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[Sims3][WIP] KinkyWorld v0.37 [Updated: May 3rd 2019]

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39 minutes ago, Octography said:

straitjacket in this mod?



KinkyWorld is a core mod which injects kinky situations into the sims 3. Traits, Moodlets, Animations, Events, Careers.. Read the OP for info already. I think the ONLY OBJECT included is a dildo. Animations written to work with Kinky world (included or player add) may use certain objects and those posts will tell where to get them.


I said: The SIMS 3 allows Kinky World. KW allows BDSM, but someone has to make the animations and the objects. Do some searching for content if you want anything specific - someone may have already made it.




KW is basically a script - YOU have to find the actors, clothing, props, locations, etc.


Please take the time to read what I said, not read INTO it.

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Still trying to get a handle on 'drug addiction' mechanics. A few of my Sims are pot smokers. After smoking they get the 'cannabis peace' moodlet for 6 hours. Regardless of if they smoke or not, they will get a debuff with a wording like "didn't have his/her daily dose of drug today, Feels bad." Yada yada.


My confusion is 2-fold:


1) When they smoke, it doesn't go away and the timer will reset once the timer ends. I've used MC to remove the moodlet manually, especially when they DO have the cannabis peace moodlet from smoking, yet it just returns on it's own. This debuff seems arbitrary in regards to their drug use. Sometimes they get it and it sticks like glue. Other times it's just gone for no rhyme or reason.


2) Next, the value listed on the debuff 'will' change, but that value is independent of the mood meter. Simple math can show 5-6 positive moodlets with, say, a combined happiness rating of 120, will still be DEEP into the red with a depressed rating and only have a -25 value on the 'addiction' debuff. Somehow the total mood rating is skewed with no visual evidence to rectify.


>>>> I also do have 'coffin nails' cigarettes installed. But even if not using these on a particular sim that smokes pot - I wonder if the scripts are clashing/overlapping? The cigarettes do have their own moodlets and these are not appearing, so it's only the actual mood meter that doesn't 'jive'.

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1 hour ago, Caged_Fenrir said:

Things I expect to be implemented to KW: (if someone could forward these to Oniki I will be grateful)

"EXPECT" to be implemented?????????? Really? You actually wrote that??? Kind of sound like my 6 year old. No... he has much better manners and a better choice of words.


I could end there, but...... it just wouldn't be me if I did!


First of all, no one here has any better connection to Oniki than YOU do. If you wish to "suggest" something to Oniki for her future consideration, you're best option is to become a high dollar payer to her Patreon account.


1 hour ago, Caged_Fenrir said:

*Gender Equality

When you find a man who is equal to ME... please let me know!

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On 6/21/2020 at 2:49 PM, landess said:

KW added carrots to the 'dildo' faction

Yeah, it's probably something about how EA handled seeds vs produce. Oh, and thanks for the pic. I'd not actually managed to get it to be used... thought I tried, but maybe I forgot (or tried in a diff ver that borked it up).


On 6/21/2020 at 8:08 PM, LadySmoks said:

and that caused the pie menu to be blank

Ah. Hm. I swear I looked in the STBL for drink names, but couldn't find Whiskey in there.... or was it Wiskey and I typed the US spelling by mistake? (shrugs)  I haven't circled-back to this in my own game, yet.  I've been wrestling with NRaas/EA stuffing thousands of items into every household's inventory from a reset all or something... as well as NRaas dresser making several sims' clothing/hair/etc. fubar'd for no bloody reason. Frustrating how something runs fine for weeks/months then things start saying "ohhhhh, this is wrong, gotta re-roll every gosh darn thing".  I kinda doubt the sims it f'd up aged up.  Oh.  That actually was the cause.  (Just checked the last one it turned into someone else.)  Dammit!  I'm really getting close to following landess in disabling aging.  (Yeah, I'm also still wanting to edit every single CC item to only allow the "correct" categories & disable the damn "available for random" thing... For me "incorrect" would be a heavy winter coat, or jeans, for swimwear... but I must just be weird, since sooooooo many are set that way.)


On 6/20/2020 at 8:50 PM, LadySmoks said:

a 4th or 5th floor apartment with no elevator!

Sounds about like that "new" hotel I thought I was gonna be staying in in Listvyanka that turned into the "old" building out back. ? 5 hour flight. Arrived at almost 1am, local, something like a 15kg bag, and tons of stairs.  Bodybuilder I ain't.  lol And I just remembered hearing coworkers, here in skyscraper city, complain about how the elevator in their highrise didn't work for weeks/months at a time.  That "gym" they put in the listing?  Maybe it's just a broken elevator. :) 


(for whoever...)

Speaking of those in TS3.  NRaas Overwatch & reset elevators helps a bit, but sometimes it takes NRaas Debug Enabler|Object|Reset, or KW|Debug|Unlock, to get them to start being usable again.  Sometimes (depending on the direction of arrow for the lot marker... and maybe orientation of that in-world) stairs can be stacked, sometimes they'll work for a few sim-days, then break.  Sometimes they become one-way, allowing going down, but not up.  Sometimes the spiral stairs work stacked, sometimes they break.  Most anything work better deleting them all and starting to add in the basement.  Had a few times I wasn't able to do this, b/c the game decided a basement level no longer was the same height as it was when I created the lot.  Best bet is to always provide multiple egress paths.  You know, just like commercial building codes are in (well, at least the US) places.  (Issue w/ that in TS3, is the f'd up routing the game often does. And what you want is the emergency-only route, becomes the primary route.)


But, heck.  I just noticed (odd, considering how many months I've build/played resorts) that the Beach Resort Tower, when fully upgraded, adds a 2nd floor to the structure, but does not provide any stairway up.  And the game just seems OK w/ that.  It's a rabbit-hole type thing anyway, but sheesh.  They didn't even try to make it look realistic.


On 6/22/2020 at 3:30 PM, galgat said:


I'm pretty sure I did notice a change (in sims being able to squeeze thru between closer objects, or passed another sim in a narrow spot) when I first made a change to that setting, but, heck, that's been 2 years ago so I can't quite say with 100% certainty.  I seem to recall some issue w/ how many EA homes are w/ the coffee table half a square away from the couch & my sims not being able to sit on the couch before tweaking things.



RE memory/running/crashing/etc/reading/learning... turned quickly into a huge ass rant.



What you can and cannot do in a single session of game play depends on many things, 1st and foremost being what physically inside your computer's case (CPU, RAM, GPU, etc.)  If any of that confuses you, go read... it's not overly hard to take an hour to read and educate yourself on what a computer is and the components that make them tick.  Hell.  I still think that should be required knowledge before allowing anyone to purchase a computer -- regardless of form factor (desktop, laptop, tablet, phone).  But I digress...


The next biggest thing to remember, is that TS3 is an old game.  It was written when massive amounts of RAM weren't common, so is designed to fit inside a 4GB maximum system.  This is why, if you (like me) keep task manager running on a 2nd screen so you can monitor "The Sims 3" process to keep an eye on its memory usage, you'll notice that it will not always save (err 12 / *.bad save folders) once it passes 3.1 GB memory -- even if that drops after such spike, which is why constant monitoring is essential.  See the process get to 2.8 or 2.9 GB memory?  SAVE and exit.  Do not continue playing.  Save and exit.  Try to trust me on this:  trying to push it and make another hour's worth of changes is like "russian roulette" with your game.  It might work, but it might also cause you grief.


After those things, what you actually have installed (mods, CC) on top of your game is the 3rd most important -- and 1st most important thing you actually have real control over.


Are you dumping thousands of individual package files and then complaining about the game crashing constantly?  Maybe you should listen to the many hundreds of (for years on many forums) posts saying you really should be merging things.


Are you trying to use many thousands of CAS-type CC, then (like me), complaining that the game won't save/crashes after trying to edit many sims in CAS?  Then try only editing 1 or 2 outfits for a single sim, before saving and exiting.  Yes.  Save and exit.  Yes.  It takes a frigging long time to change/fix/repair outfits, but it also is the only way I have found to get it to consistently allow saving all that work.  Oh, and don't go experimenting too much with (do I like this pair of pants or this one or this one or....)  The more you flip-flop back and forth, the more likely it will not save.


Are you using many thousands of Build/Buy-type CC, then having issues after/during building a new lot?  Exit Build/Buy mode more frequently and save and exit.  Will it take you longer?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  How much is those hours you spend worth if it will not save, causing you to have to redo all those hours?


Have you ran the game longer than a few hours?  Maybe it's time for... yes, you guessed it:  save and exit.  I use NRaas Saver, set to prompt for a save every 45 real-time minutes.  After 3 of those, my particular game is pretty darn close to not wanting me to save any further.  Can I go longer?  Sure, sometimes I can.  But after about 2 hours, I've pushed it to the near limit and it's time to start over.


Oh, and those darn 5 cache files?  Delete them.  Every time.  (Again, don't know what that means? Go read. The info has been out there for many many many years.)  Same for the files in that CurrentGame.sims3 folder.  Delete them.  Never start your game with any garbage left behind by a previous run, if you want consistent game play.


Last rant topic:  If you are smart, and want to get back to where you were a few days ago, you'll keep more than just a few saves around.  There have been more times than I care to count that I've stumbled upon something that got f'd up a few days earlier & just had to go back to that point and redo a shitload of crap to fix things.


Do I truly expect you all to create your own tuning packages?  No!  But do I expect you to know WTF that entails?  Yes.  Do I expect you to try to do it, yes, if you are wanting something not possible any other way.  Do I expect you to actually read the past posts?  Yes!  Hell yes!


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37 minutes ago, jdw6 said:

huge ass rant

Best reading I've done in awhile - Approved! ?


The Sims 3 is like an unruly child. Just keep your foot on it's throat and things usually turn out fine.






Curious if Kuree's Save Cleaner affects 'CurrentGame.sims3'. I know loading the same save series is faster on subsequent loads - and I use the save cleaner religiously after/before every session.

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36 minutes ago, landess said:

Best reading I've done in awhile - Approved! ?

Really?  I actually came back here to re-read/edit/delete... I'm probably somewhere in the "anger" stage of the "7 stages of grief" right about now... not just for Mom, but also for the software development industry, which was killed off by the moronic "I don't want to think or have to do anything" fuckwads... it shouldn't be much surprise they're attacking KW now, since the inability to reason, form thoughts of their own, etc. is "the real" systemic problem that just isn't a topic that can be capitalized upon by big corps, politicians, and big media, unlike what you touched on inadvertently, accidentally, or purposefully...

36 minutes ago, landess said:

Just keep your foot on it's throat and things usually turn out fine.

... but, hey, I live where they allowed protestors to burn historic businesses, destroy many small businesses, paint vile slogans on buses, police cars, torch and destroy.... but sent in police to prevent businesses from staying open, thus ensuring the owners/workers had money to keep food on their tables & a roof overhead.

36 minutes ago, landess said:

Curious if Kuree's Save Cleaner affects 'CurrentGame.sims3'.

I don't think it does, that seemed to only affect the files inside one of the Saves/blah-blah-blah-yackity-smakity.sims3 folders and the CurrentGame.sims3 folder is "up 2" from those.


While I'm back here....


KW + Birth Control + Menstrual Phases + Sperm Lifetime + Sperm Fertilization... if a sim is not on the pill, and they have "still fertile" sperm in the womb when the phase switches to ovulatory, they get pregnant... or, at least that's what I think I saw that one time (in band camp hahaha). But if they are on the pill, does that do (as expected) and prevent them from becoming pregnant? I'm still a good sim-day-and-a-half away from finding out, just wondering if anyone has actually done any experimentation (yeahhhhhhh mannnnnn experim.... *slap* wrong sort) to see whether the (annoying that they don't actually take the pills themselves) birth control pills actually did anything.

Maybe, now that I've typed all that, I'll actually go look in the code to see.  But I've kinda given up on understanding that shi...stuff... the math used on most things is often far more complicated than I'd have ever thought.  The "ShowInfos" shows a high Fertility level, but also "Take the pill" (weird verbiage for when they have taken the pill).  I adjusted a few things & now they've got the "fertile period warning" moodlet for 3 days... before the last tweak, which only changed the values from 220/10/220 to 200/20/200 then to 200/10/200, that moodlet only lasted a few hours... figures this would happen right as I decided to start turning one of the sims into a whore... lol  


Anyway, from what I've seen of how KW "works", it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the birth control pills did jack shit.  (I'll try to remember to circle back to this in a few days w/a result)

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14 minutes ago, jdw6 said:

I don't want to think or have to do anything

Welcome to 'plug and play'. While I believe streamlining some things is in obvious demand (remember sound card nightmares from the 90's/enter DirectX) Trying to turn a PC into a console defeats the purpose of choice that PC users have enjoyed, and still do somewhat.


This is why after a while I've come to appreciate console gaming. The PC isn't for everyone, and sometimes those that don't want to deal with the intricacies of the PC are going full blown SJW on it as if it's in some form of discrimination against the simplicity of modern consoles. That's what smart phones are for - have at it.


The carrot is seen frequently when a console gamer 'wants' a mod made for the PC.

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2 hours ago, jdw6 said:

(Yeah, I'm also still wanting to edit every single CC item to only allow the "correct" categories & disable the damn "available for random" thing..

Doesn't matter what you want if some program thinks it knows better than you. Although, you can read code... I don't know if it's Nraas Dresser, KW, or something else I have, but I constantly have CC that I set as "NOT FOR RANDOM" popping up on randomly created NPCs. Mostly make up and accessories, but I did recently find an NPC wearing the Harley Quinn cheerleader outfit. OY!

52 minutes ago, jdw6 said:

Anyway, from what I've seen of how KW "works", it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the birth control pills did jack shit. 

Not that I've seen. A previous game, my sim family had 6 kids, 2 sets of twins... all on the pill, all broken condoms while set at 5% just for "fun", but we discussed before, it was more like 20 to 25%... and I don't think I was getting the fertile warning at the time either.

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2 hours ago, jdw6 said:


I'm pretty sure I did notice a change (in sims being able to squeeze thru between closer objects, or passed another sim in a narrow spot) when I first made a change to that setting, but, heck, that's been 2 years ago so I can't quite say with 100% certainty.  I seem to recall some issue w/ how many EA homes are w/ the coffee table half a square away from the couch & my sims not being able to sit on the couch before tweaking things.



RE memory/running/crashing/etc/reading/learning... turned quickly into a huge ass rant.



Yeppers! Your answer is based on your own playing, much better than "It Just Works".


I knew years ago it did something, and I used those ini tweak's.  I was just curious as many places on the web tend to imply that the INI stopped working after ver.1.22 I think that's right.


If it does, and it appears it does work or that part of the INI still works. Then the narrowing of the collision mesh or distance check (what ever) to allow things like you said "coffee table to close to the couch, space between trees to narrow to allow sim to pass between them" that sort of thing then it is a great boon to the game, I will make the changes.


Thank you !

I like personally tested results.

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3 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Doesn't matter what you want if some program thinks it knows better than you. Although, you can read code... I don't know if it's Nraas Dresser, KW, or something else I have, but I constantly have CC that I set as "NOT FOR RANDOM" popping up on randomly created NPCs. Mostly make up and accessories, but I did recently find an NPC wearing the Harley Quinn cheerleader outfit. OY!

Not that I've seen. A previous game, my sim family had 6 kids, 2 sets of twins... all on the pill, all broken condoms while set at 5% just for "fun", but we discussed before, it was more like 20 to 25%... and I don't think I was getting the fertile warning at the time either.

[headdesk] forgot to hit alt-enter when searching for something.... smh... I should just go back to a browser w/ a separate search box, never had that issue w/ the old firefox... but when I hit back, everything I'd typed for 10 minutes was gone. ?


not-for-random: check nraas dresser settings.  I just found (kinda glossed over/missed it when I 1st tossed that mod into the game) that there's some settings to limit randomly adding makeup, accessories, bodyhair (how I found it... gross man-like arm hair on a female, who isn't a werewolf), etc.  But there's settings in there for ignoring the 'not for random' flag setting.  It was 'false' for me, which I think means it should honor whatever setting that flag is set to for the CC items, but... like every single piece of software out there: there are bugs in nraas code.   (SP custom caste... all my sims in it, and excluded from all other castes... just disabled marriage after undoing a forced --- WTF, they're sleeping! --- marriage.  And what does the f**king thing do? Go and marry the 2 sims again.  Even though that is disabled... ergo impossible.  Frustrating.)


I do recall that 5% = 25% discussion.  That might've been echoing in the back of my mind which was making me wonder if "the pill" would prevent pregs...


But... after I did that earlier post... well... TS3CLA said "out of memory" was the reason for the crash... and, the crash was this sort:



And what is more annoying, is the memory usage was well below 3 GB up to and at the time of *poof*




But that had me remembering:  if you frequently switch households, nraas dream catcher will help, but even in those forums they say it's not really intended for frequent use and can cause memory issues.  Toss in multiple KW woohoo sessions & you really have memory issues (regardless of actual system memory used values).


What'd I have earlier.... oh, right.  EA/SP/whoknows prevents inactive sims from actually making potions/elixirs, or even harvesting plants, which really blows for that sim who was supposed to be a self-employed elixir maker.  So tonight I was trying to help him out some, but nooooo SP kept wanting to marry off my sims... and some bloody f**king thing (maybe dresser) royally messed up a few other sims hair -- again.  I had to go back 8 or 9 saves to find a save w/ 1 sim having the "correct" hair.  Shit like that really takes the fun outta playing.  So I'm prob gonna take a break for a few days, or try to start over -- yet again -- without a ton of things... sigh.  Seems like I can get about 3 real-months before the game starts feeling like its imploding.  There's 500+ saves for this particular world (nearly 70 saves I went back and undid their changes).  Somehow I'll get this set so aging up isn't an issue, sims stay in the career I set them to, etc... maybe 90% of my issues really are from the nraas suite of things.  Honestly I've not played TS3 w/o since that 1st few-week game session, and never used KW w/o a ton of other things.  Maybe getting back to "n00b" level might help.  ?‍♂️


For the curious techies, I just checked save usage.  Not quite a whole disk, yet.  lol

/raid/U-Backups/Electronic Arts> du -sh Saves.TS3/
375G    Saves.TS3/

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2 hours ago, galgat said:

after ver.1.22

BTW, I came in late to TS3.  (somewhere ... in this thread, perhaps, maybe another thread, but on here... is more detailed "when" and "which EPs" for me)

I have now, and always have had, 1.67 -- the Steam version (which caused issues when 1st trying to get some of cmar's stuff working).


Just thought I'd mention that, in case it gave you any additional insight.

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I can only tell from my Gameplay,that BC Pills work.The bad Thing about that Contraception is,they are working exactly 24h Simhours.I mean if there is 5h protection Left,and the Simette is ovulating,and have Sex,that means she got preggers.(At the default Settings of 10h Sperm Lifetime and 10 Fertilization). What i found out,that if you change the Fertilization lower than 4 it would be more difficult to knock them up.At 10 you always get her Pregnant.       







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@Caged_Fenrir: Which Version of KW do you use. There is another Gloryhole in KW.Also in Later Versions,the Sleep on Couch has more Animations.Check your Settings,if You have Gender Restriction to false. the Rest: Are you serious? MORE annoying Scripts with Role Sims? The Kraken is only stupid,and the Damn Mailman who lurks 3 (!!) Simhours at my Gate is ridicolous.I would be happy if Oniki switch him back,where he brings the Mail and go. NO Peeping,No automated Flirting and try to Wohoo,and No Whining and stomping,because i keep him out of my Lawn with Fences and Gate. PS:If you want something in KW,than go to Patreon,and gift hard $$ to Oniki,maybe you get something.But don´t cry,that this may broke some function that worked before.


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1 hour ago, jdw6 said:

check nraas dresser settings. 

Did that. Had a problem with something (Dresser) always changing Harley's hair when she slept. Found Dresser had hats (the pigtail hair for her is hat because of the hair ties) as invalid for sleepwear... fixed that. Went through all the settings and killed that random stuff, but still get it. So,if it worked for you in the settings, it must be another mod that I have and need to track down.


1 hour ago, Otti said:

MORE annoying Scripts with Role Sims?

It's why I told him or her to go be a paying patron. Last I checked her page, Oniki has $ levels, and you can make stupid "suggestions" and then vote on which she adds... like the mailman, Kraken, towel, collect sperm... obviously ideas from idiots!

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1 hour ago, LadySmoks said:

Went through all the settings and killed that random stuff

I'm still under the belief a lot of CAS problems are due to EA default library values. Simply looking at the parts in any location usually shows the EA default/EP items at the top with other CC listed below. This holds true as EP's are added - they will fall in line beneath the base game items in groups.


What I'm getting at is there may be a hidden numerical value EA references based on this CAS hierarchy which causes problems and because certain CC is either listed for all/only certain outfits then other CC will be substituted in 'OUR' eyes while EA says "you wanted slot 56 so I gave you slot 56 - it's not my fault you added 4 more slots of CC earlier than what used to be 56".


This is my thinking in the simplest of concepts, but when I select a particular piece of CC, and tell the NRaas/intermediate/copy clothing between categories, it sometimes still gets it wrong. Heaven forbid I open CAS and make a change to one particular outfit which I used 'tricks' to get an 'unscheduled' outfit piece worn in other outfits in that category - EA will reset them and substitute something appropriately flagged.  There is obviously a lot of options at work, and the more scripts, mods, CC, etc. we add - I have to say we're lucky it works at all. Having to 'Sherlock Holmes it' is the price we pay.

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8 hours ago, landess said:

I'm still under the belief a lot of CAS problems are due to EA default library values.

As far as I know, random is set by the "ValidForRandom" tag, although I really haven't looked at every EA garment to compare it's random usage to the tag. There IS a number associated with the frequency of use as random, but not the way you describe... again, as far as I know.


8 hours ago, landess said:

There is obviously a lot of options at work

Options yes... actually work... ?????? A person could spend their life trying to unravel the mess!

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8 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

the tag

If my suspicions are correct, this info wouldn't be found in an individual object's file/tag or there wouldn't be a problem. The framework this file/tag 'sits in' would be the culprit as each of these files would simply be part of a 'stack'. The reason I believe this is a possibility is the need for the Sims 3 to be very 'cache' savvy so the game can run using as little of the available information available.


Starting the game loads many option locations, then the save file tells it which of those options/locations to use to build the world and load it into the barrel before pulling the trigger. Everything else is 'discarded' at this point. Entering CAS/BuildBuy requires a 'new' cache to be created and explains the 'lag' while waiting as well as the bloat to the memory each time one of these functions are used.


It's during this process I 'feel' the game will jump the shark when it comes to assigning a value to certain objects and with all the scripts and CC it fails to account for changes we've made to the default structure. So it runs home to mama, but mama isn't there.


>It's sort of don't blame the person (object), blame the government (game engine) of the country the person lives in kinda thing.

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Would anyone successfully using Kuree's Save Cleaner alongside Steam/Origin please take a look at the Kuree's Save Cleaner post and confirm use problems by another member there?









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On 6/25/2020 at 5:12 PM, LadySmoks said:

"EXPECT" to be implemented?????????? Really? You actually wrote that??? Kind of sound like my 6 year old. No... he has much better manners and a better choice of words.


When you find a man who is equal to ME... please let me know!

I'm not an english speaker, when I said "expect" I confused it with "hope".

With gender equality, I meant "same interactions for both genders".

Like when the repair man comes in when you are using a female sim, they will immediately try to seduce him, which doesn't happens when you use a male sim.

The sleep on couch animations doesn't seem to do anything when using a male sim either.


I didn't meant to offend anyone

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32 minutes ago, Caged_Fenrir said:

I'm not an english speaker, when I said "expect" I confused it with "hope".

Try using the reverse translation to check what you wrote is being translated correctly! English is my 3rd language. Fortunately, I am fluent having lived in US for 10 years. But "expect" and "hope" are opposite meaning words, and maybe you need a different translator? I am being serious about that.


And the part you did not quote, is really the key. Oniki isn't here. She hasn't been here in more than a year as far as anyone knows, unless she signed in as guest, or a different screen name. Not sure why she continues to even mention Lovers Lab in her releases. 

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1 hour ago, Abrahamrionaldi said:

Is it true a simbot (from Ambitions) can't woohoo kinkyworld style? 

If you have Ambitions, install KW and try it. You've read it doesn't work, but are now asking again, so really, seeing is believing, yes?


What I can tell you, is that Plumbots from Into The Future do work, and I have 2 currently in game testing (one I've been testing since February to make sure I got her right).



FemmeBot A69 Bi Automata, and The Vaginator V-800... Unfortunately, I have having problems with the penis for V-800, but will return to the project soon.

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So I've been using Kinkyworld for a few years now, and I'm wondering how do you guys set up your ovulation and menstrual settings?  I usually don't touch it, but I'm playing my recent save game with sims living extremely long life spans, and it seems my sims are never on their period.  I know it works, because it works when I play my sims with short life spans.  Any suggestions on how to tweak the settings?

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On 6/24/2020 at 9:53 AM, landess said:

1) When they smoke, it doesn't go away and the timer will reset once the timer ends. I've used MC to remove the moodlet manually, especially when they DO have the cannabis peace moodlet from smoking, yet it just returns on it's own. This debuff seems arbitrary in regards to their drug use. Sometimes they get it and it sticks like glue. Other times it's just gone for no rhyme or reason.


2) Next, the value listed on the debuff 'will' change, but that value is independent of the mood meter. Simple math can show 5-6 positive moodlets with, say, a combined happiness rating of 120, will still be DEEP into the red with a depressed rating and only have a -25 value on the 'addiction' debuff. Somehow the total mood rating is skewed with no visual evidence to rectify.

I've been trying to work this out as well recently.


So to 1) The duration of the moodlet is basically random. There are a bunch of hidden motives that are probably bringing the moodlet back like drug decay (normal, when high, when addicted) and drug addiction.


2)  This bit I need to check in game more, the mood affect appears to be based on the amount of drug addiction and some mood value I can not pin down. This is applied to happiness in a wonderfully bizarre manner, no idea how the actual buff mood value ties into this, if it does.

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1 hour ago, nomads said:

been trying to work this out

Using the pill forms of drugs this doesn't happen. Taking a pill will clear it up every time in my experience. (but then I've never played with pill junkies for long) Even 'Viagra'/Rockhard appears to be tied into the drug mechanics somewhat. I guess I just wish it was more consistent or better spelled out, like a lot of KW things.


I wonder if the drugs are on a single value table, so all KW drugs will be forced to use the same features. Having Pot on the same addiction table is problematic to the devious side of KW's functions - You can give someone a joint, but they usually don't smoke it (maybe you have to dare them), but you CAN put pill drugs into a drink and hand it to someone beginning an addiction transformation by continued application. I myself use the 'spiking' feature with RockHard frequently if the sim isn't a witch with the horny curse, instead of using the always accept cheat.


7 hours ago, Abrahamrionaldi said:

Is it true a simbot (from Ambitions) can't woohoo kinkyworld style?

Never tried to build a Simbot. Given it's apparent issues from what I've read while self-educating on Ambitions, never had the desire. KW has a thing called the SEXBOT chip. Without this, a plumbot is just a plumbot. So to reaffirm for you - without this function, KW could not allow Plumbots to engage in sex. Maybe you don't want certain plumbots to be sexually active - this IS the control mechanism - Simbots don't have this type of feature so it's all, or nothing. ALSO, OnikiKay was able to use the debug feature to turn humans into plumbots, giving the illusion of a cyborg.


It's not perfect, but like most things KW - they are what they are. We all have wishes, and if we want, we can all make our own mods - This is OnikiKay's mod.

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