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23 hours ago, Hogz50 said:

open steam and verify the game, if the game verifies, reinstall fallout 4, it should re-synch with your mods, this will take a long time, so use this as a final solution if nothing else works. Its what I would do. Oh, just an after thought....do you have loot? 

i got all it needs .. it has nothing to do with loot and steam...

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I can confirm that, after taking the suggestion, the mod "Lots more settlers and enemies" is perfectly compatible with this - which is awesome, because now I can have more than six slaves without them all looking like clones of each other.


I've also refined my load order for Knockout Framework and Perfect Pacify to work perfectly with JB.  Here's what I did:


Knockout Framework - all the way to the top

Non-Lethal Armory - just below it

Perfect Pacify - just below that

Just Business - farther down the list, just above your other sex mods

All other sex mod stuff (AAF, RSE, etc) at the end


How it works:


Use your firsts or grab a baseball bat and bonk someone out.  While they're down, pull out a pistol (or any weapon without a zoom scope) and aim it at them.  The option to "mark" them will appear.  Do so.  Then select "wake and pacify" and (important) put away your gun when they get up.  Talk to them and the "put this collar on" dialog menu from JB will appear like normal.  The reason you have to put away you gun is that you will not get the JB dialog if you don't.  I find this to be far, far more realistic than the vanilla "mark and shoot in face to wound" routine (no offense).


You can also mark a target with a gun like normal and bonk them out afterward, but they'll probably lose the marked status while unconscious so you'll have to mark them again while they're down.  But it still works, I guess.


Note that if you are using RSE I strongly advise turning combat sexual assault off entirely, as it's dialog will over-write JB's whenever an enemy surrenders and thus you won't be able to enslave anyone... unless you knock them out and go through the whole process anyway.  Save yourself some time and a lot of accidentally getting stuck in an inescapable dialog box in the middle of frikkin' combat (no offense) and just turn it off so that KoF/PP/JB can do it's thing in peace.


KoF note: If you add energy/fire/poison/radiation damage to a melee weapon, or even power armor fists, they will be considered lethal weapons and will not knock out opponents.  It will just kill them like the vanilla game.  I found that out the hard way, had to take the tesla bracers of my power armor and replace with hardened knuckles.  Straight damage increase won't turn them lethal but mixed damage definitely does. 


And yes, just hopping into power armor and baseline punching your way through an enemy base is not only possible but awesome because you end up with enough prisoners to populate an entire settlement in one pass.  Which, personally, is kind of my entire goal.  Automatrons are nice, but they ain't cheap.  Generic raiders, on the other hand...





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On 10/12/2018 at 5:03 AM, Dave0000 said:

please help.. the esp is deactivated in the game but is active in mod orgamnizer... only this one esp wont load in game... game latest version with all DLCs and dependencies

On 10/6/2018 at 10:26 PM, Khaahan said:

I've got good news... very good news indeed! I've finally found the way to make Just Business work, thanks to the help I got on Discord.


The issue is the XDI mod, which is not recognized by FO as active even if it is. So all we have to do is to open the folder where the XDI.esm is, make a copy of the file and, if you run MO2 {not NMM}, paste it into the Overwrite folder.

At that point you can just launch the game as usual and both XDI.esm and Just Business.esp are running again. Basically Just Business seems to run without any need of update from its author because all is related to XDI.


Just to be not misunderstood... I still hope Just Business gets an update, because I see RSE is offering enslaving features of all respect and many people would switch for it but I tell you the simplicity of Just Business is still second to none. In a previous post of mine I mentioned an increase in interaction between the player and the slaves, with more lines of dialogue and even voice perhaps {I would call some acting voices for that, eventually}, just some cut&paste from other audios would make the magics there.

Another improvement would definitely be an added integration with Devious Devices, Torture Devices and similar BDSM themed mods, together with in integration with settlements.


I'll keep looking forwards to it. Just Business completely became a perfectly intergated and essential part of my gameplay. As far I still can use it as it is I will be happy anyway.

This solution worked for me.


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1 hour ago, Betonpiton said:

Worked for me too, thanks a lot. I'm wondering how do people figured this out. :)

I got the suggestion in Discord... the person I thought without any shade of doubt I did remember has told me about it denied he was him so I guess i can't tell anymore who really had that brilliant idea. Brilliant it was for sure, no doubt on that! And no doubt I was truly thankful for it.

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On 10/15/2018 at 12:46 PM, TheDestroyerOfWorlds said:

For me actors don't equip their clothes again after a scene initiated through just business

How long do you wait?  I find it takes about 15 seconds or so after sex ends before actors redress, but it does happen... eventually.

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i am at lvl 6 now and evryone is pritty powerfull... cant enslave no one cause if i start to punch them into face with fists or something like that they just shoot me down... how you do that guys ?  should i wait till high lvl or what ... because enemys lvl with me right ... i wont have a chance?

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On 10/15/2018 at 6:46 PM, TheDestroyerOfWorlds said:

For me actors don't equip their clothes again after a scene initiated through just business


13 hours ago, Froggy said:

How long do you wait?  I find it takes about 15 seconds or so after sex ends before actors redress, but it does happen... eventually.


12 hours ago, TheDestroyerOfWorlds said:

I know, they don't do it ever. It does work when it's started through the menu of AAF

Actors delayed redress is a feature of AAF and AAF patches that was intended to show cum overlays on actor skins before redressing, it's a good feature but can cause problems especially if you have sex again within the time the actors have not yet redressed from the previous sex scene. This is fixable by editing the AAF settings .xml in AAF folder in your Fallout4/Data, there is a voice just for the redressing delay in seconds, I setted it to zero seconds so actors in my game redress immediately. All of this, by the way, has nothing to do with Just Business so, please, you people should stop say that a mod is broken or doesn't work without even know what you are talking about :D

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19 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

it's a good feature but can cause problems especially if you have sex again within the time the actors have not yet redressed from the previous sex scene.

If you try to have sex again less than 15 seconds after you just blew your load, you're gonna break more than your game.  ?



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5 hours ago, Froggy said:

If you try to have sex again less than 15 seconds after you just blew your load, you're gonna break more than your game.  ?



Lol true ? technically speaking tough, that could be an issue with RSE when you select "have another round" after sex, i think aaf should improve in the handling of dressing and redressing (something not easy to code )

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On 10/17/2018 at 2:17 AM, Dave0000 said:

i am at lvl 6 now and evryone is pritty powerfull... cant enslave no one cause if i start to punch them into face with fists or something like that they just shoot me down... how you do that guys ?  should i wait till high lvl or what ... because enemys lvl with me right ... i wont have a chance?

I just shoot at them, instead of dying they will sit down and wait for your interaction. But be sure you active hunting mode and target them. The first raiders you meet when helping minuteman should be easy enough for making first slaves.

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5 hours ago, Dave0000 said:

if i kidnap an npc where do i find him in inv. ? how do i drop him ? 

you'll find them in inventory, in apparel, because they're in  a dufflebag on your back, drop them the same way you drop anything from injventory, the body should flop onto the ground, however I have encountered a bug where the dufflebag itself is dropped and hangs in mid air.   just reinstall the mod if that happens.

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6 hours ago, Hogz50 said:

you'll find them in inventory, in apparel, because they're in  a dufflebag on your back, drop them the same way you drop anything from injventory, the body should flop onto the ground, however I have encountered a bug where the dufflebag itself is dropped and hangs in mid air.   just reinstall the mod if that happens.

I feel like I am in the wrong place...

Just Business does not offer a Kidnap option - or duffle bags the victim gets stuffed into. Are you sure you two are talking about this mod?

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8 hours ago, Hogz50 said:

you'll find them in inventory, in apparel, because they're in  a dufflebag on your back, drop them the same way you drop anything from injventory, the body should flop onto the ground, however I have encountered a bug where the dufflebag itself is dropped and hangs in mid air.   just reinstall the mod if that happens.

Actually, that function is part of Knockout Framework, not Just Business.

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I've found that JB's slave incompatibility with Sim Settlements is not a big a deal as I first thought it would be.  While slaves can't use any of the new SS buildings, they can still use all the vanilla stuff just fine.  If you've played with SS already then you know that leaping straight into it's new advanced buildings is not a good strategy & that it's best to start off with your normal vanilla stuff and then work way into the SS stuff once you get established a little.


Robots work in SS almost perfectly, with one exception: Since robots don't sleep you can't assign them to beds; that's a vanilla rule.  The bug is that SS considers telling someone to work on a residential plot is the same thing as assigning them to sleep there, robots can't build in residential zones.  They can still build and work in farming, commercial, industrial and defense zones just fine.


So what I've been doing is using my slaves as pioneers and cheap robot substitutes.  Because they can do all the vanilla stuff just fine, I'll start by moving them into an area, setting up a regular patch of farming and a cramped bunkhouse for them to live in, with the obedient ones working as guards in guard towers and any left over working on vanilla scrap tables.  Once that is established I'll build a cheap, no-frills robot, drag it to the settlement, assign it there, and have it construct every SS zone I'll need (except for residential).  Once it's done building I'll drag it back to my workbench, turn it into a tank (a good warbot with volt-armor and gatling lasers can sweep an army of deathclaws out of it's way with no effort) and then retask it as a caravan to the new settlement.  The last step from there is just building a beacon and getting some proper settlers to move in, build houses, and work the fancy SS zones once they're done.  Of course this means I pretty much skip out the SS farming features entirely, otherwise I'd have nothing left at all for my slaves to do, but eh, you can't win 'em all.


Of course if you're especially evil and/or lazy, you can just MCM the slaves to not count towards population and just keep them around as decoration while your settlers do all the work, but this will bog down your computer really fast.


Why even bother, especially since SS is so much more work?  Well, it looks better, obviously.  It also pays off better if you're willing to sink some time into the upgrade system.  For example, a single fully upgraded military zone will produce 50 defense by itself, have multiple laser turrets and spotlights that work in real-time battles, and still only use 1 unit of power.  If I want to put a robot on a farm I can get over 20 food from it at the end.  I haven't even gotten into the industrial side of things yet.  So if you're into the whole min/max way of playing, SS definitely has perks.


Also if you want to go the NukeWorld overboss route (and you will - don't try to tell me that you're going to take the moral high road when you already own fifty slaves, buddy) having a small army of slave labor makes everything sooooo much easier.  Even without SS this does wonders for helping your raider outposts prosper.  Oh, you don't like doing your own farming, Mr.Operative guy?  No problem!  I'll just drop off a few slaves here and they can do it all for you.  Ta-da!


Of course if have SS you'll be glad to know that yes, your raider gangs can use all the zones and build and upgrade just like regular settlers.  Which is awesome, especially for the Operators, as this means you can make a raider outpost that is actually more like a giant shopping mall with all the stores types.  You'll be making enough caps to fill a swimming pool.  Or if you favor the Pack you can build twenty recreation centers and basically turn your outpost into a little carnival.  And if you side with the Disciples...  you need to cut back on the death metal, kid.

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14 hours ago, Hogz50 said:

you'll find them in inventory, in apparel, because they're in  a dufflebag on your back, drop them the same way you drop anything from injventory, the body should flop onto the ground, however I have encountered a bug where the dufflebag itself is dropped and hangs in mid air.   just reinstall the mod if that happens.

i wonder if VIS sorting mod and sucha things could also be the reason i dont find them

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8 hours ago, fred200 said:

I feel like I am in the wrong place...

Just Business does not offer a Kidnap option - or duffle bags the victim gets stuffed into. Are you sure you two are talking about this mod?

i dont have any other mods like RSE or MagnaCumGaudio because they make all things too complicated and are incompatible with every shit you can imagine... i am just happy that just business works with amazing follower tweaks..

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14 hours ago, Froggy said:

Actually, that function is part of Knockout Framework, not Just Business.

that's what I thought he was asking about. knockout framework features in JB when you mark and collar someone, but you don't get the kidnap option, I think?

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7 hours ago, Dave0000 said:

i dont have any other mods like RSE or MagnaCumGaudio because they make all things too complicated and are incompatible with every shit you can imagine... i am just happy that just business works with amazing follower tweaks..

I Totally agree with you on that! I thought I was the only one  that felt that way.

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Has anyone seen, or figured out how or why, idle slaves will just stand up, pull out their weapon (guard activity) and just walk away from wherever you sent them? (They walk back to where I got them as far as I can tell.) I was pretty sure it was a script conflict with RSE but I'm using it without RSE and it's still happening. Sometimes it may take several levels before it occurs or just now I took Wolfgang and Simone (I love taking Simone) and sent Wolfgang to Red Rocket. We got in a long ass fight with some scavangers by Trashcan Carla. By the time I got all the scavangers down there's Wolfgang, weapon out, walking back to the Diner.

Sounds easy to just have them follow you and take them back to wherever, but those slaves will NEVER idle again. If you don't put them to work they just walk off. And it's not one or two, it's ALL idle slaves. (I don't usually spread them all over so I don't actually know if it does it in all settlements or just one at a time.) I am using them for eye candy and toys so I don't necessarily WANT them to have jobs as they idle sandbox quite well.

They also won't fight if they aren't your companion (even if assigned as guards) and I haven't figured that out either . . . but that's a totally different issue.

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