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Which are the NIFs with the weighting you're most confident in now? So I can take a look at them.

You definitely should take a really close look at this one: attachicon.gifUUNPHDT-v55.7z


Just tried it. It definitely looks very nice and like a release candidate already. The spike between the breasts - does that happen in the v55 weights? Or is that something you fixed already? I didn't notice it anywhere when testing. Belly and breast scaling works fine as well for both CBBE and UNP shapes.


It's better than the current ones, and the areas where it's not are negligible. One can easily transfer the entire weights (without breast and butt bones) to the UUNP NIF without any BBP by loading the HDT one in Blender and removing the extra bones, but how are we gonna do it for UUNP Special? It needs special treatment for e.g. the thighs because of the labia shape.


UUNP HDT+ isn't getting updated anymore, so that's fine.

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Just tried it. It definitely looks very nice and like a release candidate already. The spike between the breasts - does that happen in the v55 weights? Or is that something you fixed already? I didn't notice it anywhere when testing. Belly and breast scaling works fine as well for both CBBE and UNP shapes.


It's better than the current ones, and the areas where it's not are negligible. One can easily transfer the entire weights (without breast and butt bones) to the UUNP NIF without any BBP by loading the HDT one in Blender and removing the extra bones, but how are we gonna do it for UUNP Special? It needs special treatment for e.g. the thighs because of the labia shape.


UUNP HDT+ isn't getting updated anymore, so that's fine.


Breast spike:


It should be still there in v55, but yeah it's pretty hard to find a pose and body where this is visible. This only really gets apparent when the right arm is lifted, when the clavicle weights start "tearing" on the breasts. And i only saw this once while looking through the screenshots with 7B-CH (which works fine otherwise).

Just made this comparison so you can quickly see what the problem is:





In pairs: Left is the mesh with weight conflicts cleaned up, right is the original v55. Red arrows indicate the conflict causing the glitch (bald spots), Green arrows how the weights are SUPPOSED to work.

This is kinda hard to capture in OS with perspective view, but now you know where to look.


If you know what you're doing, you could try to remove the overlapping Clavicle weights on the opposite breasts in a smooth line, that could do the trick. Or also remove 1 line of the L Breast in the center so it matches the R Breast.


Here's the cleaned mesh, just for comparison: Ref-UUNPHDT-v53cleaned.zip

I usually load the WiP mesh as outfit into OS, then the comparison as reference body. Move the reference by 60 units left. This also works to transfer weights.






For the UUNP-Special body, i don't have all the collision stuff installed but can you try this:


If anything doesn't work, i'll make it work :)




PS: really looking forward to new OS features in the next BS2 version

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When attempting to convert an armor I get to step 11.... 11. Load the nif file you created in step 7 (method in the madness madness in the method). <_<   When I go to load outfit I get and unhandled exception warning and have to abort. I was able to do it once but messed up and had to reinstall bodyslide and armor. Haven't gotten past step 11 since. Any Ideas what I'm not doing?


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I am not good at english. I find something wrong, when my character run fastly.

UVR - UNPMDC Vanilla UUNP HDT test0.2

Thanks for reporting this - did you use a custom preset made with the classic sliders (Butt, Thighs etc. from CBBE Bodyslide) ?

These are not yet supported in the current test version. The release version will have all of them, and i will also convert several outfits from scratch for higher overall quality.



When attempting to convert an armor I get to step 11.... 11. Load the nif file you created in step 7 (method in the madness madness in the method). <_<   When I go to load outfit I get and unhandled exception warning and have to abort. I was able to do it once but messed up and had to reinstall bodyslide and armor. Haven't gotten past step 11 since. Any Ideas what I'm not doing?

I think the conversion walkthrough by BringTheNoise is a bit outdated, steps like deleting bones is not necessary.

Here's a quick walkthrough how i batch convert anything to UUNP:



  1. Open Outfit Studio ---> "File" ---> "Load Reference..."
  2. "Use an existing Sliderset" ---> "Browse" ---> ...\Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\ConversionSets\
  3. Figure out which .xml file you need as conversion reference:
  4. All the bodies available in UUNP are found in "UNPconvert.xml", ADEC is in "CalConvert.xml"
  5. Select the exact bodytype from the original outfits you want to convert, example "UNP High to CBBE" - from my experience, the high weight (_1.nif) always works better to convert
  6. "Load Outfit..." ---> "Load from a .NIF file" ---> navigate to the \Data\Meshes\... folder and load the _1.nif version of the outfit
  7. Delete the original nude body in the mesh list on the top right window, usually this is has a specific name depending on the original outfit like "UNPSlimPushupW" or sometimes just "Body"
  8. If any outfit parts are dislocated about 1 foot before and below the reference body, use "Move Shape" ---> "Old CBBE to Vanilla Offset"
  9. Anything like Gloves floating in the air is fixed by loading the outfit again, with the option "File" ---> "Apply Overall Skin Transform" disabled
  10. If all meshes are in place and there is still clipping, the outfit probably uses a rare variant like "UNP Perky" or "UNPB Chapi" - you may have to load the outfit again, and compare only its nude body with various conversion reference bodies (repeat everything with the correct reference)
  11. "Slider" ---> "Conform All"
  12. Move the conversion slider in the right bottom window to 100%
  13. "Slider" ---> "Set Base Shape" (the reference body will snap back to UNP shape and everything clips, ignore this)
  14. "File" ---> "Export NIF" ---> Overwrite the original _1.nif mesh

Rinse and repeat this for all outfits and -parts like gloves, boots, capes, accessories and also hoods if they go anywhere below the neckline. I strongly recommend to convert everything right now and make sure you don't forget anything, because every time you have to fiddle around with conversionsets and folders will interrupt your work flow.

Next up create projects for everything and make backups:

  1. "File" ---> "New Project..." ---> "Use a Template" ---> UUNP HDT (you always use this one for everything, also boots and gloves - do NOT use UUNP Special for outfits)
  2. "Outfit Name" (IMPORTANT) ---> pick a descriptive name how the project will display later for users, use some kind of logical pattern so it will be sorted alphabetically
  3. "Load from a .nif file" ---> select whatever you converted before ---> "Finish"
  4. Use the Inflate / Deflate / Move / Smooth Brushes to fix any clipping left over from the conversion procedure, if you mess anything up that "Undo" can't fix then just load the outfit again
  5. "Slider" ---> "Set Base Shape" (this will reset all slidermorph edits, so don't use this again unless you WANT to destroy your edits)
  6. "Slider" ---> "Conform All"
  7. (IMPORTANT) enable the sliders for some of the major UNP+7B morph families - check for recurring clipping in all areas that are identical for those morphs and fix that on the baseshape rather than on the sliders. If you don't do that you will have to make the same edits 50 times later on, and run into weighting issues.
  8. "Save Project As..." ---> only a Torso outfit may have the "Copy reference shape into outfit" option enabled, if you have something like sandals or fingergloves you first have to replace those meshes manually by loading the UUNP Hands / Feet as an outfit with "Keep other shapes" enabled in the load dialogue
  9. Exit OS+Bodyslide, create a mod from your overwrite folder in MOD ORGANIZER (NMM users not supported, good luck finding all files manually)
  10. Repeat for all outfits and -parts
  11. Create backups of all the conversion mods


Now download Mesh Rigger, you can choose the portable 32-bit version if you don't want Python on your PC.

You can drop the files anywhere, i suggest to create desktop shortcuts for both the Mesh Rigger executable as well as the folder inside with the template/target folders.


  1. Copy ...\CalienteTools\BodySlide\ShapeData\Unified UNP\UUNPHDT.nif ---> Paste into ...\Mesh Rigger\Template
  2. Copy your Project's shapedata meshes from the ...\ShapeData\...\ folders into the ...\Mesh Rigger\Target folder
  3. Launch Mesh Rigger, select UUNPHDT.nif as template and your mesh(es) as target
  4. The settings in Mesh Rigger are not quite universal, for example if the target mesh is TBBP with Breast01 bones then you have to select "Delete all Weights" and "Replace Bones", but under no circumstances do the same with boots or gloves - this would need its own guide
  5. "Ok" ---> wait for the next dialogue ---> For a Torso Outfit you select all bones, boots only thighs, gloves only adjacent arm weights
  6. wait until Mesh Rigger is finished, this can take a while ranging from 10 seconds to 30+ minutes - when it's done, the active MS-DOS window will shut down and your rigged mesh will be found in the "Output" folder of Mesh Rigger
  7. Copy the output meshes back into your mod project's "ShapeData" folders


Now load the projects and start editing sliders, remember to make additional backups after any significant work steps. Before testing anything you should also create SliderGroups with "Unified UNP" like this:



You can always restore original weights in OS in particular with help of the "Edit only Connected" and "Mask" features. But as mentioned this would need its own guide, come back when you have weighting issues.




Chances are that some steps are missing or incomprehensible, but my forum time is up so make sure to report if anything doesn't work as described.



edit: added the step "5.  'Set Base Shape' " after fixing basic clipping - i guess this walkthrough would need better formatting to be readable ^ ^

Edited by guk
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I am not good at english. I find something wrong, when my character run fastly.

UVR - UNPMDC Vanilla UUNP HDT test0.2

Thanks for reporting this - did you use a custom preset made with the classic sliders (Butt, Thighs etc. from CBBE Bodyslide) ?

These are not yet supported in the current test version. The release version will have all of them, and i will also convert several outfits from scratch for higher overall quality.



When attempting to convert an armor I get to step 11.... 11. Load the nif file you created in step 7 (method in the madness madness in the method). <_<   When I go to load outfit I get and unhandled exception warning and have to abort. I was able to do it once but messed up and had to reinstall bodyslide and armor. Haven't gotten past step 11 since. Any Ideas what I'm not doing?

I think the conversion walkthrough by BringTheNoise is a bit outdated, steps like deleting bones is not necessary.

Here's a quick walkthrough how i batch convert anything to UUNP:



  1. Open Outfit Studio ---> "File" ---> "Load Reference..."
  2. "Use an existing Sliderset" ---> "Browse" ---> ...\Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\ConversionSets\
  3. Figure out which .xml file you need as conversion reference:
  4. All the bodies available in UUNP are found in "UNPconvert.xml", ADEC is in "CalConvert.xml"
  5. Select the exact bodytype from the original outfits you want to convert, example "UNP High to CBBE" - from my experience, the high weight (_1.nif) always works better to convert
  6. "Load Outfit..." ---> "Load from a .NIF file" ---> navigate to the \Data\Meshes\... folder and load the _1.nif version of the outfit
  7. Delete the original nude body in the mesh list on the top right window, usually this is has a specific name depending on the original outfit like "UNPSlimPushupW" or sometimes just "Body"
  8. If any outfit parts are dislocated about 1 foot before and below the reference body, use "Move Shape" ---> "Old CBBE to Vanilla Offset"
  9. Anything like Gloves floating in the air is fixed by loading the outfit again, with the option "File" ---> "Apply Overall Skin Transform" disabled
  10. If all meshes are in place and there is still clipping, the outfit probably uses a rare variant like "UNP Perky" or "UNPB Chapi" - you may have to load the outfit again, and compare only its nude body with various conversion reference bodies (repeat everything with the correct reference)
  11. "Slider" ---> "Conform All"
  12. Move the conversion slider in the right bottom window to 100%
  13. "Slider" ---> "Set Base Shape" (the reference body will snap back to UNP shape and everything clips, ignore this)
  14. "File" ---> "Export NIF" ---> Overwrite the original _1.nif mesh

Rinse and repeat this for all outfits and -parts like gloves, boots, capes, accessories and also hoods if they go anywhere below the neckline. I strongly recommend to convert everything right now and make sure you don't forget anything, because every time you have to fiddle around with conversionsets and folders will interrupt your work flow.

Next up create projects for everything and make backups:

  1. "File" ---> "New Project..." ---> "Use a Template" ---> UUNP HDT (you always use this one for everything, also boots and gloves - do NOT use UUNP Special for outfits)
  2. "Outfit Name" (IMPORTANT) ---> pick a descriptive name how the project will display later for users, use some kind of logical pattern so it will be sorted alphabetically
  3. "Load from a .nif file" ---> select whatever you converted before ---> "Finish"
  4. Use the Inflate / Deflate / Move / Smooth Brushes to fix any clipping left over from the conversion procedure, if you mess anything up that "Undo" can't fix then just load the outfit again
  5. "Slider" ---> "Conform All"
  6. (IMPORTANT) enable the sliders for some of the major UNP+7B morph families - check for recurring clipping in all areas that are identical for those morphs and fix that on the baseshape rather than on the sliders. If you don't do that you will have to make the same edits 50 times later on, and run into weighting issues.
  7. "Save Project As..." ---> only a Torso outfit may have the "Copy reference shape into outfit" option enabled, if you have something like sandals or fingergloves you first have to replace those meshes manually by loading the UUNP Hands / Feet as an outfit with "Keep other shapes" enabled in the load dialogue
  8. Exit OS+Bodyslide, create a mod from your overwrite folder in MOD ORGANIZER (NMM users not supported, good luck finding all files manually)
  9. Repeat for all outfits and -parts
  10. Create backups of all the conversion mods


Now download Mesh Rigger, you can choose the portable 32-bit version if you don't want Python on your PC.

You can drop the files anywhere, i suggest to create desktop shortcuts for both the Mesh Rigger executable as well as the folder inside with the template/target folders.


  1. Copy ...\CalienteTools\BodySlide\ShapeData\Unified UNP\UUNPHDT.nif ---> Paste into ...\Mesh Rigger\Template
  2. Copy your Project's shapedata meshes from the ...\ShapeData\...\ folders into the ...\Mesh Rigger\Target folder
  3. Launch Mesh Rigger, select UUNPHDT.nif as template and your mesh(es) as target
  4. The settings in Mesh Rigger are not quite universal, for example if the target mesh is TBBP with Breast01 bones then you have to select "Delete all Weights" and "Replace Bones", but under no circumstances do the same with boots or gloves - this would need its own guide
  5. "Ok" ---> wait for the next dialogue ---> For a Torso Outfit you select all bones, boots only thighs, gloves only adjacent arm weights
  6. wait until Mesh Rigger is finished, this can take a while ranging from 10 seconds to 30+ minutes - when it's done, the active MS-DOS window will shut down and your rigged mesh will be found in the "Output" folder of Mesh Rigger
  7. Copy the output meshes back into your mod project's "ShapeData" folders


Now load the projects and start editing sliders, remember to make additional backups after any significant work steps. Before testing anything you should also create SliderGroups with "Unified UNP" like this:



You can always restore original weights in OS in particular with help of the "Edit only Connected" and "Mask" features. But as mentioned this would need its own guide, come back when you have weighting issues.




Chances are that some steps are missing or incomprehensible, but my forum time is up so make sure to report if anything doesn't work as described.


Thanks for the info might try and give conversions another shot later this week. I don't know if I have time during the week because of pre cal. :P

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I am not good at english. I find something wrong, when my character run fastly.

UVR - UNPMDC Vanilla UUNP HDT test0.2

Thanks for reporting this - did you use a custom preset made with the classic sliders (Butt, Thighs etc. from CBBE Bodyslide) ?

These are not yet supported in the current test version. The release version will have all of them, and i will also convert several outfits from scratch for higher overall quality.



When attempting to convert an armor I get to step 11.... 11. Load the nif file you created in step 7 (method in the madness madness in the method). <_<   When I go to load outfit I get and unhandled exception warning and have to abort. I was able to do it once but messed up and had to reinstall bodyslide and armor. Haven't gotten past step 11 since. Any Ideas what I'm not doing?

I think the conversion walkthrough by BringTheNoise is a bit outdated, steps like deleting bones is not necessary.

Here's a quick walkthrough how i batch convert anything to UUNP:



  1. Open Outfit Studio ---> "File" ---> "Load Reference..."
  2. "Use an existing Sliderset" ---> "Browse" ---> ...\Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\ConversionSets\
  3. Figure out which .xml file you need as conversion reference:
  4. All the bodies available in UUNP are found in "UNPconvert.xml", ADEC is in "CalConvert.xml"
  5. Select the exact bodytype from the original outfits you want to convert, example "UNP High to CBBE" - from my experience, the high weight (_1.nif) always works better to convert
  6. "Load Outfit..." ---> "Load from a .NIF file" ---> navigate to the \Data\Meshes\... folder and load the _1.nif version of the outfit
  7. Delete the original nude body in the mesh list on the top right window, usually this is has a specific name depending on the original outfit like "UNPSlimPushupW" or sometimes just "Body"
  8. If any outfit parts are dislocated about 1 foot before and below the reference body, use "Move Shape" ---> "Old CBBE to Vanilla Offset"
  9. Anything like Gloves floating in the air is fixed by loading the outfit again, with the option "File" ---> "Apply Overall Skin Transform" disabled
  10. If all meshes are in place and there is still clipping, the outfit probably uses a rare variant like "UNP Perky" or "UNPB Chapi" - you may have to load the outfit again, and compare only its nude body with various conversion reference bodies (repeat everything with the correct reference)
  11. "Slider" ---> "Conform All"
  12. Move the conversion slider in the right bottom window to 100%
  13. "Slider" ---> "Set Base Shape" (the reference body will snap back to UNP shape and everything clips, ignore this)
  14. "File" ---> "Export NIF" ---> Overwrite the original _1.nif mesh

Rinse and repeat this for all outfits and -parts like gloves, boots, capes, accessories and also hoods if they go anywhere below the neckline. I strongly recommend to convert everything right now and make sure you don't forget anything, because every time you have to fiddle around with conversionsets and folders will interrupt your work flow.

Next up create projects for everything and make backups:

  1. "File" ---> "New Project..." ---> "Use a Template" ---> UUNP HDT (you always use this one for everything, also boots and gloves - do NOT use UUNP Special for outfits)
  2. "Outfit Name" (IMPORTANT) ---> pick a descriptive name how the project will display later for users, use some kind of logical pattern so it will be sorted alphabetically
  3. "Load from a .nif file" ---> select whatever you converted before ---> "Finish"
  4. Use the Inflate / Deflate / Move / Smooth Brushes to fix any clipping left over from the conversion procedure, if you mess anything up that "Undo" can't fix then just load the outfit again
  5. "Slider" ---> "Set Base Shape" (this will reset all slidermorph edits, so don't use this again unless you WANT to destroy your edits)
  6. "Slider" ---> "Conform All"
  7. (IMPORTANT) enable the sliders for some of the major UNP+7B morph families - check for recurring clipping in all areas that are identical for those morphs and fix that on the baseshape rather than on the sliders. If you don't do that you will have to make the same edits 50 times later on, and run into weighting issues.
  8. "Save Project As..." ---> only a Torso outfit may have the "Copy reference shape into outfit" option enabled, if you have something like sandals or fingergloves you first have to replace those meshes manually by loading the UUNP Hands / Feet as an outfit with "Keep other shapes" enabled in the load dialogue
  9. Exit OS+Bodyslide, create a mod from your overwrite folder in MOD ORGANIZER (NMM users not supported, good luck finding all files manually)
  10. Repeat for all outfits and -parts
  11. Create backups of all the conversion mods


Now download Mesh Rigger, you can choose the portable 32-bit version if you don't want Python on your PC.

You can drop the files anywhere, i suggest to create desktop shortcuts for both the Mesh Rigger executable as well as the folder inside with the template/target folders.


  1. Copy ...\CalienteTools\BodySlide\ShapeData\Unified UNP\UUNPHDT.nif ---> Paste into ...\Mesh Rigger\Template
  2. Copy your Project's shapedata meshes from the ...\ShapeData\...\ folders into the ...\Mesh Rigger\Target folder
  3. Launch Mesh Rigger, select UUNPHDT.nif as template and your mesh(es) as target
  4. The settings in Mesh Rigger are not quite universal, for example if the target mesh is TBBP with Breast01 bones then you have to select "Delete all Weights" and "Replace Bones", but under no circumstances do the same with boots or gloves - this would need its own guide
  5. "Ok" ---> wait for the next dialogue ---> For a Torso Outfit you select all bones, boots only thighs, gloves only adjacent arm weights
  6. wait until Mesh Rigger is finished, this can take a while ranging from 10 seconds to 30+ minutes - when it's done, the active MS-DOS window will shut down and your rigged mesh will be found in the "Output" folder of Mesh Rigger
  7. Copy the output meshes back into your mod project's "ShapeData" folders


Now load the projects and start editing sliders, remember to make additional backups after any significant work steps. Before testing anything you should also create SliderGroups with "Unified UNP" like this:



You can always restore original weights in OS in particular with help of the "Edit only Connected" and "Mask" features. But as mentioned this would need its own guide, come back when you have weighting issues.




Chances are that some steps are missing or incomprehensible, but my forum time is up so make sure to report if anything doesn't work as described.



edit: added the step "5.  'Set Base Shape' " after fixing basic clipping - i guess this walkthrough would need better formatting to be readable ^ ^


Thanks, I'll try it when I have more time... I'm trying to convert CBBE HDT armor set to UUNP HDT. I just find it odd that it worked once, i did have a converted armor. I had a problem with Skyrim and thought it was with BS and OS. I deleted everything and started over that's when I found out it was a Skyrim problem and had to fix that, losing my work. Tried again and couldn't get the outfit to load during step11 no matter what I did. It begins to load stops and hangs for a bit then I get the unhandled exception warning. If I hit "ignore" it just hangs doing nothing and at that point I have to end the program via task manager. Hitting "retry" or "abort" just closes everything.

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I was just thinking we need a depository for all these uunp conversions there popping up all over the place here and in other threads really nothing more than a thread someone mantians with links to these at this rate it wont be long before its impossible to keep up with this having to look at dozens of threads daily ie; right now i know there's a conversion posted in dd cursed loot and another in dd assets. Im tempted to post a new thread just for this and try to contact authors to see if it's allright with them I add there download to some sort of master list. Only issue with me is I hop games like crazy and when i do swap sometimes i completely ignore w/e else i play.

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Lol mesh rigger wont run. Every time I wanna mod something wont run.

Ah fixed it!

I was just thinking we need a depository for all these uunp conversions there popping up all over the place here and in other threads really nothing more than a thread someone mantians with links to these at this rate it wont be long before its impossible to keep up with this having to look at dozens of threads daily ie; right now i know there's a conversion posted in dd cursed loot and another in dd assets. Im tempted to post a new thread just for this and try to contact authors to see if it's allright with them I add there download to some sort of master list. Only issue with me is I hop games like crazy and when i do swap sometimes i completely ignore w/e else i play.

It's because all of this is just beta at the moment. None of there are final yet. Also if you are unsure that you would keep up with it why make it in the first place?

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I am not good at english. I find something wrong, when my character run fastly.

UVR - UNPMDC Vanilla UUNP HDT test0.2

Thanks for reporting this - did you use a custom preset made with the classic sliders (Butt, Thighs etc. from CBBE Bodyslide) ?

These are not yet supported in the current test version. The release version will have all of them, and i will also convert several outfits from scratch for higher overall quality.



When attempting to convert an armor I get to step 11.... 11. Load the nif file you created in step 7 (method in the madness madness in the method). <_<   When I go to load outfit I get and unhandled exception warning and have to abort. I was able to do it once but messed up and had to reinstall bodyslide and armor. Haven't gotten past step 11 since. Any Ideas what I'm not doing?

I think the conversion walkthrough by BringTheNoise is a bit outdated, steps like deleting bones is not necessary.

Here's a quick walkthrough how i batch convert anything to UUNP:



  1. Open Outfit Studio ---> "File" ---> "Load Reference..."
  2. "Use an existing Sliderset" ---> "Browse" ---> ...\Data\CalienteTools\Bodyslide\ConversionSets\
  3. Figure out which .xml file you need as conversion reference:
  4. All the bodies available in UUNP are found in "UNPconvert.xml", ADEC is in "CalConvert.xml"
  5. Select the exact bodytype from the original outfits you want to convert, example "UNP High to CBBE" - from my experience, the high weight (_1.nif) always works better to convert
  6. "Load Outfit..." ---> "Load from a .NIF file" ---> navigate to the \Data\Meshes\... folder and load the _1.nif version of the outfit
  7. Delete the original nude body in the mesh list on the top right window, usually this is has a specific name depending on the original outfit like "UNPSlimPushupW" or sometimes just "Body"
  8. If any outfit parts are dislocated about 1 foot before and below the reference body, use "Move Shape" ---> "Old CBBE to Vanilla Offset"
  9. Anything like Gloves floating in the air is fixed by loading the outfit again, with the option "File" ---> "Apply Overall Skin Transform" disabled
  10. If all meshes are in place and there is still clipping, the outfit probably uses a rare variant like "UNP Perky" or "UNPB Chapi" - you may have to load the outfit again, and compare only its nude body with various conversion reference bodies (repeat everything with the correct reference)
  11. "Slider" ---> "Conform All"
  12. Move the conversion slider in the right bottom window to 100%
  13. "Slider" ---> "Set Base Shape" (the reference body will snap back to UNP shape and everything clips, ignore this)
  14. "File" ---> "Export NIF" ---> Overwrite the original _1.nif mesh

Rinse and repeat this for all outfits and -parts like gloves, boots, capes, accessories and also hoods if they go anywhere below the neckline. I strongly recommend to convert everything right now and make sure you don't forget anything, because every time you have to fiddle around with conversionsets and folders will interrupt your work flow.

Next up create projects for everything and make backups:

  1. "File" ---> "New Project..." ---> "Use a Template" ---> UUNP HDT (you always use this one for everything, also boots and gloves - do NOT use UUNP Special for outfits)
  2. "Outfit Name" (IMPORTANT) ---> pick a descriptive name how the project will display later for users, use some kind of logical pattern so it will be sorted alphabetically
  3. "Load from a .nif file" ---> select whatever you converted before ---> "Finish"
  4. Use the Inflate / Deflate / Move / Smooth Brushes to fix any clipping left over from the conversion procedure, if you mess anything up that "Undo" can't fix then just load the outfit again
  5. "Slider" ---> "Set Base Shape" (this will reset all slidermorph edits, so don't use this again unless you WANT to destroy your edits)
  6. "Slider" ---> "Conform All"
  7. (IMPORTANT) enable the sliders for some of the major UNP+7B morph families - check for recurring clipping in all areas that are identical for those morphs and fix that on the baseshape rather than on the sliders. If you don't do that you will have to make the same edits 50 times later on, and run into weighting issues.
  8. "Save Project As..." ---> only a Torso outfit may have the "Copy reference shape into outfit" option enabled, if you have something like sandals or fingergloves you first have to replace those meshes manually by loading the UUNP Hands / Feet as an outfit with "Keep other shapes" enabled in the load dialogue
  9. Exit OS+Bodyslide, create a mod from your overwrite folder in MOD ORGANIZER (NMM users not supported, good luck finding all files manually)
  10. Repeat for all outfits and -parts
  11. Create backups of all the conversion mods


Now download Mesh Rigger, you can choose the portable 32-bit version if you don't want Python on your PC.

You can drop the files anywhere, i suggest to create desktop shortcuts for both the Mesh Rigger executable as well as the folder inside with the template/target folders.


  1. Copy ...\CalienteTools\BodySlide\ShapeData\Unified UNP\UUNPHDT.nif ---> Paste into ...\Mesh Rigger\Template
  2. Copy your Project's shapedata meshes from the ...\ShapeData\...\ folders into the ...\Mesh Rigger\Target folder
  3. Launch Mesh Rigger, select UUNPHDT.nif as template and your mesh(es) as target
  4. The settings in Mesh Rigger are not quite universal, for example if the target mesh is TBBP with Breast01 bones then you have to select "Delete all Weights" and "Replace Bones", but under no circumstances do the same with boots or gloves - this would need its own guide
  5. "Ok" ---> wait for the next dialogue ---> For a Torso Outfit you select all bones, boots only thighs, gloves only adjacent arm weights
  6. wait until Mesh Rigger is finished, this can take a while ranging from 10 seconds to 30+ minutes - when it's done, the active MS-DOS window will shut down and your rigged mesh will be found in the "Output" folder of Mesh Rigger
  7. Copy the output meshes back into your mod project's "ShapeData" folders


Now load the projects and start editing sliders, remember to make additional backups after any significant work steps. Before testing anything you should also create SliderGroups with "Unified UNP" like this:



You can always restore original weights in OS in particular with help of the "Edit only Connected" and "Mask" features. But as mentioned this would need its own guide, come back when you have weighting issues.




Chances are that some steps are missing or incomprehensible, but my forum time is up so make sure to report if anything doesn't work as described.



edit: added the step "5.  'Set Base Shape' " after fixing basic clipping - i guess this walkthrough would need better formatting to be readable ^ ^



Thank you for your wonderful work. I just use default UUNP-UN7B, dont use other sliders.

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Lol mesh rigger wont run. Every time I wanna mod something wont run.


Ah fixed it!


I was just thinking we need a depository for all these uunp conversions there popping up all over the place here and in other threads really nothing more than a thread someone mantians with links to these at this rate it wont be long before its impossible to keep up with this having to look at dozens of threads daily ie; right now i know there's a conversion posted in dd cursed loot and another in dd assets. Im tempted to post a new thread just for this and try to contact authors to see if it's allright with them I add there download to some sort of master list. Only issue width me is I hop games like crazy and when i do swap sometimes i completely ignore w/e else i play.

It's because all of this is just beta at the moment. None of there are final yet. Also if you are unsure that you would keep up with it why make it in the first place?

I understand that this was just a suggestion and I was hoping someone would take it up

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Hey, I was trying to convert an armor but I ran into some issues. I'm new to this so I have almost no idea what I'm doing. At the moment I have to main issues. How exactly do I get the armor to show up in game? and another thing is that if I drop the list down there is nothing there in bodyslide:





Right now I'm testing how all this works and making sure I understand how it works so I don't waste too much time if I start to convert things seriously. I know I have clipping but I will go back and re do it since this is just practice for me.

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Sorry for the double post I meant to place this on my previous one. :P


Edit: Okay so I re did everything and it seems I'm getting the unp preset drop down menu working now. I just got to test some more stuff.


Edit 2: Success! I have managed to do it and it's almost clip-less( Only part I see is the neck area)

I did some extreme proportions by using the in game bodyslide to test if it would clip but it still didn't.

I ran around for a while too and I didn't notice anything!


So how's it look? I had done it for the 7boppai but it looks like it should work with any body. I don't thin this is a very popular armor since I never see it but I just love it! For now I have only done the body so I need to do gloves and boots. I don't know if I would do the helm since I have a hide helmets mod. :P


Oh and I forgot to test pregnancy with it so I don't know how well that works. I might do the rest tomorrow because it's getting late here.


Click the screens to look!

The first 3 is 7b oppai at the lowest weight using uunp. The last two I used the cbbe in game bodyslide function and put breast, butt, and thighs at max to see if it would clip.









Edit #3: Anyone want to help me out? I want to know if I packaged this correctly and if it's working! Remember if you want to use it its' only the body at the moment. The author has given permission for anyone to use this.(Sorry I'm new to this so I don't know if I should credit here or not. :P)


I think you need the original since I didn't porvide any textures. I used the cbbe to convert and I don't know if that matters:

(Are we allowed to link to the nexus? I'll remove it if we aren't)



Edit #4: I just remembered that I forgot to put some files in this so it probably wont work XD

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I was just thinking we need a depository for all these uunp conversions there popping up all over the place here and in other threads really nothing more than a thread someone mantians with links to these at this rate it wont be long before its impossible to keep up with this having to look at dozens of threads daily ie; right now i know there's a conversion posted in dd cursed loot and another in dd assets. Im tempted to post a new thread just for this and try to contact authors to see if it's allright with them I add there download to some sort of master list. Only issue with me is I hop games like crazy and when i do swap sometimes i completely ignore w/e else i play.

When Ashal has time, he will make a subforum for BodySlide (if he still feels like it).

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So many pages to read so I will just post and hope for help.

I get seams at the hands when using this, any help what I am doing wrong ?

Try loading the uunp hands in bodyslide and building. It's happened to me and that fixed it for me.



Updated my file a bit I don't know if it works now.


Still no boots/gloves I ran into issues :P



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Thank you for your wonderful work. I just use default UUNP-UN7B, dont use other sliders.

Alright i just tried to stage the scene you posted, using UN7B in slow motion while sprinting.

This is all the clipping i saw:


  • Which hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml are you using?
  • Did you use skeleton scaling in ECE / RaceMenu?
Other than that, the Wench Outfit will definitely get remade from scratch; but it would be good to find out what exactly makes it clip so bad in your game.



Thanks, I'll try it when I have more time... I'm trying to convert CBBE HDT armor set to UUNP HDT. I just find it odd that it worked once, i did have a converted armor. I had a problem with Skyrim and thought it was with BS and OS. I deleted everything and started over that's when I found out it was a Skyrim problem and had to fix that, losing my work. Tried again and couldn't get the outfit to load during step11 no matter what I did. It begins to load stops and hangs for a bit then I get the unhandled exception warning. If I hit "ignore" it just hangs doing nothing and at that point I have to end the program via task manager. Hitting "retry" or "abort" just closes everything.

Do you use the latest version of Bodyslide, and are you sure that you have the executable in MO point to the correct folder?

Because i know that it's possible to make OS crash directly with unsupported operations, but i never heard of any unhandled exception warnings.



How exactly do I get the armor to show up in game? and another thing is that if I drop the list down there is nothing there in bodyslide:

First you have to create a group (even if it's just one outfit), then edit the .xml file of the group like shown in the image at the bottom of my walkthrough above. The reason might be that BS2 can not "know" automatically for which type of preset the outfit conversions are made for.

If the image is still unclear, i can try to explain it better.


Then assuming that you have the output paths set up correct, you just hit build / batch build and it will overwrite the existing outfit mesh.

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Thank you for your wonderful work. I just use default UUNP-UN7B, dont use other sliders.

Alright i just tried to stage the scene you posted, using UN7B in slow motion while sprinting.

This is all the clipping i saw:


  • Which hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml are you using?
  • Did you use skeleton scaling in ECE / RaceMenu?
Other than that, the Wench Outfit will definitely get remade from scratch; but it would be good to find out what exactly makes it clip so bad in your game.



Thanks, I'll try it when I have more time... I'm trying to convert CBBE HDT armor set to UUNP HDT. I just find it odd that it worked once, i did have a converted armor. I had a problem with Skyrim and thought it was with BS and OS. I deleted everything and started over that's when I found out it was a Skyrim problem and had to fix that, losing my work. Tried again and couldn't get the outfit to load during step11 no matter what I did. It begins to load stops and hangs for a bit then I get the unhandled exception warning. If I hit "ignore" it just hangs doing nothing and at that point I have to end the program via task manager. Hitting "retry" or "abort" just closes everything.

Do you use the latest version of Bodyslide, and are you sure that you have the executable in MO point to the correct folder?

Because i know that it's possible to make OS crash directly with unsupported operations, but i never heard of any unhandled exception warnings.



How exactly do I get the armor to show up in game? and another thing is that if I drop the list down there is nothing there in bodyslide:

First you have to create a group (even if it's just one outfit), then edit the .xml file of the group like shown in the image at the bottom of my walkthrough above. The reason might be that BS2 can not "know" automatically for which type of preset the outfit conversions are made for.

If the image is still unclear, i can try to explain it better.


Oh I already got the armor in game. I think I had skipped a step. Also I also get clipping in the same spot with the Tavern clothes.


It's a lot more than your image though.


I'm using the 7 base oppai preset on uunp hdt with this file:



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So many pages to read so I will just post and hope for help.

I get seams at the hands when using this, any help what I am doing wrong ?

Try loading the uunp hands in bodyslide and building. It's happened to me and that fixed it for me.



Updated my file a bit I don't know if it works now.


Still no boots/gloves I ran into issues :P





Doesnt help Im afraid, still get very visible seams.

I use the FairSkin textures vtw.

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Also I also get clipping in the same spot with the Tavern clothes.


It's a lot more than your image though.


I'm using the 7 base oppai preset on uunp hdt with this file:



I see. Well i currently only use the HDT PE preset from RickerHK's Remodeled Armors conversion, which has a pretty firm and realistically short bounce.

What i can do for the next update is to also test it with the default preset that comes with HDT PE, but that one already has a pretty silly "jelly" bounce that lasts for 3+ seconds. As for other custom presets, if they are shaking crazy like a waterbed there's not much i can do about it ;)


For reference, you could also compare it with some of the Dragonborn Minidresses - they should be much much better optimized because i have changed the conversion and weighting techniques a few times while making those test versions.

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I'm trying to convert Shiny Rubber Catsuits for UUNP BodySlide.

The original mod I'm working from is made for CB plus plus.


Is that CB++ body offset or something? And SCALED differently?


I worked on the black catsuit for quite a while last night and using the UUNP HDT reference body, the only way I could get it to be CLOSE to matching the reference body size was to "Scale Shape" to something like 1.0335 and then I had to "Move Shape" back and up. And even after that the arms looked like they were slightly dropped on the catsuit like you could get the shoulder to match but the wrist was closer to the hip than the reference by about half the diameter of the wrist at that end.


I got the suit itself to where it doesn't look bad but then I went in game and if I'm barefoot, there's a large gap at the feet. So I figured I'd have to go in and dick around with it and see what's what. In this "collection" there are several colors and it APPEARS they all use their own mesh so I'd have to go through this all AGAIN for each one? 


It makes me wonder if it's got BodySlide files already (in the original) and if none of the pieces have reference bodies in them, could I bodyslide the meshes to a UUNP shape first? And then convert from THERE?

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I'm trying to convert Shiny Rubber Catsuits for UUNP BodySlide.

The original mod I'm working from is made for CB plus plus.


Is that CB++ body offset or something? And SCALED differently?


I worked on the black catsuit for quite a while last night and using the UUNP HDT reference body, the only way I could get it to be CLOSE to matching the reference body size was to "Scale Shape" to something like 1.0335 and then I had to "Move Shape" back and up. And even after that the arms looked like they were slightly dropped on the catsuit like you could get the shoulder to match but the wrist was closer to the hip than the reference by about half the diameter of the wrist at that end.


I got the suit itself to where it doesn't look bad but then I went in game and if I'm barefoot, there's a large gap at the feet. So I figured I'd have to go in and dick around with it and see what's what. In this "collection" there are several colors and it APPEARS they all use their own mesh so I'd have to go through this all AGAIN for each one? 


It makes me wonder if it's got BodySlide files already (in the original) and if none of the pieces have reference bodies in them, could I bodyslide the meshes to a UUNP shape first? And then convert from THERE?

CB++ should have the "Old CBBE to Vanilla offset" dislocation, but i would strongly suggest to convert the original mod manually. There is absolutely no benefit from using an existing CB++ sliderset, because all the slider edits are lost anyway after conforming to UUNP. The only thing you could use is the shapedata.nif.

If a 100% concealing outfit like a catsuit doesn't entirely fit the baseshape, it doesn't really matter as long as the hand and foot seams are matching. Probably the author simply designed it so.

To test this you can load the UUNP hands and feet as outfits into OS, use "Load Outfit" with the tickbox "Keep other Shapes" enabled. You will immediately see wether the seams are matching or not.


Other things to check in NifSkope:

NiTriShape - Translation, Rotation, Scale

NiSkinData - Skin Transform


(dangerous half-knowledge) AFAIK those meshes with bad scaling / rotation values are a bug when exporting them from 3ds max, no idea why they work alright in nifskope and in game but OS cannot handle them at all. Fact is that this only concerns mods by certain authors, and some vanilla outfits by Bethesda (mostly gloves).

If you want to see a REAL offender, load these outfits into OS: Simple Lore Underwears

Basically all the values are wrong, one setting is scaling them by x10 and the other one by x0.1, same with the rotation and location values.





If the mod uses different meshes for each of for its recolor variants, you can simply change the textures in OS and use "Save Project As..." under a different name. No need to create more than 1 actual conversion.


For mods that use 1 mesh for recolors, and they don't work in game, you have to edit the shapedata .nif in NifSkope and move the NiTriShapes  into the same order like in the original (CTRL+arrow up/down). It doesn't have to have the exact same number, only the general order like "body->torso->panty". You will also have to repeat this after every time you save the project in OS, because OS doesn't remember the mesh order.

Edited by guk
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Yeah, I'm looking at this a couple of ways and what I'm finding is that in terms of scale...


If the ankles (end of leg) lines up with both the outfit and the UUNP reference body...

The crotch lines up as well

But the shoulders are down.... if I make the UUNP reference body into a mesh looking ... not solid... in OS so I can see through it.. the outfit shoulders are down inside the reference body by.... just about the thickness of the wrist. So it's like the torso is compressed from somewhere around the hip to top of neck. That whole "section" is shorter.


I think I'm going to have to pass on this one until I get more experience.


And I was wrong about the multiple meshes. The original only builds 2 "sets" (_0 and _1) of meshes. One for solid colors and one for transparents.

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