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4 minutes ago, Lowezar said:

Also not sure why we can't have a finer global control over these things instead of single modifier that affects all escape difficulty parameters. Would be nice to just forget the keys, set escape difficulties high and attempt cooldown low. ...But that's a major trend in all software nowdays - replace a 100 tweakable things with a do-it-all single button. Make it usable by monkeys, forget those niche humans. :smile:

Maybe these things could come back as part of DCL.

That is something that was discussed quite a lot in the thread for the beta-testing versions. And the reason given was that modders should be more able to rely on a more consistent difficulty curve on items. And also because each individual item now has it's own settings for every difficulty value, including lock-shields btw (but got set to disabled on the generic items by popular demand).

On the other hand, the new setup also means that it's really easy to make custom items now. And you can easily set all the chances you want, including lockshields and having keys be single use, by editing the .esm file.

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1 hour ago, LazyBoot said:

That is something that was discussed quite a lot in the thread for the beta-testing versions. And the reason given was that modders should be more able to rely on a more consistent difficulty curve on items. And also because each individual item now has it's own settings for every difficulty value, including lock-shields btw (but got set to disabled on the generic items by popular demand).

On the other hand, the new setup also means that it's really easy to make custom items now. And you can easily set all the chances you want, including lockshields and having keys be single use, by editing the .esm file.

That makes sense, though I'd still leave the modifiers separate. Maybe hidden in a submenu somewhere and put a warning that changing those might throw the balance off.


Thank you for the hint about editing the .esm, that actually might be exactly what I want! ...And reminds me of the same trend in SW I described above :smiley: The options are still there, just harder to get to. (I'm looking at you, Windows 10...)

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4 hours ago, OlBenny said:

When you say the game crashes when you travel, what do you mean exactly?  Are you fast traveling, entering/exiting places, running around normally, using the carriage?  When you are traveling and it crashes, is it when you approach a specific place like Windhelm?  Depending on what you mean by "traveling", it could be a texture issue.  The crashing when loading a saved game, however, that means corruption sadly.  And that's not a texture issue.  You have a mod that's screwing up your game.  Do you have a save that isn't corrupted?  If you do, perhaps running TES5Edit may yield some insight.

Looking over your load order, you are using some mods that I don't.  As such, I don't know which it could be from personal experience.  Apart from what has already been suggested with zzEstrus et al, I would suggest removing SD Cage.  As far as I was aware, the caging feature in SD+ is broken.  Remove that esp and don't enable the feature in the SD MCM.  I don't think that would cause corruption, though.  LoversHook I would also suggest removing as that mod is extremely outdated, unsupported, and very likely incompatible with the current version of SL.  That could very well be your corrupting agent, but I don't know for sure.  Otherwise, I'd suggest double checking what mods you do have installed.  Of course, after removing a mod, test with a new game, not a clean save.

A papyrus log would also be helpful.  Assuredly I can say, however, DCL is not your culprit.  As such, you might want to post in the Skyrim tech forum for additional assistance. 


The problem is you lose the key because everything of the quest will dissapear after you finish the quest. find the key in console or  use the key right after pick up before the game makes changes (including removing the key form your inventory)
... yes you actually can use the key to remove all the devices

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Small Bug: When you ask Sasha to be her plaything. She equips the yoke, and is suppose to remove it when you are sufficiently far enough from a town. She never does, and I have ask for the hobble dress and ankle chains. Then Sasha removes the hobble dress but not the ankle chains.


PS loving the new update. Thanks for your hard work.

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(Originally posted this in the DD dev forum by mistake. Too many tabs open in my browser to tell one from another, significantly extended for this repost).



One little bug, Bound Queen, DCL 6.1, old DD, I had Sarah's items in an owned chest. Later, wearing all the items, I opened the chest,  and of course, there's a duplicate set still in there.


It seems the easiest answer is that Sarah items should have a quest no-drop flag on them, so you can't put them in chests?

I saw no mention of this being fixed in 6.2 ... though it might be ... has anyone tried?




I noticed, with the old DD, that PSQ only stripped one item on transform: leg cuffs. This seems to totally weird and random.

But I don't have any of the tail, or armor changes on, so it might be connected to that.



Why is it that transforms are stripping devices in the first-place? Is it something to do with swapping to a different body model?

Or is it specifically when PSQ changes armor items? Why then did I lose leg cuffs on transform?


It's not that hard to turn off transforms, when doing Bound Queen, once you remember you need to.




I know some people love this quest, and I do appreciate that it exists, that it basically provides a significantly improved, and far-less dodgy version of the Forbidden Bookshelf from Devious Deviants. Just putting forward my thoughts on how it could be better, more polished, and more fun. That doesn't mean I think it wasn't good in the first place. I wouldn't be spending so much time posting on this if I didn't think it was worthwhile.



But... The length of this quest overall has some issues for distorting the game. I see a similar point made about the Cursed Collar. Basically, this is a quest that forces you to be nude for a very long time. This is not only a long-term enforced change in play-style, it has consequences.


A issue here is you basically have days of play (and I mean real-world, not game time) where you cannot level any armor skill. This is enough to gimp a low level character because all those dungeons you are forced to complete will give you level-ups for sure, and your armor skill falls behind the curve. I guess there are worse things, but this is often combined with a loss of chances to increase bow and melee skills too, that can leave the PC very weak at melee.


As far as player choice or fun goes, it's length is not ideal. It makes a choice for you that you should use magic, not melee (debuffs melee and bow, buffs magica). If you were a heavy armor 2H user with really limited magic, you are going to struggle, especially at low levels. For a high level character, the magnitude of their skills mitigates the debuffs down to meaningless. But for a low level character, losing a fixed value off a skill is a big problem. And it goes on, and on, well past the point of novelty.


I felt a lack of player choice, over too long a duration, not just in forced nudity, but in the dialogues too. The bits with Julius are pretty funny, but even there, the dialogue sometimes seems to end abruptly, without any ability to revisit the questions, or even get Julius to acknowledge you spoke to him previously at most steps. The player is forced to speak as if "outraged" about his requests, which might not fit their character. If, for example, you were previously using eager NPCs to buddy up with him, a more nuanced reaction might be reasonable. Misogyny gives you three choices, but in this quest you only have one: "futile anger followed by compliance." You don't get a choice.


There may already be a minimum level on this quest, I'm not sure, but the level dependent behaviours, and loss of armor skill-ups could be addressed.


(1) Julius' bookshelf could contain skillup books for light and heavy armor. It would be *something*.

(2) Change modifiers to all be percentage based.

(3) Maybe restrict this quest to characters that can meet a required threshold in magic skills? (ie not melee only).



On that topic, how about making Bound Queen into a legitimate replacement for Forbidden Bookshelf, so that instead of starting it BQ from a random chest loot, you start it "on purpose" from the college? Then you wouldn't have melee characters with no magic skills getting caught up in it, and you'd fix the outstanding DD4 issue of "Devious Deviants deprecated." Such a pity to lose the bookshelf quest. I liked it.





Could add a prelude to BQ, that can only trigger from asking Julius about the forbidden bookshelf (instead of Sergius) putting you in a belt with plugs, using the same story as Sergius, but when it turns out you basically can't charge the plug without discharging it, he then coerces you you into finding the Sarah pieces, one by one, so there's more a feeling of being lured into it a bit at a time. (Turns the DevDeviants "bug" into a feature).



(PC) "Why would there be such a thing as a forbidden bookshelf?"

(Julius) "Oh, you're interested in that are you? I should have guessed."

(PC) "What do you mean?"

(Julius) "Do you know anything about plugs? Wait. Of course you do."

(PC) "What has this got to do with a bookshelf? It has books on plugs? Is that even a legitimate field of magical study?"

(Julius) "Oh yes. In fact, I've been working with Sergius on a new way to use soul gems. He made a prototype but we haven't been able to find anyone in the college to test it. There would be a lot of powerful stimulation. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it..."

(PC) "I could test it for you." OR "I'm not sure I like the sound of where this is headed. I'll be on my way."

... player refuses quest, or goes off and charges gem, cums, returns to Julius, instead of dumb "it's not charged yet dialogue" you get this...

At this point, if you accept, you are on a path to BQ, with no way off it.


(Julius) "The plug isn't fully charged-"

(PC) "You're asking the impossible. Every time the plug charges up it makes me cum right away."

(Julius) "You probably lack the self-control to charge the gem without discharging it immediately. You just need to try harder. Apply yourself."

... player goes off and charges gem again, cums, returns to Julius...


(Julius) "The plug still isn't fully charged-"

(PC) "You're still asking the impossible. Every time the plug charges up it makes me cum right away."

(Julius) "You just need to put in the proper effort."

(PC) "Really. It's never going to work. (Persuade)." OR "You try it then. I think I've got a belt somewhere that's just your size. (Intimidate)." OR "Please, I'll pay you (AMOUNT). Just get this thing out of me."

(Julius) I never would have guessed you were such a ... never mind ... it's not a complete failure."

(PC) "Thanks. So the experiment is over? You'll unlock the belt?"

(Julius) "No, I don't think I'll let you out just yet. There's something I've been looking for, and you're just the person to find it for me. Let's just call the belt an incentive, and in the meantime I'm sure we can collect more data on the plug. Just give it another shot. Maybe you'll get the hang of it with practice?"

(PC) "Alright. What do I have to find?"

(Julius) "Here, read this book on Queen Sarah. I need a piece of her outfit for my ... research. Not the whole set of course. Just one will do. If you can bring even one of them to me, I'll let you out of the belt." (If player intimidated earlier, there's another line "I'll add a cash sweetener as well. For all your trouble."


Then you have to bring Julius a piece and get out of the belt before any more pieces will drop.

If you don't return to Julius, you're stuck in the belt with the special plug in it, so chances are you are going to return to Julius sooner or later.



Could probably come up with better dialogue (and less dialogue steps) if I thought about it a bit more, but you get the gist?



Other thoughts...



The length of Bound Queen (phase 2) is a bit much for a succubus though, and perhaps a bit much to remain interesting, for anyone.

Better to leave people wanting more than dragging things out until they are bored, I think. Put another way, a requirement to find seven fragments would be plenty.

As a succubus, it's hard not to die from starvation while hunting for the diary fragments. If you don't have cached potions before you get trapped, you are probably doomed.


It's extremely time consuming (borderline impossible) to raise your satiation through oral alone, and if you get gagged, you're probably dead (though DCL will let you turn off gags).

Survival chances depend on what other mods you have in.

Eager NPCs seems super-dumb and lets you have penetration while wearing the chastity gear, which nets you meaningful gains in satiation, but its cheating to exploit that bug.


I guess you can not start the quest, but when it works right, and you're on a race against the clock to get all the fragments (and key parts) before you starve to death... And you're debuffed serverely, due to hunger at the end, it's quite engaging. It's just a bit random. It's possible to do a whole dungeon and get  no fragment drops, sometimes, or do something as long as Mzulft, and only get one.


Getting the key parts has the advantage that it's sure to succeed, whereas you are at the mercy of the RNG with those diary fragments. Saying that, it probably makes more sense to require ten, but have a higher drop rate, so less chance of a random streak giving you zero keys in all of Mzulft and Labyrinthine.



Due to succubus time limitations, I didn't try waiting Julius out instead of getting the key. If you wait it out, does Julius put the stuff from the final reward chest on you? It seems like there's a whole new dominant follower thing left nascent there?


As an aside, I found it's possible to reliably complete the bookshelf quest, just as long as you follow Sergius around like a lost puppy, and as soon as the plug kicks off you click on him for the dialogue. It's difficult to time correctly, but if you save when the plug is almost full, you can reload, and will probably get it on the second try if the first failed. That said, it's a lame mechanic, and the quest should either have made it possible to complete without such speedclickery, or made the apparent impossibility the whole point (like Angrim's). But those quests seem to have been abandoned, which is a real pity, albeit nothing to do with Kimy, Princessity, etc. Red Wave is much beloved by many, and promised a great deal, but as it stands, clearly isn't developed beyond the most basic of basics, leaving a rich and detailed area, with multiple NPCs, mostly wasted. It should be obvious why I had this and the DD development thread open at the same time... Neither the bookshelf quest, not Red Wave are anything to do with DCL, but maybe ... maybe they could be?


Imagine for example, DCL solicitation, tweaked so quests can hook into it? Then Red Wave could be spiced up with a few devices, and the solicitation mechanic replaced with DCL's. Innkeeper's share goes to the owners of the Wave.


Well, I can imagine some people will say "do it yourself then" and I am thinking about that sort of thing. I am. But right now I'm making something else, and trying to finish Slaverun. In any case, some things may just be more practical for existing authors to do ... if they like them. I have no idea if DCL's solicitation is suitable for extension with API hooks. (You'd want to be able to set the remuneration rates, possibly success rates too, as overrides while a certain quest is active, and re-enable the player MCM values when the quest ends. And you'd obviously need to be able to hook callbacks for attempt to solicit, solicit successful/failed, remuneration request successful/failed, etc.)


But isn't it better to have one solicitation solution, rather than a dozen conflicting ones? The DCL one is almost the standard now for anyone with DD, because almost anyone with DD will have DCL (I admit, not everyone), and if you have DCL, the reasons to install another solicitation mod diminish sharply.

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11 hours ago, OlBenny said:

When you say the game crashes when you travel, what do you mean exactly?  Are you fast traveling, entering/exiting places, running around normally, using the carriage?  When you are traveling and it crashes, is it when you approach a specific place like Windhelm?  Depending on what you mean by "traveling", it could be a texture issue.  The crashing when loading a saved game, however, that means corruption sadly.  And that's not a texture issue.  You have a mod that's screwing up your game.  Do you have a save that isn't corrupted?  If you do, perhaps running TES5Edit may yield some insight.

Looking over your load order, you are using some mods that I don't.  As such, I don't know which it could be from personal experience.  Apart from what has already been suggested with zzEstrus et al, I would suggest removing SD Cage.  As far as I was aware, the caging feature in SD+ is broken.  Remove that esp and don't enable the feature in the SD MCM.  I don't think that would cause corruption, though.  LoversHook I would also suggest removing as that mod is extremely outdated, unsupported, and very likely incompatible with the current version of SL.  That could very well be your corrupting agent, but I don't know for sure.  Otherwise, I'd suggest double checking what mods you do have installed.  Of course, after removing a mod, test with a new game, not a clean save.

A papyrus log would also be helpful.  Assuredly I can say, however, DCL is not your culprit.  As such, you might want to post in the Skyrim tech forum for additional assistance. 


Removed cages, and lovers hook. I only crash on a new save if i have configured the mcm menus. If i don't configure the menus on a new save i can travel and load the save as long as i didn't configure any of my menus.


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Still haven't found a way to remove the iron shackles added by the Damsel in Distress quest. I think it is bugged because when I click the item in my inventory I get a message "You cannot unequip this item" in the top left of the screen (not in an info box). Is there any other way to remove it except the safeword command of DCL?


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On 12/26/2017 at 9:16 PM, donkeywho said:

Just in case the other solutions posted didn't help, if you're running EtaC's Dawnstar addon (or any other similar mod), to get to the the Dollmaker's house front door, you may need to use god mode to 'pass through' the front door of the conflicting building that is placed on the same site.  Once you can 'see' the Dollmaker's door and the text name, it's clickable for entry



Thank you for you help.

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7 hours ago, JuliusXX said:

Still haven't found a way to remove the iron shackles added by the Damsel in Distress quest. I think it is bugged because when I click the item in my inventory I get a message "You cannot unequip this item" in the top left of the screen (not in an info box). Is there any other way to remove it except the safeword command of DCL?


Yup. The Damsel in Distress quest is bugged. I have now removed all the items I can but no way to remove the iron shackles added by this quest. The shackles prevents the removal of rubber gloves, which prevents the removal of rubber suit etc. The only option to finish this quest is the safe word of DCL.

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9 hours ago, Android1815 said:

Removed cages, and lovers hook. I only crash on a new save if i have configured the mcm menus. If i don't configure the menus on a new save i can travel and load the save as long as i didn't configure any of my menus.


Looking over your log, something is wrong with Zaz Animation Pack.  It's causing a host of problems, including for other mods such as SD and DD.  Did you recently update it or something?  It might something as simple as improper installation or updating.  If it's that, I would recommend uninstalling all mods that require ZAP and ZAP itself.  On a new game (this is critically important), install ZAP and ensure it installs properly.  If you weren't already, I would definitely recommend doing all this with a mod manager.  See if at that point then you can replicate your issue and see if this fixes it.  After doing so, then install all the other mods that you want to use that require ZAP.

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On 12/19/2017 at 7:39 PM, Bobbert6996 said:



Here is how to solve this problem:


1. Open console

2. Click on customer

3. type "addtofaction XX0bf55a -1" EDIT: XX should be the ID of cursed loot in your load order, it is the same first 2 characters as any other id from this mod.

4. Now the quest dialogue will display.


@Kimy for some reason dcur_SubduedEvilGirls faction is set to have customers 0, 1, and 2 from this quest as members, which I guess is causing the dialogue to be unavailable when they are chosen. The dialogue from that faction kind of fits with the quest, so I didn't realize there was anything wrong at first.


While this does get the quest to continue for awhile, when I get to the part where the customer refuses to walk, although using the zapper whip says "<customer> will offer no more resistance" the customer still refuses to continue following, and just does idle animations thereafter.


Edit:  It may be a script timing issue.  Sometimes she responds to the zapper and starts moving again, sometimes no amount of zapping will break her out of her idle AI.  The only solution seems to be to save scum very frequently and reload if she stops responding to the zapper.  Also zapping her periodically seems to help prevent her from stopping in the first place.

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On 13/03/2016 at 2:27 PM, nixnamed said:

I am having trouble using Leon's quest to become enslaved to Leah. Unfortunate, since I like the quest very much...


The issue is simply that Leah seems to disappear from the game at some point in the quest. She will not be at the Bannered Mare at the end, and if you had her as a follower and told her to wait at a particular location, she will not be there when you return from the party. She will also not be in Leon's house.


Using the prid command on the base and ref IDs supplied by the command "help Leah" returns invalid object errors in the console, which suggests to me that she no longer exists. Attempting to spawn her with the console creates a Leah who is apparently not scripted into the quest; she cannot enslave you, and she doesn't act as your owner, either.


However, the quest to be a good girl will continue to run, so text flairs will occasionally pop up stating her desire for your body or notifying you that she took away something of yours (which does work properly). It's like she's a ghost. :classic_confused:


Any help with making Leah appear correctly, besides "just skip the quest for now if you want to belong to Leah"? Or perhaps a confirmation that this is broken?




As a side: Sometimes, at the mansion, Claudius and/or the Pink Armbinder will fail to spawn, rendering the quest impossible to complete and the player stuck. It could be a coincidence, but this only happened when I had an active follower with me when securing transport to the mansion. The solution in either case was to go back to a save before I was taken to the mansion (not having a follower or telling the follower to wait there may be related if having a follower along was related to the failure).

was this every resolved 


also can someone actually tell me just how to bring the character back (i dont mind the interactions not being able to start through the quest if i need to finish the quest and then start them) unfortunatly i dont know the command to bring her to me or to spawn her

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On 12/27/2017 at 12:55 AM, chaimhewast said:

With POP's latest version making it standalone, CheckOptionalMods() no longer detects it. The function is looking for "xazPrisonOverhaul.esp", whereas POP's merged plugin is called "xazPrisonOverhaulPatched.esp".

Can this be fixed simply by switching the name of the plugin in dcur_mcmconfig?

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23 minutes ago, Ytheria said:

Can this be fixed simply by switching the name of the plugin in dcur_mcmconfig?

That is the fix, but you'll need to recreate Kimy's dev environment to recompile with the fix - the Papyrus compiler looks recursively through the scripts it references (e.g. it looks for dcur_library, which requires zadlibs, which requires slaUtilScr...) and requires them all to be present before it will work.

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11 hours ago, JuliusXX said:

Still haven't found a way to remove the iron shackles added by the Damsel in Distress quest. I think it is bugged because when I click the item in my inventory I get a message "You cannot unequip this item" in the top left of the screen (not in an info box). Is there any other way to remove it except the safeword command of DCL?



Here is a method I used to rid myself of pesky devices with the behavior you cite:


First, use player.showinventory to look at your player contents.  Look for keyword Worn and the device ID that matches the number in your load order.  There will be two entries for the pesky device.  One with the right description, and one with no description but with an ID close to the other ID.  Execute a player.drop on both ID's.  One will cause the device to fall to the floor, the other will allow you to unequip it from your inventory.  You should be free of the pesky device.

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4 hours ago, chaimhewast said:

That is the fix, but you'll need to recreate Kimy's dev environment to recompile with the fix - the Papyrus compiler looks recursively through the scripts it references (e.g. it looks for dcur_library, which requires zadlibs, which requires slaUtilScr...) and requires them all to be present before it will work.

Oh, I did that when I was fiddling around with the public indecency quest.  Here's the .pex file with that change, in case it's useful to anyone.  It superficially appears to work (in that Cursed Loot detects the new .esp), but I haven't play-tested it.  I take no liability if it breaks your game.


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5 hours ago, magnet7 said:

was this every resolved 


also can someone actually tell me just how to bring the character back (i dont mind the interactions not being able to start through the quest if i need to finish the quest and then start them) unfortunatly i dont know the command to bring her to me or to spawn her

Note: this works for fixing pretty much any NPC you like, not just Leah. For example, you could use it to find a missing Claudius.


First, go to wherever you want to put Leah. Let's say, the Bannered Mare, though she should be fine in other places too, like Breezehome, or Leon's house, your fancy hall in Markarth, or your creepy custom slave-house loaded with Zap 8 furniture.


Next, you need to find the RefID of your Leah ... assuming she exists (which perhaps she does not).

This is easier said than done.

The base ID of Leah is easy to find: 'help Leah 4' in the console will tell you that, right away, but it's not the ID you need to move an existing Leah.


To get the RefID you need, go into the console and dump out all your RefIDs with:

save funclist 1


This will open a (large) file for you - unless you are using MO, in which case it will fail to find the file path because it's in the virtual tree.

With MO you have to go into the <MO-directory>\profiles\<profilename>\saves folder and open the text file manually.


Once you have the file open, search for "Leah", you will find a couple that are not the Leah you are looking for, they will be on lines that look (something) like this:

32095612    60/83    00000208  74 Leah                                    - AI Data(20)              NPC Skills(52) 


But you want a line that looks like this:

  320950AF   527/904   8A000C23  74 Leah                                    - Low(769)                 Flags(6)                 Moved(27)                Inventory(53)            Life State(0)            Package Data Extra(1)    Promoted(40)             Leveled Inventory(53)    Game Only


And in this case, the RefID of my Leah was 320950AF.

You will know you have the right one because when you type...

prid 320950AF

(substitute whatever your ID is) it will work, instead of complaining about the ID.

If it has worked "right", an info box for Leah should immediately pop up, with all her details, as if you'd selected an NPC by clicking on them.


With Leah still selected, you can now type:

moveto player

to teleport her to your location.


If trying to move Leah fails, she might not exist. She's marked essential, but even so, it can happen.

In that case, try:

help Leah 4

Note the ID you see for the Leah actor that ends in 094B48 (assuming DCUR 6.1) - that's the ID you need to type this time (you'll see two IDs, the other one is the LeahClone).


Enter into the console:

player.placeatme XX094B48 1 (basically, the entire ID you just found using help as above, where the XX is the ID of your DCUR mod. Mine is 32, yours probably isn't).


The above makes a new Leah, which might be bad if there already is one, and possibly may not function correctly due to some scripting quirk in DCUR, but will probably work fine, in the event that Leah has gone poof somehow.


If you are on DCUR 6.2, the ID above may be different (but probably isn't), just use whatever you found via help. The first Leah listed will probably be the 'proper' one.


For more help on the commands see: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim)/Characters

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4 hours ago, Mrod23 said:


Here is a method I used to rid myself of pesky devices with the behavior you cite:


First, use player.showinventory to look at your player contents.  Look for keyword Worn and the device ID that matches the number in your load order.  There will be two entries for the pesky device.  One with the right description, and one with no description but with an ID close to the other ID.  Execute a player.drop on both ID's.  One will cause the device to fall to the floor, the other will allow you to unequip it from your inventory.  You should be free of the pesky device.


Is 'drop' the (only) correct way to get these off?


I've used removeitem in the past, and while it makes the item go away, definitely releases the player from its effects, and otherwise seems to work, there seems to be some lingering script issue that causes other mods (Slaverun, basically) that try to equip to that slot to fail with a conflict.


I say seems, because something else could be the cause, like Slaverun might possibly be trying to equip two collars at once (one in a harness, and one restrictive collar), and it's simply a Slaverun bug ... but either way, I finish up with "half" a collar equipped (the scripting part) but not the "shows in regular inventory" part.


I fix this with removeitem on the broken piece, but the problem recurs. 


If I use drop from the console, will any removal script run?

It's my presumption that no removal related script runs if the item is deleted with removeitem?


Does any script need to run to clean these items up properly? Or is the script entirely for about popping up the UI dialog for removal/escape attempts?


I guess I'd like to clear up whether this is a Slaverun bug (it consistently fails to grasp that harnesses have collars in them) or a problem caused by using removeitem.


Or is DD doing some internal slot tracking that breaks when you nuke items out of existence?

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5 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:


Is 'drop' the (only) correct way to get these off?


I've used removeitem in the past, and while it makes the item go away, definitely releases the player from its effects, and otherwise seems to work, there seems to be some lingering script issue that causes other mods (Slaverun, basically) that try to equip to that slot to fail with a conflict.


I say seems, because something else could be the cause, like Slaverun might possibly be trying to equip two collars at once (one in a harness, and one restrictive collar), and it's simply a Slaverun bug ... but either way, I finish up with "half" a collar equipped (the scripting part) but not the "shows in regular inventory" part.


I fix this with removeitem on the broken piece, but the problem recurs. 


If I use drop from the console, will any removal script run?

It's my presumption that no removal related script runs if the item is deleted with removeitem?


Does any script need to run to clean these items up properly? Or is the script entirely for about popping up the UI dialog for removal/escape attempts?


I guess I'd like to clear up whether this is a Slaverun bug (it consistently fails to grasp that harnesses have collars in them) or a problem caused by using removeitem.


Or is DD doing some internal slot tracking that breaks when you nuke items out of existence?

I seem to remember that the "recommended" way is to removeitem on the rendered device, and the just unequip the inventory item normally (via the inventory).

On the other hand, the latest DD now comes with a "remove all items" button builtin for cases where things break.

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12 hours ago, Mrod23 said:


Here is a method I used to rid myself of pesky devices with the behavior you cite:


First, use player.showinventory to look at your player contents.  Look for keyword Worn and the device ID that matches the number in your load order.  There will be two entries for the pesky device.  One with the right description, and one with no description but with an ID close to the other ID.  Execute a player.drop on both ID's.  One will cause the device to fall to the floor, the other will allow you to unequip it from your inventory.  You should be free of the pesky device.

The problem with this one is that there's only one entry for this device. I have already tested all the "no description" items in my inventory. I don't know if it's a general bug with this item or did something weird happen when it was added in the beginning of the Damsel in Distress quest.

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EDIT: HA! Finally found the culprit, completely my fault by having to many mods to keep track of. I'm starting a "checklist" for every mod I use now.


I'm having issues with the arousal breast and butt scaling, it doesn't do anything. It use to, and would cause hard frame drops, aka stuttering every 15ish seconds, but now after updating I can't even get it to work.


I have Milk Mod Economy and Estrus Chaurus that scale properly without issues, all the sliders in racemenu are there and work, I have the newest XP32[3.94] and all the dependencies of this mod and theres and so on are up to date. So I am really confused as to why Cursed Loots arousal scaling isn't working.


Tried Googling but can't find anything other than performance issues, I have been going at this since the update on the 15th, so maybe another set of eyes on the Load Order can help.


EDIT: Removed Load Order


I really don't think it's the mods fault I probably just overlooked something.. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Love the mod keep up the good work!

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