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Hi. Quick question: if I disable the Hentai Creatures esp, do I have to expect problems down the line with this mod?


I first suspected it of modifying the cell where Lakeview Manor can be build when I build an invisible manor and found an Hentai Troll nearby, then I interacted with the troll and my papyrus log began to be flooded with "Not accepted as valid trainee" lines. I'm easily pissed off and don't intend to summon creatures, so I'd rather not have it.

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Hi. Quick question: if I disable the Hentai Creatures esp, do I have to expect problems down the line with this mod?


I first suspected it of modifying the cell where Lakeview Manor can be build when I build an invisible manor and found an Hentai Troll nearby, then I interacted with the troll and my papyrus log began to be flooded with "Not accepted as valid trainee" lines. I'm easily pissed off and don't intend to summon creatures, so I'd rather not have it.

No problem at all. Disabled Hentai Creatures myself.


Sorry for my bad english

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MOD is cool, my thanks to you for that. All animations also work. However, the Dragons I have sexless. Not only that I have tried does not work why is that ((

But except dragons I noticed still that during animation with Werewolfgal (I so understood that is the female werewolf) animations characteristic for the male werewolf start being lost. And all anything, but a penis of the werewolf in not an eregirovanny state. Whether there is an opportunity to correct it?

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Since Im not really that active anymore, theres currently just panic doing animations for creatures?


Sadly yes. Dayelyte is taking a break and Xandero also said his goodbye for the time being.











This mod just provides animal models (both "sheathed" and "horny") and animations. In order to actually USE those animations in game, you'll need a mod that recognizes and calls them, like Sexlab Aroused Creatures, Beastess, or Hentai Creatures. And I'm sure there are more. (I think Sexlab Defeat and Sanguine's Debauchery? I haven't tried those yet.)




Go here: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/--->  Bestiality


I recommend: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/36566-bestial-essence/ 



Well there is Hentai Creatures as part of this mod. And Hentai Creatures lets you summon and talk/interact/have fun with the critters.


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Hi. Quick question: if I disable the Hentai Creatures esp, do I have to expect problems down the line with this mod?


I first suspected it of modifying the cell where Lakeview Manor can be build when I build an invisible manor and found an Hentai Troll nearby, then I interacted with the troll and my papyrus log began to be flooded with "Not accepted as valid trainee" lines. I'm easily pissed off and don't intend to summon creatures, so I'd rather not have it.

No problem at all. Disabled Hentai Creatures myself.


Sorry for my bad english




Hentai Creatures is just there to summon Critters to interact with. If you dont need that you dont need it. You will have no way of summoning Judah, the Brute and the Archdemon however.


Thanks for the answers. I ran the game a while without Hentai Creatures, but found out that it was required for some features of Beastess, so I reactivated it. I guess I'll just have to be careful and not to interact with the Hentai beasties more than necessary.

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Any idea why none of the Hentai Canines will follow you through doors? All the other hentai creatures follow me fine but none of the dogs or wolves.


The vanilla dog and wolf races used by the Hentai creatures have the "Can't use doors" flag set. By contrast Barbas has his own race that allows him to follow you anywhere.


It may be possible to alter this flag dynamically however this would affect all non-unique dogs and wolves in the game. Beyond that the Hentai Creatures would need to be provided with their own custom races.

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Is there any way to call MNC animations by name or by tags?

No matter how i try it i always get 

SEXLAB - Thread[0] NOTICE: Invalid creture animation added -
SEXLAB - Thread[0] NOTICE: Selecting new creature animations - []

Tried GetAnimationByName


Even creating whole SexLab Thread from a scratch

Every time invalid animation add then sexlab picks animation at random.

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Yeah, I ran the program...but still.  I installed the Beastiality Animations along with this, and only a few work properly, like the hentai horse, hentai bear and that's about it.  Is there anything that is specifically required - minus the obvious things like SexLab - to run this?

You Don't Need Beastiality Animation Pack, It's Already Included In MNC, The Only Thing You Should Install Separately Is The Nude Creatures Mod As It Has Been Updated To v3.00 And MNC Currently Still Uses v2.20, The Nude Creatures Update Is A Pretty Recent One (I Think It Was Last Weekend) So It Might Be Little Bit Before Dentarr Gets Around To Including The Latest Nude Creatures Update

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Is there any way to call MNC animations by name or by tags?

No matter how i try it i always get 

SEXLAB - Thread[0] NOTICE: Invalid creture animation added -
SEXLAB - Thread[0] NOTICE: Selecting new creature animations - []

Tried GetAnimationByName


Even creating whole SexLab Thread from a scratch

Every time invalid animation add then sexlab picks animation at random.


Sadly, no. In the current version of SexLab creature animations are not fully supported by the API. So we cannot filter animations by tag or select them by name. Hopefully this will change in future.

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Yeah, I ran the program...but still.  I installed the Beastiality Animations along with this, and only a few work properly, like the hentai horse, hentai bear and that's about it.  Is there anything that is specifically required - minus the obvious things like SexLab - to run this?

You Don't Need Beastiality Animation Pack, It's Already Included In MNC, The Only Thing You Should Install Separately Is The Nude Creatures Mod As It Has Been Updated To v3.00 And MNC Currently Still Uses v2.20, The Nude Creatures Update Is A Pretty Recent One (I Think It Was Last Weekend) So It Might Be Little Bit Before Dentarr Gets Around To Including The Latest Nude Creatures Update


So do you suggest that I download a more outdated version of nude animals to match with the MNC mod?

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Yeah, I ran the program...but still.  I installed the Beastiality Animations along with this, and only a few work properly, like the hentai horse, hentai bear and that's about it.  Is there anything that is specifically required - minus the obvious things like SexLab - to run this?

You Don't Need Beastiality Animation Pack, It's Already Included In MNC, The Only Thing You Should Install Separately Is The Nude Creatures Mod As It Has Been Updated To v3.00 And MNC Currently Still Uses v2.20, The Nude Creatures Update Is A Pretty Recent One (I Think It Was Last Weekend) So It Might Be Little Bit Before Dentarr Gets Around To Including The Latest Nude Creatures Update


So do you suggest that I download a more outdated version of nude animals to match with the MNC mod?


No, Its Perfectly Safe To Install The Newest Version Of Nude Creatures Over Top Of MNC, Just Make Sure That You Install MNC First, Then Let The Files From The Newest Version Of Nude Creatures Overwrite The Ones Included Inside Of MNC

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Yeah, I ran the program...but still.  I installed the Beastiality Animations along with this, and only a few work properly, like the hentai horse, hentai bear and that's about it.  Is there anything that is specifically required - minus the obvious things like SexLab - to run this?

You Don't Need Beastiality Animation Pack, It's Already Included In MNC, The Only Thing You Should Install Separately Is The Nude Creatures Mod As It Has Been Updated To v3.00 And MNC Currently Still Uses v2.20, The Nude Creatures Update Is A Pretty Recent One (I Think It Was Last Weekend) So It Might Be Little Bit Before Dentarr Gets Around To Including The Latest Nude Creatures Update



You might loose Judah, Archdemon and Brute if you dont use the one provided. Not sure... havent tested yet. You might loose other stuff I modified, too. Like the automatic unequip for Rieklings and Giants, Handling of the Snow and Mountain Trolls, different Bears...

Not sure what Lordescobar took over to 3.00



Yeah, I ran the program...but still.  I installed the Beastiality Animations along with this, and only a few work properly, like the hentai horse, hentai bear and that's about it.  Is there anything that is specifically required - minus the obvious things like SexLab - to run this?


You do need FNIS CREATURE PACK installed as stated in prerequisites. Make sure you have them all.

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Is there any way to call MNC animations by name or by tags?

No matter how i try it i always get 

SEXLAB - Thread[0] NOTICE: Invalid creture animation added -
SEXLAB - Thread[0] NOTICE: Selecting new creature animations - []

Tried GetAnimationByName


Even creating whole SexLab Thread from a scratch

Every time invalid animation add then sexlab picks animation at random.


Sadly, no. In the current version of SexLab creature animations are not fully supported by the API. So we cannot filter animations by tag or select them by name. Hopefully this will change in future.



You can filter by tag if you import sslCreatureAnimationSlots



sslCreatureAnimationSlots Property CA Auto
sslBaseAnimation[] anims = CA.GetByTags(2, "Tags,Here")


(not tested, I was using GetByName. There's also GetByRace)



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Is there any way to call MNC animations by name or by tags?

No matter how i try it i always get 

SEXLAB - Thread[0] NOTICE: Invalid creture animation added -
SEXLAB - Thread[0] NOTICE: Selecting new creature animations - []

Tried GetAnimationByName


Even creating whole SexLab Thread from a scratch

Every time invalid animation add then sexlab picks animation at random.


Sadly, no. In the current version of SexLab creature animations are not fully supported by the API. So we cannot filter animations by tag or select them by name. Hopefully this will change in future.


You can filter by tag if you import sslCreatureAnimationSlots

sslCreatureAnimationSlots Property CA Auto
sslBaseAnimation[] anims = CA.GetByTags(2, "Tags,Here")

(not tested, I was using GetByName. There's also GetByRace)


Oh wow. Not in a position to try this right now but I'll be making use of that if I can. TY!


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just for info, i used LOOT to sort the other day and it put nudecreaturesDG and nudecreaturesDB swapped in the list, to how it says on the description here they should be. is this going to make much difference? i put them back how they should be but i am concerned LOOT has a problem because it doesnt seem to be sorting properly. i got master enchant mod and its still stuck at bottom of load order. i would have assumed that was where it should be if i hadnt noticed it messed up the nudecreatures order. is it just for me or does anyone else see problem when sorting using LOOT?

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LOOT is just like the old BOSS was not everything gets sorted the way it is suppose to be because not all mods are going to be on their master list so you will still have to manually move mods to the spots that they need to be. Me I will always use the load order that a author provides it will cause less problems that way. After running something like LOOT you should also run TES5EDIT it will load up everything that you have installed into your game if it hits a error in your load order it will stop and tell you why in the bottom right hand area. Almost all of the MNC .esp's have a master that needs to be above it if they are out of order it could make the .esp that needs them to be where they are to not work/work properly.

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Yeah, I ran the program...but still.  I installed the Beastiality Animations along with this, and only a few work properly, like the hentai horse, hentai bear and that's about it.  Is there anything that is specifically required - minus the obvious things like SexLab - to run this?

You Don't Need Beastiality Animation Pack, It's Already Included In MNC, The Only Thing You Should Install Separately Is The Nude Creatures Mod As It Has Been Updated To v3.00 And MNC Currently Still Uses v2.20, The Nude Creatures Update Is A Pretty Recent One (I Think It Was Last Weekend) So It Might Be Little Bit Before Dentarr Gets Around To Including The Latest Nude Creatures Update



You might loose Judah, Archdemon and Brute if you dont use the one provided. Not sure... havent tested yet. You might loose other stuff I modified, too. Like the automatic unequip for Rieklings and Giants, Handling of the Snow and Mountain Trolls, different Bears...

Not sure what Lordescobar took over to 3.00



Yeah, I ran the program...but still.  I installed the Beastiality Animations along with this, and only a few work properly, like the hentai horse, hentai bear and that's about it.  Is there anything that is specifically required - minus the obvious things like SexLab - to run this?


You do need FNIS CREATURE PACK installed as stated in prerequisites. Make sure you have them

I have FNIS and ran it after installing...I feel like I went wrong somewhere when installing it, so maybe I'll just reinstall the mod and go from there.  Thanks for the help guys =3

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Any idea why none of the Hentai Canines will follow you through doors? All the other hentai creatures follow me fine but none of the dogs or wolves.


The vanilla dog and wolf races used by the Hentai creatures have the "Can't use doors" flag set. By contrast Barbas has his own race that allows him to follow you anywhere.


It may be possible to alter this flag dynamically however this would affect all non-unique dogs and wolves in the game. Beyond that the Hentai Creatures would need to be provided with their own custom races.



Would there be any big issue with canines being able to use doors?

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