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Anyone else getting the dreaded stutter every few seconds? I managed to get rid of it by changing the scanner frequency, though it inevitably returns.


I am also getting the stutter. Disabled some mods and it went away but always comes back. My FOSE files are currently sized at 7,647KB and NVSE at 214KB

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Anyone else getting the dreaded stutter every few seconds? I managed to get rid of it by changing the scanner frequency, though it inevitably returns.


I am also getting the stutter. Disabled some mods and it went away but always comes back. My FOSE files are currently sized at 7,647KB and NVSE at 214KB



This has been an intermittent problem with Sexout for a while, and it comes and goes at random with each update, though last I saw it was maybe a year or two ago. 


My "workaround" is to change the frequency from 10 to 100, which slows the game down considerably. You play for a few seconds, then return it back to 10. This seems to "reset" it, though in another 10-15 min it returns and you have to repeat the process. 

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Anyone else getting the dreaded stutter every few seconds? I managed to get rid of it by changing the scanner frequency, though it inevitably returns.


I am also getting the stutter. Disabled some mods and it went away but always comes back. My FOSE files are currently sized at 7,647KB and NVSE at 214KB



But... but... FOSE?

Personally, I never saw a need for a scanner frequency as high as 10. 1 should be enough for all your scanner needs, imo.

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Anyone else getting the dreaded stutter every few seconds? I managed to get rid of it by changing the scanner frequency, though it inevitably returns.


I am also getting the stutter. Disabled some mods and it went away but always comes back. My FOSE files are currently sized at 7,647KB and NVSE at 214KB



But... but... FOSE?

Personally, I never saw a need for a scanner frequency as high as 10. 1 should be enough for all your scanner needs, imo.



It happens on 1 too. 10 may be "too high" but the only point it becomes noticeable is if there is stutter, and if there is stutter, it will just be a matter of time before you notice it on 1 too, which is what I'm getting.  :(

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Sexout '94 beta 9


  • - Added support for supermutant overlords and behemoths; using regular supermutant animations.
  • - Fix for undress script, which may have caused safe-for-sex formlists to not work correctly. (thanks t3589)
  • - Fix for non-con KOs.
  • - Fix alignment of 301, 633, 708, 717, 933.
  • - Fix flags/description of 201/202 being swapped (69 + fellatio).
  • - Positioning: disabled broken 'load offsets' feature. Renamed 'save' to 'console dump' (I use it to help figure out alignment fixes).



Please report any issues, otherwise this will become stable soon.




On the sexout scanner: That frequency variable does one thing only, set the quest delay of Sexout Scanner (1/frequency seconds). I don't know why you might ever want this faster than 1/second.


Each run, the scanner quest loops through every actor within 1 cell range, and if valid, adds them to external mod's formlists and casts external mod's spells on them.


Tryouts and Wear and Tear use the scanner, I am not sure what other mods do.


When not playing animations, sexout does not really do anything else.


@CK: In other words, I don't think sexout or the scanner frequency are to blame for your stuttering.


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Why does it default to 10hz then? I always thought that's the supposed sweet spot, for everything to work as it should.


@CK: I may have a hunch: SOI's debug (scan + dialog) is very resource intensive. Turn them off and just leave general debug on, which is all you need.

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I can't make sense of it. I think it was set up this way because NVSE 4 wasn't around at the time, or maybe it has (more likely had) some other reasoning I'm not aware of. I'll overhaul it for sexout '95.

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Why does it default to 10hz then? I always thought that's the supposed sweet spot, for everything to work as it should.


@CK: I may have a hunch: SOI's debug (scan + dialog) is very resource intensive. Turn them off and just leave general debug on, which is all you need.


I don't know if this helps CK.. I haven't used any of the debug / scan etc and haven't had any of the stuttering that you mention now or before. BruceWayne might be onto something there.

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Hi Odessa, sorry to bring up old news, but I am still having the peen-on-the-back issue with anims 638 and 648 (from sexout not amra). Both are anims on the floor, with the receiver on his belly. And the receiver is the one with the peen on his back. I have no idea how to take screenpic, so I can't show you what I mean. Sowwy.

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It's not SOI, I uninstalled it and still getting it. Unless it persists across a save where those two mods were installed, which I think unlikely. Sexout mods left are Soliciting and Spunk, so I'll uninstall them in turn and see what happens.


I also suspect its Sexout because this stutter has been a Sexout issue on occasions, coming and going as I explained earlier. And I am just reporting my observations regarding the scanner, and the effects I observe from changing it. 

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It's not SOI, I uninstalled it and still getting it. Unless it persists across a save where those two mods were installed, which I think unlikely. Sexout mods left are Soliciting and Spunk, so I'll uninstall them in turn and see what happens.


I also suspect its Sexout because this stutter has been a Sexout issue on occasions, coming and going as I explained earlier. And I am just reporting my observations regarding the scanner, and the effects I observe from changing it. 


Are you still running custom .ini config for processor and such? I remember we all discussed the optimum configuration for muti-core processor in the "plugin limit" that thread zippy created. Could it be some .ini configuration? perhaps copy off your old and use defaults to see if there is a difference?


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It's not SOI, I uninstalled it and still getting it. Unless it persists across a save where those two mods were installed, which I think unlikely. Sexout mods left are Soliciting and Spunk, so I'll uninstall them in turn and see what happens.


I also suspect its Sexout because this stutter has been a Sexout issue on occasions, coming and going as I explained earlier. And I am just reporting my observations regarding the scanner, and the effects I observe from changing it. 


Are you still running custom .ini config for processor and such? I remember we all discussed the optimum configuration for muti-core processor in the "plugin limit" that thread zippy created. Could it be some .ini configuration? perhaps copy off your old and use defaults to see if there is a difference?




I am. This is the "old" configuration that worked best for me, so hwnumthread at 1, as is use threaded ai. I remember that was the "best" configuration back then. I might try 2 to see if that improves things. 

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It might be some other configuration than hwnumthead, did you make any other changes. Might want to double check those as well. I have no problem now and haven't really edited anything .. I don't even have fast exit installed or configured (have to force an exit occasionally ;)).

I changed my machine and now have an intel not an AMD i had before. I remember there were some ini configs for AMD mulitcore machines.

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Hehe, maybe wrong thread and maybe abit out there but


this, should be (mcm option? :D)  added to sexout rape anims.

screenshot from new vegas redesigned 3


Animated tears :P i wonder if it's something equipable


interesting.. maybe Halstrom might be interested if Odessa isn't. Halstrom adds external mods to his SCR. This might be something worth adding.


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About the stutter, I thought maybe it was SODRTL, or Spunk, or even Wear and Tear. However, deactivating them all has had no effect. Could be a save bloat thing, but again, its very noticeable when the scanner is set to 1. Changing it to 10 more or less gets rid of it, but the game runs slower. Later though, you'll start noticing it with 10 too. 


@ Odessa


Is there anything in the latest versions, besides the scanner maybe, that could cause anything like this? Bear in mind that the stutter has been reported before and if I recall T and a few other members more or less tracked it down. 

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Try this:


StopQuest XX06C2D1


This will stop the scanner from running at all, so we can find out for sure if it is related. Please note: this is just an experiment not performance advice. You can reverse it with 'StartQuest'.



Will make '94 stable in a few days, there will be one more feature, as requested by Halstrom: MCM option to enable placeholder sex for any creature without any animations, similar to how it was before but for everything without them, including creature as actorB. I've tested it and it works fine, except for ravens, so they're disabled :(. If someone does make a raven animation though, I will figure out how to make it work ;).

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 The ravens can't peck properly without a pecker ;)


 Honestly, why don't you make all the ravens voyeurs, so if you're out

in the desert getting fucked they start lining up on the telephone poles

and cawing. It would make for some funny 'bug reports' - "Dood, the ravns

r2 noisy n it maks me loose my bonr" 


Hehe, maybe wrong thread and maybe abit out there but


this, should be (mcm option? :D)  added to sexout rape anims.

screenshot from new vegas redesigned 3


Animated tears :P i wonder if it's something equipable


interesting.. maybe Halstrom might be interested if Odessa isn't. Halstrom adds external mods to his SCR. This might be something worth adding.



Halstrom would probably try to use this for leaky nipples instead of tears... and that would be godly ;)

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Try this:


StopQuest XX06C2D1


This will stop the scanner from running at all, so we can find out for sure if it is related. Please note: this is just an experiment not performance advice. You can reverse it with 'StartQuest'.



Will make '94 stable in a few days, there will be one more feature, as requested by Halstrom: MCM option to enable placeholder sex for any creature without any animations, similar to how it was before but for everything without them, including creature as actorB. I've tested it and it works fine, except for ravens, so they're disabled :(. If someone does make a raven animation though, I will figure out how to make it work ;).


I played with the scanner settings around, and despite it saying that it runs with 10 Hz, it actually runs with 1 Hz by default. Turning it down to 1 Hz made no difference, but turning it "back" up to 10 Hz made it run like crazy.


(New game, only played around in GS)

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Starting to feel like a noob, again :P


But better ask then get issues.


Alot of the sexout mods tend to write req: latest sexoutng, are they refering to the stable or beta?


and is there any glaring issues with beta (should i stick with stable for general gameplay)?

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Generally, when sexoutNG releases a beta it's mostly complete and just open to playtesting and trying out new features. And when mods show a sexout req they usually are showing the minimum version required to work, later versions tend to be reverse-compatible with older plugins unless specifically telling otherwise.

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Sexout '94 beta 10 final in OP


- Added MCM option to allow sex with creatures that have no animations (except ravens, they don't work :(). In this case sexout will play an animation for the human A or B, and nothing for the other. This is similar to how it worked in pre '93 sexout for ants/radscorpions etc, and allows support by mods like pregnancy.
- Alignment fixes: amra705, 606, 607, 715, 716, 707.
- Some Flags/Pos/Pen AnimDef tweaks by DoctaSax.

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