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Fear of Boobies! :0


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Has anybody noticed we have a rapidly increasing number of threads ending up this way? I thought LL was a place everybody could come to and not be hassled, but now it seems you can't open your mouth without somebody jumping at your throat.

Fucking sensitive people and their glass egos...

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First of all we had this discussion already.



Boob plates are horrible. And they really can be dangerous because the shape will sort of focus the impact of the blow on one point (the middle of your chest) instead of diverting it to the sides. (Although opinions vary on this point.)


But mostly they look stupid. YMMV, obviously. (I'd prefer armours in games to not be over-sexualized in any case (which is the only reason I can see to have armour with boob plates), but I don't care if modders create them. It's their preference, after all.)

(And I'll have you know there are actually people who are afraid of breasts. It's called mastrophobia and I do actually have a very light version of this - which means I get creeped out by big breasts and sort of panic when a chick presses theirs against me. The more you know...xD)


Boob armours existed, but to summarize it let say there was two kind of it.

Plate armour, mostly a decorative use. Weared by rich folk on ceremonies.


And hide thickened boob armour, from Greco-Latin era. By that era armour supposed to protect from slashes and stabs. Hardened leather was easy to model.


They didn't look stupid, because all shapes were subtle.



"EEK! women are not seen as superior to the penis! Quick call Anita Sarkeesian! Cry the S word! We must become superior to the penis!"

"Who cares if someone puts a woman in a skimpy outfit? It's just a game. How come men can be thrown into skimpy outfits and showed to be macho douches?"

"Shut up pig! All hail the mighty uterus!"

"*sigh* we can't do anything unless the femenazis are happy, which won't happen as long as the penis continues to exist."

"Shut up pig! All hail the mighty vagina!"



So goes the ways of this pointless never ending argument. Women can degrade men all they want though. Plus America sees the female gender as something special that must be treated like a Disney Princess otherwise you're a sexist dick. Ah this world makes you very proud to be in it doesn't it? Excuse me while I go drink a cold one then smack my head into the wall every time I see a angry bleeding pussy not having its way over everyone else and using a over used word (sexism) to continue its control disorder.


Honestly shut up. I really sorry about your life misfortunes but you aren't centre of a world.


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Has anybody noticed we have a rapidly increasing number of threads ending up this way? I thought LL was a place everybody could come to and not be hassled, but now it seems you can't open your mouth without somebody jumping at your throat.

Fucking sensitive people and their glass egos...


Everyone just gets triggered nowadays, SJWs and anti-SJWs alike. It's quite fun to watch, honestly. SJW gets triggered by some kind of social injustice and anti-SJWs getting triggered by SJWs. It's one giant triggerfest.

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Has anybody noticed we have a rapidly increasing number of threads ending up this way? I thought LL was a place everybody could come to and not be hassled, but now it seems you can't open your mouth without somebody jumping at your throat.

Fucking sensitive people and their glass egos...


Everyone just gets triggered nowadays, SJWs and anti-SJWs alike. It's quite fun to watch, honestly. SJW gets triggered by some kind of social injustice and anti-SJWs getting triggered by SJWs. It's one giant triggerfest.



Honestly, the people who constantly whine about feminism using cherry picked examples from crazy ostensible feminists are every bit as annoying as the crazy obstensible feminists everyone hates. 


I blame the 24/7 news networks and online sensationalists "news" sites more than anything -- they get people fired up about issues they know nothing about, and it does nothing but destroy the core of the debates. They feed people bullshit and give them what they want to hear so they'll keep coming back for more. They profit on ignorance.


Before anyone gets on the feminism / anti-feminism boat, go compare the number of articles on things Anita Sarkeesian says with the number of articles on things Emma Watson says.

A real, fact-based debate on social equality in the western world is a serious debate worth having, but the debates most people are used to having have little or no facts and are driven by news products -- articles designed to get you pissed off so you'll view more articles. 


I hate seeing threads like this derail and start looking like the youtube comment section. That's why they keep getting locked.

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But mostly they look stupid. YMMV, obviously. (I'd prefer armours in games to not be over-sexualized in any case (which is the only reason I can see to have armour with boob plates), but I don't care if modders create them. It's their preference, after all.)


(And I'll have you know there are actually people who are afraid of breasts. It's called mastrophobia and I do actually have a very light version of this - which means I get creeped out by big breasts and sort of panic when a chick presses theirs against me. The more you know...xD)


The first thing Im gonna do in Fallout 4 once people figure it out . I will add boobplates to the power armour and upload it to the steam workshop and nexus j, then I will sit and watch how these armour specialists and historics are beating each other to death with the posts.



Make sure they have tiny points were the nipples should be...



It will be a upgrade adding +1 dmg to every melee monster/npc that has attacked you.

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Has anybody noticed we have a rapidly increasing number of threads ending up this way? I thought LL was a place everybody could come to and not be hassled, but now it seems you can't open your mouth without somebody jumping at your throat.

Fucking sensitive people and their glass egos...


Everyone just gets triggered nowadays, SJWs and anti-SJWs alike. It's quite fun to watch, honestly. SJW gets triggered by some kind of social injustice and anti-SJWs getting triggered by SJWs. It's one giant triggerfest.



I'll add another source of this nonsense; colleges.  Perfect example being talked about out here in California now is the U.C. College system's new rules on "micro-aggressions".  Micro-aggressions are (basically) defined as anything said or done that offends somebody.  Case and point:


Saying, “There is only one race, the human race,” is offensive because it denies “the significance of a person of color’s racial/ethnic experience and history.”


Here's an article on the subject


I have NO idea how this country went to hell.  Mental toughness and the ability to not be overwhelmed by the smallest drama used to be a hallmark of the American character.  It was hardly limited to America either.  Hell it was considered a necessary survival trait for most of humanity's existence.  Now people show how refined and eductated they think they are by crumbling at the slightest perceived offense.


Nobody has a constitutional right not to be offended.  Doesn't mean people should be an ass either.  Yes, that means you Darkening Demise.   Oops, fed the trolls.  Balance, what a concept


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I've noticed that most forums I'm on have been overrun by insanely politically correct sjw types in the last year or so and I've got a theory.

I figure that the kids who grew up on tumblr have now got old enough to get a little sick of the fucked up place (I know some bits of tumblr aren't batshit insane,just most of it) and are branching out into other places.

The problem is that even though they're sick of tumblr it's so ingrained into their twisted little minds they can't help spewing their garbage every chance they get.

I honestly wonder what will happen when that generation gets jobs in positions of power, It's gonna be fucked up.


Edit - Also, boobs don't scare me at all, they're fucking awesome !

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Isn't it wonderful how caring about how society evolves is apparently something to look down upon? I swear to god, you all sound like pissbaby rednecks crying about how those evil evil people discriminate you for being white and straight. Get a fucking grip.


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I've noticed that most forums I'm on have been overrun by insanely politically correct sjw types in the last year or so and I've got a theory.

I figure that the kids who grew up on tumblr have now got old enough to get a little sick of the fucked up place (I know some bits of tumblr aren't batshit insane,just most of it) and are branching out into other places.

The problem is that even though they're sick of tumblr it's so ingrained into their twisted little minds they can't help spewing their garbage every chance they get.

I honestly wonder what will happen when that generation gets jobs in positions of power, It's gonna be fucked up.


Edit - Also, boobs don't scare me at all, they're fucking awesome !


It's not a new thing.  As I've mentioned elsewhere, I was a moderator on a general chat site nearly 15 years ago.  I used to see alot of the same things back then.  There are alot of young "kids" who haven't gotten out of college yet and have parents that can't be bothered actually parenting.  Net result, their world view is shaped by college professors who have never functioned in the real world (ivory tower academics).


My last girlfriend was a good example.  For whatever reason I decided to date a 20 something (from North Carolina).  She was absolutely convinced that California was the poster child for global over-population and was overflowing with people.  Even after I brought her out here and we drove the central valley together and she saw endless farm land (75% of California's population is in the SF Bay Area, Los Angeles and San Diego), she still refused to believe she was wrong.



The discussion got WAY off track though.  My problem was NOT the armor.  I don't post attacking the skimpy armor I think is silly after all.  It was the type of mentality we're NOW discussing that lead to the mod that amazed me.   Female characters can't look any different or show ANY sign of looking like a woman, or it's bogus armor and obvious sexism. 


People ARE different.  They all have equal worth though.  It's just a shame that reality has become so skewed that we can't even acknowledge the differences that make us all unique for fear of being accused of some form of discrimination or hate


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Isn't it wonderful how caring about how society evolves is apparently something to look down upon? I swear to god, you all sound like pissbaby rednecks crying about how those evil evil people discriminate you for being white and straight. Get a fucking grip.


False flag.  Typical of people who can't deal with the facts of issues though.  No, it's easier just to hold yourself up as morally superior and call names.  Did you even look at the article I posted about the UC system?


If you really think it's racist to say that if you work hard in life, you can succeed, then I pity your lack of critical thinking skills



EDIT:  Oh wait, I know, it must have been my "People ARE different.  They all have equal worth though.  It's just a shame that reality has become so skewed that we can't even acknowledge the differences that make us all unique for fear of being accused of some form of discrimination or hate" qute that makes me an ignorant pissbaby racist redneck, right?  

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Isn't it wonderful how caring about how society evolves is apparently something to look down upon? I swear to god, you all sound like pissbaby rednecks crying about how those evil evil people discriminate you for being white and straight. Get a fucking grip.


You're right. We're superior enough to not care.


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Isn't it wonderful how caring about how society evolves is apparently something to look down upon? I swear to god, you all sound like pissbaby rednecks crying about how those evil evil people discriminate you for being white and straight. Get a fucking grip.

EDIT:  Oh wait, I know, it must have been my "People ARE different.  They all have equal worth though.  It's just a shame that reality has become so skewed that we can't even acknowledge the differences that make us all unique for fear of being accused of some form of discrimination or hate" qute that makes me an ignorant pissbaby racist redneck, right?  



Logically, blackrising cannot be replying to statements made after her post.


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Isn't it wonderful how caring about how society evolves is apparently something to look down upon? I swear to god, you all sound like pissbaby rednecks crying about how those evil evil people discriminate you for being white and straight. Get a fucking grip.

EDIT:  Oh wait, I know, it must have been my "People ARE different.  They all have equal worth though.  It's just a shame that reality has become so skewed that we can't even acknowledge the differences that make us all unique for fear of being accused of some form of discrimination or hate" qute that makes me an ignorant pissbaby racist redneck, right?  



Logically, blackrising cannot be replying to statements made after her post.




Funny how you mention the edit and ignore the main reply, or don't acknowledge that I've been saying the same thing in different forms as my edit in most of my posts, thus making the general sentiment VERY capable of being replied to.


Case in point was my reply to original charge of attacking feminism where I replied that I was all for people working for equality (not the exact term I used, but the general idea applies), and that it is the extremists in ALL groups that poison issues and actually harm to their cause instead of helping it.   Logic and working with people work much better for encouraging change than condemning, name calling, ad hominid attacks and blanket condemnations of entire groups. 


Then of course, there's the ancient wisdom of first seek to understand, then to be understood.



It's obvious this conversation is going completely off the rails and people are more interested in being self-righteously offended than intelligent conversation though, so I am completely done with this one.  Congratulations, you managed to stifle free speech.  Hitler, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao and several others would be proud.

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Isn't it wonderful how caring about how society evolves is apparently something to look down upon? I swear to god, you all sound like pissbaby rednecks crying about how those evil evil people discriminate you for being white and straight. Get a fucking grip.


False flag.  Typical of people who can't deal with the facts of issues though.  No, it's easier just to hold yourself up as morally superior and call names.  Did you even look at the article I posted about the UC system?


If you really think it's racist to say that if you work hard in life, you can succeed, then I pity your lack of critical thinking skills



EDIT:  Oh wait, I know, it must have been my "People ARE different.  They all have equal worth though.  It's just a shame that reality has become so skewed that we can't even acknowledge the differences that make us all unique for fear of being accused of some form of discrimination or hate" qute that makes me an ignorant pissbaby racist redneck, right?  



The problem with you people is that you're so against the so-called 'social justice warriors' that you can't possibly entertain the idea that they might have a point. The reason people get offended at a lot of things is because most stuff IS pretty fucking offensive. I supposedly see myself as superior? So do you guys, apparently.



Net result, their world view is shaped by college professors who have never functioned in the real world (ivory tower academics).

Education is not a bad thing. Giving thought to social issues is not a bad thing. The real world has its problems and some people would like to leave a better world to their children. You might want to think that the people 'getting offended at everything' are ignorant of how the world really works, but the people who are really passionate about this kinda stuff? They're probably the people that suffer from the shit they're fighting against in their everyday life.



If you really think it's racist to say that if you work hard in life, you can succeed, then I pity your lack of critical thinking skills

And if you think that the entire system isn't tilted against you and that prejudice can be overcome simply by working hard, then I pity yours. You can work as hard as you want, the church will still fire you if you happen to be outed as gay. You can be as upstanding a citizen as you want, being black will still get you unfair treatment.


I know you all might think that getting offended at every little thing is petty, and from your point of view, it no doubt is. What you don't understand is that all of these little things, they add up. Being part of a minority group means being confronted with this shit every single day, in a lot of big ways and a lot of little ways. And most of those things, you can't do shit about. You can't force the government to give you equal rights. You can't even vent against it without being accused of being militant or something else equally as ridiculous. As part of a minority group, you are all but helpless against the things they throw at you.

So the only thing you can do is try and change society from within. You can try and change society's view on minority groups by being vocal about the little things like representation, you can try and raise awareness, give information on WHY a careless joke or an off-hand comment can harm.

And that's why I get fucking livid when people start tearing into 'social justice warriors' and fucking ignore very real concerns about the very real world because they're 'crumbling at the slightest perceived offense'. Because if they didn't, nobody would ever fucking listen.

I have met a few people I thought were being too sensitive, I've spent some time shaking my head and thinking 'ooookay, whatever', because yes, those people exist, but they're rare. And you people complaining that 'most forums I'm on have been overrun by insanely politically correct sjw types in the last year or so' discredit anything they might have to say because...what? Because you're uncomfortable with it? Because you don't wanna be bothered by the issues they might have? Because those issues don't concern you?

Be sceptical all you want, discuss the relevancy all you want, but don't brush those issues aside as 'people being too sensitive'.


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Funny how you mention the edit and ignore the main reply, or don't acknowledge that I've been saying the same thing in different forms as my edit in most of my posts, thus making the general sentiment VERY capable of being replied to.

Given that I'm not blackrising, I'm not under any imagined or real obligation to reply to posts addressing her statements and sentiments in their entirety. And have you been saying the same thing in most of your posts in this thread? I remain unconvinced.

Case in point was my reply to original charge of attacking feminism where I replied that I was all for people working for equality (not the exact term I used, but the general idea applies), and that it is the extremists in ALL groups that poison issues and actually harm to their cause instead of helping it.   Logic and working with people work much better for encouraging change than condemning, name calling, ad hominid attacks and blanket condemnations of entire groups.

I don't believe that "condemning the extremists of both sides" (while championing your own perspective as moderate and sensible) can be construed to be the same as alleging that people are "equal, but different."


It's obvious this conversation is going completely off the rails and people are more interested in being self-righteously offended than intelligent conversation though, so I am completely done with this one.  Congratulations, you managed to stifle free speech.  Hitler, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao and several others would be proud.

A single post, pointing out a single incongruity, is enough to censor you and earn the praise of people like Hitler? Hitler must be a very easily pleased ghost.

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I've just recently become aware of some of the mods on the Nexus that completely de-feminize vanilla armor and the related from scratch mods that make guy armor for gals.  Not sure if this is a small but seemingly slowly growing trend on the Nexus, or I just haven't been paying attention.


Some of the replies on these mods crack me up though.  Pretty clear that they've been neutered by the politically correct ultra-feminist crowd OR they're completely intimidated by women. 


Don't get me wrong here.  I'm kind of a realist myself and my personal opinion is all the mods out there calling stuff armor when it's too skimpy to be lingerie are silly.  Again, OPINION here, and I'm not telling anybody else how to play the game.  These folks seem to take this to a level of crazy though.  One guy in the comments section of the Practical Female Armors mod tried to argue that


"Rigid "Boob-Plate" armor is stupendously dangerous. We're talking suicidal levels of stupid being required just to consider wearing the damn thing."


He started out by complaining that the metal ridge running down the center line of the vanilla steel plate armor was the bigger crime to him though and it was just waiting to crack a female character's sternum when she fell on her face.   Ironically the mod leaves the ridge on the flat chested "male" version that it gives females, lol


Of course the other flaw in that specific argument is the assumption that any armorer is going to leave high ridges on the inside of the armor.  That ridge on the Steel Plate armor is almost certainly decorative.


Then of course there's the medical reality that long term squishing of breasts into something that they don't fit into is bad for breast health, AND the physics fact of curves promoting deflection.  Granted we're talking glancing blows and arrow shots there.  A solid hit with a Zweihänder is going to hurt no matter what.  Armor isn't designed to be absolute protection against any attack though, and soldiers were taught to use footwork to turn killer blows into glancing ones that the armor could absorb.



Meh, OK, end of rant, lol.  I just find it funny and sad the length that some people go to to rationalize their hang-ups.


I would have thought a women wearing armour would bind their breasts as bra's would not have been available and them having no support would be rather uncomfortable


That said in reality where women have been present on battle fields it has been for the symbolic reasons rather than to actually stand their fighting so if you put a women into armour that did not have curves over the chest that women would look exactly like a man (or a boy depending on height) which would remove the whole point of them being there as a figure head.


Finally if you fall over in plate armour you are fucked as you would need an huge amount of strength to get back up so you would end up being stabbed through a gap by some foot soldier while you struggled around on the floor so i think the danger of falling is a rather redudant point :)

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Finally if you fall over in plate armour you are fucked as you would need an huge amount of strength to get back up so you would end up being stabbed through a gap by some foot soldier while you struggled around on the floor so i think the danger of falling is a rather redudant point :)



Heh... good point. ;)

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Has anybody noticed we have a rapidly increasing number of threads ending up this way? I thought LL was a place everybody could come to and not be hassled, but now it seems you can't open your mouth without somebody jumping at your throat.

You have not dwelled LL much in the past, or? It has always been like this.


Finally if you fall over in plate armour you are fucked as you would need an huge amount of strength to get back up so you would end up being stabbed through a gap by some foot soldier while you struggled around on the floor so i think the danger of falling is a rather redudant point :)

What amazes me is that in every thread about medieval armour there are always some who seriously believe that people in the past were stupid enough to wear gear that heavily hampers their movement to battle.

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Finally if you fall over in plate armour you are fucked as you would need an huge amount of strength to get back up so you would end up being stabbed through a gap by some foot soldier while you struggled around on the floor so i think the danger of falling is a rather redudant point :)

What amazes me is that in every thread about medieval armour there are always some who seriously believe that people in the past were stupid enough to wear gear that heavily hampers their movement to battle.



I personally try to wear eighty pounds of plate steel when standing in a small, easily-tipped-over boat on a big lake. I'm sure nothing can go wrong. :)



What amazes me is that in every thread about medieval armour there are always some who seriously believe that people in the past were stupid enough to wear gear that heavily hampers their movement to battle.


On second thought... have you noticed the rampant stupidity exhibited by humans in many situations? We're not exactly the smartest group of monkeys.

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