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Paradise Halls - Home Sweet Home (SE/LE)

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for him i think the slave was already buged from get go of enslavement. while its more rare now the slaves can bug in PAHE and have no name in mcm. if they ignore this and transfer them to HSH tis wil perm pug them far as ive seen. i havnt had the no name in mcm for pahe thou in a good 2 years so unsure.

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I'm posting 1.29 in a few moments.  If you don't have bugged slaves you can probably skip this version.

- New MCM option: "Slaves greet only for a moment".  When enabled, slaves will stop to greet you when you get near, but after a few seconds they go about their business again.

- MCM options to attempt to fix a bugged slave, and to transfer them to PAHE.  Must be in the same cell as the slave for the options to be available.


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16 hours ago, MortiferusX said:

Yes, that is the one I have and it works great to fix missing names.


13 hours ago, Jasmine92 said:

If killing and "re-ensalving" works, have you tried the MCM functions, reset slave and reclone slave, if they might work?

There is no option in HSH MCM to do that, it is only available in the PAHE MCM, otherwise I would have most definitely tried and used that, but sadly no option to reclone or reset a slave inside HSH. Unfortunately, the slave that has bugged out is currently a HSH Slave inside the lakeview manor dungeon cell and not under PAHE control.


12 hours ago, MortiferusX said:

Tested a few hours and does not look like it works. @Martok73

If you have a npc that does not have a name at all, and nothing shows up when you mouseover the npc, that mod when installed and enabled should fix the missing name by restoring it's base id name. At least it has worked every time I've had one loose their name and become blank when mousing over them. Did you follow the instructions on the description page?


11 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

this sounds more like you didnt pay attetion when you enslaved and the enslave process failed to work right and every slave after that will be bugged.

To whom are you talking to? If you are attempting to reply to me and my bugged out slave, trust me, I am very aware of the process and have many slaves that work just fine even after having one bug out a month ago. The slave I have that is bugged was working just fine as well, every slave after her works fine, she just decided to bug out about a month or so ago for literally no apparent reason while just idling/sandboxing inside her HSH Cell.


2 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

for him i think the slave was already buged from get go of enslavement. while its more rare now the slaves can bug in PAHE and have no name in mcm. if they ignore this and transfer them to HSH tis wil perm pug them far as ive seen. i havnt had the no name in mcm for pahe thou in a good 2 years so unsure.

If you are talking to me (really need to use quotes so we know whom you are referring), then absolutely not, my bugged out slave has worked fine for almost a damn year, and she's been idling/sandboxing and training other slaves in HSH just fine for almost the same amount of time. She along with a unique that I fixed, decided to bug out all by herself a little over a month ago and hasn't worked right since. It was nothing I did, she just decided she didn't want to talk anymore.


5 hours ago, Musje said:

When the Dialogue is missing completely (no E to Talk caption), the repair spell should work (next version I'll put a repair option in the MCM menu)

If the name is missing too, then I don't know if the repair spell with work, however the mod "Fix Blank Names" should work as I've used it on a couple slaves and other npcs when their name has gone missing and the interact button disappeared.


5 hours ago, Musje said:

So you have a different bug, and you still get the "E to talk" prompt, but they just say ... to you.  I've not seen that happen before (unlike the other bug).  Does it happen right after you transfer them to HSH and do they show up on the slave roster)?  Or did the slaves get like that only after having been in a HSH house for a while?

The slave in question has been in HSH for almost a year now, and had been working just fine and have even used her to train other slaves for almost as long. I have not taken her out of HSH since I put her in almost a year ago and she is still listed in the HSH MCM as well. She bugged out a little over a month ago I think, not sure when the unique one bugged out but she wasn't inside HSH as long as the generic forsworn warlord was, but I was using the generic to train the unique, and they both worked fine after training was finished, then some time later they both bugged out. The unique I fixed by removing the essential flag, killing her, using PAHE Mark Key to rez/reclone/reenslave her, took twice but she works fine now and is located in a different HSH Cell/House. I did end up with 2 copies of her tho but only one copy worked, so I disposed of the other one. Gwynara (generic forsworn warlord), is listed in HSH MCM, still has her name visible when mousing over her, still has the "E" interact prompt visible on mouseover, but when you press E, she just responds with ... and then walks off. If you would like a screenshot let me know and I'll grab one, but I think that describes everything about as best as I can. Hope this info helps.





Edited by Martok73
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5 hours ago, Musje said:

I'm posting 1.29 in a few moments.  If you don't have bugged slaves you can probably skip this version.

- New MCM option: "Slaves greet only for a moment".  When enabled, slaves will stop to greet you when you get near, but after a few seconds they go about their business again.

- MCM options to attempt to fix a bugged slave, and to transfer them to PAHE.  Must be in the same cell as the slave for the options to be available.



Thanks for the latest version and the fixes etc.  Really appreciate what you've done since coming back here


One thing that I am a bit confused about, though, is the potential for the combined PAHE/DOM/HSH/AYGAS/ITF mods to be, as you described it the other day, a bit of a 'hot mess' right now.  I am now totally lost as to what is the best current load order, especially as things change by the day ?


At one point you suggested on one of the mod threads that DOM came before your mods, and later (I think) that load order no longer mattered, and I'm not sure if anything else has changed since ?


What order do you presently suggest for SSE if using


PAHE 8.1.6

HSH 1.29

HSH Cart

AYGAS 0.60b

ITF 0.5

DOM 3.4.1


TIA for any help you can provide


BTW, this is fun, but seriously way down the list of priorities, so trust you have some decent breaks over the holiday period.








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27 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:

At one point you suggested on one of the mod threads that DOM came before your mods, and later (I think) that load order no longer mattered, and I'm not sure if anything else has changed since


Don't believe that was about which order they load in but what overwrites what as DoM use to come packaged with a load of updated scripts for HSH (as an example) so if you didn't have DoM overwrite those scripts it wouldn't have functioned as it would have been trying to use the original HSH scripts rather than the updated ones made for DoM. Now Musje is back and has updated everything DoM doesn't overwrite any HSH scripts (or AYGAS) so you don't need to worry about one overwriting the other


So i'd stick to DoM being after them all in load order (which it seems to automatically do anyway with vortex) as it recommends on the DoM page


That said ITF is a .esm so will load before the ones that are .esp's anyway so i don't think you could achieve


PAHE 8.1.6

HSH 1.29

HSH Cart

AYGAS 0.60b

ITF 0.5

DOM 3.4.1

Edited by pinky6225
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Load order does not matter much, PAHE and ITF are .esms so they get priority anyway.  All the other stuff can more or less go in any order.


As for overwriting things, it is best to install DOM last and let that overwrite whatever it needs to.  The author is working hard on making the interface a little cleaner, the work for that on the Aygas and HSH side has already be done, so in the future it's only 1 script per mod to overwrite.

Edited by Musje
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2 minutes ago, fred200 said:

DoM order seems to vary with version... Last I saw was let HSH overwrite DOM.

What version DoM should we let overwrite HSH 1.29?


Ooops my mistake.  HSH should overwrite DOM not the other way around, from version 1.28 onwards.

In the future, whichever mod gets updated should overwrite the other (but that will involve 1 script only)

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1 hour ago, Musje said:


Ooops my mistake.  HSH should overwrite DOM not the other way around, from version 1.28 onwards.

In the future, whichever mod gets updated should overwrite the other (but that will involve 1 script only)




I was almost beginning to think that I really was as senile as my family say  ....


Hope you manage a break now




PS : I'll take the 'Hugs' as read, but thanks for the extra giggle ...

Edited by DonQuiWho
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9 hours ago, Musje said:

See if you can fix the slave with the MCM options in the new version.  You can hand it back to PAHE too with that.

I'm assuming you're replying to my bugged out slave? I'll download the update asap and give it a try and see what happens and let ya know. :D Crossing my fingers it fixes the damn little snooty bitch. LOL.

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1 hour ago, unit098 said:

When I finished bounty hunter no new quests came up am I missing something?


Do you have Dispensing Justice active?

At some point an NPC will show up to advance the quest.  Wait a few game hours and see if they show up.

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4 hours ago, naranel said:

HSH seems to have added a bunch of "disrespectful" voice acting to slaves that were already respect trained things like "Get lost" is there anyway to disable these?


HSH does not have a line like "get lost" I think. 

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1 hour ago, Musje said:


Do you have Dispensing Justice active?

At some point an NPC will show up to advance the quest.  Wait a few game hours and see if they show up.

well the thing was Dispensing Justice never activated, relaunched the game and it worked but then the the 0/3 slaves obj never updated to turn in more if you need coin. So the npc never spawned. I also dont get a MCM for HSH

Edited by unit098
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7 hours ago, Musje said:

Might be something with the SE version, I'll check.

it's work i installed this version Serial Strip-Stripper Merged SE v1.1.4.7z    thats why HSH no detection for the patch

i download the 2 files separated and works fine

thanks again for the amazing work , time and help my friend

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