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1 & 2: I have no control over what is removed and what is not removed other than in broad categories.  I don't understand the diaphragm thing - why play with the pregnancy mod and then complain when a logical conclusion happens?


Because I had already two births, for example, and I don't wish to have another one at this moment. I use the diaphgram mainly for rapists. As in real life, I wish to have kids with someone I like, feel good and (in RL) love. It's my playgame style.



3: Are you saying this happens if a stalker from Sex Assault gets a companion at the same time as Working Girl launches a sex act? If that's the case, all the timers in the world won't help. Just turn stalkers off while whoring.


No. I'm saying that this happens with Tryout only and alone, sometimes. It happens more often with Working Girl for NCR at McCarran. It happens often with PG in Vault 19 or inside NCRCF. It happens less often with Khans in Red Canyon. It seems to not happen with Kings. (Never tried with Fiends, I must say). It NEVER happens with Working Girl in the Atomic Wrangler or in Gomorrah, just to say. Doesn't matter if SexAssault is installed or not.



4: Tryout will always require the latest version of Sexout. Things will be fixed. I am not going to spend hours of time that I could use on literally anything else to put a bandaid on a problem that is A) not my fault and B) will be fixed by someone whose responsible for it eventually.


You're right. It's not your fault and I shouldn't ask you to waste your time for this. It was only a ... hope. (I'm still looking with envie to Ashal's Sexlab Framework for Skyrim).



As for the PGs, I should add the ability to refuse them and leading to combat. Fiends already have it. They warn you they're about to get violent and then you can proceed with sex or fight them.


About Fiends, probably my mistake, sorry. As I wrote above, I didn't play long with them. But I really hope you could add the option for the PGs.


Thank You very much to pay attention to my questions.


Last minute report:

during the second "rape session" in the Vault 19, my toon was choosen for the Hanging Device. But, while the customer, naked, was playing with his tool, my toon was free to move around, walking, talking and so on, without partecipating to the sex. My companion, in the meanwhile, was "busy" at the shame box.

I have a screenshot if you need it.

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1. I wear a Bubstop Diaphgram. It should not be removed when enslaved. Never.

I do see your point, however you are enslaved. The individual that takes everything away can take that away. If memory serves me correctly he did check to see how "loose" you were. There can be reasons to remove it including forced pregnancy. Epstein might actually make more money for those that desire to be with a pregnant woman. He might not even care. Hell he might even plan on selling your children to the legion or whatever. In any case you have limited control over the situation and I still saw the aid panel available and was able to access the birth control options and use them for my toon so she wouldn't get pregnant.. Which actually my test she was already on the pill...

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Also, there's the consideration that Tryout is not a pregnancy mod so I'm not going to make special considerations for it happening or not happening. I'm assuming if you're running a mod featuring rape and slavery and running a pregnancy mod, you're prepared for and possibly hoping for the logical conclusion.

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1. I wear a Bubstop Diaphgram. It should not be removed when enslaved. Never.

I do see your point, however you are enslaved. The individual that takes everything away can take that away. If memory serves me correctly he did check to see how "loose" you were. There can be reasons to remove it including forced pregnancy. Epstein might actually make more money for those that desire to be with a pregnant woman. He might not even care. Hell he might even plan on selling your children to the legion or whatever. In any case you have limited control over the situation and I still saw the aid panel available and was able to access the birth control options and use them for my toon so she wouldn't get pregnant.. Which actually my test she was already on the pill...



I see your point and Loogie's one too.

That's ok.

I just remember I still have access to my aid inventory and, of course, my BunX pills.

Apologize, Loogie. Do not count my question. Sorry.

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Also, there's the consideration that Tryout is not a pregnancy mod so I'm not going to make special considerations for it happening or not happening. I'm assuming if you're running a mod featuring rape and slavery and running a pregnancy mod, you're prepared for and possibly hoping for the logical conclusion.

Exactly, you could always just adjust the MCM fertility slider on the Player.

The current pregnancy mod is not compatable with the beta scr.

Not a Tryout problem............
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Also, there's the consideration that Tryout is not a pregnancy mod so I'm not going to make special considerations for it happening or not happening. I'm assuming if you're running a mod featuring rape and slavery and running a pregnancy mod, you're prepared for and possibly hoping for the logical conclusion.

Exactly, you could always just adjust the MCM fertility slider on the Player.


Another solution is add the diaphragm to the safe for sex lists with clothing eval.

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Guest marieruth

Am I supposed to be able to be this far from  NCRCF without the collar shocking me unconscious?


I've had this come up in past updates as well as the current one...



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So for situations like this.. install Clothing eval and then add that item to "save for sex" in the mod and good to go?


I think it's actually already tagged this way by Halstrom, without the need of Clothing eval, because it isn't removed during sex acts.

So to say, the Diaphgram, once weared in the PipBoy inventory, stays in place forever, unless it's removed by a command like "unequipall" (command not present in the NV Papyrus but existing in the Skyrim Papyrus. This is only for example.).



This is clearly due to the new SexoutNG version that deleted too many things in the wrong way.

Sexout can modify it's own files however it likes, and from day one I've admonished other mods to not modify or overwrite them. I also spoke with Amra when he first started work on his mod, in public and via PM, to try and avoid this issue.


He refused to cooperate.


A fix is in the works in spite of this, but your assessment of the situation is entirely wrong.



Of course.

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You're right. It's not your fault and I shouldn't ask you to waste your time for this. It was only a ... hope. (I'm still looking with envie to Ashal's Sexlab Framework for Skyrim).






Were you playing Skyrim when Sexlab went from 1.39 to 1.50? unless mod authors had an update ready to go on release date <about 10 % of them did> the mods no longer worked in sexlab, Ashal's response was "the code has been out there, if they waited till the last minute, not my problem". If you weren't, don't worry, you'll see the same thing happen soon with sexlab 1.60. I see a few mod authors that have stopped working on the current versions of their mods because they are working on the sexlab 1.60 version because the current version will not work at all with the Beta. in fact, in the sexlab 1.60 beta forum, apparently most current sexlab mods will not work with 1.60 <specifically ones that have to do with animations because of a new calling/tagging system>. Its the addon authors responsibility to keep up to date with the framework, not the framework authors responsibility to make sure everything stays backward compatible

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Its the addon authors responsibility to keep up to date with the framework, not the framework authors responsibility to make sure everything stays backward compatible

I've made a massive effort to keep Sexout backwards compatible, all the way back to versions that existed before I ever started working on it. The original calling convention still works, even the old original anim numbers still work via a mapping/translation script and me explicitly numbering all animations starting from 100 to not conflict with the originals that started at 1 and went up to about 70 or so.


The original quest and all its vars are still there (the original API was invoked by setting quest vars then casting a spell) and the original spell ID still works when cast, though internally it translates it into a new style call.


I've bent over backwards to keep this stuff working.


Occasionally things are retired, but in almost every case they are things that mod authors shouldn't be using anyway -- like the internal tokens or 'private' quest vars and such.


Mods that overwrite sexout assets, be those files or records in the ESM, are performing an act that is explicitly forbidden because doing so breaks *forward* compatibility. That's exactly what happened here. It's not even the file deletion that caused Amras mod to break -- it was the changes I made to the IDLE records inside the ESM.

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I've already admitted my fault, just few posts above.


There are still a couple of things that I'm not sure to undesrtand:


1. How exactly custom animations work here for NV? With my inexistent skill, I assume that an animation should be a file generated with a 3D program like Blender or 3DSMax, in which there is the entire animated sequence with the one, two, or more characters involved. So, I'm not sure to understand why there is the need to have "givers", "takers" and so on different folders, different animations. Anyhow, every solo, paired or multiple characters' animation should have an own ID, right? Then the framework "engine" should call, randomly or not, this specific ID related to the mod's dialogue, situation, quest stage. Am I wrong?


2. There is one real thing with SexoutNG that makes me feel bad. If an actor is interrupted, blocked before, or something other event that doesn't allow it to have the "programmed" sex act, this actor will be totaly bugged forever, unless the player reload a previous save.

Why there is not a sort of "protection" against this fact?

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I've already admitted my fault, just few posts above.


There are still a couple of things that I'm not sure to undesrtand:


1. How exactly custom animations work here for NV?

An animation in FONV (and FO3, and TEST) is two parts -- the IDLE record in the plugin, and the KF file it points to. Many idles can point to one KF. One KF animates exactly one character. The 2p and 3p animations are simply these single animations playing at the same time on different characters. This is where the alignment and sync issues actually come from -- you can't always position the two characters exactly where they should be (that is not controlled by the animation files), and you can't force them to start at *exactly* the same time.


2. There is one real thing with SexoutNG that makes me feel bad. If an actor is interrupted, blocked before, or something other event that doesn't allow it to have the "programmed" sex act, this actor will be totaly bugged forever, unless the player reload a previous save.

Why there is not a sort of "protection" against this fact?

There is, but since you're still using old versions, you don't have it.

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There is a bug/problem that I have.


I am at the prison with Sunny. I have started that episode over from the glitch where you are asked about killing that Powerganger. Started it off correctly presenting Sunny to Eddie.

Things work properly no matter where I go for about 5 sex scenes or so. When my toon goes down.. so does Sunny usually. About the 5th or so time Sunny and a PG stand there nude.. Nothing happens. They get hung up and afterwards don't seem to recover. Sunny won't follow anymore. After a time I can get other actions with Sunny to happen but still no following she just stands there. I have done this twice.


The second time is with the new fix from the OP. Same results.

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I don't think any of the sexout tokens can cause that kind of problem. The only scripted ones now are.. hmm.. even undress is now a spell and the token itself isn't scripted. No sexout tokens in particular, if they got into an inventory at the wrong time somehow, can cause the NPC to just get 'frozen' and go comatose.


An in-progress scene referencing an animation file that doesn't exist will cause that though. So if she DOES have tokens, get me the anim # so I can triple check that I didn't edit something incorrectly.


Also make sure you're on the latest sexout release. The bug that locks actors and doesn't unlock was introduced around v87 or v88. v91 fixed the issue so it doesn't do that to new acts, and v92 (current release) can fix any leftover from a savegame made before v91.

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I don't have the save anymore that was an example of the problem. Didn't think it would be needed. I played a bit more and she froze again and I tried to talk to her.. (which started the smaller talk option  and caused her to get dressed) however she didn't walk afterwards again.


I removed the smaller talk tolken and still nothing .. at least until I left the cell and entered one of the building then she returned to normal. Not sure what was going on. It started this time with what looked like an attempted threesome with Sunny. One PG was on the ground sideways the other was inside of Sunny. The PG on the ground was moving. After they all fell apart.. that is when she wouldn't redress and wouldn't follow.




This shows many other PG that has the issue from before. (old save first attempt.)


One thing that happened that was different and strange. She ran up to me before this in one of the building and said I wasn't suppose to have this and took the outfit away.. Not even in her inventory.. Was that something that was suppose to happen.


Hope this helped.

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attachicon.gifFalloutNV 2015-03-07 14-32-47-70.jpg


One thing that happened that was different and strange. She ran up to me before this in one of the building and said I wasn't suppose to have this and took the outfit away.. Not even in her inventory.. Was that something that was suppose to happen.


Hope this helped.


That is Sexout slavery thinking she's in the owning faction. I'll see what's up with that.

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It really only happened once in three tries. I have to stop now and play something else. The prison is getting to me.. :D


It was kind of funny.. See my toon was going out of my way to offer HER to the PG.. She had many more "events" than my toon did.. I entered one of the bunk cells and she was late to enter..I was thinking "where the hell did she go to now" when she came running up to me and took my clothes away.. :D.. Funny as hell. Almost as if she was pissed off at me and was tired of getting banged and thought ripping the clothes off my toon would get the PG off her..


I thought it was an easter egg you left in the mod.. :D. Perhaps you can do something with it. If she gets PG at a higher rate than the player.. perhaps she might have a few nasty words to give. Bad enough you took her there for this.

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The naked and almost stuck NPCs (PG or NCR or, rarely, Khans) happened to me too also with the oldest SexoutNG version. I don't think it's a SexoutNG issue but only a Tryout one.


And I'm still on my (unskilled) opinion there is something to do with simultaneous calls for "target" or "alternative target".

My previous solution, almost always functional, was to click on the two (or more) "locked" toons with console and "resurrect" them.

They stay naked for a bit but, at least, the "finish" the sex (even if stand stuck, only voices are playing). After that, they ragdoll dressed and they are good again.


My two miserable cents.

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