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I believe there are many race tags for vanilla vampires - vampireracebreton, vampireraceimperial, etc. And another tag marking the player as undead. It should be possible to detect if the player is a vampire with or without Dawnguard, the only thing is you'd have to check against all of those "vampireraceXX" conditions individually. The only tag specific to Dawnguard would be for vampire lord, but the vanilla tags remain unaltered.


(It's been a while since I've played a vampire so apologies if I am "misremembering" about vampire/undead tags.)



Edit: Oops! It's "BretonRaceVampire" not "VampireRaceBreton", and "XXRaceVampire", and et cetera.

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Thanks, I post the Papyrus log at the link post you provided, please help, thanks

To complete the bonding ritual, just go to Volkar. He has a dialogue option to help. That is actually what I always have to do.



WOW, thanks man, you are saver, I did just that and complete the bonding. Still, any help on the papyrus will be great, less CTD is always better, Thanks everyone for the help.

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I'm not for sure fishburger67, but isn't there a keyword that's attached to vampires? While I never play as a vampire (  like my werewolves too much) I have several vampire followers and they all have the keyword (vampire) in their race records, if so you could just do a simple dialog check HasKeyword=Vampire, maybe?

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That should be fairly easy, just run a check for VampireRace instead. Of course that will still be a problem with a custom race vampire, but I'm sure there are vampire related things going on with both vanilla, Better Vampires, Bela Sanguinera and Vampiric Thirst (latter being my choice) that can be checked for.

There is no such thing as VampireRace.

there is BretonVampireRace etc. 12 different races in vanilla game and i'm quite sure some mods add new ones. No idea how to include those added races. But...




Fish, I just got an idea. I started a new char and my char is going to be a vampire. You think slaves would freely offer themselves to their master so he/she can feed on them? If so, the dialogue would be something like "Oh Master/Mistress, you seem hungry. You could feed on me if you want."


I'll ask Darkminxi about this.  But, not sure if I can even detect vampirism in conditions which is what would be required to offer the dialog.

...you can use HasSpell VampireVampirism == 1 conditional for example

Its a vampire disease resistance.

Quite sure no matter what kind of vampire mods someone is using if one is playing vampire he would have this spell.


Not that i care much tbh - i play vampires a lot but i never feed on friendly NPCs.


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So what happens when a vampire feeds on an NPC?



I'm not for sure fishburger67, but isn't there a keyword that's attached to vampires? While I never play as a vampire (  like my werewolves too much) I have several vampire followers and they all have the keyword (vampire) in their race records, if so you could just do a simple dialog check HasKeyword=Vampire, maybe?


This is exactly right.  All the various vampire races have the keyword vampire, so that would be an easy test.


So, what happens when "I vant to biiite chew onn da neck" (Best Bela Lugosi impersonation)?


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Various things can happen... Generally speaking vampire feed on a NPC that is not asleep is a hostile action. It can even kill (well slaves are ofc essential).

feeding on the same npc 2nd time in 24 hours period kills every time - even if npc is asleep or seduced.


To make it somewhat "lore friendly" you could make it that vampire seduction spell would be applied to slave upon using this dialogue option.

it allows PC to feed on someone in non hostile manner.

Tho it is still considered as an attack - so other NPCs that would witness the act may attack the player. No idea.



As for that conditional

other users could check how reliable it would be

for me


each of my vampire characters returns 1



BTW hungry vampire can use vampire seduction spell themselves on any NPC even without any kind of additional dialogue options - or is that Better Vampires mod thing? Dunno tbh. I never played a vampire without that mod.

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Here is my Papyrus, thanks for the help so much

Please, please, post the log as an attachment.  It's too hard to read as a spoiler.  My eyes will be bug-fuck before I get through it.


Sorry, Here it is. I was wondering if I should attach the file, my bad. Thanks again



This is a rather odd log.  First, a little help in getting you to understand it.


Error like these:

Error: File "lpsleep.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


Are harmless.  They are kinda aggravating to guy like me because they are completely preventable now adays, but harmless none the less and nearly every log that has AFT, a horses mod and a gizillion others is peppered with them  But, harmless none the less.


You have lots of errors related to:







It looks like they are missing a manditory parent, but I can't be sure because I don't use them.  Judging from the name, I am guessing that they belong to RaceMenu and may be part of an old version?  Dunno, just guessing.  But, they too are mostly harmless except that they may be leaving  papyrus scraps around running.




[02/23/2015 - 07:58:46PM] Error: Static function RemoveNodeTransformScale not found on object NiOverride. Aborting call and returning None


Is the baddy.  It is based on a papyrus script ProperWeaponScaleAlias.psc.  I also have no idea what NIOverride is either, but what this is saying is that ProperWeaponScaleAlias.psc was compiled against NIOverride and it had a function called RemoveNodeTransformScale and the existing version of NiOverride does not have that function.


Maybe you uninstalled something and then put back an old version or ???  I have no idea because I have never heard of either of these two, but it looks a lot like you broke the cardinal sin of modding.  What is that you say?  Well, it is that we NEVER uninstall a mod and keep playing a save that had it in it.  We uninstall a mod and then go back to a save from BEFORE we installed the mod.


Maybe Saccremas will see this and knows what these two scripts come from.


First, try just running SaveTool.exe and then run your save for like 5 minutes and see if these errors like "RemoveNodeTransformScale" above are gone.

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Right So , I had a little go at this one .


I must commend the team for an awesome job with all the voice acting and well scripted and the various quests, I did not have much of a problem at all , the  quest went well and I am still playing it  some where in between the castle.

So Kudos to all involved in this big project 



Right , I what I did notice is the the little problem with the furniture when the PC/NPC is forced to activate and sit on them and they are way off target . Roggvir and I are working on this particular Issue and am about 90% sure it will work in next release of ZAP 


Technical Explanation



It may require a little re-work of positioning/placement  of the said devices on the Y-axis in your dungeons is all when editing in the CK just so they don't touch the walls or other furniture or anything else ...............because in order to fix this I need to move the mesh in Nifskope so depending on the size of the Furniture the will be moved a little back(or front) to avoid weird pathing issues cause of the engine and collisions and add my own offsets. 

The next release will also allow Modders to use Furniture with more than one animation in them ( Technically that cross has 3 animations , some others have more ) 

Keep an eye out Hobble and Bunny Hop animations Framework which xaz and I have been working on , He has managed to setup a control system that works quite well ( it looks good for the player atleast )




I maybe tempted to redo the hanging by chains animations again , with a little more kick in them perhaps ...... so keep your fingers crossed 


Cheers and keep up the good work. 




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Right So , I had a little go at this one .


I must commend the team for an awesome job with all the voice acting and well scripted and the various quests, I did not have much of a problem at all , the  quest went well and I am still playing it  some where in between the castle.

So Kudos to all involved in this big project 



Right , I what I did notice is the the little problem with the furniture when the PC/NPC is forced to activate and sit on them and they are way off target . Roggvir and I are working on this particular Issue and am about 90% sure it will work in next release of ZAP 


Technical Explanation



It may require a little re-work of positioning/placement  of the said devices on the Y-axis in your dungeons is all when editing in the CK just so they don't touch the walls or other furniture or anything else ...............because in order to fix this I need to move the mesh in Nifskope so depending on the size of the Furniture the will be moved a little back(or front) to avoid weird pathing issues cause of the engine and collisions and add my own offsets. 

The next release will also allow Modders to use Furniture with more than one animation in them ( Technically that cross has 3 animations , some others have more ) 

Keep an eye out Hobble and Bunny Hop animations Framework which xaz and I have been working on , He has managed to setup a control system that works quite well ( it looks good for the player atleast )




I maybe tempted to redo the hanging by chains animations again , with a little more kick in them perhaps ...... so keep your fingers crossed 


Cheers and keep up the good work. 


Thank you All



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You have lots of errors related to:







It looks like they are missing a manditory parent, but I can't be sure because I don't use them.  Judging from the name, I am guessing that they belong to RaceMenu and may be part of an old version?  Dunno, just guessing.  But, they too are mostly harmless except that they may be leaving  papyrus scraps around running.




[02/23/2015 - 07:58:46PM] Error: Static function RemoveNodeTransformScale not found on object NiOverride. Aborting call and returning None


Is the baddy.  It is based on a papyrus script ProperWeaponScaleAlias.psc.  I also have no idea what NIOverride is either, but what this is saying is that ProperWeaponScaleAlias.psc was compiled against NIOverride and it had a function called RemoveNodeTransformScale and the existing version of NiOverride does not have that function.


Maybe you uninstalled something and then put back an old version or ???  I have no idea because I have never heard of either of these two, but it looks a lot like you broke the cardinal sin of modding.  What is that you say?  Well, it is that we NEVER uninstall a mod and keep playing a save that had it in it.  We uninstall a mod and then go back to a save from BEFORE we installed the mod.


Maybe Saccremas will see this and knows what these two scripts come from.


First, try just running SaveTool.exe and then run your save for like 5 minutes and see if these errors like "RemoveNodeTransformScale" above are gone.



Yep, I can help, these all most likely come from the XPMSE skeleton, which is the best skeleton available and being made here on Lover's Lab. The installation of the mod also installs if you go for the optionals ProperWeaponScale.esp, RaceMenuPluginXPMSE.esp and SOSRaceMenu.esp it would seem that the version being used is either old or badly installed. I would install both RaceMenu 3 and XPMS over again. Actually everyone should install XPMSE anyway because it's an awesome compatibility skeleton that covers a LOT of things at the same time, for example you can use SHowracemenu to change where on your body you want one-handed weapons to be placed, if you want them on your side, on your back or on your ankle (for daggers) rather than have to swap skeletons, and it enhances beast skeletons as well. You can find it here: XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended.


As for Vampire, Vampiric Thirst which is my favorite vampirism overhaul (and available on Lover's Lab Here) also damages the health of the person you are draining, so feeding off your healthy housecarl and sex slaves becomes more favorable than feeding off random NPCs that will easily die before you get all the blood you need becomes a good thing, I feed a lot more on friendly NPCs than not with that mod, but moreover if you feed too much on one character you can get addicted to their blood... imagine actually being physically addicted to Jenn Winglow? Vampiric Thirst also has both an attack, sleep and dialogue based feed, whereas in the dialogue you can seduce or threaten them or tell them outright that you're a vampire (once with an absurd speech modifier I approached Nazeem, told him I was a vampire, convinced him to let me feed on him, and drained him dry, animated his corpse and drained that dry as well reducing him to a pile of ashes), or you can in dialogue use Mesmerism to take control of your target, but this doesn't work on higher level targets, Sex Slaves that level with you are pretty much excempt from this. If you fail the speech check it becomes unavailable until you increase your speech again, if you have maxed out speech then you will probably never fail. If you do fail you can also turn someone hostile if you trheatened them, or put a bounty on your head automatically for telling the wrong person you're a vampire. If you both can't mesmerize the sex slave and fail in your speech check then there's no way to feed off your sex slave without turning them and potentially their entire faction hostile. Ideally sex slaves should automatically fail any reisstances but I don't know how that's done, at the very least their affection rating for the character should be set to max (4 or 5, whatever is max) when the bond is made, that may be enough to make it an automatic success. I don't actually know because every time I get to that point as a vampire I'm maxed out Speech and can go tell General Tullius as a Stormcloak that I'm a vampire in a way that he'll let me feed on him.

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I thought that the Spider Sex was the grosses thing I have ever run into, anywhere.


It wasn't.


I just found out I'm pregnant, and in a few days I'll give birth to... a frostbite spider.


...I think I'm going to be sick. I mean never mind the idea of my character's womb filled with spiderlings, imagine giving birth to something like that! I mean holy hell who throws in the ability to be pregnant with spiders into a mod that I honestly thought was just about getting stronger and healing from sex! Note to self: RTFM!


So yeah, be very very careful which creature you try Lust Explosion on depending on your installed mods...


(On the other hand I also found out that if I have sex with three more bears, I can shapeshift into one. I wonder if I can have sex with the next bear in bear form?)

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On a much more positive note anyone who has installed NewMiller's Piercings (that would be all of you) can remove that mod from your load order if you're not using the other piercings; at some point it seems like Fish has been clever enough to copy over all needed assets from that mod, so it's not needed any longer. I just tried putting on a Sex Slave Labia Exciter with NewMiller's piercing mod disabled, and the chain shows up fine, no CTD and nothing. You might need it if you are running CBBE or another body, but for UNP/UNPB/UNPB PB (Pregnant body, sigh) it works just fine.


EDIT: Nope, disregard that, you still need the mod, but if you happen to have installed UglykidCid's UNPB Mashup then the labia exciter simply becomes one of these piercings instead. So if you have that mod it overwrites NewMiller's Piercings and can be used instead, I don't know specifically which mod in the mashup is replacing it, probably someone who took the ancient NewMiller's mod and redid it.

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So what happens when a vampire feeds on an NPC?



I'm not for sure fishburger67, but isn't there a keyword that's attached to vampires? While I never play as a vampire (  like my werewolves too much) I have several vampire followers and they all have the keyword (vampire) in their race records, if so you could just do a simple dialog check HasKeyword=Vampire, maybe?


This is exactly right.  All the various vampire races have the keyword vampire, so that would be an easy test.


So, what happens when "I vant to biiite chew onn da neck" (Best Bela Lugosi impersonation)?


Well, you get to feed on the slave and drink her blood. I'm not sure if you have to get through any preliminary hurdles in the CK to accomplish this. As someone else mentioned earlier, you can feed on anyone as a vampire as long as you use the Vampire's Seduction spell on someone. However, feeding on anyone in public might be considered an offense since the people of Skyrim generally hate vampires.

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Having finished what I perceive as the "main" quest (wresting control from Mia), I thought that the Pleasure Palace might mesh nicely with Soulgem Oven II, a pregnancy mod.  Since orgies break out spontaneously, I was hoping I could give everyone a "Ring of the Semen Collector."


Well, it turns out that while I can give all of the slaves a ring while they're a follower and they'll put it on, they won't KEEP it on once I dismiss them.  So that's a bit of a bummer.  I was hoping to play dress-up just a little bit.

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Greetings all,


A noob here to the in depth modding that is required for the papyrus logs


However I am stuck in the Dark Possession quest line where you go back to the trainer after your provided slave has their first "awakening".  The quest seems to freeze when he makes the next training on the slave post..... she hops up there then all action ceases.  Not sure how to fix this or move past this part of the quest!!  HELP!!!


So far I have enjoyed the game play with this mod up to where this Dark Possession quest freezes....


Any help is appreciated!!

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So, uh, yeah. That happened. I'm a... spider-queen? I feel sick now.


Of course pushing that thing out took several days, so once that trauma was over I set to it for some nice cleansing fun and just... purify myself. And I was really having fun as well. And then Volkar yanked me back.


He shouldn't have done that.




Looks like someone needs a bit more training.


I think for the sake of the dear dremora's sanity, I had better finish up this contract fast. I don't think his ass and throat can take anymore.


(Oh and you really should tag all the player-submissive scenes as rape so I can't actually do that, just saying. ;))

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Re : vampires. AFT already has the "Sleep" function, that's what it's for. You tell your follower to sleep, then feed on them. I don't see that this mod has to add more.


Re : Mia's dialog. Fish has already said that he doesn't want to mess with the scene too much. How about just adding a third dialog option like "Daughter? We're here for Allison Ravencrone, you crazy bitch." You can stay on topic even if Mia is delusional about Alicia being with you.


Re : Archerone. He has an undead army you say? Where? I don't see a single undead, just a few dead girls. We should probably encounter a few skeletons if nothing else in his part of the dungeon.

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Strange, I choose enslave Mia Lorenz instead kill her and now I stuck.

In the final step of bonding ritual, I have already put juice in her mouth and the ecstasy effect has ended.

Now she just sit in the kneeling postion and saying "Ooo...Yes...Yes...Ah...Ah" whenever I talk to her. She does not become a slave following around.

If I ask Vern to check her status, he just walk up her and leave.


Is this intended?

I was using 42a.

That is not intended, can you enclose a papyrus log?  There is a scene that is supposed to run after the ecstasy spell and that has obviously not happened.  If you can enclose a log of the issue, I will see if I can come up with a fix for your case.


This code has run hundreds of times on many machines so it will be an issue with your papyrus load.

Thank you for the attention, but now I found my mods set is a total mess, the log might help little.

Now there are almost 100 lines of warning ("... because the script no longer contains that property") caused (I guess) by changing the loading order.

And errors caused by MHYH/JaxonzEnhGrab/etc.


I have used Vern talk option to skip the bond part.

Next time I will try to build a "clean" environment...

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We do actually encounter a few skeletons in Archerone's part of the dungeon, in the final room before passing into the section where you find Jenny there's a few skeletons that rise from their coffins. Maybe he had just started out with his undead army?


True that. Wasn't enough undead to stick in my mind, but maybe it's good enough.

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That was me actually, and yep, that was preciely my reaction, and just imagine my reaction when I found out that damn spider had made me pregnant... now I have a baby frostbite spider hanging around in my Underground bathouse's dark area making chittering noises. I keep wondering if it's too late to abort that thing with a meteor strike...

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That was me actually, and yep, that was preciely my reaction, and just imagine my reaction when I found out that damn spider had made me pregnant... now I have a baby frostbite spider hanging around in my Underground bathouse's dark area making chittering noises. I keep wondering if it's too late to abort that thing with a meteor strike...


LOL - therefore I haven't any pregnancy mod. Hate my char to bare the "mutant" or unwanted child. :):D:P

And beside Argonian and Khajit races, I hate spider the most.

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