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On 5/5/2018 at 12:09 PM, DarkFireTim said:


Based on your responses I am reasonably confidant that you are not dealing with the negative interaction I may have found. Most likely your dealing with one or more shapes getting stuck and burning up all your systems processing power trying to calculate what it means to do the physically impossible. Assuming I'm am correct this means "all" you have to do is adjust the variables and collision tags in your SMP shape xmls. I would start by adding

<no-collide-with-tag>"shape you want to turn collisons off"</no-collide-with-tag>

to all your SMP shapes for every other SMP shape, disabling collisions entirely and see if that resolves the problem. If it does then I would remove the tags you added, turning collisions back on one by one, until you find the shape, or shapes, causing the problem. Once you know what interaction is the issue you can either disable its collisions, which will resolve the issue but remove the collision effect, or you can adjust its variables to see if you can fix it. If you decide to adjust the variables you'll want to start with the variables

<margin>"insert value"</margin>
<prenetration>"insert value"</prenetration>
<penetration>"insert value"</penetration>

as they are, at least in my experience, the most likely to cause or fix this particular problem.




since i don't i"ve time for testing all parameters now,

i tried to replace the CBBE-SMP_1.0.4 i've downloaded by the default "hdtSSEPhysics 1 5 23" configs file,

and i don't i've the bug anymore... (or at least it's not each time, i don't have it for now).


so i need to compare the files for found the bugging parameters...

or maybe it's a problem with the labia  which is not implemented in the default files.


edit : with the default files, i've the bouncing, but the body don't collide... like you say it's why it don't bug.

so i tried to reactivate shape one by one and i seem to work when i disable hand & feet collide.

it's strange because they don't collide with anything when the bug happen.


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6 hours ago, ddavin said:

For the Roadstrokers Royal Elven Set (SMP). Have you tried loading it up into 3dMax (I believe you use that program) and deleting the bones and the rear hem of the dress?

No, that's the very last thing I would do because if I did that I would be utterly and irrevocably killing the amazing cloth physics on that area of the dress. If I knew how, I would use Max or OS to split the 81-bone Torso shape into two separate pieces- Bodice (with the breast, Butt, Belly and sleeves physics and all the upper body and arm bones) and Skirt (with the Butt and Belly physics, plus the cloth physics and all the lower body and leg bones) which would (theoretically at least) reduce the total bone count on any one shape below the critical 80-bone max and thereby stop the tail stretching to infinity. Sadly, I don't know how, and my last request for a detailed explanation was met with "you need to find out for yourself" so I quit asking.


PS: My specific issue in separating the Torso shape is not how to separate them but before that step: I don't know how to mark or mask the shape accurately- the Mask tool in Outfit Studio is terribly imprecise and doesn't allow me to draw a straight line around the waist and say "separate everything below this line." When I mask, it is all blotchy, circular because the tool itself is a "brush" that affects only circular areas... not at all precise, and it masks an unpredictable area instead of a precise more-or-less straight line of demarcation. If I could get it masked properly, I already know how to use the "Separate Vertices" button. In 3DS-Max, it's the same issue- I don't know how to "mark off" the area of the shape that I want to cut and separate out into its own shape. I have watched two so-called "tutorial" videos but both skip the "how to mark it off" and just show the actual separation. Kind of like showing someone how to drive a car without ever telling them how to release the parking brake. Seems elementary when you already know, but of course is cause for scorn and "find out for yourself" when somebody who doesn't know asks.


Also, I don't know how to create a new BSDismemberSkinInstance and/or LightingShaderProperty for the newly-separated Skirt shape, but that part is in the tutorials so I could find out- if I remember correctly it's just a matter of copying the Bodice ones to the Skirt shape in NifSkope and then running the Spell to delete bogus nodes. Or not. :classic_biggrin:

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So i was looking at hydrogensayshdt latest body test and i found some errors but i can't figure it out, first the latest Body she/her converted to BSTriShap and that body will Cause CTD on Loading no matter what, however when i looked at the old Body with NiTriShape it works well without CTD but the collision mesh show up in game as grey overlay, i even tried to run the old body through NifOptimizer and it gave the same results at the new body with CTD's so i think there is something wrong with it and BSTriShapes.



Old body with deleted pubic hair

Preview in game




Deleting the collision meshes fix that obviously but also remove the collision from the body. However the mighty XML got even better as i fixed all the values combined from the Chinese XML and my modified XML so now (Breasts/Belly/Pussy/Clitoral/Anus/Thighs Front and Back/Calves) works really well and move... i would say close to Realistic :smiley: it could use more fine tuning but you know that thing takes a lot of time i spent a good 7 hours on that, i will be posting it for everyone to use, once i have done the whole package with SOS XML files and looking at the male body aswell.

Now in terms of collisions any ideas how to fix that? outfitter studio can work?

Also physics can get scary


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On 06/05/2018 at 8:58 PM, TheWilloughbian said:


Well in Blender I work with OBJ to start and export as NIF. If I have a NIF that I want to import into Blender I use Outfit Studio to export it as an OBJ. It's basically a bunch of workarounds. But there are some things you have to do to get Blender to export a NIF properly. But, it won't give you  a NIF that will work in game and it won't import a NIF that's rigged for the game already. You'll need to convert it first. I just find that it's easier to use OBJ rather that fool around with the NIF version header and all that.


What Nif Convert does is take the NIF you get from Blender and convert it for Skyrim, but still leaves it in a state where all the shapes are NiTriShapes. This lets you still do stuff (like chunk merge) that can't be done after it's been optimized for SSE (the shapes are converted to BSTriShapes), but it still works in SSE. It's hard to explain, I guess. I spend a lot of time converting assets From OBJ/FBX/DAE/3DS to Nif for use in the CK, so I had to learn how to use every trick I could find. I can get just about any mesh you want into the game, just don't ask me to rig it for SMP. I've tried and it still eludes me. 


I don't mind talking about this. I just don't want to highjack the thread too much. If anybody minds we can take it someplace else. 

Hey thanks for taking the time to try and explain this.  Appreciate it :classic_happy:

Think this will be a nice spot to pick up again when I get back to SMP modding (miss it tons) sometime in the future.

Still doing other modding for next good while, and exporting nifs is just a nice extra thing to have, but i  really do get along fine with export obj's.

(Also, still on Oldrim SMP in case you missed when i wrote that, but.... AM very interested in newrim and the differences, which is why i pop in here once in a while.)


Also the highlighted pink park of your text, wasn't sure what you meant by "it".

If you meant Blender 2.78? I can import the nif and see bones and meshes with weights (just textures need to relink).  But again I'm on Oldrim.

Thanks again.

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6 hours ago, SassaAria said:

Hey thanks for taking the time to try and explain this.  Appreciate it :classic_happy:

Think this will be a nice spot to pick up again when I get back to SMP modding (miss it tons) sometime in the future.

Still doing other modding for next good while, and exporting nifs is just a nice extra thing to have, but i  really do get along fine with export obj's.

(Also, still on Oldrim SMP in case you missed when i wrote that, but.... AM very interested in newrim and the differences, which is why i pop in here once in a while.)


Also the highlighted pink park of your text, wasn't sure what you meant by "it".

If you meant Blender 2.78? I can import the nif and see bones and meshes with weights (just textures need to relink).  But again I'm on Oldrim.

Thanks again.

Yeah, "It" meant Blender 2.78. Blender doesn't seem to care for meshes that have been optimized for SSE.

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On 5/6/2018 at 5:36 PM, Vyxenne said:

Hey, Tooneyman, long time no see! Just to (potentially) save you some trouble, I do NOT have any armor or clothing at all in my game with physics. I tried really hard with theRoadstrokers Royal Elven Set (SMP) but the physics shape (the dress) in the nif has 81 bones and the rear hem of the dress stretches off into infinity and I can't find any way to fix it- my attempts to separate the torso shape into Bodice and Skirt shapes (to reduce the bone counts on each piece to any number <= 80) have not gone well. I'm just not a 3d modeler.


So before you use my xmls as an example or a starting point, please bear in mind that I got them from someone else and have no way of even finding out if they work at all on anything, because I have nothing to test them with.

Hey Vyxenne.. I recently just found your channel myself and have enjoyed seeing your demos. I love how you were able to get the hair physics to work. Yeah, I'm seeing something similar what it looks like in the skirt of this armor in nifskope which I'll be going over in a minute on my next post. I'm going to be posting twice since I don't know how to hide things like @DarkFireTim does on these forums. It'll be pretty long. I've gotten a basic understanding of how the XML's are setup now since I've been working on it little by little every morning. 


From what it looks like the bones on the skirt I'm working on are either connected to other bones or setup with a bone within a bone. Kind of weird. 

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First off thank you for the explanation. I've copied the info and put it into a couple of documents which has been helping me immensely. Now I've started to write the file in and have been seeing the bone setups as compared to nifskope. 


I've started the <bone=name"XXXX"/> but.. I've run into something interesting on the skirt in nifskope.. 


As you can see here in this image. It shows the bones, but in increments which is very strange... I found them in a 48 NiNode which isn't the scene root. It's it's own structure setup in nifskope.  Do I have to break up the bones into <bone name="XXXX"/> and whatever the bone is connected too I'll add on next? As you can see in his image. I've got HDT_BS01 node setup in nifskope. It's attached to the lower skirt bone which is from the 48 NiNode setup not the scene root which is the BSTriShape. 






The now the main structure bone is the one with all the HDT Bones attached a.k.a The BSTriShape. They are all in a line and look like the XML file I wrote early. Here is a screen shot showing it. 



As you can see here at the beginning of the scene root in nifskope. It shows all the HDT bones for the lower skirt. The first image was a different bone, but when I clicked on it. It shows the break down and attachment of the skirts hdt bones to the NPC bone setup if that makes sense.... 


My question is when I write my xml file for skirt. Do I break up the structure under <bone name"XXXX"/> for the BSTriShape only for the lower skirt?...


Like so...



Or do I need to write the file from the 48NiNode to attach the physics?


I hope I made since with my question.. I know a lot of this is confusing.. I'm trying to make sure when I write my setups I've got the write bones from nifskope being put correctly into my file. 


Once I'm sure I've got the write bone setup. I'll finish the xml file and will start the test demos.


I'm just trying to understand if when creating the physics and collisions the bones I need are from the BSTriShape or the NiNode part in Nifskope.

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As I understand it, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, from SMP's perspective the bones in the NiNode are reference/anchor/pivot bones for the SMP shape. While the bones in the BSTriShape are the bones that will actually be moving your SMP shape in game. In most cases this means that you wont be assigning bone stats to the NiNode bones, like "NPC L Thigh [LThg]" in your example, you'll assign bone stats to the BSTriShape bones, like "HDT_BS01 2" in your example, and then use the "constraints" to attach or hang your BSTriShape bones to the NiNode bones.


I'll use some snippets from my succubus tail xml to try and give you an example of what I'm talking about. Apologies in advance, while I edited this so it would be a better example it is cobbled together from several different sources so the bone names aren't as consistent as I'd like them to be.


	<bone name="NPC Pelvis [Pelv]"/>
	<bone name="NPC Spine [Spn0]"/>

		<inertia x="10" y="10" z="10"/>
			<basis x="0" y="0" z="0" w="1"/>
			<origin x="0" y="0" z="0"/>

	<bone name="POS TailSpine"/>
	<bone name="POS TailSpine1"/>
	<bone name="NPC TailBone01"/>
	<bone name="NPC TailBone02"/>
	<bone name="NPC TailBone03"/>

      <basis x="0" y="0" z="0" w="1"/>
      <origin x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <linearLowerLimit x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <linearUpperLimit x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularLowerLimit x="-0.01" y="0" z="-0.3"/>
    <angularUpperLimit x="0.2" y="0" z="0.3"/>
    <linearStiffness x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularStiffness x="50" y="50" z="50"/>
    <linearDamping x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularDamping x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <linearEquilibrium x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularEquilibrium x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
	<linearBounce x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
	<angularBounce x="0" y="0" z="0"/>

  <generic-constraint bodyA="POS TailSpine" bodyB="NPC Spine [Spn0]"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="POS TailSpine1" bodyB="POS TailSpine"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="NPC TailBone01" bodyB="POS TailSpine1"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="NPC TailBone02" bodyB="NPC TailBone01"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="NPC TailBone03" bodyB="NPC TailBone02"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="NPC TailBone04" bodyB="NPC TailBone03"/>



So in this snippet "NPC Spine [Spn0]" is from the NiNode and is the primary anchor for the tail, as such it has no bone data. It isn't moved by SMP and is just there as a reference and anchor for the BSTriShape, in this case a tail. In fact, if you give the "NPC Spine [Spn0]" bone data the tail will literally fall off the body when you equip it and roll to the edge of the virtual ground shape before falling through the earth into the abyss because its no longer anchored to a static bone. Fun stuff.


Next notice the constraint section. The first moving bone, "POS TailSpine" also the first bone from the BSTriShape, is attached to the closest static bone, "NPC Spine [Spn0]" from the NiNode. Its set up this way so SMP knows what point the shape is anchored to or where to calculate its movements from. If you were to delete the first constraint

<generic-constraint bodyA="POS TailSpine" bodyB="NPC Spine [Spn0]"/>

 the tail would again plunge through the earth and sink into the abyss, because it is no longer attached to a static anchor.


Now the awkward part is that you don't have to anchor your shapes to the NiNode. For example, in the unedited working xml for my tail the first 3 bones are static and the rest of the tail is anchored to them instead of to the NiNode spine bone. You usually won't do this, I only did it so I could get the range and type of movement I wanted, but it is an option. What option you end up using is going to depend on the shape you've built, how you've weight painted it, and what kind of movement your looking for from your SMP shape.

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On 5/8/2018 at 5:09 AM, Slashz said:

but the collision mesh show up in game as grey overlay

I'm currently trying to convert prZ's UUNP reference mesh and have the same problem after optimization. I've found the converted collision BSTriShape gains new flags.


Old NiTriShape had BS Vector Flags:

Has_UV | Has_Tangents


New BSTriShape has Vertex Desc:

Vertex | UVs | Normals | Tangents | Skinned


Removing Normals and Skinned flags hides the collision shape (need to save and reload in NifSkope). I dunno if Vertex flag has to be removed or not.




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14 hours ago, DarkFireTim said:


As I understand it, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, from SMP's perspective the bones in the NiNode are reference/anchor/pivot bones for the SMP shape. While the bones in the BSTriShape are the bones that will actually be moving your SMP shape in game. In most cases this means that you wont be assigning bone stats to the NiNode bones, like "NPC L Thigh [LThg]" in your example, you'll assign bone stats to the BSTriShape bones, like "HDT_BS01 2" in your example, and then use the "constraints" to attach or hang your BSTriShape bones to the NiNode bones.


I'll use some snippets from my succubus tail xml to try and give you an example of what I'm talking about. Apologies in advance, while I edited this so it would be a better example it is cobbled together from several different sources so the bone names aren't as consistent as I'd like them to be.

  Reveal hidden contents

	<bone name="NPC Pelvis [Pelv]"/>
	<bone name="NPC Spine [Spn0]"/>

		<inertia x="10" y="10" z="10"/>
			<basis x="0" y="0" z="0" w="1"/>
			<origin x="0" y="0" z="0"/>

	<bone name="POS TailSpine"/>
	<bone name="POS TailSpine1"/>
	<bone name="NPC TailBone01"/>
	<bone name="NPC TailBone02"/>
	<bone name="NPC TailBone03"/>

      <basis x="0" y="0" z="0" w="1"/>
      <origin x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <linearLowerLimit x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <linearUpperLimit x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularLowerLimit x="-0.01" y="0" z="-0.3"/>
    <angularUpperLimit x="0.2" y="0" z="0.3"/>
    <linearStiffness x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularStiffness x="50" y="50" z="50"/>
    <linearDamping x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularDamping x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <linearEquilibrium x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularEquilibrium x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
	<linearBounce x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
	<angularBounce x="0" y="0" z="0"/>

  <generic-constraint bodyA="POS TailSpine" bodyB="NPC Spine [Spn0]"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="POS TailSpine1" bodyB="POS TailSpine"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="NPC TailBone01" bodyB="POS TailSpine1"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="NPC TailBone02" bodyB="NPC TailBone01"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="NPC TailBone03" bodyB="NPC TailBone02"/>
  <generic-constraint bodyA="NPC TailBone04" bodyB="NPC TailBone03"/>



So in this snippet "NPC Spine [Spn0]" is from the NiNode and is the primary anchor for the tail, as such it has no bone data. It isn't moved by SMP and is just there as a reference and anchor for the BSTriShape, in this case a tail. In fact, if you give the "NPC Spine [Spn0]" bone data the tail will literally fall off the body when you equip it and roll to the edge of the virtual ground shape before falling through the earth into the abyss because its no longer anchored to a static bone. Fun stuff.


Next notice the constraint section. The first moving bone, "POS TailSpine" also the first bone from the BSTriShape, is attached to the closest static bone, "NPC Spine [Spn0]" from the NiNode. Its set up this way so SMP knows what point the shape is anchored to or where to calculate its movements from. If you were to delete the first constraint

<generic-constraint bodyA="POS TailSpine" bodyB="NPC Spine [Spn0]"/>

 the tail would again plunge through the earth and sink into the abyss, because it is no longer attached to a static anchor.


Now the awkward part is that you don't have to anchor your shapes to the NiNode. For example, in the unedited working xml for my tail the first 3 bones are static and the rest of the tail is anchored to them instead of to the NiNode spine bone. You usually won't do this, I only did it so I could get the range and type of movement I wanted, but it is an option. What option you end up using is going to depend on the shape you've built, how you've weight painted it, and what kind of movement your looking for from your SMP shape.

After much work last night. I've come up with this little formula. However, I'm not getting any movement whatsoever. Good news is the armor is not and I repeat not sinking into the ground like pudding so I've at least achieved a stable mesh. But... I need to it move now. I'm wondering if it's because I've cut off the spin. Here are the bone setup from the nifskope. If anyone is willing to look over the xml file and see where I might have meshed up in not getting movement please point out the positions. 


Here is the nifskope image of the bones. If you look over the bone setup and how I designed the XML file. It should indicate what I was going for. At least I hope. I'm really trying to understand this. I'm just happy the mesh is no longer pudding, but now the next stage is to setup the movement. 



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1 hour ago, R246 said:

I'm currently trying to convert prZ's UUNP reference mesh and have the same problem after optimization. I've found the converted collision BSTriShape gains new flags.


Old NiTriShape had BS Vector Flags:

Has_UV | Has_Tangents


New BSTriShape has Vertex Desc:

Vertex | UVs | Normals | Tangents | Skinned


Removing Normals and Skinned flags hides the collision shape (need to save and reload in NifSkope). I dunno if Vertex flag has to be removed or not.




Actually i noticed that the other day aswell but it turned out the NiTriShape got extra section for these flags and even tho it was written there it was showing some problems but i made good progress check out here https://www.loverslab.com/topic/99122-the-mighty-xml-wip/

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I'm not sure how familiar you are with this kind of stuff so forgive me if I hit things you all ready know.


Before we start have you checked your hdtSSEPhysics.log after equipping the armor in game? The log is great for finding broken or unnecessary sections of your xml. However it won't find sections that are technically correct and just aimed at the wrong thing so you can't count on it 100%.


First thing is to confirm whether you should be using commas or periods in your variables. Some areas of the world code with comas and some code with periods, if your program is expecting one and gets the other bad things happen. So just double check which one you should be using for SSE. The next thing I noticed were lines 276 and 301, your shape section. Line 276 identifies your shape as a triangle shape and line 301 identifies it as a vertex shape. These two lines should both use the same shape type either vertex or triangle, I recommend vertex for your project.

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2 hours ago, DarkFireTim said:


I'm not sure how familiar you are with this kind of stuff so forgive me if I hit things you all ready know.


Before we start have you checked your hdtSSEPhysics.log after equipping the armor in game? The log is great for finding broken or unnecessary sections of your xml. However it won't find sections that are technically correct and just aimed at the wrong thing so you can't count on it 100%.


First thing is to confirm whether you should be using commas or periods in your variables. Some areas of the world code with comas and some code with periods, if your program is expecting one and gets the other bad things happen. So just double check which one you should be using for SSE. The next thing I noticed were lines 276 and 301, your shape section. Line 276 identifies your shape as a triangle shape and line 301 identifies it as a vertex shape. These two lines should both use the same shape type either vertex or triangle, I recommend vertex for your project.

Thank you again. I've gone and ahead with the things you've suggested. None of them were able to give it movement. The hdtSSEphysics.log didn't help either as it's absolutely blank. The skirt seems to just stay static so my thinking is maybe it's something to do with the setup of the bones. Maybe I've got to connect them to the bones on constraint like the NPC Spine [Spn0] bone?


I've added the bones back from the start and still no movement. I'll double check the nif in nifskope and set it to a new pathway. It's still static. Anything else I should check. Here is the new setup for the xml file I've got. 


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I have good news and bad news.


Good News: I 100% know what your main problem is.

Bad News: I have absolutely no idea how to fix it :confounded:


I went ahead and downloaded resplendent to see if I could get your xml to work and have been able to confirm the problem is that the nif isn't using your xml. Unfortunately I have no idea why. I tried double checking the capitalization on the path, deleting and re-adding the stringdata, and adding the skirt xml to the defaultBBPs.xml. Nothing got the nif to recognize or apply the xml. Frankly speaking I'm stuck, everything I know says your xml should be doing something. I'm gonna sleep on it, see if inspiration strikes.


If anyone else can get the nif and xml to connect and share how I, and I'm sure @Tooneyman23 :tongue:, would greatly appreciate it.

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11 hours ago, R246 said:

What did you do to the mesh to stop the CTD?

i did the mesh in the outfitter studio it ask you to optimize it for SSE it works better than Nif optimizer when i tried with Nif Optimizer it was giving me CTD 

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3 hours ago, DarkFireTim said:


I have good news and bad news.


Good News: I 100% know what your main problem is.

Bad News: I have absolutely no idea how to fix it :confounded:


I went ahead and downloaded resplendent to see if I could get your xml to work and have been able to confirm the problem is that the nif isn't using your xml. Unfortunately I have no idea why. I tried double checking the capitalization on the path, deleting and re-adding the stringdata, and adding the skirt xml to the defaultBBPs.xml. Nothing got the nif to recognize or apply the xml. Frankly speaking I'm stuck, everything I know says your xml should be doing something. I'm gonna sleep on it, see if inspiration strikes.


If anyone else can get the nif and xml to connect and share how I, and I'm sure @Tooneyman23 :tongue:, would greatly appreciate it.

@DarkFireTimThank you. That's what I was thinking. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the way the bones are named?.....


I know for the fact the body should be reacting. The old mod was HDT-PE.... But for some strange reason the xml file isn't reacting. I thought I set it right, but I guess I might not have. I did everything you said you just did. I changed the havok location for the nif file in nifskope and to SKSE/Plugins/Skirt.xml


and back to the original spot the mesh was setup in. The skirt should be having some type of effect. I measured the bones with how I saw them attached to the spine if you noticed it correctly. I figured it should have some type of reaction depending on the setup. The good news is with HDT SMP installed and the XML file the skirt isn't mush. At least we have that covered. But we need it to move which is the damnest thing. 


@Vyxenne Could you point me in the direction of that royal elven armor mod you go to move with the XML file. I'd like to look over the bones and the file together to see if it can help me with the skirt for Resplendent Armor and Great Sword. 

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10 hours ago, Slashz said:

i did the mesh in the outfitter studio it ask you to optimize it for SSE it works better than Nif optimizer when i tried with Nif Optimizer it was giving me CTD 

The more you know. That fixed it and took care of the collision shapes, thanks!

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@DarkFireTim Alright, I've figured out what's going on. In the mesh the havok path was wrong. I have to set the new path for all the curiass for HDT Skinned Mesh Physics Object instead of Havok Pathway.


I've setup a new XML file and it looks like I'm still not getting movement, but the HDTPhysics log is going on. Here is what it's saying. Here is the message I'm getting. 


HDTPhysics log:


[Thu May 10 09:03:50 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:03:50 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(290,3):xml parse error - Invalid syntax.
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(316,3):xml parse error - Unexpected end tag.
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(4,1):VirtualGround is not a BSTriShape or doesn't exist, skipped
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(316,3):xml parse error - Unexpected end tag.
[Thu May 10 09:07:36 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(4,1):VirtualGround is not a BSTriShape or doesn't exist, skipped
[Thu May 10 09:07:36 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:07:36 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(316,3):xml parse error - Unexpected end tag.
[Thu May 10 09:07:41 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:07:41 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(316,3):xml parse error - Unexpected end tag.

My guess is now I've got the XML file setup incorrectly. Here is the file report. I'm excited to actually get some results. I can't thank ousnius enough for helping me figure out the pathways. 


Alright here is the new XML file. Could anyone please look it over and see where the HDT Physics log is telling me to change things. I've got an idea what's gong on with . The mesh is still static for now, but at least I've gotten HDTPhysics to recognize the mesh. 


I've gone ahead and added in the virtual ground on the nif. If  you look over the XML file. It'll give you an idea what I've done. 



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2 hours ago, Tooneyman23 said:

@DarkFireTim Alright, I've figured out what's going on. In the mesh the havok path was wrong. I have to set the new path for all the curiass for HDT Skinned Mesh Physics Object instead of Havok Pathway.


I've setup a new XML file and it looks like I'm still not getting movement, but the HDTPhysics log is going on. Here is what it's saying. Here is the message I'm getting. 


HDTPhysics log:


[Thu May 10 09:03:50 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:03:50 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(290,3):xml parse error - Invalid syntax.
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(316,3):xml parse error - Unexpected end tag.
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(4,1):VirtualGround is not a BSTriShape or doesn't exist, skipped
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:07:35 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(316,3):xml parse error - Unexpected end tag.
[Thu May 10 09:07:36 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(4,1):VirtualGround is not a BSTriShape or doesn't exist, skipped
[Thu May 10 09:07:36 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:07:36 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(316,3):xml parse error - Unexpected end tag.
[Thu May 10 09:07:41 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(77,3):unknown element - constraint-group
[Thu May 10 09:07:41 2018]ERROR: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(316,3):xml parse error - Unexpected end tag.

My guess is now I've got the XML file setup incorrectly. Here is the file report. I'm excited to actually get some results. I can't thank ousnius enough for helping me figure out the pathways. 


Alright here is the new XML file. Could anyone please look it over and see where the HDT Physics log is telling me to change things. I've got an idea what's gong on with . The mesh is still static for now, but at least I've gotten HDTPhysics to recognize the mesh. 


I've gone ahead and added in the virtual ground on the nif. If  you look over the XML file. It'll give you an idea what I've done. 



xml must follow the <tag>tag-data</tag> format.

You have <constraint-group> opening tag on line 71, but there is no closing tag (</constraint-group>) for it.

I guess, it meant to be on line 77.


The same is repeated through the rest of your xml file


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54 minutes ago, DoubleTrouble999 said:

xml must follow the <tag>tag-data</tag> format.

You have <constraint-group> opening tag on line 71, but there is no closing tag (</constraint-group>) for it.

I guess, it meant to be on line 77.


The same is repeated through the rest of your xml file


How would I write the <tag>tag-data</tag>


I'm confused on this part. In the XML file I've written

<per-triangle-shape name="curiass">

The code where tag is set. How would I write that. 


Now I'm  aware the  name="curiass" is the name for the nif is that correct?


But how would I setup the tag. I thought it was supposed to be setup for the Lower_Skirt:1 in the mesh where the HDT bones are attached. 


Example here:






Update: I've fixed the issue. We've got movement. Now.. I'm in stretch land. Muhahahaaa. The point was to get it to move. I've realized what I've done wrong in writing the XML file. Now I'm still having the problem with getting the tag's right. My guess this is might be what's causing the stretching. In the 



new XML file. I've got the tags set like this. 


<per-vertex-shape name="Lower_Skirt:1">

 I do have the virtual ground setup at the beginning and I've added it to the nif in nifskope. 


I figure once I'm able to get the ground setup. I should be able to start working with different parameters to get the skirt to start acting pretty. 


This is what my HDT Physics Log is saying now:

[Thu May 10 11:50:24 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(291,3):Lower_Skirt:1 is not a BSTriShape or doesn't exist, skipped
[Thu May 10 11:50:37 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(4,1):VirtualGround is not a BSTriShape or doesn't exist, skipped
[Thu May 10 11:50:37 2018]WARNING: SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\ResplendentSkirt.xml(291,3):Lower_Skirt:1 is not a BSTriShape or doesn't exist, skipped


Any ideas Even thought I've got the virtual ground setup in the nifskope and I've add the code for it. 


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