplay patch.

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ey Vinfamy!


First off, great work you and the others do on this mod! :)


But I am running into a strange issue that I cannot seem to solve on my own. The hotkeys that are supposed to change animations and so forth do not work. Hitting any Numpad button does not cause a response from the game. Even remapping them via the MCM menu and the console command you supplied won't work. And it does not even recognize all keys. When I want to remap for instance and press 'Home' after the prompt to hit the new key, nothing happens. Only numbers seem to get registered and even then, hitting them causes no response.


I have followed the installation instructions, but cannot seem to get any wiser. Any ideas?


Do you have a hotkeys mod like AutoHotkey or FO4 Hotkeys? Those mods could be interfering since they tend to set keys that aren't used by the game up for extra hotkey functionality. It's likely that, or as Vinfamy said, update/reinstall your F4SE... if that doesn't fix it, redownload and reinstall the fourplay patch.



Particularly the Outfit Switcher mod (a FO4HoyKey mod).  The default keys are the NumPad keys (all of them) which will definitely conflict with CommPatch.  Just to note, the default FO4 key setup also includes the 'h' key which is used by SexEmUp (if anyone has issues with that one).

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