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[Sims3][WIP] KinkyWorld v0.37 [Updated: May 3rd 2019]

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2 hours ago, frankieson said:

Whenever I download the mod none of my guys have penises

you have to add that stuff seperately, youre probably using default sims 3 textures, iirc there is a part about that in the intallation guide (links to a blogpost with the stuff you need), you must have missed it. its not much harder to install than the other stuff, just follow the steps

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48 minutes ago, Ffakka101 said:

no animations for it.

L666 has a whole set of anims, and some of Amra's are also. Not many doing TS3 animations. @lucas1i, and @Clydie are currently working here. Lucas has been working on some 3, 4, 5 and I think 6 sim anims recently. K69 sometimes releases public animations here also. Just thought about it... I think MaryJane's anim package may have some BDSM?

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On 9/5/2020 at 10:46 PM, landess said:

Which drugs?


From the phone, ordered Items show up in the mail the next day. Any drug in the Sims inventory can be clicked on for options.


Drugs made at the chemistry table are similar to the ones bought.


Weed bought can be rolled into joints for smoking. Seeds bought can be planted.


Harvested weed must dry for a few days, when it will be replaced by seeds (can only plant or discard/sell for $0) and weed which now can be rolled or sold (Lucrative) by dragging it to the 'sell icon' in the inventory panel.


Pill form drugs can also be added to drinks on a tray and then the drink can be drunk or brought/given to another Sim.


RockHard can also be mixed into drinks to make Sims horny (ala Spanish Fly).


I never messed with 'Willpowerless', but as a pill it can be treated like the others.


If one wants to make and sell Chemistry type drugs, Simoiine is accepted by the Criminal warehouse, while Blue Sky isn't for some reason (this fact messed up my Breaking Bad roleplay save series).

Wait...you can spike drinks???  How do you do this?  Do you need certain EP?

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12 minutes ago, merkle said:

Wait...you can spike drinks???  How do you do this?  Do you need certain EP?

I believe it's trait related. Can't remember which traits, but corrupted and evil come to mind. Maybe rapist? It's either click on the item in your sim's inventory, or click on a drink at the bar, and the option comes up if your sim has the right trait. You may need EP3 Late Night for the bar???

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3 hours ago, timelesstincan said:

actually got everything to work, now game wont do anything without crashing my computer. 

Then, something isn't working. ) Recheck everything. Make sure there's nothing extra in your packages folder, except for packages. No zips, no read mes, etc.

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3 hours ago, merkle said:

Wait...you can spike drinks???  How do you do this?  Do you need certain EP?

Used a 'common' bar - no Late Night. Made regular/non-alcoholic drinks. Sim traits shown.





If you choose 'X' / NO to spiking all glasses on tray - pay attention to which glass you click on since there is no reference or way to tell after spiking the drink. Yes, I use 'Rockhard' to spike drinks like 'Spanish Fly'. Experiment to see if all drugs can be used (excluding weed although that would be funny). Then 'bring drink to' the sim of choice.

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24 minutes ago, landess said:

Used a 'common' bar - no Late Night. Made regular/non-alcoholic drinks. Sim traits shown.





If you choose 'X' / NO to spiking all glasses on tray - pay attention to which glass you click on since there is no reference or way to tell after spiking the drink. Yes, I use 'Rockhard' to spike drinks like 'Spanish Fly'. Experiment to see if all drugs can be used (excluding weed although that would be funny). Then 'bring drink to' the sim of choice.

I'm not seeing any of those options when I click on the drinks.  Do you know which trait is required?

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19 minutes ago, merkle said:

I'm not seeing any of those options when I click on the drinks.  Do you know which trait is required?

The traits of the sim doing the interaction are shown, but I believe it has no impact.


While I do have Late Night installed, I didn't use a professional bar and only made basic drinks (on a custom/CC bar as well - so default bars aren't a catalyst).


What drug do you have in the Sims inventory? Like I mentioned - experiment to see which KW flagged with this option.


Do a test - give the sim the exact same set-up: Same traits and use Rockhard. If it still doesn't work then I don't know why.....




My days of troubleshooting other player's issues are over. I'll share what I know, but no longer wish to involve myself in why someone else's shit isn't working like mine.

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5 hours ago, timelesstincan said:

crashes my computer when it tries to load item buying

First thing, did you follow Oniki's instructions regarding other mods that will conflict with KW? It's on the first page which no one bothers to read. There are also many guides on Sims 3 crashing posted on many sites around the web. Generally, no one wants to do what needs to be done, as it's a total PITA, and more so if your game is slow loading.


Remove ALL of your mods. Not a few, but ALL, and stick them in another folder in your Documents, outside of the EA game folder, and call it mods back up. Run the game. OK? Now install ONLY KW with no anims or addons for KW. Just the base mod package. Does the game crash? Install all of the KW stuff ONLY! No other mods. Does your game crash? Start installing other mods in groups... 5 or 10 at a time. Start with any other core and script mods, as they will probably be the problem. Run the game each time, until you find the problem.


Once you find whatever is conflicting with KW and causing the crash, you have to simply choose which mod you want more, and remove the other.


I'm doing it now, myself, as for some reason I get stuck on the bot station load screen. 

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18 hours ago, landess said:

The traits of the sim doing the interaction are shown, but I believe it has no impact.


While I do have Late Night installed, I didn't use a professional bar and only made basic drinks (on a custom/CC bar as well - so default bars aren't a catalyst).


What drug do you have in the Sims inventory? Like I mentioned - experiment to see which KW flagged with this option.


Do a test - give the sim the exact same set-up: Same traits and use Rockhard. If it still doesn't work then I don't know why.....




My days of troubleshooting other player's issues are over. I'll share what I know, but no longer wish to involve myself in why someone else's shit isn't working like mine.

I have Rockhard and I used the same traits.  No go.  The only options are "clean up" and "drink juice".  There is a definition in the interactions tuning menu, but it's enabled and nothing looks out of the ordinary.




Gotta be the Late Night (which I don't have). 

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On 9/26/2020 at 7:49 PM, LadySmoks said:

L666 has a whole set of anims, and some of Amra's are also. Not many doing TS3 animations. @lucas1i, and @Clydie are currently working here. Lucas has been working on some 3, 4, 5 and I think 6 sim anims recently. K69 sometimes releases public animations here also. Just thought about it... I think MaryJane's anim package may have some BDSM?

me dumb, ooga booga


youre completely right i was missing the animations even though i had the objects from MaryJane


Well now I fell down the rabbit hole and quadrupled my animationcount :) 

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14 hours ago, merkle said:

Gotta be the Late Night (which I don't have). 

I'll say this - I did go back to the first page and read every change and couldn't find anything pertaining to adding drugs to the drinks. -BUT- since it IS a KINKY function we know that's where it originates, but now there is no documentation available with the information needed to confirm/troubleshoot.


I also just went through all my KW archives, but the first one with a change log is build 399, and I know this feature was implemented earlier. I would hate for someone to go buy Late Night EP and find out that WASN'T a requirement.


So I'll leave this information here and if someone else can add to it by confirming Late Night isn't needed as they don't have it and spiking drinks works for them, or has some older information copied concerning when this feature was implemented, it would be useful.

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1 hour ago, landess said:

I would hate for someone to go buy Late Night EP and find out that WASN'T a requirement.

Well, a couple of things... YEAH AMAZON!!! I actually was able to buy Supernatural and University for less than $10 each, used... and scratch free!!!


Next, it might be a little while, but as I am in the progress of "DO AS I SAY", I'm trying to find the bug that is leaving me stuck in the Plumbot CAS start screen.


Yes, as we tell you, I also do, and have removed my Mods folder, renamed it as "back up" and have been slowly adding back CC and EP's until I find the villain. It's a tedious PITA, but sometimes the only way to find the bug.


I'm currently running only base game and ITF (for the Plumbots), and slowly adding back my CC. I may toss in LN on my next restart to check the drink thing. 

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5 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Well, a couple of things... YEAH AMAZON!!! I actually was able to buy Supernatural and University for less than $10 each, used... and scratch free!!!


Next, it might be a little while, but as I am in the progress of "DO AS I SAY", I'm trying to find the bug that is leaving me stuck in the Plumbot CAS start screen.


Yes, as we tell you, I also do, and have removed my Mods folder, renamed it as "back up" and have been slowly adding back CC and EP's until I find the villain. It's a tedious PITA, but sometimes the only way to find the bug.


I'm currently running only base game and ITF (for the Plumbots), and slowly adding back my CC. I may toss in LN on my next restart to check the drink thing. 

Have you successfully used Plumbots before?  I had all sorts of problems with Simbots a while back.  As soon as I created a Simbot all sorts of corrupted behaviors started up.  I'm also using Nraas ErrorTrap and it was flagging errors like crazy.  After some back and forth with the boffins at Nraas and analyzing the error logs, I confirmed that KW and Simbots don't play nice together - not sure exactly why - something about the occult trait.  I'd think Plumbots would be the same.

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1 hour ago, merkle said:

I'd think Plumbots would be the same.

Not in my experience. But, also do not have Ambitions??? with Simbots, so can't compare. I've been working on a FemmeBot since February. She was ready for upload, until my good laptop died a month ago, and I'm hopeful that this second place my husband took it to can fix it. 


But, I use FemmeBots for everything. Regular EA stuff, like nanny bot, gardener, house keeper, AND... KW stuff, like as whores in my brothels! ))) FYI... FemmeBot is a Plumbot made with a more feminine bot body, and has a head with a sim appearance. She is NOT a KW droid, or converted sim... She is actual parts, built and painted in the bot station, and you install trait chips, as you do with any Plumbot. 


I stopped using error trap, because of all the error messages. Truth is that KW doesn't play well with a lot of Nraas mods, which actually irks me! Read back a few pages. I complain about KW trying to do too much and stepping into things MC or another mod has had a good handle on for years.


Anyway, this is FemmeBot A model...




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9 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

I may toss in LN on my next restart to check the drink thing. 

Aye. What is needed is for someone else to check spiking drinks without Late Night installed. Then since you have Late Night - install it and check spiking drinks again without making any other changes first. This would be optimal. But - if the system would suffer from having extra EP's installed which aren't necessary for your content creation, no need to rock the boat right now.

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2 hours ago, landess said:

Aye. What is needed is for someone else to check spiking drinks without Late Night installed. Then since you have Late Night - install it and check spiking drinks again without making any other changes first. This would be optimal. But - if the system would suffer from having extra EP's installed which aren't necessary for your content creation, no need to rock the boat right now.

Do you know how the interactions tunings work?  I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it, i.e. if the spike drinks options only show up if certain conditions are met.  I posted a screen grab above.

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1 hour ago, Clydie said:

We are sure to speak about the PROFESSIONAL bar and not about the smaller juice bars ?

There is a different.......

I used a 'CC' Juice bar in the screenshots I shared. The only options for making drinks were 'non-alcoholic' drinks and the KW ones. I'll include another shot to show the options are not professional bar and one can see the Sim in question 'does' have a mixology skill of 7. After doing this to clear up any possible confusion, I took another sim with NO mixology skill and he DID have the option to add drug to a single/tray of drinks - using the non-alcoholic/basic again.




IF Late Night IS a requirement, then neither Mixology Skill nor drinks made on a Professional bar exclusively are needed to allow this interaction menu option to appear.


Just wanted to add - Both sims in question DO have the Woohooer trait - Ah KW, what a beautiful mess.......

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On 9/27/2020 at 11:30 PM, merkle said:

The only options are "clean up" and "drink juice".

So there are no Kinky/Kinky World options either? I use the KinkyWorld option on many objects to 'move them'.


The others shown - Call someone over to have drink, and bring drink to sim, may be connected to two bar tending mods I downloaded from MTS (Mod the Sims) but I seriously doubt it. These mods only removed the 'juggling' and sped up drink making.




Both would require Late Night yet nothing is mentioned about customers and the fact 'call someone over' and 'bring drink to sim' are available on a 'juice bar' pretty much negates that as well. Late Night might be responsible for these 2 options as one can 'order a round of drinks' at a club/bar, and the Bartender will make up a few random drink trays based on the number of Sims on the lot. Sims may autonomously come and get a drink, and some will just try to drink them all. Your Sim can do both 'call/bring' options on these drinks as well.


As mentioned - it would be nice if someone without Late Night could attempt to spike a drink successfully or be unsuccessful and then install Late Night and try again successfully since there is no current documentation from OnikiKay on this feature.



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3 hours ago, merkle said:

Do you know how the interactions tunings work?

Thought it best to address this - No. I don't mess with them. My best understanding is the game engine scans a Lot and it's Sims/Objects. A list of values are created and then all Sims on that Lot have their 'individual' character sheets compared to this list and an autonomous action queue is compiled with the best compatibility/highest value to 'that particular' Sim being used.


The only time I went through this list was to try and find a tuning for Sims talking to bartenders since other Sims would be waiting to place a drink order and the bartender was busy listening to another Sim 'spilling their  sorrows, giving mixology advice, or arguing about the Gnubb". I had hoped I could find this interaction and set the value very low so Sims would be more likely to do something else.


I don't think this game engine feature works as well as it could given many of the things I've seen such as: Sims trying to go to sleep at night even though they have decent 'energy' left and are unemployed. Sims repeating the same actions over and over instead of giving it a rest. Etc.


If two Sims piss each other off 'by accident', they keep adding fuel to the fire. Romantic Sims need to 'get a room' since they seem to get locked into the romantic interactions. Anyways, all these autonomous interactions need to have some form of AI controlling what is queued up for them to do and matching two separate lists of values seems to be the easiest way to do that.


Tuning the interactions just changes the base of these values before the Sims 'custom' list is compared to it. This should have the effect of increasing or decreasing the chances of a 'tuned' interaction being chosen and added to the autonomous queue.


OnikiKay seems to recognize this and made several attempts to control these actions through cool-down timers attached to moodlets, and a couple of 'hidden' values which get reset after triggering an activation request. Then these build up again till triggering the request again. This is part of the reason KW is considered a 'heavy' mod requiring a good machine to try to keep up with all the stuff going on in the background.


While it's not easy to manipulate the hidden values, one can always use Master Controller to remove moodlets..... One could always add them, if willing to scroll through over a thousand options to find them - luckily they're in alphabetical order. I made a list of all the ones in my game and posted many screenshots showing them all.



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9 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

Not in my experience. But, also do not have Ambitions??? with Simbots, so can't compare. I've been working on a FemmeBot since February. She was ready for upload, until my good laptop died a month ago, and I'm hopeful that this second place my husband took it to can fix it.

But, I use FemmeBots for everything. Regular EA stuff, like nanny bot, gardener, house keeper, AND... KW stuff, like as whores in my brothels! ))) FYI... FemmeBot is a Plumbot made with a more feminine bot body, and has a head with a sim appearance. She is NOT a KW droid, or converted sim... She is actual parts, built and painted in the bot station, and you install trait chips, as you do with any Plumbot. 


I stopped using error trap, because of all the error messages. Truth is that KW doesn't play well with a lot of Nraas mods, which actually irks me! Read back a few pages. I complain about KW trying to do too much and stepping into things MC or another mod has had a good handle on for years.


Anyway, this is FemmeBot A model...

  Reveal hidden contents




I didnt realize you were working on that, i thought i was just too stupid to find the mod myself. Looks amazing, Id love to have that in my game!


Also I can second that, im trying to optimize my game and have been adding and adjusting a ton of Nraas mods, some things seem to get improved by them vastly, other things seem to break. For instance, my mailman arrives at 9 am, and sometimes just doesnt leave. Im aware KW has an interaction for that, but it seemed to time out before, now it doesnt seem to anymore. He will stay on my lot till 3 am in the night, and occaisonally try to rape my sim. Hes really kind of nuisance, he also seems to add lag.


Another thing that definitely breaks is if you use the Stuck Sim Detection and Insta-Reset, which is actually a really useful tool in the regular game because stuck sims will call for pathing calculations over and over and over... - It will trigger on KW Animations and attempt to "reset" your sim in the middle of the action, which will leave them stuck at the "reset" location, still playing the animation, looking like they have sex with ghosts scary movie style.


Im still tinkering around though, Nraas seems really useful on paper, might just disable the stuck-sim check and manually reset the world every so often.

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