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First the good news, I tested Flashbang and that gives a generic bandit if nothing else is around. Now onto the bugs:


1/ This follows on from my earlier post. The toggle in the MCM doesn't work, the bondage part of the mod remains active even if unchecked. The dialogue still appears and if you ask to be released the events still kick in. Tested twice I got a key first time and on the second test got the bondage quest itself.


2/ Something is causing a lot of script lag, if sex attacks kicks in not a lot happens and if you're unlucky the text remains on screen from comments shown by Fus


3/ Couldn't replicate this one, left Breezehome, once outside my armour flew off and I was suddenly fitted with a corset and something else (can't remember what it was now). May have been caused by too many reloads but I've never seen it before.


4/ As reported by others the armbinder isn't unequipped at the end


5/ From initial tests last night, if a sex attack animation does trigger (this was in a quiet area so less script lag) the animation did not line up




I would suggest changing the armbinder to one the pc can remove (maybe a toggle option). I can't honestly say I found it a great deal of fun running from bears and other wildlife without any means of defence at all and it became a grind at the end. Others may have a different view of course hence have it as an option.


The suit seems strange as well (something I normally have disabled, you know my view on pvc :P ), as attackers can remove a belt so I wasn't sure how a sex act could occur with a suit on. Again maybe have a toggle for it.

i noticed the script lag aswell. :/

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I finally got the Adventure to fire, and once I got back to the quest giver, All was removed except the Armbinder, and corset. Because I had seen others mention this problem I thought i might report what I did. I made this quest happen just to see if the Armbinder would hang on me too.


0. One thing I waited very still, to allow all the checks "mutex" that can delay the script Processing, and did not want to cause a failure from cell change or something along those lines.


1. one rub is I have armbinders turned off. also Gags turned off. and corset set really low weight, because it clips a lot, and i don't like that. all in MCM


2. So I used and armbinder I had in storage to get the quest to fire as was my understanding that either am armbinder or gag had to be on for it to fire.


3. the log file seemed to show that there was and attempt to remove them, and no failure. but they were still on


I removed them in console with xx059a5, xx0159a8, xx061ac3, xx061ac4.


just thought would mention it, as it may be the fact that I have them turned off in MCM that could I guess depending on your scripting have and effect on there removal. As in perhaps some global checking or personal to your mod Keyword you have going on or something like that.


Is no biggy I am use to using console to correct problem's. I was only mentioning in case it might help.


but thing is you seem to have disabled the consoles ability to remove these with some check, that re instat's them..



this from log when Quest giver trys to remove

[05/12/2015 - 04:24:34AM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Booty Lass: Inescapable Armbinder)
[05/12/2015 - 04:24:34AM] [byohhousebuildingscript <BYOHHouseBuilding (0300305D)>] logcount=0
[05/12/2015 - 04:24:34AM] [Zad]: Caught remove-all. Re-equipping device.
[05/12/2015 - 05:08:55AM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Booty Lass: Ebonite Restrictive Corset)
[05/12/2015 - 05:08:55AM] [Zad]: Caught remove-all. Re-equipping device.

Its not your fault its just another reason why I hate the armbinders and the Gag's ( Not actually the Items them self's but the scripting attached to them ), not because there not neat, but because there a plague to get off.


the armbinders interupts nearly all menu operations (even interupting your freeme operation, as hitting the escape button to bring up that menu fires the struggle menu), and the gag is just such a time waster to ever get removed, and basically stops all quest doing of anykind until you manage to remove it.

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I'm having an issue with the new update turning off exhibition setting in Aroused Redoux.  Aroused is an esm so I can't move it passed loot... I have the "shame" box on misc settings cleared, but some script keeps unchecking the exhibition setting in Redoux and causing shame covering.

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I'm having an issue with the new update turning off exhibition setting in Aroused Redoux.  Aroused is an esm so I can't move it passed loot... I have the "shame" box on misc settings cleared, but some script keeps unchecking the exhibition setting in Redoux and causing shame covering.


there is a setting I think in DDcursed loot to turn this on or off, I believe, I think if not check or unchecked which ever way is needed it may over ride the redux setting

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Not sure if this is related to script lag, but whenever I trigger a Cursed Loot event, everything gets equipped just fine, but it takes ages to get the message about what was put on you and be given player control again. I think it's around half a minute between getting devices added and the 'you have no idea what just happened' message.

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There are other modder resources besides the Catsuit, such as Zipsuit (comes in CBBE, UNP, and 7B HDT weights look good and items fit well could have a black texture with a repaint job).


Sorry, I just don't like MXcatsuit its poorly made.


I edited the weights by the thighs so it doesn't spazz out for 7B HDT w/belly also you can change the glossines on your suit cuz it doesn't look that bad in my game but depending on your ENB settings you specular might be too high and I personally like using the textures from the dark disciple armor, also it was annoying to me when you have the corset with the catsuit so I adjusted the corset to fit over the catsuit and now I am happy with it



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Since there's a DeviousHelpless feature in this, I guessing that its fine to remove the original one off my modlist? 

or does it have some of the helpless feature?


It depends. The feature in Cursed Loot is a lot more lightweight and implemented a bit differently. If you're happy enough with it to no longer desire the full DH, nothing will keep you from removing it. If you want to keep DH around, nothing will prevent you from doing that either. It's really just a matter of taste. :)


Just going to ask since I kinda have to. 

You said its a lot more lightweight and implemented differently. 


Exactly what is different between the DCL implementation of DH to DH in general?

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Not sure if this is related to script lag, but whenever I trigger a Cursed Loot event, everything gets equipped just fine, but it takes ages to get the message about what was put on you and be given player control again. I think it's around half a minute between getting devices added and the 'you have no idea what just happened' message.


yes it is, there are some checks that have to be done DD key word checks to see if DD items are already installed, on the character, and these, tend to make the equipe, and un equip really labor bound when installing, removeing can be a little speedier, but the equiping if the modder is being careful can take a bit.


but it can also be slow removing if checking for other mod equip's such a captured dream's and a few others to be sure and not remove something that breaks there quest.


   The older C++ styled scripting in earlier versions made seaching for Global's, and quest variables much easier, as you could just use find, in the CK to search for any and all usages of any give word, and scripts would be checked as well, made it easy to follow someone else's scripting choices.


   But once they separated the script from the CK that was all lost.

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I have ran into a little bug or problem, I can not seem to figure out.


It may not even be cause by your mod, but I Only remember getting it while playing this mod.


1. sometimes I guess after an act of some kind I notice I can no longer scroll in, and out with my mouse wheel.


2. this is such a suttle event I sometimes do not notice it for awhile, so I am not exactly sure where it is caused.


3. The only in game normal fix I have gotten to repair this is to load and older save before it happened.


4. would not be much of a problem if I noticed it as soon as it happens, but as i do not scroll in and out all the time it sometimes sneaks up on me.


5. if someone have quick fix console for this, for now would be nice I have tried "enableplayercontrols" but to no effect.




I've had the zoom in/out freeze happen before, not sure what causes it or if you're having precisly the same issue.

I found that using equipment like the forge, smelter or enchanter fixed it for me


Probably estrus or a Sexlab animation happening during another animation (zaz animation for example).


Usually using

TFC command

While in free camera initiate a dialogue

TFC with dialogue window open


Fixes it.

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Perhaps an issue but I could've sworn our characters could wear armor or clothing with the Cursed Collar in the previous version of CL. With the new version my character is getting zapped by the collar while wearing armor or clothing.


Confirmed this was the case. I removed the current version of CL, installed 4.6 and started a new game. Got my character locked in the Cursed Collar and was able to continue wearing armor and clothing. Is that intentional? Seems like it'd go against the current change to your harnesses introduced in 4.7 so they don't block armor/clothing anymore.


Speaking of harnesses there seems to be some issues regarding them displaying correctly. For example I equip a High-Sec Chastity Belt then a High-Sec Harness only the belt will appear and not the harness. If I equip the harness first then the belt won't appear after equipping that. Yes I made sure every "Device Underneath" setting was disabled. This seems to effect every belt and harness combo from Cursed Loot. I can wear a normal Chastity Belt from DDI and the Locking Harness from Expansion together and they'll both show.

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Sooooo... was there a reason that the gimp hood is a re-textured cloth sack instead of being the gasmask that actually goes with the rubber suits?  Just wondering.  :x


I absolutely hate gas masks. To me they are about as unerotic an item as I can imagine. Does that count as a reason?

I dont like the gasmasks either, and I find them to be the most immersive breaking regardless. The shiny latex is already kind of pushing it but I figure if we got dragons and flaming swords then someone could probably make a shiny suit.
I would like to see a zipsuit though that counted itself as a chastity device for bra and belt, Id figure a little lock, or mentioning that there was a lock in the description, would work well enough. Honestly Im not a fan of the current rubber suit, so more choices are definitely good. Maybe could even have an option in the MCM that let you pick which style suit you preferred? Could maybe even have a few new suits that transformed the wearer a little bit. Heres a few others I just thought of.
Suit that turns the wearer female for all other intensive purposes, until they can get out of it again.
Suit that constantly arouses the wearer when wearing it, pretty much making it impossible to not be fully aroused.
Suit that is magic and acts itself as a magic themed restraint, perhaps an anti magic suit that stops magic regeneration or a vampire themed suit that gives you weakness to the sun or made it impossible to wield weapons. Could even be some good ones like a beast suit that gives you more unarmed damage or a boost to magic or some special damage resistance.
Suit that started a quest that tried turning the wearer into something else, transforming them, like a succubus perhaps, or a kitty/khajit, or a demon etc etc etc that if you dont finish the quest in time you are permanently stuck in the new form. Perhaps the form/specie itself has some bondagey penalties like being unable to cast magic unless aroused, or taking a penalty to different stats if not wearing collar/cuffs/etc, or constantly having the inability to wear clothes, taking massive exp penalties unless you have sex regularly. Could even be a tortured themed race, like with a little blindfold or gag or cuffs or other restraint permanently sewed/attached on. Perhaps there could later be a vampire like quest where you have to do something to break the curse and return to your original body.




2nd post was I don't like the catsuit mesh, its not a big problem for me though I know exactly how to change the esp and mesh....ect but I'm trying to get at what about the other end-user that uses unp but doesn't have a skill set like me.


So I am trying to suggest an alternate like the zipsuit which correct we all know about its open resource license as long as the contributing author is credited...Plus the author pretty much made a bunch of body types for it so I think that one is a great pick as well.  Might have to download a texture converter...Though I have no idea if I'll have time, I'm suppose to get work for the summer until classes start again.


That last part well you see I use the tie me up feature to see a lot of DD assets and expansion items really quickly and test out to see if I need to tweak out the weights...So I like to keep the items rather than lose them when I hit  free me....I know this is not typical end user behavior. 

I came to think of it as my own personal developer's tool for making HDT 7B mesh weights :D

I'd also be interested in changing the mesh and stuff, since I'd like to see other catsuits and such. My problem with it is wearing the catsuit seems to cause heavy clipping with the chastity bra and corset, which I dont understand why it needs to be so big if they just make your body invisible underneath. I just dont know how to change stuff like that, so if you had time to add up a little tutorial here on the steps to do I'd really like to try others if I could.


Otherwise, yea I use the freeme and stuff a lot to, for slightly different reasons, mostly when play testing and checking out new content. But I too thought it was strange all my stuff would vanish into the ether. I like keeping sets of bondage for later basically, or to try out other dastardly combos and such. I even have a few bondage night stands for different outfits and such.







There are other modder resources besides the Catsuit, such as Zipsuit (comes in CBBE, UNP, and 7B HDT weights look good and items fit well could have a black texture with a repaint job).


Sorry, I just don't like MXcatsuit its poorly made.


I edited the weights by the thighs so it doesn't spazz out for 7B HDT w/belly also you can change the glossines on your suit cuz it doesn't look that bad in my game but depending on your ENB settings you specular might be too high and I personally like using the textures from the dark disciple armor, also it was annoying to me when you have the corset with the catsuit so I adjusted the corset to fit over the catsuit and now I am happy with it

I really wish I knew how to use these sorts of things... any tips?

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Like the new update.. am not experiencing any issue others have mentioned,  however I haven't tried the defeat type rape etc yet, cus I run SD and simple slavery so, not gonna work with those, the new quests triggers fine for me on default settings, but I too got the armbinder not being removed issue, not even the free me now panic button can do it. looked at pap log was spamming the same error every 3-4 mins over my playtime which was about 2 hours , but that's something about enslavement its CRDE so think that's your pap header. . Have attached said pap log, dunno if it will help any..


CRDE is Devious enslaved, not cursed loot.


Bring your bugs to the Deviously enslaved support thread.



ahhh kk tyvm, thought it was this one , my apologies.


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A tutorial on stuff I do to force my choices of outfits mesh and make edits to ESP''s?


Uhh, that'd take a whole lot of time.


I edit ESP's in TESVEDIT most of the time, though some things like scripting require that I actually use the CK.


For mesh edits I use Nifskope, Bodyslide/Outfit Studio.  I use to have a foggy idea on how to make outfits in Blender but its been 3 years since I made a unique outfit. 


For Texture work any paint program will actually work even the windows freebie.

You need a DDS Convertor to make your texture show up in game.


Honestly I think my first mod was with Fo3edit.


Texture Mods are actually way easier to make though.


Try that stuff out, there should be tut's that are easy to google up or in fact on the pages with the downloads.

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 really wish I knew how to use these sorts of things... any tips?


Of course tell me exactly what you want done and I can walk you through.

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There seems to be a problem with the progressive bondage and captured dreams.


My char started as a cd-slave and is wearing a cd-collar and a cd-chastity-belt. The first cursed loot event equipped the arm and leg cuffs ... so the next device in line should be a collar (which I'm already wearing). With my arousal of 100, almost every corpse triggers a trap but no additional item gets equipped (although I'm below my max setting). My follower is meanwhile completely wrapped up, but I'm still standing with only four pieces (the 2 cuffs, belt and collar).


So I think that CL tries to equip a collar, but can't because I'm wearing already one cl doesn't unequip. The routine does not simply skip it and continue with the piercings.


The last (I think 7th or 8th trap without equipping anything) even resulted in a message that I'm now completely in bondage gear (probably triggered the "full set" with my arousal of 100) and still I'm standing there with only 4 pieces ...

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I would like to see a zipsuit though that counted itself as a chastity device for bra and belt, Id figure a little lock, or mentioning that there was a lock in the description, would work well enough. Honestly Im not a fan of the current rubber suit, so more choices are definitely good. Maybe could even have an option in the MCM that let you pick which style suit you preferred? Could maybe even have a few new suits that transformed the wearer a little bit. Heres a few others I just thought of.
Suit that turns the wearer female for all other intensive purposes, until they can get out of it again.
Suit that constantly arouses the wearer when wearing it, pretty much making it impossible to not be fully aroused.
Suit that is magic and acts itself as a magic themed restraint, perhaps an anti magic suit that stops magic regeneration or a vampire themed suit that gives you weakness to the sun or made it impossible to wield weapons. Could even be some good ones like a beast suit that gives you more unarmed damage or a boost to magic or some special damage resistance.
Suit that started a quest that tried turning the wearer into something else, transforming them, like a succubus perhaps, or a kitty/khajit, or a demon etc etc etc that if you dont finish the quest in time you are permanently stuck in the new form. Perhaps the form/specie itself has some bondagey penalties like being unable to cast magic unless aroused, or taking a penalty to different stats if not wearing collar/cuffs/etc, or constantly having the inability to wear clothes, taking massive exp penalties unless you have sex regularly. Could even be a tortured themed race, like with a little blindfold or gag or cuffs or other restraint permanently sewed/attached on. Perhaps there could later be a vampire like quest where you have to do something to break the curse and return to your original body.


Yes, the zipsuit will not be an alternative to the existing catsuit, I will rather use the skin for a new item. I do like your ideas btw., except that a suit that turns the wearing into a female doesn't make too much sense for a mod that exclusively supports female characters only. :D


There seems to be a problem with the progressive bondage and captured dreams.


My char started as a cd-slave and is wearing a cd-collar and a cd-chastity-belt. The first cursed loot event equipped the arm and leg cuffs ... so the next device in line should be a collar (which I'm already wearing). With my arousal of 100, almost every corpse triggers a trap but no additional item gets equipped (although I'm below my max setting). My follower is meanwhile completely wrapped up, but I'm still standing with only four pieces (the 2 cuffs, belt and collar).


So I think that CL tries to equip a collar, but can't because I'm wearing already one cl doesn't unequip. The routine does not simply skip it and continue with the piercings.


The last (I think 7th or 8th trap without equipping anything) even resulted in a message that I'm now completely in bondage gear (probably triggered the "full set" with my arousal of 100) and still I'm standing there with only 4 pieces ...


I will have a looksie. Intended behavior for progressive bondage is that the game skips already occupied slots and equips the next available one.

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I'm having an issue with the new update turning off exhibition setting in Aroused Redoux.  Aroused is an esm so I can't move it passed loot... I have the "shame" box on misc settings cleared, but some script keeps unchecking the exhibition setting in Redoux and causing shame covering.


Same thing in my game:


"allow cover animation" is turned off in cl, but the "is exhibitionist" get's unchecked quite frequently in Aroused ...

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I would like to see the zipsuit made into a plug suit, and this would fix the intercourse event's, making it somewhat like the mouse gag, or pannel gag as everyone calls it here.


where the plugs could be removed.  This would make the zipsuit a very nice addition to this mod or any other. the Zip suit is not a body replacer, and that is why it would be much better. the skin still shows through under it, making it a very good choice for converting to a plug suit.

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Hi, i am newbie (with Skyrim too), but i just tried this mod and thought to report some odd things (possible bugs?) and ask for some clarifications too.


-A)  The home at Whiterun.  I think it's a bit overkill what's happening in your own house???


1) My toon goes to sleep on the upper floor, while Lydia is guarding the lower floor. Mind you, i have disabled all settings possible that refer to stealing from you. My toon wakes up and under... bandit attack... It appears one bandit is assaulting my toon and another downstairs is assaulting Lydia... But, the most important. After the end of the assault, there is no inventory i can access anymore... Now, my objections here are multiple... Let's get past the fact that Lydia could easily kill 2 bandits. Let's get past the fact that we 're in the middle of Whiterun with guards everwhere... How did these "bandits" appear? And most important. Where's the inventory??? Is there something i am missing? I HATE any mods that steal things from my toon.  If this mod permanently steals items without possibility to disable, then someone please tell me, so that i know.


2) Again in the Whiterun house. I get out of my own house and... the door was trapped! I am sorry! How can a trap be in the player's own house and even more, when you have already entered the door? Someone came in the night and thought "well, let's trap this door for when she exits?".  


3) Some descriptions of the default values in the MCM are wrong. For example, it says "default X", but when you install the mod, it's "Y". This gets problematic if you want to reset all to defaults.


Now, if you don't mind, some things i want to ask.


1) What are the escape methods? Do the unlock thresholds from the general Devious Devices MCM count here? If so, can someone explain me the "unlock threshod" thing? The description says "if you have skill 100 and threshold 185, this means you have 15% chance". I really can't understand how this calculations is made...


2) Does picking a lock or "struggle" actually works or is it a waste of time?


3) Do keys from "Devices from the Masses" work with Cursed loot?


4) Do craftable keys from "Devious Devices" work with Cursed loot items? 


P.S.: I know some "high security restraints" are supposed to be removed only by locksmiths.


Thank you.





-  B )  I go to ask for help to my wife. A logical thing right? So i get into my house in Lakeview Manor and my wife greets me happily. I ask her to help unlock and she sends me in the middle of nowhere saying that if i go back, she will help. Does that sound normal???  

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If the wife of your char knows that he/she is into bondage ... yes, that is absolutely normal. ;)


Yeah, nice joke, but this actually can't even apply here, because it's the first time i found a trap. Also, my lockpicks are missing (wife took them??). Why do mods have to steal things from the inventory like that??? 

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There must be a bug here too... So i managed to go back to my house, where 3 thugs wait me. I manage to outrun them and get into the house, where my wife and Rayya kill the 2 thugs, while the 3rd... sits on the dining table and does nothing. I try to speak to wife, but since she put a gag on me, all i get is "mmmph" and she never understands anything. Since she is the quest giver, shouldn't it be natural to unlock the things SHE put on???


EDIT: DEFINITELY BUG. So i manage with "body language" to speak and she says she will unlock. But she doesn't. Many items left. And she sends me again in the middle of nowhere. Only this time, fast travel works, so i go back and i am again gagged and again the same story and she says "impressive, you are back" and says she will unlock, but i am in the same suit that i am when i first asked help from my wife, plus i think she put the armbinder and won't get it out. So it seems like there is a loop bug here where she a) doesn't remove all things and  b ) she repeats the routine all over again.

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Hey there...


I will also jump into the corset + armbinder bandwagon!


Besides that lil issue, the new quest is quite fun! Thank you


I would like to suggest a lil change to the SD+ enslavement chance. If possible and not too much trouble for you, maybe think about moving it from flashbang attacks, to happen on sexual attacks. Imagine, fighting your way through a forsworn camp, one of them disarms you and you auto surrender with new options... and then after they use you... they decide to enslave you.


And keep the great work!


P.S. Read the door incident xD That was hilarious and yes... seems cursed doors may need sliders or outright blacklist anything in towns/major cities

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Hey there...


I will also jump into the corset + armbinder bandwagon!


Besides that lil issue, the new quest is quite fun! Thank you


I would like to suggest a lil change to the SD+ enslavement chance. If possible and not too much trouble for you, maybe think about moving it from flashbang attacks, to happen on sexual attacks. Imagine, fighting your way through a forsworn camp, one of them disarms you and you auto surrender with new options... and then after they use you... they decide to enslave you.


And keep the great work!


P.S. Read the door incident xD That was hilarious and yes... seems cursed doors may need sliders or outright blacklist anything in towns/major cities



Yeah, it's hilarious when it's not your toon. And then you go ask your wife for help and end up with gag and armbinder too. And then she bugs out and loops all over.


EDIT: With much time delay, things were starting being removed while in the same room with the wife. Except for 2, 1 being an "inescapale armbinder", which i am pretty sure she put in the first place. I think i must raise the chance for key drops here, because after 2 loops of "bondage adventure" in which she sent me, i got about 12 devices. And now she can't remove them?

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I hope some good soul will answer my questions at post  #4153, plus:


What's the formula that calculates the chance of trapped loot/door? In the MCM it says that arousal is part, but how much exactly? Is it base chance + arousal or what?


Another possible bug/incostistency... On my way to home, there were 4 NPCs, probably from "Hydra slavegirls". 2 slave traders plus 2 slaves. As i was walking beside them, armbinder and all, they all tried to attack me. Battleaxes in hand and even the slaves tried to attack me. I mean attack as in real attack, not rape attack.  How realistic is that? Someone walks without provocation with armbinder and even the slaves try to fistfight with you???  And a slave trader wants to kill you? I could understand rape attack, but battleaxe at hand???

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