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4 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

SLSF + SRR Comments

xD it is funny, and also great, how many mod we have or still have, that half the time the short name will be hard to tell! Google from loverslab + SLSF told me it is sexual fame, which i think also i heard before, but even with google, i do not know that SRR is?


But, since so far, i think the only mods i use that add comment are SLS/STA, (i tried PC head tracking and voice type but removed it, i never heard of SL dialogues) i think i will try if it work in my game, thank you!

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9 minutes ago, handsandarrows said:


Sorry, me lazy. =D

SRR = Slaverun Reloaded

I use only the SRR comment addon, not the whole mod, in combination with SexLab Sexual Fame.

Using SLSF only for comments would be a bit much, but on my LO SLSF connects to:

SRR Comments => SLSF itself has no comments to reflect the fame change

DEC => SLSF fame causes higher vulnerability for NPC approaches

SLS => boosts fame and causes DEC to make the PC more vulnerable

SOG III => pregnancy status effects fame

Slavetats => some effect fame

anything that forces the PC something lewd in public => causes fame rise and makes DEC approaches possible


Means if the Fame is too bad and DEC vulnerability gets just enough to endanger the PC it's time to leave the city.


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32 minutes ago, LazyBoot said:

do you know if anyone has updated that to properly handle DD since they stopped supplying the ZaZ keywords on devices?

I doubt that. Ingame I still get comments about restrains, but not as many as listed in TES5edit. Those are random and not device specific, so it's hard for me to tell on what DDs they react specifically. It seems they only react to DDa and ZAP anyways. Comments like "what restrains have you to show today" "tighten straps" "where does you master buy those restrains"... show usually still up.


Maybe it's enough to add some conditions and keywords from DDx?

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20 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

Maybe it's enough to add some conditions and keywords from DDx?

I would think it would be sufficient to add/replace with keywords from DDa and DDi, not sure DDx has too any of the keywords needed for the current set of comments.

The main issue is that the number of comments seems to be quite large, so it would take quite a while to edit those by hand. Though I'm sure some tes5edit wizard could sort things out.


I think it's mainly the gags and wrist/heavy bondage that are missing proper checks... The gag one probably being the most important one, since that seems to be on pretty much every entry to stop comments from gagged NPCs.

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10 minutes ago, LazyBoot said:

Though I'm sure some tes5edit wizard could sort things out.

I think I saw one ingame ?


Rincewind - A Custom Voiced Skyrim Follower v.1.0 - YouTube


14 minutes ago, LazyBoot said:

The gag one probably being the most important one, since that seems to be on pretty much every entry to stop comments from gagged NPCs.

Thanks for pointing that out. Now I'm curious if I can mess that up on my Setup =D

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2 hours ago, LazyBoot said:

I would think it would be sufficient to add/replace with keywords from DDa and DDi, not sure DDx has too any of the keywords needed for the current set of comments.

The main issue is that the number of comments seems to be quite large, so it would take quite a while to edit those by hand. Though I'm sure some tes5edit wizard could sort things out.


I think it's mainly the gags and wrist/heavy bondage that are missing proper checks... The gag one probably being the most important one, since that seems to be on pretty much every entry to stop comments from gagged NPCs.


I'd be willing to make a patch for this. I use SRR Comments so it'd be something I could use.


Here's the Zaz keywords that are used by SRR comments-

zbfWornBelt [KYWD:04019FDB]

zbfWornBlindfold [KYWD:04019FDC]

zbfWornDevice [KYWD:0400A17C]

zbfWornGag [KYWD:04008A4D]


Here's the DDa keywords used by SRR comments-

zad_DeviousBelt [KYWD:05003330]

zad_DeviousBlindfold [KYWD:05011B1A]

zad_DeviousHarness [KYWD:05017C43]

zad_Lockable [KYWD:05003894]


There are actually only a very small number of comments that directly use these keywords. Like, maybe a dozen comments at most. But there are a lot of dialogue lines that would imply bondage but which don't actually have bondage keywords.


Do Dialogue Topics work by applying the keyword condition from one line to the one immediately below it? That would make more sense, if dialogue topics can share keyword conditions. It would explain why so few dialogue lines have device keywords. It would also mean that it'd be very quick and easy to replace keywords.

So what exactly are the DDx/DDi keywords that would need to be applied to replace zaz ones?


There is a quest for devious device comments, but they actually only use keywords from the SRR Comments mod itself. I have no idea if/how those keywords get applied to wearable items.


Here's the quest keyword conditions, you can see the SRR commens keywords in the left hand pane-




To be perfectly honest, I'm not exactly sure what is causing the problem, so I'm not sure what a fix would be like. I would need to more about how keywords interact with quests and dialogue lines...

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7 hours ago, Corsec said:

Here's the Zaz keywords that are used by SRR comments-

zbfWornBelt [KYWD:04019FDB]

zbfWornBlindfold [KYWD:04019FDC]

zbfWornDevice [KYWD:0400A17C]

zbfWornGag [KYWD:04008A4D]


Here's the DDa keywords used by SRR comments-

zad_DeviousBelt [KYWD:05003330]

zad_DeviousBlindfold [KYWD:05011B1A]

zad_DeviousHarness [KYWD:05017C43]

zad_Lockable [KYWD:05003894]


There are actually only a very small number of comments that directly use these keywords. Like, maybe a dozen comments at most. But there are a lot of dialogue lines that would imply bondage but which don't actually have bondage keywords.

Here's an example of one that checks if the player has their hands bound in some way



it also (like most of the other comments) checks that the speaker isn't gagged... Neither of those work with the current (or beta) version of DD

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9 hours ago, LazyBoot said:

Here's an example of one that checks if the player has their hands bound in some way




it also (like most of the other comments) checks that the speaker isn't gagged... Neither of those work with the current (or beta) version of DD


There are only about a dozen Dialog Topic lines in the SRR Comments plugin that directly use the zaz keywords as part of their Conditions. That includes the one in your screenshot. That is literally the only Dialog topic line that explicitly uses the zbfEffectKeepOffsetAnim keyword. Nothing else in the SRR Comments plugin has a direct reference to that zaz keyword.


Let me show you, here's the list of references for the zbfEffectKeepOffsetAnim keyword. At the bottom of the screenshot on the right hand poane, you can see there is only a single Dialog Topic line that references the keyword.





That's why I was asking in the earlier post whether keyword Conditions are inherited by a Dialog Topic line from the previous one in the list. Otherwise it means that only a tiny proportion of Dialog Topic lines actually have zaz keywords as conditions. However that raises the question of how Dialog Topic lines can be prevented from being inherited? It wouldn't make sense for a keyword Condition to be inherited by all successive lines, the actual written dialogue don't seem consistent with that.


Alternatively the zaz keywords are being applied by Quests, but the SRR Comments quests only uses it's own keywords as Conditions. The SLSF quests use zaz keywords, but I'm not sure how they are being applied to SRR Comments Dialog Topic lines.


If keyword Conditions are being inherited by successive Dialog Topics, that raises the question of what's happening in this line which is the very first one in the list-




Thos SLSF_EquipSurface... keywords are somethign else I don't understand.


Basically I'm pretty much clueless about how keywords interact with Dialog Topic Conditions. Unfortunately creationkit.com hasn't been of any use to my research. I'd love to help but I'm stumped.

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1 hour ago, Corsec said:

That's why I was asking in the earlier post whether keyword Conditions are inherited by a Dialog Topic line from the previous one in the list.

I do not believe they are inherited...

I assume the quest/scripting handels some of this stuff. But also remember that this relies on the fame from Sexlab Fame, so much of this assumes you've been seen in devices previously.

But certainly fixing the gag condition that seems to be on every comment would also be somewhat important.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/4/2020 at 10:35 AM, Shion11 said:

not sure if there's a fix to the Strip search quest triggering despite not having it active having that turned on and off again

Are you sure it isn't a different mod that is activating a "strip search"?  


The strip search quest in Sexist Guards was removed at some point but the MCM menu line was left in.  AFAIK it was never added back and the strip search option in the MCM menu does nothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, been a while :D

This is one mod that I do want to come back to and update for Skyrim SE - I'm just re-installing Skyrim SE at the moment (again! ha ha) - as it was super fun doing all the dialogue and events, especially the player dialogue.


Nice to see people still using my mods - so I think it is time to do a new Skyrim SE version!

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2 hours ago, JimmyJimJim said:

Hi all, been a while :D

This is one mod that I do want to come back to and update for Skyrim SE - I'm just re-installing Skyrim SE at the moment (again! ha ha) - as it was super fun doing all the dialogue and events, especially the player dialogue.


Nice to see people still using my mods - so I think it is time to do a new Skyrim SE version!

Please do!  I've been following this topic hoping to figure out a way to use for SE.  So far, my meagre skills are not up to it. :)


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I'm actually surprised it doesn't work straight away as it only really deals with dialogue - there's nothing fancy going on.

Any way, I shall start from scratch again as I think I can do a better job with the dialogue. I'll still be able to pull lines from the old mod as I still have all the original files which is nice :)

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5 hours ago, JimmyJimJim said:

Any way, I shall start from scratch again as I think I can do a better job with the dialogue. I'll still be able to pull lines from the old mod as I still have all the original files which is nice

I'm on Oldrim, but I'm looking forward to your new work.  As you said, it's just dialog so I'm thinking a SE version will work fine for LE users.  


A few ideas for you while you're re-writing.  Maybe something here will be useful to you.


There's no need to limit the sexism to the PC.  Let the guards talk about their wives or girlfriends:


"Wish my wife looked as good as you!  When I fuck her, I pretend I'm fucking you instead.  You like that, right?"

"I give my wife what she needs every day.  I take her pussy if she's been good, her ass if she hasn't.  Keeps her in line."


Disable some of the voiced greetings and redo them in a sexist way:



Come to Dragonsreach to see the jarl?  Flash him some boob and he might talk to you, girl.
Remember, girl, your body is the best weapon you have.  Leave thinking to the men.



I don't claim to be the best blacksmith in Whiterun.  Eorlund Gray-Mane's got that honor.  I can't compete with a man.



I've sucked enough cocks to earn my place in the market.  A woman learns to do what she can.
The men are sweet to me because I give them head, but now "Easy Ysolda" can't stop or they'll be mad.


Olfina, when inside the Bannered Mare

Watch your ass in here, the men can be a little grabby.  No harm in a little feel though, right?



I'm a hard worker.  Gotta be.  I spend so much time bent over a barrel, it's tough to make quota.


Some condition checks are overly specific.  For example, the existing mod has lines about the PC in leather that only trigger if the PC is wearing the vanilla leather cuirass.  With so many nice armor mods, I never wear that one.  Instead, you could check for wearing a cuirass and armor type leather (you can't be sure that it's the cuirass that's leather, but it's a good guess).


If the new mod is going to have references to draugr cum, I wouldn't mind a toggle for that.  I just don't see a dried up thing like that ejaculating, so the NPCs saying those things sound foolish.  Yes, Skyrim has dragons and magic, but adding one more improbable thing to the house of cards can be a lot.  You could turn it around.  There's the saying that something's as difficult as getting blood from a stone, so "Such-and-such is hard as getting cum from a draugr, but I bet you could do it, girl!"


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On 12/6/2020 at 7:08 PM, JimmyJimJim said:

Hi all, been a while :D

This is one mod that I do want to come back to and update for Skyrim SE - I'm just re-installing Skyrim SE at the moment (again! ha ha) - as it was super fun doing all the dialogue and events, especially the player dialogue.


Nice to see people still using my mods - so I think it is time to do a new Skyrim SE version!

Im using it since a year or so on SE (just checked, its v2.91b) and never noticed any bug. I love that if I mouse over the options I get a short explanation what its doing, its a small addition to the gameworld and I really like it!

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I am excited to see this being continued on, hoping it will be useable on LE as well.


Might as well bring up a point I mentioned some time ago, it would be nice if one could add a toggle or something for the skimpy armour comments to be aware of the keywords that can be added to armours and clothes by the new Sexlab Aroused eXtended, which could also open up to some new interesting ideas for comments.

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On 12/8/2020 at 4:20 AM, jiraiya22 said:

Yes! This is my favorite mod on here. Would love to see it officially ported to SE. I've also been using it on SE without issues. Someone shared a patch in this thread somewhere which has been working for me without issues. 

That's good news. This will be a whole new version for SE which I think won't be compatible with LE as the mod files are different? Not sure if that's true or not.

On 12/8/2020 at 10:50 AM, Ursur1major said:

I am excited to see this being continued on, hoping it will be useable on LE as well.


Might as well bring up a point I mentioned some time ago, it would be nice if one could add a toggle or something for the skimpy armour comments to be aware of the keywords that can be added to armours and clothes by the new Sexlab Aroused eXtended, which could also open up to some new interesting ideas for comments.

Oooh....that's a nice bit of info :)

I've finally managed to get an SE version up and running with at least the basics :) RaceMenu doesn't work with the new SKSE it appears - that took some trouble shooting. On the plus side the physics went in without a hitch.


Now it's just getting SexLab and all the other devices mods required to work. I seem to remember getting to this point before with SE and giving up....wish me luck! :D




Ha! Got everything working :) That was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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