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Sexlab Aroused Redux December 05 2016

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OK, thank you fishburger67.


I started to look for the psc, had no idea there are more files packed into bsa files. :P


I found nothing usefull in the framework file, in the config file i found something looking pretty identical to my example.

If I replace "timerate" at line 236 by a number (2), good but "function display" sounds not like it would change something essential.

Something wrong here.


Back in the framework I finally found something at line 136.

So if I replace 10 by 2 and set ingame "decay" to 0 it should do exactly what I want.


Managed to repack everything with archieve.exe and tomorrow I will test it.


Thx to show me the direction, results coming soon.





Game crashed ;)

Had trouble with the compiling, path was wrong. Moved to C: => fixed.


After this little problem I replaced the bsa file... without any change ingame. Aroused starts up, new mcm menu appears everything fine. Just no changes for the values.

Tried to make other changements, 2 hours passed and no results.


Found line 455 in the framework.psc:

Int newRank = (GetActorDaysSinceLastOrgasm(akRef) * GetActorTimeRate(akRef)) as Int + GetActorExposure(akRef)

=> ingame; ~100 days * 0 + Exposure


If I simply delete "* GetActorTimeRate(akRef)) as Int" i should have arousal calculated by days + Exposure.


I just dont see it ingame, no effect. Should affect directly the arousal.


My steps: BSA unpacker -> edit file -> archieve.exe, everything selected, save as misc -> copy&paste the bsa to skyrim -> load a game -> wait a moment until the mcm menu appears.


Do I make a basic error?

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it keep on saying SexLabAroused is ready to use how do i stop that


I have no idea.  If you find the reason, please let us know.  It does not happen for 99.999% of users, but it has happened to 4 users.  So far, no one has identified the mod or configuration that is causing the problem.

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can any one help plese it keep on saying SexLabAroused is ready to use how do i stop that plese let us know


I don't think anyone can help you.  This question was asked before and never answered.  It is NOT a problem with Aroused.  It is a problem with another mod or configuration.  If you find the answer, please let us know what the solution was.

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can any one help plese it keep on saying SexLabAroused is ready to use how do i stop that plese let us know


First - Have you tried removing the mod and properly cleaning the save file with SaveTool type thing?

 - Use savetool to clean file. 

Under Advanced-

USE Remove scripts attached to nonexistent created forms.

DO NOT USE the second button.

Load and save game again.

Uncheck SexlabAroused.esp from right hand panel of MO (don't mess with the left hand panel)

Load and save game.

- use savetool to clean file again.  Click all the buttons (except in advanced - not the second one)

Load and save game.

-use savetool to clean file another time - this time you will click the second one in advanced and should get 0 scripts removed.

Check SexlabAroused.esp in the right hand panel of MO.

And your issue may disappear.


If that doesn't work... you have another option to build on what have already done. 

Delete your current skse cosave.

Go back to an early save in the game (where game was going well) and copy the skse cosave.

Rename the cosave to match the current .ess. 


You will lose your SexLab Stats (reverts to whatever they were in that cosave). 

If your stats matter to you  - then you can download SL Stats Manipulator and reenter them manually.

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Ok, now I have ruined something with the scripts.


Tried to compile psc ->pex. an now there is new problem.

 No idea what's wrong, just placed the original files back into the folder, CTD -> Reinstall the game.


If anybody has an idea how to make the file change or can do it ...

I give up. Wasted about 10 hours with this shit, no idea why everything has to be so inconvenient. :dodgy:


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i took off Sexlab Aroused Redux and i install the normal one and the massege problem was gone

The "normal" one is a resource hog prone to causing stack dumps which will cause serious problems in other mods that use scripts (by overloading the scripting engine so that scripts that should run don't therefore leaving other mods in a possibly broken state).


In short, you made a mistake that MAY bite you. You may also be able to run that version with no problems but as long as you are running that version of Aroused don't ever post that some other scripted mod has a problem because the problem may not be in that mod.

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Ok, now I have ruined something with the scripts.


Tried to compile psc ->pex. an now there is new problem.

 No idea what's wrong, just placed the original files back into the folder, CTD -> Reinstall the game.


If anybody has an idea how to make the file change or can do it ...

I give up. Wasted about 10 hours with this shit, no idea why everything has to be so inconvenient. :dodgy:


There are about 10 dozen things you could be doing wrong.   Don't have time for any papyrus training atm.


i took off Sexlab Aroused Redux and i install the normal one and the massege problem was gone


The reason you don't have the message is because it is not in the original.  However, whatever caused your problem remains.


And, as Waxenfigure pointed out, you added a significant load to your papyrus engine.  Be sure to keep checking your papyrus log to see if it is causing stack dumps and or other problems like CTDs and so on as you play the game.


If not, they both have exactly the same functionality and you are safe to use it.

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I experienced quirky arousal values with The Naked Dragon mod. After entering the brothels in the mod (specifically the one in Morthal), the player character's exposure value would increase. This made it impossible to get rid of arousal by utilizing the services inside and essentially made it pointless.


I've posted about the issue in that mod thread, but the mod author doesn't use SL Arousal and suggested I post here instead. For reference, here is the post:


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I experienced quirky arousal values with The Naked Dragon mod. After entering the brothels in the mod (specifically the one in Morthal), the player character's exposure value would increase. This made it impossible to get rid of arousal by utilizing the services inside and essentially made it pointless.


I've posted about the issue in that mod thread, but the mod author doesn't use SL Arousal and suggested I post here instead. For reference, here is the post:



Nothing I can do either.   Not sure what is triggering the arousal because I don't use the mod and don't care much about it.  But,  he can certainly do something by adding keywords to the denizens in his mod, adding clothing, etc.


Not sure what you mean by "utilizing the services", but having a climax should reduce arousal dramatically.

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I experienced quirky arousal values with The Naked Dragon mod. After entering the brothels in the mod (specifically the one in Morthal), the player character's exposure value would increase. This made it impossible to get rid of arousal by utilizing the services inside and essentially made it pointless.


I've posted about the issue in that mod thread, but the mod author doesn't use SL Arousal and suggested I post here instead. For reference, here is the post:



Nothing I can do either.   Not sure what is triggering the arousal because I don't use the mod and don't care much about it.  But,  he can certainly do something by adding keywords to the denizens in his mod, adding clothing, etc.


Not sure what you mean by "utilizing the services", but having a climax should reduce arousal dramatically.



Problem is exposure keeps climbing (20, 40, 60). As the arousal formula is timeRate * DaysSinceOrgasm + Exposure, even after climax, arousal then becomes set to exposure, which for some reason is set ridiculously high by the Naked Dragon mod.


All I'm doing is passing the message along. The mod author doesn't seem to intend to look into the bug since he doesn't use SL Arousal.


If it is a bug on my part, let me know and I will fix it. But its possible the issue might be with SL Arousal.

I think it's a bug with his mod, which I already previously stated to him. Not sure how I would confirm it though. I don't care enough for the mod to spend a lot of time debugging it.


If the bug isn't from the scripts, my next guess is it's related to the custom outfits? Could they be marked as something that will trigger exposure in other surrounding actors? What's the radius of effect for that? However, I found the exposure didn't return even after leaving the brothel, though I don't know how often that gets refreshed and how long it would take to go back to zero. Since I was just doing casual testing, I didn't sit around for very long to see if it would eventually go back. I maybe waited 15-30 seconds.

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Is there any way to remove the quick growing arousal when NPCs sees PC naked? I don't want the naked state changing the arousal value, time is enough.


No, that is the whole point.  But, you can certainly minimize it with MCM settings.



Hey... i've deleted "get all actors in 1024" at Quest tab with TES5Edit and it worked somehow, the arousal value is now growing only with time, no problems with streaking around haha. Anyway will this give me any issue?

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Quick question, what would be a good setting to slow down the arousal, if it is possible. I would prefer to be able to clear a couple dungeons before once again popping a tent and getting debuffs.


Turn down the frequency of the scans to the the maximum.  Turn it back up when you want to get aroused.  Make sure timerate is reset lower (to just above zero) periodically as it will change over time if you don't have sex.

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Quick question, what would be a good setting to slow down the arousal, if it is possible. I would prefer to be able to clear a couple dungeons before once again popping a tent and getting debuffs.


Turn down the frequency of the scans to the the maximum.  Turn it back up when you want to get aroused.  Make sure timerate is reset lower (to just above zero) periodically as it will change over time if you don't have sex.



Super, thanks!

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Hello! First of all a big thank you for this mod!


Is there any way though to reduce the screen effects a little? (Like the blur at around 30 arousal or the double vision at higher?)


If I'm not mistaken these effects come from the mod Dripping When Aroused.

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fishburger67 can you help me this is my papyrus log: Key N dont work and npcs dont boner


You have your SLAR installation screwed up.  This line:


Cannot call TimeRateHalfLife() on a None object, aborting function call


and all like it are indicative of that.   Completely uninstall aroused,  Look at the bottom of the home page and manually (using Windows explorer) delete any sla*.pex and *.psc files from the Scripts directories as outlined at the bottom of the home page. This is in the "Upgrade" section at the bottom of the page.  Here is a reprint













After making sure it is uninstalled correctly, install again.  DO NOT start the game before re-installing.  Just ininstall and re-install.


Then, run FNIS.  This re-installation will not fix the NPCs not having sex, only the errors in your log.  Do a google search for Sexlab troubleshooting and follow the advise on that page to fix those issues.

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Hey thanks for the mod, good work!


"Version 21. Fixed a minor bug where there was an error in the papyrus log and storageUtil cleaning happened ever game load"



I'm still having this issue, however it rarely happens. It' seems like there is a small chance when I start a new game, then after making my first save/ load this will happen.


and if it happen on the first save it will persist trough the entire game.



It's not so dangerous since I save the game right after configuring my mcm menu, just a slightly annoying issue becuase I have to start new game and set up the truckoad of mcm menu's I have one more time.

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Hey thanks for the mod, good work!


"Version 21. Fixed a minor bug where there was an error in the papyrus log and storageUtil cleaning happened ever game load"



I'm still having this issue, however it rarely happens. It' seems like there is a small chance when I start a new game, then after making my first save/ load this will happen.


and if it happen on the first save it will persist trough the entire game.



It's not so dangerous since I save the game right after configuring my mcm menu, just a slightly annoying issue becuase I have to start new game and set up the truckoad of mcm menu's I have one more time.


I'll look at this again, thanks for the report.


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