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Sexlab Aroused Redux December 05 2016

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I just updated this from an old version to one >v25.

Are the idle animations when aroused very very short or is my idle replacer from XPMSE (I think) interfering with these animations?

The characters just kinda have time to reach down to their crotch and then they go back to idling.


They are (necessarily) very short.  The reason they are very short is to prevent "moonwalking".


Okay, I see. That explains a lot.

I thought perhaps they were longer and automatically got cancelled when an actor starts moving.

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I just updated this from an old version to one >v25.

Are the idle animations when aroused very very short or is my idle replacer from XPMSE (I think) interfering with these animations?

The characters just kinda have time to reach down to their crotch and then they go back to idling.


They are (necessarily) very short.  The reason they are very short is to prevent "moonwalking".


Okay, I see. That explains a lot.

I thought perhaps they were longer and automatically got cancelled when an actor starts moving.



That's the problem, they don't get cancelled when the actor starts moving.


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I have SexLabAroused_V27a.7z installed, but many mods that depend upon it read it as the original Sexlab Aroused, in that, once in the configuration menu, they see it as only Sexlab Aroused being installed, not Sexlab Aroused Redux. This makes it so I cannot use the advanced configurations that require Sexlab Aroused Redux O.o I have uninstalled, and reinstalled V27.a7z, should I try version .17? I don't know what to do...

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I have SexLabAroused_V27a.7z installed, but many mods that depend upon it read it as the original Sexlab Aroused, in that, once in the configuration menu, they see it as only Sexlab Aroused being installed, not Sexlab Aroused Redux. This makes it so I cannot use the advanced configurations that require Sexlab Aroused Redux O.o I have uninstalled, and reinstalled V27.a7z, should I try version .17? I don't know what to do...


hmm as far as i know redux is made so that mods that use the original aroused works with it too. meaning it shouldnt be a problem.


by advanced configurations, you mean what is in the redux MCM ? if so it should work.

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long time fan first time poster.


I have no experience working with animations yet i been trying to figure out how to get the aroused idle animations to repeat it self few times, around 5 times. I been trying to rewrite the FNIS sexlabaroused list but have had little luck. any help would be appreciated.

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I have SexLabAroused_V27a.7z installed, but many mods that depend upon it read it as the original Sexlab Aroused, in that, once in the configuration menu, they see it as only Sexlab Aroused being installed, not Sexlab Aroused Redux. This makes it so I cannot use the advanced configurations that require Sexlab Aroused Redux O.o I have uninstalled, and reinstalled V27.a7z, should I try version .17? I don't know what to do...




I have SexLabAroused_V27a.7z installed, but many mods that depend upon it read it as the original Sexlab Aroused, in that, once in the configuration menu, they see it as only Sexlab Aroused being installed, not Sexlab Aroused Redux. This makes it so I cannot use the advanced configurations that require Sexlab Aroused Redux O.o I have uninstalled, and reinstalled V27.a7z, should I try version .17? I don't know what to do...


hmm as far as i know redux is made so that mods that use the original aroused works with it too. meaning it shouldnt be a problem.


by advanced configurations, you mean what is in the redux MCM ? if so it should work.


Barak43 is exactly right.  Redux is 100% compatible to the original.  It is for that reason that I cannot change the original way of getting the version number.  I did that early on and it broke several big mods.  So, mod authors should use  slaConfigScr.getVersion() to get the version number now.  Any version > 10 is Redux.

long time fan first time poster.


I have no experience working with animations yet i been trying to figure out how to get the aroused idle animations to repeat it self few times, around 5 times. I been trying to rewrite the FNIS sexlabaroused list but have had little luck. any help would be appreciated.


Let me know if you have any luck, I have no experience either.

Download link is down?


Yep, it is broken.  I'll have to tell Ashal about it.  Here is the link you need:



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I will test more, but I have the impression that the mod freeze the arousal once you pass time like sleeping or fast traveling. The arousal simple freezes and only come back normal when you have sex. Can someone confirm that?


hmm my arousal doesnt freeze at all. but then it might be due to the mods i use that force the arousal to increase. i don't know, i'll keep an eye on this


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Is the EroticArmor keyword supposed to be added to armor in the CK just like ClothingBody?


I tested it on a couple of chest pieces expecting to see the naked armor option already selected and grayed out in the MCM as I would when using a keyword such as SOS_Revealing, but that was not the case, and having the chest pieces worn in a crowded room seemed to have no effect on arousal levels.

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Hi all,

First of all I would like to thank the author of this mod. Good concept, really. But unfortunately it is not useful in most cases. Except you are planning to stay at the same location for days, people around you are NEVER aroused. When you enter new location everybody's arousal is 0. That means mods, that are based on Sexlab Aroused usually do NOTHING except, as I mentioned above, you stay long time in some location. If you installed Sexlab Aroused and a dependent mod wishing to see some autonomous random sex acts between NPC's, you may forget it - easier to use matchmaker and similar mods. You can of course stay for days at some location just to force arousal increase and look at NPC's sex... but is this fun? Not at all!

So I have one question - is this such a big problem damned NPCs arousal level to be randomly generated instead of starting from 0? Anybody ever seen autonomous sex caused Sexlab Aroused? I've never, except one time I on purpose stayed at some tavern for several days.

So sorry, dear author, but this mod is useless piece..

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Hi all,

First of all I would like to thank the author of this mod. Good concept, really. But unfortunately it is not useful in most cases. Except you are planning to stay at the same location for days, people around you are NEVER aroused. When you enter new location everybody's arousal is 0. That means mods, that are based on Sexlab Aroused usually do NOTHING except, as I mentioned above, you stay long time in some location. If you installed Sexlab Aroused and a dependent mod wishing to see some autonomous random sex acts between NPC's, you may forget it - easier to use matchmaker and similar mods. You can of course stay for days at some location just to force arousal increase and look at NPC's sex... but is this fun? Not at all!

So I have one question - is this such a big problem damned NPCs arousal level to be randomly generated instead of starting from 0? Anybody ever seen autonomous sex caused Sexlab Aroused? I've never, except one time I on purpose stayed at some tavern for several days.

So sorry, dear author, but this mod is useless piece..


hmm sorry to say, but this mod just give a way to get aroused, and some option to be aroused by exposure.


with the mods i use, and they do use aroused, i get sex pretty often. it all depend on how the mods works really, as they can update the arousal of the npcs too.


so, no it's not a useless mod.


and saying to someone who took the time to make a mod that it is useless and all... that's just not a thing to do.


you can give suggestions or make request while still being polite xD

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hmm sorry to say, but this mod just give a way to get aroused, and some option to be aroused by exposure.

Sorry to say, but this mod is supposed to generate arousal and this way make dependent mods to work. At this task it fails miserably, because as I've already told above every time it resets NPC's arousal to 0. Yeah great "way to get aroused" - by resetiing it to 0!



with the mods i use, and they do use aroused, i get sex pretty often.


Can you be more specific? How often? For example how often per 5 hours game play you observed NPC's sex? And how it is possible as their arousal every time revert to 0? Details please.



and saying to someone who took the time to make a mod that it is useless and all... that's just not a thing to do.


I always thought, that telling the truth is a thing to do.  Of course, it is great somebody spent own time to create something, but if it is useless, it is useless. Sorry. And, by the way, I started my previous post by saying thanks to the author of this mod (for spending his\her own time). It does not mean however that I will lie about usefulness of this mod. 



and saying to someone who took the time to make a mod that it is useless and all... that's just not a thing to do.


That is what I DID. Politeness does not mean dishonesty and lies... for me, at least.


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Hi all,

First of all I would like to thank the author of this mod. Good concept, really. But unfortunately it is not useful in most cases. Except you are planning to stay at the same location for days, people around you are NEVER aroused. When you enter new location everybody's arousal is 0. That means mods, that are based on Sexlab Aroused usually do NOTHING except, as I mentioned above, you stay long time in some location. If you installed Sexlab Aroused and a dependent mod wishing to see some autonomous random sex acts between NPC's, you may forget it - easier to use matchmaker and similar mods. You can of course stay for days at some location just to force arousal increase and look at NPC's sex... but is this fun? Not at all!

So I have one question - is this such a big problem damned NPCs arousal level to be randomly generated instead of starting from 0? Anybody ever seen autonomous sex caused Sexlab Aroused? I've never, except one time I on purpose stayed at some tavern for several days.

So sorry, dear author, but this mod is useless piece..


SLAR provides variables, not sex. It is up to you to tweak your settings and add mods that cause arousal among NPCs.


SLAR does exactly what it needs to in my game. Mods relying to it - like Further Lovers Comfort - activate sex in homes and bandit locations, when I have set the arousal cap to 50 for this to happen (default is 0). I am even using the cleanup feature from SLAR, to make sure that old arousal stats do not linger around.


It sounds to me that you have not tweaked settings for SLAR and mods using to to fit your expectation. Visit MCMs again.


You can also add mods that give characters more reason to get aroused. For example Hydragorgon's Slave Girls adds naked and chained girls running around cities. Character arousal rises faster even with default settings, when something is actually arousing them.


In short, SLAR works as it should. Lack of sex in your game is not it's problem, but caused by either your own settings from MCMs, or conflict in your mod list resource priorities.

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Please can you clarify one point - does NPC's arousal drop to zero when you enter location? If so, that means either  you are forced to wait long time in the location for anything to happen, or you have to enter crazy parameter in arousal menu, which will cause permanent and continuous sex between NPC's.  The main reason of all this is inability to generate random arousal levels for NPC and instead starting from 0 as they had an orgy just before your arrival. 

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Please can you clarify one point - does NPC's arousal drop to zero when you enter location? If so, that means either  you are forced to wait long time in the location for anything to happen, or you have to enter crazy parameter in arousal menu, which will cause permanent and continuous sex between NPC's.  The main reason of all this is inability to generate random arousal levels for NPC and instead starting from 0 as they had an orgy just before your arrival. 


I will let fishburger67 explain mechanics of this mod. I recall that he already did so in this thread, but I am currently working, so someone else has to look that up.


What I do have to point out is that I am using default SLAR settings in my game and mod even cleans old arousal records automatically, because I have selected that option from MCM. I still get sex in several locations.


For example, I was just yesterday sneaking around White River Watch. Bandits got busy with each other, when I got up to second ledge and their initial discussion was over. I really had not been there for long. I had simply passed the blind guy, dealt with bandits at the first ledge and moving forward. I had been running around the area for a while before entering, killing a group of OBIS bandits on the road near the location and skinning few wolves with Hunterborn. Nothing more.


I really can say that SLAR causes arousal to raise up, even with default settings. It does start from 0, when the area is completely refreshed. I have not seen this as a problem though. Perhaps my other mods and MCM settings are just causing NPCs to have a reason to get aroused more faster.

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Please can you clarify one point - does NPC's arousal drop to zero when you enter location? If so, that means either  you are forced to wait long time in the location for anything to happen, or you have to enter crazy parameter in arousal menu, which will cause permanent and continuous sex between NPC's.  The main reason of all this is inability to generate random arousal levels for NPC and instead starting from 0 as they had an orgy just before your arrival. 


I will let fishburger67 explain mechanics of this mod. I recall that he already did so in this thread, but I am currently working, so someone else has to look that up.


What I do have to point out is that I am using default SLAR settings in my game and mod even cleans old arousal records automatically, because I have selected that option from MCM. I still get sex in several locations.


For example, I was just yesterday sneaking around White River Watch. Bandits got busy with each other, when I got up to second ledge and their initial discussion was over. I really had not been there for long. I had simply passed the blind guy, dealt with bandits at the first ledge and moving forward. I had been running around the area for a while before entering, killing a group of OBIS bandits on the road near the location and skinning few wolves with Hunterborn. Nothing more.


I really can say that SLAR causes arousal to raise up, even with default settings. It does start from 0, when the area is completely refreshed. I have not seen this as a problem though. Perhaps my other mods and MCM settings are just causing NPCs to have a reason to get aroused more faster.



exactly, and that's how it should be... saying that something is useless because it's not doing what he want... and saying its honesty ? lol


being honest is not that. saying the truth yes, but he was saying his opinion, not a truth. the truth in his case is that he doesnt sex enough sex in his game. could be due to conflicts, or not setting things in MCM, or even lacking the right mods, i don't know...


i can't take people that judge other people's work like that xD


i know i'm very happy with how this mod work :)


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Is the EroticArmor keyword supposed to be added to armor in the CK just like ClothingBody?


I tested it on a couple of chest pieces expecting to see the naked armor option already selected and grayed out in the MCM as I would when using a keyword such as SOS_Revealing, but that was not the case, and having the chest pieces worn in a crowded room seemed to have no effect on arousal levels.


Naked armor must be added in CK.  Nothing in MCM is useful except for the PC.

Hi all,

First of all I would like to thank the author of this mod. Good concept, really. But unfortunately it is not useful in most cases. Except you are planning to stay at the same location for days, people around you are NEVER aroused. When you enter new location everybody's arousal is 0. That means mods, that are based on Sexlab Aroused usually do NOTHING except, as I mentioned above, you stay long time in some location. If you installed Sexlab Aroused and a dependent mod wishing to see some autonomous random sex acts between NPC's, you may forget it - easier to use matchmaker and similar mods. You can of course stay for days at some location just to force arousal increase and look at NPC's sex... but is this fun? Not at all!

So I have one question - is this such a big problem damned NPCs arousal level to be randomly generated instead of starting from 0? Anybody ever seen autonomous sex caused Sexlab Aroused? I've never, except one time I on purpose stayed at some tavern for several days.

So sorry, dear author, but this mod is useless piece..



Aroused works only with naked npcs.  That and watching sex.  Have sex near other players and you will see those that are looking at the sex will have their arousal increased.




hmm sorry to say, but this mod just give a way to get aroused, and some option to be aroused by exposure.

Sorry to say, but this mod is supposed to generate arousal and this way make dependent mods to work. At this task it fails miserably, because as I've already told above every time it resets NPC's arousal to 0. Yeah great "way to get aroused" - by resetiing it to 0!



with the mods i use, and they do use aroused, i get sex pretty often.


Can you be more specific? How often? For example how often per 5 hours game play you observed NPC's sex? And how it is possible as their arousal every time revert to 0? Details please.



and saying to someone who took the time to make a mod that it is useless and all... that's just not a thing to do.


I always thought, that telling the truth is a thing to do.  Of course, it is great somebody spent own time to create something, but if it is useless, it is useless. Sorry. And, by the way, I started my previous post by saying thanks to the author of this mod (for spending his\her own time). It does not mean however that I will lie about usefulness of this mod. 



and saying to someone who took the time to make a mod that it is useless and all... that's just not a thing to do.


That is what I DID. Politeness does not mean dishonesty and lies... for me, at least.


You appear to not understand the concept.  Trust me, aroused works.  It's concepts were widely debated many years ago.  It does not really attempt to map normal human arousal because that would require way too much papyrus impact.


You are of course free to write your own algorithms.

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Please can you clarify one point - does NPC's arousal drop to zero when you enter location? If so, that means either  you are forced to wait long time in the location for anything to happen, or you have to enter crazy parameter in arousal menu, which will cause permanent and continuous sex between NPC's.  The main reason of all this is inability to generate random arousal levels for NPC and instead starting from 0 as they had an orgy just before your arrival. 





Please can you clarify one point - does NPC's arousal drop to zero when you enter location? If so, that means either  you are forced to wait long time in the location for anything to happen, or you have to enter crazy parameter in arousal menu, which will cause permanent and continuous sex between NPC's.  The main reason of all this is inability to generate random arousal levels for NPC and instead starting from 0 as they had an orgy just before your arrival. 


I will let fishburger67 explain mechanics of this mod. I recall that he already did so in this thread, but I am currently working, so someone else has to look that up.


What I do have to point out is that I am using default SLAR settings in my game and mod even cleans old arousal records automatically, because I have selected that option from MCM. I still get sex in several locations.


For example, I was just yesterday sneaking around White River Watch. Bandits got busy with each other, when I got up to second ledge and their initial discussion was over. I really had not been there for long. I had simply passed the blind guy, dealt with bandits at the first ledge and moving forward. I had been running around the area for a while before entering, killing a group of OBIS bandits on the road near the location and skinning few wolves with Hunterborn. Nothing more.


I really can say that SLAR causes arousal to raise up, even with default settings. It does start from 0, when the area is completely refreshed. I have not seen this as a problem though. Perhaps my other mods and MCM settings are just causing NPCs to have a reason to get aroused more faster.



Arousal does not drop to zero when entering a new location.  Every NPC starts at 0 and so when you enter a new location it is at zero.  Arousal only changes when the PC is in a location.  When you leave, arousal does not change for the npcs you leave behind.  That may not be what you would like, but once again, this is a papyrus issue.  If I were to continually update arousal for all NPCs in the game, your game would become unusable because of the papyrus impact.


This is exactly how the vanilla game works.  No vanilla AI packages get evaluated until the player is in the area.  That is also the case for aroused.  If you don't like how that all works, better to ask Bethesda to come up with a workable plan.


However, after considering this for some considerable time, I personally think it is impossible given the current technology.

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Please I have several questions:

1. Should arousal increase as time passes without any naked scenes? I thought the whole point of arousal system was to create something similar to needs - like hunger, thrust  etc.  Am I wrong?

2. Should arousal increase when PC is not wearing any cloth? I've tried several times, but it seems does not affect NPC's arousal at all.

3. Arousal drops to zero every time I enter location (not totally new). For example I've sold some weapons in Whiterun, traveled Riften, returned after several days and voila - everybody's arousal is 0! Should it be that way? Or may be there are some mod conflicts?


And finally suggestion  - I understand how Skyrim scripting works, but why instead of updating arousal all time (that would make game unplayable), or resetting arousal to 0 not generate some random numbers for NPC's the moment player arrives location? If Aroused worked that way, you had not to spend time waiting arousal cross some threshold, because some NPCs (randomly) would already have sufficient arousal. That would allow dependent mods to work and do something. Why not? Realism? LOL. 


P.S. And by the way, what is more realistic everybody start from different level of arousal, or everybody start from 0, as they had a big orgy just moment before you arrival?

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Arousal decays as time passes, that's why you noticed the drop when you returned, it's not a mod conflict and it's not this mod resetting it to 0, this mod isn't resetting anything.


Your own arousal would drop too if you stayed in an interior cell for a few days on your own.


Try having some followers with you on your travels, you'll soon find their arousal rising, eventually the more sex you have with them their arousal increase (and yours too) will be happening at such a fast pace that  you'll have trouble keeping it low, especially if you're running other mods that tie in to this mod, Further Lovers Comfort for example, or Eager NPCS which will allow you to turn just about anyone into a lover.


Run those mods like I do and you can find that your followers end up masturbating or having group sex with each other if you can' satisfy them, and you'll be adversely affected if your own arousal rate gets too high.

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Thanks  PervyPotter,

Now I see my error - aroused is not about naturally increasing arousal level, it is all about arousal decay. Pity. I thought it was similar to needs mods. 

As for Lovers Comfort and other mods, I use them, but then I can't see why I need arousal system at all. The whole point of using Asoused was to have more "realistic" approach to sex between NPCs. If I have to use totally random sex mods, like Lovers Comfort or Eager NPC's that means they instigate Aroused and what is more important Aroused will not work without player interruption, or some random sex mod. It is strange to use random sex mod to get aroused work to have aroused based mods work to have random sex. Then you just use random sex mod, without aroused etc. 

And by the way, the whole point is not about having orgies - for that purpose you may have matchmaker, mass matchmaker and whole bunch of mods - but to have NPC's have sex based on some reasonable needs, which as it turns out have nothing to do with aroused.

Thanks for clarification. Now I will remove Aroused and dependent mods.

Unfortunately they still proved to be useless - for me, at least.

Thanks everybody, Bye.

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