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Sexlab Aroused Redux December 05 2016

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What settings do I need to change to make arousal go down more after sex? Ideally I'd like it to drop a lot. Currently with TDF prostitution the same customers keep coming back over and over. 


There is no setting to set the arousal drop.  It is hard coded at 20.

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What settings do I need to change to make arousal go down more after sex? Ideally I'd like it to drop a lot. Currently with TDF prostitution the same customers keep coming back over and over. 


There is no setting to set the arousal drop.  It is hard coded at 20.



Is it this?


Int exposureValue = ((thisThread.TotalTime / GetAnimationDuration(thisThread)) * -20.0) as Int

So by altering the value and recompiling, I can change that, right?

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What settings do I need to change to make arousal go down more after sex? Ideally I'd like it to drop a lot. Currently with TDF prostitution the same customers keep coming back over and over. 


There is no setting to set the arousal drop.  It is hard coded at 20.



Is it this?


Int exposureValue = ((thisThread.TotalTime / GetAnimationDuration(thisThread)) * -20.0) as Int

So by altering the value and recompiling, I can change that, right?


That's it.



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It is imparative to call unlock or Aroused Redux STOPS forever

Because someone WILL fail to call that function (for any one of a number of reasons, not restricted to a buggy script simply failing) please consider adding an item to the MCM menu showing whatever information you can glean about who has the lock and/or a way to time-out a lock that fails to get released.


Edit: A MCM menu item to manually release the lock would also be a good idea.

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It is imparative to call unlock or Aroused Redux STOPS forever

Because someone WILL fail to call that function (for any one of a number of reasons, not restricted to a buggy script simply failing) please consider adding an item to the MCM menu showing whatever information you can glean about who has the lock and/or a way to time-out a lock that fails to get released.


Edit: A MCM menu item to manually release the lock would also be a good idea.



Great idea, consider it done.  I can also start a timer to check to see if unlock has been called after 5 seconds just in case.

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It is imparative to call unlock or Aroused Redux STOPS forever

Because someone WILL fail to call that function (for any one of a number of reasons, not restricted to a buggy script simply failing) please consider adding an item to the MCM menu showing whatever information you can glean about who has the lock and/or a way to time-out a lock that fails to get released.


Edit: A MCM menu item to manually release the lock would also be a good idea.



Great idea, consider it done.  I can also start a timer to check to see if unlock has been called after 5 seconds just in case.


Exactly, the last thing you need is for a bug in someone else's mod stopping yours and all the repeated questions you'd get here about it.

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Somehow wtih this beta version, the exposure value increases very fast. I updated on a savegame and atm it hops in 25+ Steps and reach 100 in about 6-10 Minutes realtime.



Try the patch on the download page.  It does two things,  it changes the exposure modification rate depending on whether on not LOS is enabled and it removes the possibility of an external application crippling Aroused Redux.

Beta 25 patch is available


This patch changes the exposure change rate depending on whether LOS is selected or not.  This should cut the default exposure change in half from the current version.


It also removes the possibility that a badly written mod will cripple Aroused Redux.

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First I wanted to say that this mod is awesome and I just love the latest animations feature.


Now, I thought about something to reduce the papyrus load a little bit more when LOS is deselected. In this case, the main loop doesn't need to check the actors against each others, you just need to count the number of naked males and females and update the exposure for each actor in a single loop like this (sorry, I don't know how to properly include code in my post) :


if (!bUseLos)
    int nakedmales = 0
    int nakedfemales = 0
    int genderPreference
    int totalexposure
    int nbtocheck = nakedcount


    if (!bPlayerNaked)

        nbtocheck -= 1


    ;Count the number of naked males and females and update exhibitionists exposure
        if (i == nakedCount)

             actNaked = PlayerRef
            actNaked = nakedScanner.nakedActors
        if actNaked.GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex() == 1
            nakedfemales += 1
            nakedmales += 1
        If (slaUtil.IsActorExhibitionist(actNaked))
            slaUtil.UpdateActorExposure(actNaked, actorCount * 2, " being exhibitionist to " + actorCount + " people.")
        i += 1
    i = 0
    while (i <= actorCount)
            ; actLoop goes through theActors[], and finally to the PC when i==actorCount
            if (i == actorCount)
                    actLoop = PlayerRef
                    actLoop = theActors
            ;Calculate exposure given by naked actors around
            genderPreference = slaUtil.GetGenderPreference(actLoop)
            If (genderPreference == 2 )
                totalexposure = (nakedfemales + nakedmales) * 4
            ElseIf (genderPreference == 1)
                totalexposure = (nakedfemales * 4) + (nakedmales * 2)  
            ElseIf (genderPreference == 0)
                totalexposure = (nakedfemales * 2) + (nakedmales * 4)      
            ;Update exposure if required else just update arousal faction
            if totalexposure > 0
                slaUtil.UpdateActorExposure(actLoop, totalexposure, " seeing naked people")
            i += 1

   ;LOS requested so regular loop






I didn't compile this, so there might be errors left but you get the idea.


Proceeding like you reduce the number of iterations. For example, worst case scenario : 20 naked actors in the same room (!). With LOS, you need to check the actors against each others so you get 20 * 20 = 400 iterations. Without LOS and the method I showed here, you only need 20 + 20 = 40 iterations.


I hope this will help, keep up the good work ;-)


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Come to think of it, there is also room for improvement in the double loop.


Basically, what you're doing now is :


for each actor

     for each nakedactor

          if LOS






Calling the relatively heavy function UpdateActorExposure actor*nakedactor times.


With some simple changes, you could do :


for each actor

     totalexposure = 0

     for each nakedactor

          if LOS







Thus calling UpdateActorExposure only once per actor.

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Pardon me if this is a stupid question, but what is the point of aroused NPCs if they don't do anything other than blush (with the blush mod installed). Are there mods I should have installed so that the aroused NPCs actually behave differently due to arousal? It would be cool to see the females start fidgeting and readjusting their clothes or something like that. 

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I saw above another suggestion for the is naked detection.


Here is mine. I only check the body slot. I do not care about the boots or hat (you can leave your hat on) to consider a Person as naked.

	int BODYSLOT = 2
	armor item = hasActorEquipped(akRef, BODYSLOT)
armor Function hasActorEquipped(Actor evaluate, int itemMaskOffset)
	armor item
	if evaluate != none
		int mask = armor.GetMaskForSlot(itemMaskOffset + 30)
		item = evaluate.GetWornForm(mask) as armor
	if ((item == none) && (evaluate != none))
		if itemMaskOffset == 0
			int mask = armor.GetMaskForSlot((itemMaskOffset +1) + 30)
			item = evaluate.GetWornForm(mask) as armor
	return item

For the pure naked detection you do not Need the 2nd if

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Pardon me if this is a stupid question, but what is the point of aroused NPCs if they don't do anything other than blush (with the blush mod installed). Are there mods I should have installed so that the aroused NPCs actually behave differently due to arousal? It would be cool to see the females start fidgeting and readjusting their clothes or something like that. 


There are probably something like a hundred mods that use aroused.  The latest beta does have male and female actors acting a bit differently when their arousal is > 50.



First I wanted to say that this mod is awesome and I just love the latest animations feature.


Now, I thought about something to reduce the papyrus load a little bit more when LOS is deselected. In this case, the main loop doesn't need to check the actors against each others, you just need to count the number of naked males and females and update the exposure for each actor in a single loop like this (sorry, I don't know how to properly include code in my post) :


if (!bUseLos)

    int nakedmales = 0

    int nakedfemales = 0


    int genderPreference

    int totalexposure

    int nbtocheck = nakedcount


    if (!bPlayerNaked)

        nbtocheck -= 1


    ;Count the number of naked males and females and update exhibitionists exposure



        if (i == nakedCount)

             actNaked = PlayerRef


            actNaked = nakedScanner.nakedActors



        if actNaked.GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex() == 1

            nakedfemales += 1


            nakedmales += 1



        If (slaUtil.IsActorExhibitionist(actNaked))

            slaUtil.UpdateActorExposure(actNaked, actorCount * 2, " being exhibitionist to " + actorCount + " people.")



        i += 1




    i = 0

    while (i <= actorCount)


            ; actLoop goes through theActors[], and finally to the PC when i==actorCount

            if (i == actorCount)

                    actLoop = PlayerRef


                    actLoop = theActors




            ;Calculate exposure given by naked actors around

            genderPreference = slaUtil.GetGenderPreference(actLoop)

            If (genderPreference == 2 )

                totalexposure = (nakedfemales + nakedmales) * 4

            ElseIf (genderPreference == 1)

                totalexposure = (nakedfemales * 4) + (nakedmales * 2)  

            ElseIf (genderPreference == 0)

                totalexposure = (nakedfemales * 2) + (nakedmales * 4)      



            ;Update exposure if required else just update arousal faction

            if totalexposure > 0

                slaUtil.UpdateActorExposure(actLoop, totalexposure, " seeing naked people")




            i += 1





   ;LOS requested so regular loop






I didn't compile this, so there might be errors left but you get the idea.


Proceeding like you reduce the number of iterations. For example, worst case scenario : 20 naked actors in the same room (!). With LOS, you need to check the actors against each others so you get 20 * 20 = 400 iterations. Without LOS and the method I showed here, you only need 20 + 20 = 40 iterations.


I hope this will help, keep up the good work ;-)



Come to think of it, there is also room for improvement in the double loop.


Basically, what you're doing now is :


for each actor

     for each nakedactor

          if LOS






Calling the relatively heavy function UpdateActorExposure actor*nakedactor times.


With some simple changes, you could do :


for each actor

     totalexposure = 0

     for each nakedactor

          if LOS







Thus calling UpdateActorExposure only once per actor.


Yes, you are right about this.  I'll have a look as soon as Leito is done with the new animations.

I saw above another suggestion for the is naked detection.


Here is mine. I only check the body slot. I do not care about the boots or hat (you can leave your hat on) to consider a Person as naked.

	int BODYSLOT = 2
	armor item = hasActorEquipped(akRef, BODYSLOT)
armor Function hasActorEquipped(Actor evaluate, int itemMaskOffset)
	armor item
	if evaluate != none
		int mask = armor.GetMaskForSlot(itemMaskOffset + 30)
		item = evaluate.GetWornForm(mask) as armor
	if ((item == none) && (evaluate != none))
		if itemMaskOffset == 0
			int mask = armor.GetMaskForSlot((itemMaskOffset +1) + 30)
			item = evaluate.GetWornForm(mask) as armor
	return item

For the pure naked detection you do not Need the 2nd if


We don't do naked detection in papyrus because the load is too high.  We let the game engine do it.  We only check the player character to see if they have one of the armors that the player has identified as naked armor.


We already have a list of naked actors.


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With the v25 beta, with female idles enabled, if my female follower is idling and plays the sexy idle animation, I get a leito animation at the end of every sexy idle animation. Is that expected behavior?


The leito animation IS the sexy idle animation.  If you are getting another sexy idle animaiton, that is not from Redux.


Do you have this http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25165-testwip-sexlab-aroused-animations-v2014-01-09/


installed too?  If so, remove it.

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With the v25 beta, with female idles enabled, if my female follower is idling and plays the sexy idle animation, I get a leito animation at the end of every sexy idle animation. Is that expected behavior?


The leito animation IS the sexy idle animation.  If you are getting another sexy idle animaiton, that is not from Redux.


Do you have this http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25165-testwip-sexlab-aroused-animations-v2014-01-09/


installed too?  If so, remove it.



No I don't have that. 

I replaced the default mt_idle.hkx a long time ago with the one from red3113. The one where you got to see the hand/breast collision.


It's not a mod. No esp or anything. Just took that idle animation and renamed it to mt_idle.hkx and it replaces the standard idle animation.


Now when she idles, she ALWAYS plays one of the leito animations. I thought when I read the information on the OP that the leito animation only plays like every 5 minutes or so.... was that in-game minutes or real time minutes?



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With the v25 beta, with female idles enabled, if my female follower is idling and plays the sexy idle animation, I get a leito animation at the end of every sexy idle animation. Is that expected behavior?


The leito animation IS the sexy idle animation.  If you are getting another sexy idle animaiton, that is not from Redux.


Do you have this http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25165-testwip-sexlab-aroused-animations-v2014-01-09/


installed too?  If so, remove it.



No I don't have that. 

I replaced the default mt_idle.hkx a long time ago with the one from red3113. The one where you got to see the hand/breast collision.


It's not a mod. No esp or anything. Just took that idle animation and renamed it to mt_idle.hkx and it replaces the standard idle animation.


Now when she idles, she ALWAYS plays one of the leito animations. I thought when I read the information on the OP that the leito animation only plays like every 5 minutes or so.... was that in-game minutes or real time minutes?



The five minutes was my estimate based on testing.  In earlier testing, it happened much more often, but it only kicks in when arousal > 50.  So, I suggest you manually set arousal to zero and see what happens. 


Note that this is entirely handled by the game engine.  I supply an idle that plays only when arousal > 50. 


She should ONLY play one of the TWO leito animations when arousal is > 50.  The two leito animations can be played manually with playidle console command.  Make sure you understand which two Redux is providing.  See the post above for the names of the idles.   If that is not happening, you have something else messed up.  Not at all sure how these htx files interact, if at all.  That may be an issue for your current setup.


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With the v25 beta, with female idles enabled, if my female follower is idling and plays the sexy idle animation, I get a leito animation at the end of every sexy idle animation. Is that expected behavior?


The leito animation IS the sexy idle animation.  If you are getting another sexy idle animaiton, that is not from Redux.


Do you have this http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25165-testwip-sexlab-aroused-animations-v2014-01-09/


installed too?  If so, remove it.



No I don't have that. 

I replaced the default mt_idle.hkx a long time ago with the one from red3113. The one where you got to see the hand/breast collision.


It's not a mod. No esp or anything. Just took that idle animation and renamed it to mt_idle.hkx and it replaces the standard idle animation.


Now when she idles, she ALWAYS plays one of the leito animations. I thought when I read the information on the OP that the leito animation only plays like every 5 minutes or so.... was that in-game minutes or real time minutes?



The five minutes was my estimate based on testing.  In earlier testing, it happened much more often, but it only kicks in when arousal > 50.  So, I suggest you manually set arousal to zero and see what happens. 


Note that this is entirely handled by the game engine.  I supply an idle that plays only when arousal > 50. 


She should ONLY play one of the TWO leito animations when arousal is > 50.  The two leito animations can be played manually with playidle console command.  Make sure you understand which two Redux is providing.  See the post above for the names of the idles.   If that is not happening, you have something else messed up.  Not at all sure how these htx files interact, if at all.  That may be an issue for your current setup.




OK.... yes, you're correct. This only happens when her arousal is over 50. I don't even REMEMBER what the default female idle looked like. 


But here's what happens when she's over 50 arousal:


When game engine plays idle, she plays the default female idle (in my case it's the sexy idle from red3113) which is immediately followed by one of the leito animations from redux. I'll call them "pussy wipe" and "2-hand grab".

So if we're just standing around and she goes into default idle she very sexily fondles her own tits and then touches herself. Over and over and over... :)


I guess that's "working as intended" though. Because when she annoys me I fuck her and she stops for a while. :)

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OK.... yes, you're correct. This only happens when her arousal is over 50. I don't even REMEMBER what the default female idle looked like. 

But here's what happens when she's over 50 arousal:


When game engine plays idle, she plays the default female idle (in my case it's the sexy idle from red3113) which is immediately followed by one of the leito animations from redux. I'll call them "pussy wipe" and "2-hand grab".

So if we're just standing around and she goes into default idle she very sexily fondles her own tits and then touches herself. Over and over and over... :)


I guess that's "working as intended" though. Because when she annoys me I fuck her and she stops for a while. :)



That sounds like it's more a unintended interaction between replacing the default female idle and what Redux is adding.  If I remember correctly that idle animation basically loops constantly (so I couldn't keep it because it was a bit too immersion breaking that every female couldn't keep her hands still for 5 seconds).  


I'm using a different idle replacer that basically just changes the standing stance, and I only see the leito animations every once in awhile, as I imagine it is intended (NPCs sneaking a quick rub when they don't think anyone is looking).

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With the v25 beta, with female idles enabled, if my female follower is idling and plays the sexy idle animation, I get a leito animation at the end of every sexy idle animation. Is that expected behavior?


The leito animation IS the sexy idle animation.  If you are getting another sexy idle animaiton, that is not from Redux.


Do you have this http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25165-testwip-sexlab-aroused-animations-v2014-01-09/


installed too?  If so, remove it.



No I don't have that. 

I replaced the default mt_idle.hkx a long time ago with the one from red3113. The one where you got to see the hand/breast collision.


It's not a mod. No esp or anything. Just took that idle animation and renamed it to mt_idle.hkx and it replaces the standard idle animation.


Now when she idles, she ALWAYS plays one of the leito animations. I thought when I read the information on the OP that the leito animation only plays like every 5 minutes or so.... was that in-game minutes or real time minutes?



The five minutes was my estimate based on testing.  In earlier testing, it happened much more often, but it only kicks in when arousal > 50.  So, I suggest you manually set arousal to zero and see what happens. 


Note that this is entirely handled by the game engine.  I supply an idle that plays only when arousal > 50. 


She should ONLY play one of the TWO leito animations when arousal is > 50.  The two leito animations can be played manually with playidle console command.  Make sure you understand which two Redux is providing.  See the post above for the names of the idles.   If that is not happening, you have something else messed up.  Not at all sure how these htx files interact, if at all.  That may be an issue for your current setup.




OK.... yes, you're correct. This only happens when her arousal is over 50. I don't even REMEMBER what the default female idle looked like. 


But here's what happens when she's over 50 arousal:


When game engine plays idle, she plays the default female idle (in my case it's the sexy idle from red3113) which is immediately followed by one of the leito animations from redux. I'll call them "pussy wipe" and "2-hand grab".

So if we're just standing around and she goes into default idle she very sexily fondles her own tits and then touches herself. Over and over and over... :)


I guess that's "working as intended" though. Because when she annoys me I fuck her and she stops for a while. :)









OK.... yes, you're correct. This only happens when her arousal is over 50. I don't even REMEMBER what the default female idle looked like. 

But here's what happens when she's over 50 arousal:


When game engine plays idle, she plays the default female idle (in my case it's the sexy idle from red3113) which is immediately followed by one of the leito animations from redux. I'll call them "pussy wipe" and "2-hand grab".

So if we're just standing around and she goes into default idle she very sexily fondles her own tits and then touches herself. Over and over and over... :)


I guess that's "working as intended" though. Because when she annoys me I fuck her and she stops for a while. :)



That sounds like it's more a unintended interaction between replacing the default female idle and what Redux is adding.  If I remember correctly that idle animation basically loops constantly (so I couldn't keep it because it was a bit too immersion breaking that every female couldn't keep her hands still for 5 seconds).  


I'm using a different idle replacer that basically just changes the standing stance, and I only see the leito animations every once in awhile, as I imagine it is intended (NPCs sneaking a quick rub when they don't think anyone is looking).


I am guessing (and only guessing) that reeswow2 is correct.  I discarded the red3113 idle because it played too long and caused the NPC to moon walk.  What I do know is that with the default idle, it all works fine.

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