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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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I hate things that use Allen wrenches... I got a powered screwdriver for putting things together that use the flat screws and the plus screws, but now everything suddenly needs Allen wrenches... Well, Fuck Allen and his damn wrenches!!! There I said it! ?


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15 hours ago, Corsayr said:

I hate things that use Allen wrenches... I got a powered screwdriver for putting things together that use the flat screws and the plus screws, but now everything suddenly needs Allen wrenches... Well, Fuck Allen and his damn wrenches!!! There I said it! ?


It is called innovation and you are supposed to like it. Let me help you.


Please look into this shiny and friendly light. ?

Yes, Exactly like this. Relaaaaax. Do you feel the flow? You are doing fine... sleeeeepyyyyy ..... hear vooooices...

Now, repeat after me:


"Yes, I like new things that I didn't ask for!"

"Yes, I love to throw away all my old things and buy the new ones"

"No, I will not ask any questions! I will not ask why they would be good for me. They are always for my very best!"

"No, I will not use my brain anymore!"



Ah! Hello, there you are again. You look veeery relaxed. :classic_smile: A completely refreshed version of your old yourself.


Now, please remind me, what you did mention earlier? You loved what?


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15 hours ago, Corsayr said:

I hate things that use Allen wrenches... I got a powered screwdriver for putting things together that use the flat screws and the plus screws, but now everything suddenly needs Allen wrenches... Well, Fuck Allen and his damn wrenches!!! There I said it! ?

To me the invention of Allen wrenches seems pointless, and the weird thing about them is if you haven't put them in a box you'll find them when you don't need them but whenever you do need them they're gone from the face of the earth.


Oh and stripped screw heads really piss me off.

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The way we, as consumers and gamers, have been treated by gaming studios. Especially the way some studios try to blame us for their own mistakes. If you've been following Bugthesda's actions, you'll see several examples of them punishing players for the company's in-game mistakes. Or the way Activision keeps trying to blame us for their falling stock price. And especially James Scrotum-land's reaction to consumers taking his advice of "if you don't like what we're doing, don't buy our games."


At this point I'm not even that pissed off about it all. I'm just tired of it and avoiding buying video games altogether. Other than ones that have been out for quite a while and are thoroughly vetted, patched, and I can see some video of what they actually play like. And lately nothing from the major studios--other than RE 2 Remake--stirs any interest in my little lemming heart. Even then I'm waiting until it's been reviewed thoroughly and given at least one patch for PC.


Once I would have looked forward to Kingdom Hearts 3. But it was produced by Square Enix and....er, I'll stop there. This isn't the Rant Thread.

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It is a waste. So I'll focus on things that make me laugh. Like watching as companies of all stripes make stupid decisions they actually thought were good ideas blow up in their faces. I believe the term is "getting woke." :classic_laugh: I need to be reminded that I'm not the dumbest person lemming on this planet sometimes.


Or I could try and continue watching Monty Python's Flying Circus. But some of the episodes from the first season are just W-E-I-R-D! Even for Monty Python.

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3 hours ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

It is a waste. So I'll focus on things that make me laugh. Like watching as companies of all stripes make stupid decisions they actually thought were good ideas blow up in their faces. I believe the term is "getting woke." :classic_laugh: I need to be reminded that I'm not the dumbest person lemming on this planet sometimes.


Or I could try and continue watching Monty Python's Flying Circus. But some of the episodes from the first season are just W-E-I-R-D! Even for Monty Python.

The recent seems to be Gillette razors and their brilliant new Youtube add that completely demonizes their main core base. Part of the entertainment value is watching them desperately try to Thanos away all the negative votes and comments on their video. Like if they finger snap the backlash into deletion land enough it will change reality itself :P

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2 hours ago, MrEsturk said:

The recent seems to be Gillette razors and their brilliant new Youtube add that completely demonizes their main core base. Part of the entertainment value is watching them desperately try to Thanos away all the negative votes and comments on their video. Like if they finger snap the backlash into deletion land enough it will change reality itself :P

That's the very video I had in mind. ? 505k dislikes and counting! It's so nice to see them squirm after they started selling replacement razors at such ludicrous prices.

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14 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

Reading through these comments, re-affirms my belief that most humans suck! Oh, and I haven't used Gillette in decades, but a boycott would do no good, Procter and Gamble make an assload of other products, it's like trying to ban Unilever, it aint happening. 

Who cares about boycotting them? It's just funny as hell watching them try to delete negative comments and dislikes on YouTube instead of just taking the video down altogether and admitting it was a mistake.


EDIT: It also raises questions of just what they think they have to gain by defending this gaff. Or who is so intent on defending it and why. :classic_rolleyes:

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16 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

I do agree that the ad has little to do with the product itself and was mostly used to divide people.

Another part of the problem is just how fake it all is. Yet another giant, soulless corporation that probably pays child laborers from the third world 4 cents an hour to make their product grand standing and preaching down morality on to the masses. Not to mention they are probably loaded with womanizing business men in their ranks.

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21 hours ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

It is a waste. So I'll focus on things that make me laugh. Like watching as companies of all stripes make stupid decisions they actually thought were good ideas blow up in their faces. I believe the term is "getting woke." :classic_laugh: I need to be reminded that I'm not the dumbest person lemming on this planet sometimes.

"Get Woke, Get Broke" :classic_laugh: Yes, those are always fun.


Don't get why corporations think that is a good idea, having an opinion on anything (remotely) political means you will piss off half the people, which means lost customers ? In Gillettes case much more than half ?

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3 hours ago, worik said:

What's so funny about Biggus Dickus? ?

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I haven't seen that bit yet. :classic_tongue:

27 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

This vid actually highlights it a bit more: 


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TL;DW Gillette thought it was okay to make a blatantly sexist, anti-male ad directed towards their male customers using "examples" of "toxic behavior" with no context whatsoever. If they were going for a message meant to breed tolerance, they couldn't have done it in a more intolerant way.

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42 minutes ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

they couldn't have done it in a more intolerant way.

I'm pissed of that they don't use this or a similar ad here. Just booooring that way. Didn't feel it necessary, obviously. Booooooring ?


Edit: I doubt that "tolerance" was on their agenda anyway. Not even on the brainstorming flipchart when the ad was born


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23 minutes ago, worik said:

I'm pissed of that they don't use this or a similar ad here. Just booooring that way. Didn't feel it necessary, obviously. Booooooring ?

That's because the SJW PC Babies have a lot more power here in the bad ol' US of A. Or they thought they had a lot more power. Lately it seems like everything they do just blows up in their faces.


Now I'm actually half-excited for DA 4. What's going to happen when that gets released?

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