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SOS enabled Strapon/DoubleDildo Replacer for SexLab

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I always found it hard to align some animations with two female actors, as Calyps strapon, that comes with SexLab, has no SOS functionality.

There are mods availible that add schlongs to females, those were not realy to my taste, so i decided to edit Calyps strapon to be affected by SOS. It replaces the strapon that SexLab provides, so that it bends up or down according to your settings in the SexLab Animation Editor.

While i was at it, i also made a double dildo version (i wanted something like that for a while already).


I made this mod for my personal use. That is why i will only consider requests, that interest me (or that are easily done ;))





- SexLab Framework

- Schlongs of Skyrim - full or light version (i tested it with the full version, but it should also work with the light one. If not, tell me.)

- XPMSE 2.33+ (or another skeleton that supports belly, butt and SOS nodes)

(- Bodyslide 2 for the Bodyslide version of the strapon by Saeros)

(- HDT-PE 14.28 if you want to use the colision files)




This mod should be compatible with everything, that does not alter the the strapon data in the sexlab.esm. Other then that is should always work as intended.

That beeing said, i fitted the Strapon to the slightly modified SevenBase body i am using, so there could be clipping issues when you use other body mods (especially with huge butts :P). Standard UNP or CBBE bodies should have only minor to no issues.

If you use Bodyslide 2, you can download the Bodyslide version of the strapon, made by Saeros. With it you can eliminate clipping problems.

The double dildo version should cause no problems in that regard.



  • Download one of the two provided mod files (SexLab_SOS-Strapon_1-1.zip or SexLab_SOS_DoubleDildo_1-1.zip)
  • Install the file with a mod manager
    - or drop the contents of the archive in your skyrim folder and overwrite when asked (not recomended - seriously... get a mod manager! it makes things so much safer and easier)
  • Activate the .esp in your load order and be sure to load it after SexLab.esm

Don't use both files at the same time, they are exclusive!


For the strapon version:

If you use a bodymesh created in Bodyslide, download and install the (SexLab)_SOS_Strapon_(bodyslide)_1-1.zip file (by Saeros).

Then customize the strapon with with Bodyslide to fit your bodymesh.


If you want belly colision:

Download and install SexLab_SOS-Strapon-DoubleDildo_1-1_colision-data.zip. It contains the colision data for both the strapon and the double dildo version. The meshes, that come with version 1.1 already have the links to the xml included, so you don't need to set them up. Just install and off you go.

I took the colision data from Daiemonics work. He did a great job with setting up a lot of different colision data files. You should check it out.

---- If you want belly colision you also need a body and a xml file that support it. You can find that in Daiemonics threat too (above link).----



  • Remove the Mod with the mod manager you installed it with
    - or delete all files, that come with the archive, then search for your SexLab framework archive (download it, if necessary), navigate to the folder the strapon meshes are in, and put them back into their place in your game folder.... no realy... get a mod manager!!!!

uninstalling should be safe, as the mod does not alter any quests or scripts.


__Known Issues__


I had to make some adjustments to the weights of the double dildo version, so its deformations look ok. Unfortunately i am not realy good at that, so they look somewhat strange at extreme values. Most of the weird stuff happens inside of the wearer's body however, so it is not visible under normal circumstances. I am using the double dildo version myself and it looks ok. You have to know where to look, to see that something is wrong.

If someone more skilled then me is willing to help me out with this, i would be greatful.





As 90% of this little mod is not my work, you can basicly do what you wish with it, as long as you keep it inside of LoversLab.

credits would be nice.


The only thing i do NOT permit is using this in any way to gain monetary profit.





Ashal for the SexLab framework

Smurf, Vector and b3lisario for SOS

Calyp for the strapon mesh provided with SexLab

Saeros for making the strapon compatible with bodyslide

Daiemonic for the genital colision data

all those modders out there that make skyrim so much more enjoyable for all of us

  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    SexLab Framework, Schlongs of Skyrim, XPMSE
  • Special Edition Compatible



What does it mean that this makes "Calyps strapon affected by SOS?"


What exactly does this do? Does it check if it's girl/girl and add a strap-on? What happens if I use this and schlongs for females at the same time?


i dont use schlongs for females, so i cannot tell you what would happen. try it.

if you dont use the starpon function in sexlab, then this mod does not do anything.


the strapon sexlab comes with is static. i added sos functionality to it, so the strapon/dildo (whatever you want to call it) bends up or down according to your animation alignment settings in the sexlab animation editor


i changed the description... i hope it is clearer now, what it does


Seems pretty cool.  I noticed you said you made this based off of sevenbase, so it's more for a UNP type?  Works with other bodies?  Is this a replacer or can you craft it?  Your description is a bit short.  Thanks for sharing.


Seems pretty cool.  I noticed you said you made this based off of sevenbase, so it's more for a UNP type?  Works with other bodies?  Is this a replacer or can you craft it?  Your description is a bit short.  Thanks for sharing.


its a replacer for the strapon, that comes with sexlab. you cannot craft it. when you start an f/m animation with two female actrors and have the "females use strapon"-option in sexlab on. sexlab will autmaticly use it.


the mod works with all bodies, just like the normal sexlab strapon does. but with some bodies, clipping might occur. this mod does not use body textures, so it does not realy depend on whether the body is unp oder cbbe based... it depends on the shape. if you use bodies with huge butts (even bigger then 7b) there will be clipping.


discription edited


You can use the Outfit Studio included with Body Slide to the fix the clipping for your particular body.  I did this with the original included strapon and the ones from Skyrim Strap Ons on Nexus (which is also support in SexLab) to fit the ADEC 2.4 body.  I used Guide #3 from here:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25180-unofficial-bodyslide-2outfit-studio-tutorials/.   It's really simple to do, just takes a little time, but after doing the first one, the others were very easy to do.



Changer:  Thanks for this mod.  I'll be definitely giving it a try in with the new female character I am making.  I too was annoyed with the lack of movable strapons and was not into the futa/shemale thing.  If I could suggest/request a couple more.  I mentioned above that the Skyrim Strap Ons mod ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38363/?) is supported natively in SexLab.  Most of the strapons would not really logically work with SOS (the soul gem ones for example - bendy soul gems??? :-/ ) but the canine and stallion version would work well as SOS "bendy" strapons.


Again, thanks for this and will be giving a test run with my new character.



This is great! a SOS strapon!  :D
I tried to build a version for Bodyslide 2.. (CBBE_HDT version)
I have not yet tested in-game.
I leave here.



awesome work!

if someone can confirm, that is works, ill put it into the download folder with credits





This is great! a SOS strapon!  :D
I tried to build a version for Bodyslide 2.. (CBBE_HDT version)
I have not yet tested in-game.
I leave here.



awesome work!

if someone can confirm, that is works, ill put it into the download folder with credits



Bodyslide version works perfect for me





@Saeros any chance of doing a bodyslide conversion for the Double dildo Version?







This is great! a SOS strapon!  :D
I tried to build a version for Bodyslide 2.. (CBBE_HDT version)
I have not yet tested in-game.
I leave here.



awesome work!

if someone can confirm, that is works, ill put it into the download folder with credits



Bodyslide version works perfect for me





@Saeros any chance of doing a bodyslide conversion for the Double dildo Version?




I don't think it's necessary to convert the doubldildo in bodyslide.

is just..a dildo :D


is connected directlty to pelvis bone (i think).. no armor mesh clipping.


ah, great idea. the double ended thing means i no longer have to weight the straps myself :)

now if you could move the biped slot to something else than the DD piercings... maybe slot 57 (vag plug, as i most won't be able to equip a plug and a dildo at the same time).


ah, great idea. the double ended thing means i no longer have to weight the straps myself :)

now if you could move the biped slot to something else than the DD piercings... maybe slot 57 (vag plug, as i most won't be able to equip a plug and a dildo at the same time).


i left it on the slot 51, cuz that is the slot the original sexlab strapon has

you can change the slot pretty easyly yourself tough. you only need the creation kit (free if you have skyrim) and NifScope (also free)

you have to do the following:


-backup my SexLab_SOS-Strapon.esp

-then open it in creation kit (set it as active and open it)

-there will be error messages... those are normal, just click yes to all or ignore

-in the browser part of the object window choose *All and type strapon into the Filter

-open SexLabCalypsStrapon remove the slot 51 and add your resired slot (just by clicking) then confirm by clicking "ok" (see screenshot)

-open SexLabCalypsStraponAA and do the same thing


-save your changes



-then browse to your skyrim folder/Data/meshes/SexLab

-open strapon_0.nif with NifScope

-browse to NiNode(Scene Root)/NiTriShape(hardware.001)/DSDismemberSkinInstance in the Block List

-change the biped slot to your desired slot in the Block details under partitions/partitions/body part (see screenshot)


-save the .nif file

-do the same thing with strapon_1.nif


Done! now the new biped slot should be used... if the strapon/dildo does not appear in game, it means that the biped slots are not the same in the esp and the nif files... you either changed them to different values or forgot to change some of them

to sum it all up, you have to change the values in SexLabCalypsStrapon and SexLabCalypsStraponAA in the .esp and in the two .nif files.


Since this is an SOS thingie, can it be made ot have collision w/belly nodes?


it is possible.

i dont use belly collision myself and i am not realy good at setting collision objects, so it looks ok. (i once tried with the HDT object and it took me nearly a day to get it more or less the way i want it to)

you could try to copy the values of other penis/belly colision files into one for this, but the position if slightly different, so i am not sure this would work out right. try to ask the people in the HDT forum, someone there might be able to help you


Since this is an SOS thingie, can it be made ot have collision w/belly nodes?


No promises but that is one of the first things I began working on once this came out.

I am about to start testing now.

Not sure how belly collision will function as it seems (for me) that it is not working with the Trepleen HDT vagina CBBE body.

But my tests are revolving around whether it moves the vagina which by association should also work with other collisions.

Will know more soon.


Got a question i am wondering.


Does this uses SoS animations ? If it does then it means that's compatible with S.A.M ( as any mod that uses SoS animation works perfectly with it ).


Not that it really changes things as far as your mod is concerned, but you say in the description.

There are mods availible that add schlongs to females, but i am not into shemales, ...

SOS Schlong for Females - Unp by B3lisario the "Official Female Addon"
Does not in fact, turn females into Shemales, it makes them Futanari / Hermaphrodites, both vagina and penis (with or whithout testicles).
Not obvious at first glance and as I said it doesn't really change anything about your mod.
It is always good manners to be accurate when describing another modders work, even when it's not your personal preference

Got a question i am wondering.
Does this uses SoS animations ? If it does then it means that's compatible with S.A.M ( as any mod that uses SoS animation works perfectly with it ).

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I was just curios, where did you get the sex animation from the first screenshot? (this one) It's not from regular Sexlab so I recon it's from the non-sexlab animation pack?


Not that it really changes things as far as your mod is concerned, but you say in the description.


There are mods availible that add schlongs to females, but i am not into shemales, ...



SOS Schlong for Females - Unp by B3lisario the "Official Female Addon"

Does not in fact, turn females into Shemales, it makes them Futanari / Hermaphrodites, both vagina and penis (with or whithout testicles).

Not obvious at first glance and as I said it doesn't really change anything about your mod.

It is always good manners to be accurate when describing another modders work, even when it's not your personal preference


aahm, fixed :x



Got a question i am wondering.


Does this uses SoS animations ? If it does then it means that's compatible with S.A.M ( as any mod that uses SoS animation works perfectly with it ).


i think you mean shape atlas for men, and the answer is: maybe :> try it out yourself

edit: the esp uses the "SOS_Genitals"-form and the .nif files use animation data that comes with SOS... if SAM uses those too, it should work



I was just curios, where did you get the sex animation from the first screenshot? (this one) It's not from regular Sexlab so I recon it's from the non-sexlab animation pack?


correct, the non-sexlab animation pack


Ok. so tested and confirmed that collisions work.

At least in regards to the HDT vagina, like I said before belly collisions stopped for me when i switched to the trepleen body.

But those who do not use that body should have full working collision.

*on a side note... I am using the belissario (sp?) female equippable schlongs. I followed the directions on increasing the skeleton scale to make the schlongs bigger for females. These strap ons are affected by that as well. so be warned, "IF" you tweaked the skeleton scale to make bigger schlongs on females these will increase in size as well.


All 3 download versions.

note... the bodyslide file by saeros has the physics attached to the reference mesh so you can generate your own strap on and it will still have the physics without need to edit for yourself.



(SexLab)_SOS_Strapon_(bodyslide) by Saeros.7z




If you want to add those to the downloads, it is not necessary to have them as separate downloads you can just replace the ones that are there.

The collisions will only activate if hdtm.xml is present in your SKSE\Plugins folder.

If someone who is "not" using HDT physics uses them collisions will not happen, nor will it interfere with their game in any fashion.

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