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heya! xx


i got a question.


Is it possible in the MOD at all to only be held in the cells for the length of time and not paraded? like if i wanted to get arrested, even taken advantage of in the cell but not have to be paraded at all?


I want a prison mod that adds that element to being caught when soliciting sex to guards or stealing or any crimes but i wanna get taken to the towns cells/prison and just held there for the duration. It would likely be less risk of being buggy or any weird clashing interaction with anims or npcs in the town thru my other mods, plus just ilike the feeling of being locked up and held there for my sentence with no ability to see outside. I use realistic needs and private needs too so would make cell life interesting. i dont wanna be taken outside and paraded or put in pillories or in a jarls cage. just simply locked in a prison cell and simply fed, watered, used and held.


I wasnt sure if i can currently set it so i only remain in the prison cells and kept there with the option of being used by the guards in the cell. But i am guessing you always get paraded at the minimum.


I bet i havent made any sense..hehehe sorry.

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Thanks @xaz, I'll include your changes in the up coming patch, and welcome back! ^_^

Also, for the ZAP 6.1 ... I'm working on adding golden restraints to PO, yes I said golden ... as in made out of gold. :P


But why...


Re: activities, I'd like to see some guard interaction (via dialogue) while you are in your cell.

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Guest Electriq

*cough* lore? *cough*


It's definitely lore friendly in my opinion, we're talking about Dragonborn here, ofc s/he'll get a "Golden treatment" :P

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Why not?



*cough* lore? *cough*


When you are the Dragonborn Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold getting imprisoned, whipped, publicly presented and sexually abused in a hold you are a Thane of, for not giving a "quicky" to some bypassing peasant who demanded one, then the least thing they can do is to give you some golden restraints.


I like the idea. smile.png

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Why not?



*cough* lore? *cough*


When you are the Dragonborn Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold getting imprisoned, whipped, publicly presented and sexually abused in a hold you are a Thane of, for not giving a "quicky" to some bypassing peasant who demanded one, then the least thing they can do is to give you some golden restraints.


I like the idea. smile.png



Are we going to need AMEX cards too? 


And will we have to file a report every time they get stolen? :(  The call centre operator isn't going to believe me when I tell them them.....



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Hi me again...hehe


Erm before i asked if i can stop the parades out of the prison into the streets and just have jail time. The MCM has tick boxes for cage, pillory, walk etc. i turned off cage and pillory and walking outside. keeping mostly only the jail features like food and clothing and jail punishment settings.


But even with them all unchecked i am still getting taken outside and put into a pillory :(


Its like the MOD is unable to understand, even via the MCM how to not take me outside the prison cells. So..i guess no matter what i do i will always have to be taken outside and put in the pillory for the best part of a sentence day.


That being said my next question is this.


How do i change or use other pillory animations for the sex, torment bound sex etc on the pillory. It seems to only want to play the same default ones. I have registered the other animations from sexlab via ZAZ such as pillort sex (alt) , and other pillory and bound sex animations. they are also checked in the sexlab animation MCM menu in both regular and aggressive animations. But when i am outside in the pillory it only has one animation choice for each punishment.


I tried looking at the sexlab animation editor but it doesn't show how to edit the pillory animation poses. Ideally i wish i could just press O as the sexlab animation hot-key for change animation and see a range of the ones i have active for the pillory etc. But when i press O it only ever gives me that one pillory default pose.


What am i doing wrong? :(

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Regarding the ZAP v6.1 patch, it might be an idea to keep that separate from the POP for the moment so as not to force an upgrade on users. I gather there are problems with ZAP v6.1 and Captured Dreams so users really into CD are probably not going to upgrade until a fix is found for that.


It's starting to get messy without backward compatibility

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Okay, so first time post, long time lurker, because when I first started modding skyrim loverslab was. . . not accepting account registrations? It was very strange, long story.


Anyway, could someone please, kindly, walk me through the exact steps, files, and sequence to install prison overhaul?


Mine looked roughly like this: install dependences > install prison overhaul v033 fix > install prison overhaul patches 8e or whatever.


The end result is that prison overhaul's MCM seems fine, but guards will not arrest me. The most 'arrested' I can get no matter how much finagling is a guard promising I'll rot in the dungeon and then I stand there, having lost control of my character, while he continues to do nothing, and PO claims I am not under arrest.


This has been a thing for me for a few patches, and so obviously I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what and my mod order situation is so messy as to be a nightmare to figure out (prison overhaul et al are amongst the very very last), due to poor practice on my part when I first started that now works in some sort of technologically voodoo fashion, so I'd rather just get it clearly stated exactly what needs to happen for prison overhaul to work (and, to save some time, play nicely with Cursed Loot and DD Equip).


Mod Organizer, for what it's worth, claims that that Prison Overhaul V033 fix should be placed after Prison Overhaul Patches in the mod load order, which seems utterly insane to me but may be a symptom that is recognizable to someone? I tried it MO's way once, just once, to see if that were somehow true and the results were, well, pretty. Pretty crashy.

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Crap, already incorporated @xaz's patch of the patch with the patch POP 8b. ^_^

What is the problem with CD?


Also, all my gold devices in the up coming DDe and POP are using resources found only in ZAP 6.1. :P



It breaks the animations so they don't complete from what Vel is saying so may be worth holding off for a bit until it's resolved, or maybe fork the patch for now


I use AI packages and scenes to run everything and when an AI package that uses any of the ZAP bound idles ends the phase it is in will not end unless the player idle is reset, this is especially true when the scene ends with the player bound. It is similar to what was happening with people at the end of the Entryway scene in the Thalmor Manor where they would not be moved to Elisif's room, the scene would not end.


I figured it out by putting notification statements on a particular scene at the start and end of every phase and wherever the bound animation ended the end of the phase would not play. My current workaround is to reset the player idle at the start of the phase where the bound animation ends, if the scene ends with the player bound and was to be bound in the next one they stand there normally until the scene puts the idle back in place.


I messaged zaz and xaz about it but have not heard anything from them. Min is looking into it currently, hopefully there is a way to disable whatever AI stuff they are doing when the player is bound as this didn't happen prior to v6.


Currently v6.1 of ZAP will break every bound scene in CD and to progress the player's idle needs reset each time manually.

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I may have found where the issue resides but I have no way to stop it. Apparently ZAP v6.1 has some AI override stuff in it to keep multiple mods from trying to control the player at once that only runs while one of its animations or idles is running. Normally my scenes are set up so the AI package plays during all the phases so help keep actors from wandering away. I did a test in a particular scene where the player's bound idle is set in phase 3 (of 16) and cleared the rest of the actions in the scene and it worked properly. The only issue is when it gets to another AI package the idle reverts to normal before being played even if it is the same idle. Unfortunately this does nothing for v3.84 (current release) and will require me to go through all the bound player scenes and set all the AI packages in a similar way.


I think I did find where the AI system for ZAP is located but can't really make heads or tails of it. The scripts are in the zbf quest, specifically the zbfPlayerControl (on the player alias) and the zbfBondageShell (main quest script), it looks like the one on the alias refers to the main one. Min is going to try looking into it tomorrow and see if there is something that can be done.

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Vel, is there a way for players to reset the idles manually from the console or do they need to always use "setstage" to force the quest forward?


I think I had a reset for the idle in v3.84, if so it would be where the enable / disable player control options are. If not you can try 'player.playidle 0' in the console as I think that will reset the player's idle to normal. You can also try enabling the controls, jumping to break the idle and disabling them again. Basically I believe anything that stops the ZAP animation from playing will work.

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