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ooh cover animations. nice. anyway.. bug report: (my save is probably dirty :/) today i been unlucky enough to get a cursed collar. well,that has not happened in a while.

and.. i am stuck. reading the note that comes alongside it does nothing. the entire quest seems to be broken. any workarounds or should i just abort and go back to an point where i did not have it equipped? edit:forget i said anything. better to just go back to a safe save point and update.

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Looks like inescapable armbinder is truly inescapable... even safeword has troubles removing it, also removing corset + belt combo does not always work - it pops up the 'on unequip' dialog (it happened with red version of corset, but I don't know which belt). I could reproduce the armbinder issue after loading a cleaned save, waiting for Cursed Loot to initialize, then add it via console and remove via safeword - it does not remove it. Using same method with corset and belt (xx04dbf0 and xx009a7b, where xx is the DD integration esp id), it removed the belt, but not the corset.


same for me. I finished the new Bondage Adventure Quest and the armbinder and the corset were not removed. (they were equipped at the start of the quest)

The safeword removes only the corset and not the armbinder.



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Looks like inescapable armbinder is truly inescapable... even safeword has troubles removing it, also removing corset + belt combo does not always work - it pops up the 'on unequip' dialog (it happened with red version of corset, but I don't know which belt). I could reproduce the armbinder issue after loading a cleaned save, waiting for Cursed Loot to initialize, then add it via console and remove via safeword - it does not remove it. Using same method with corset and belt (xx04dbf0 and xx009a7b, where xx is the DD integration esp id), it removed the belt, but not the corset.


Same for me, armbinder and corset stays on even after adventure is over + safeword only help with corset


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I like the new dancing option but it seems almost too easy now to make potential patrons horny.  That seems so unlike you with this mod :P  I would have expected some kind of trap chance while dancing.  


Also, I like that you now check for SD+ slavery.  1 thing that you may need to additional check for is that when bound as a slave and then choosing the solicitation dance option, the dance and bound/kneeling option are constantly fighting each other for control.  I know that the dance option within SD+ can take the arm chains off temporarily, not sure if you can do something similar.

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I can confirm that the inescapable armbinder was very inescapable. I even tried removing the hidden item from the commandline, which freed me, but upon removing or unequipping the visible item from my inventory, I just got automatically bound in another new one.


I eventually had to do a save clean to remove the armbinder, then lock myself into another and struggle free of it to restore inventory access.


Dialogue bug:


It seems that sometimes the "I've been locked in restraints, please help" doesn't come up when speaking to merchants, until after I've saved and reloaded once. I've also had trouble triggering the device comments, maybe related to having the solicitation set to "when collared"?

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I can confirm that the inescapable armbinder was very inescapable. I even tried removing the hidden item from the commandline, which freed me, but upon removing or unequipping the visible item from my inventory, I just got automatically bound in another new one.


I eventually had to do a save clean to remove the armbinder, then lock myself into another and struggle free of it to restore inventory access.


Dialogue bug:


It seems that sometimes the "I've been locked in restraints, please help" doesn't come up when speaking to merchants, until after I've saved and reloaded once. I've also had trouble triggering the device comments, maybe related to having the solicitation set to "when collared"?



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Potential performance bug: something (and I'm pretty sure it is this mod with Sex Attacks enabled) is calling SexLab's ValidateActor dozens of times per minute for clearly invalid actors (goats and chickens, testing near Mixwater Mill with slave collar equipped).  Including during Sexlab's setup for an animation with a valid actor, causing visible delays.

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I keep getting a Devious Event after having reached the 5 restraint cap.


The message also doesn't say what I find and there is nothing applied to the character.  I guess the normal you just lost your keys message should be poping up in its place but idk.



I still get footstep sounds when standing still in 3rd person with the cover up animation.  I tried having a look around for an answer and haven't found one.

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kimy why did you blacklist Non-essential children? Why are you making my choices for me D:


A lot of the content in Cursed Loot makes checks whether or not the NPC is an adult (e.g. for them making device comments or displaying the solicitation dialogue). Non-essential Children eliminates the very flag Skyrim implemented to tell apart children characters from adults. While there is still no way that a child character would ever get used in a SL scene, the thought that they would make device comments etc. sent shivers down my spine. I was faced with the choice to either spend hours and hours to implement alternative checks to make Cursed Loot remains compatible with a mod I quite frankly have zero desire to support in any shape or form (a mod whose only purpose is to allow children to be killed? I mean...really?), or just to tackle the problem at the source and make sure that these two mods just don't run together. It was a very easy choice to make, really.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Potential performance bug: something (and I'm pretty sure it is this mod with Sex Attacks enabled) is calling SexLab's ValidateActor dozens of times per minute for clearly invalid actors (goats and chickens, testing near Mixwater Mill with slave collar equipped).  Including during Sexlab's setup for an animation with a valid actor, causing visible delays.


It shouldn't be triggered -that- often. I will have a looksie! :)

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pay back for creators making you play male characters? wow what a reason


I certainly didn't want to lash out at people for game devs making me play male characters. Do you really think I am -that- low? It might be part of the reason why I have zero interest in spending the significant amount of time it would require me to actively support male characters, but that's about it. Cursed Loot didn't have a check for the longest time and would just let you do whatever you wanted to do. However, I have lately added more and more stuff that flat out doesn't make the slightest sense for male characters (solicitation, sex attacks, device comments...etc etc) to the degree that the mod is now pretty much silly to play with a male character. People have actually complained to me that they have to disable Cursed Loot all the time when alternating between male and female characters. Now the mod does it automatically and people still complain. Can't win.

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pay back for creators making you play male characters? wow what a reason


I certainly didn't want to lash out at people for game devs making me play male characters. Do you really think I am -that- low? It might be part of the reason why I have zero interest in spending the significant amount of time it would require me to actively support male characters, but that's about it. Cursed Loot didn't have a check for the longest time and would just let you do whatever you wanted to do. However, I have lately added more and more stuff that flat out doesn't make the slightest sense for male characters (solicitation, sex attacks, device comments...etc etc) to the degree that the mod is now pretty much silly to play with a male character. People have actually complained to me that they have to disable Cursed Loot all the time when alternating between male and female characters. Now the mod does it automatically and people still complain. Can't win.


Youll never win against complainers nobody does same goes for conspiracy theorists. I haven't looked or noticed but best thing is some type of toggle or opt esp/script I know some use dd for him or one of the others I don't I refuse to ever play a guy in game I get to be one in real life and lets face it those pixelated female asses in today's modded game can look really good  :D .

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kimy why did you blacklist Non-essential children? Why are you making my choices for me D:


A lot of the content in Cursed Loot makes checks whether or not the NPC is an adult (e.g. for them making device comments or displaying the solicitation dialogue). Non-essential Children eliminates the very flag Skyrim implemented to tell apart children characters from adults. While there is still no way that a child character would ever get used in a SL scene, the thought that they would make device comments etc. sent shivers down my spine. I was faced with the choice to either spend hours and hours to implement alternative checks to make Cursed Loot remains compatible with a mod I quite frankly have zero desire to support in any shape or form (a mod whose only purpose is to allow children to be killed? I mean...really?), or just to tackle the problem at the source and make sure that these two mods just don't run together. It was a very easy choice to make, really.


Sorry for the inconvenience.



Seems like a situation where i could easily disable the mod if it bugged me.  now i cant use cursed loot without messing up my game since i had non-essential installed (if i never hear 'wow, another person come to lick my fathers boots' again, it will be too soon)


thanks for that i guess?



side note, it seems like that mod adds the keyword "ActorTypeChild" to child npcs.   seems easy enough to check for.


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Since there's a DeviousHelpless feature in this, I guessing that its fine to remove the original one off my modlist? 

or does it have some of the helpless feature?


It depends. The feature in Cursed Loot is a lot more lightweight and implemented a bit differently. If you're happy enough with it to no longer desire the full DH, nothing will keep you from removing it. If you want to keep DH around, nothing will prevent you from doing that either. It's really just a matter of taste. :)

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pay back for creators making you play male characters? wow what a reason


I certainly didn't want to lash out at people for game devs making me play male characters. Do you really think I am -that- low? It might be part of the reason why I have zero interest in spending the significant amount of time it would require me to actively support male characters, but that's about it. Cursed Loot didn't have a check for the longest time and would just let you do whatever you wanted to do. However, I have lately added more and more stuff that flat out doesn't make the slightest sense for male characters (solicitation, sex attacks, device comments...etc etc) to the degree that the mod is now pretty much silly to play with a male character. People have actually complained to me that they have to disable Cursed Loot all the time when alternating between male and female characters. Now the mod does it automatically and people still complain. Can't win.


Could you make the disabling for male characters optional, in the MCM or something? I understand why you did what you did, but I honestly did enjoy using the mod as a male character and would like to continue. Feels quite unfair to just bar people who play male characters from using the mod like this.

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kimy why did you blacklist Non-essential children? Why are you making my choices for me D:


A lot of the content in Cursed Loot makes checks whether or not the NPC is an adult (e.g. for them making device comments or displaying the solicitation dialogue). Non-essential Children eliminates the very flag Skyrim implemented to tell apart children characters from adults. While there is still no way that a child character would ever get used in a SL scene, the thought that they would make device comments etc. sent shivers down my spine. I was faced with the choice to either spend hours and hours to implement alternative checks to make Cursed Loot remains compatible with a mod I quite frankly have zero desire to support in any shape or form (a mod whose only purpose is to allow children to be killed? I mean...really?), or just to tackle the problem at the source and make sure that these two mods just don't run together. It was a very easy choice to make, really.


Sorry for the inconvenience.



I honestly don't just randomly go around killing children I am not a psychopath lol; It kinda ruins the immersion for me having any NPC essential not just children, I like the consequences of the world.


Although I don't agree and still feel you should still allow the mod to function with non-essential children because honestly you could just have a warning even if it makes it work improperly or not as intended I feel you should have just dropped support but at the same time not made my choice for me.


But obviously I will choose your mod over non-essential children anyday and with that being said I appreciate all the hard work you have done on this mod your updates in comparison to most mod authors are outstanding and even though it doesn't sound like it I respect your decision :)

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