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Playing the Pirate Prize and the captain never returns.  I've gotten the, "Master are you ready" text from the shipmates but no captain.


I did play through an escape and that worked like a charm.  The whole pirate section could be it's own mod, it would be fun to see it expanded.  The individual quests in your game are better than many full fledged mods, really well done.  Thank-you!

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Playing the Pirate Prize and the captain never returns.  I've gotten the, "Master are you ready" text from the shipmates but no captain.


I did play through an escape and that worked like a charm.  The whole pirate section could be it's own mod, it would be fun to see it expanded.  The individual quests in your game are better than many full fledged mods, really well done.  Thank-you!


Glad you enjoyed it.  :cool:


The captain never actually appears in the game; he's only talked about, just as in the Thieves Guild reputation quest on the Dainty Sload.  I find he's more menacing if left to the imagination.  The 'bad end' only occurs after 40 pirate encounters, so I expect most people will get bored and escape before they get that far.  I might need to tweak that ending condition.


The individual follow-up quests really are about as complex as the original scenario in Cidhna Mine - this mod has far outgrown its original concept.  And even though they all share some common foundations, I like to think that there's enough variation amongst the quests to keep things reasonably fresh.

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The individual follow-up quests really are about as complex as the original scenario in Cidhna Mine - this mod has far outgrown its original concept.  And even though they all share some common foundations, I like to think that there's enough variation amongst the quests to keep things reasonably fresh.



Cidhna is one of those badly done vanilla quests that really needs this. The whole concept the side who loses will take revenge is really cool and fits. Both side are dumb as fence posts and batshit insane so they wouldn't stop.


It would also be nice to take revenge in turn - for example gagging Madanch or forcing Thonar to dress up in a jester's costume before making them work as  rent boys in the Silver Blood are pleasing thoughts. 

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Maybe i'm missing something obvious, but i can't seem to get any dialogue with the pirates. It doesn't matter if i wear the armbinder or not.

I did get the option to nod with the gag on in "keeping up morale" though.

I'm using DD Assets 2.8.2, DD Integration 2.8.1, Sexlab 1.59, Zaz Animation Pack V0562 and Devious Cidhna 1.41


Any ideas? I think i probably just missed something.

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Great follows up, specially the pirate one. I don´t know if it is intentional when

after being sold to the new owner, the new bandits just attack you...
It would be fun some kind of "Radiant slave sold": you need to escape before reaching some conditions (right now= 40 pirate fuck), if you can´t escape, you´re sold to another bandit camp...



I have the speech debuf too, after removing blindfold and gag, gonna try if the debuf dissapears over time (sleeping)...




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@Hessi: See the part where the OP says "need a gag talk mod (or DD Integration v2.8.2) to talk to pirates"? 


I knew I must have missed something. I confused what part had to be 2.8.2 and thought Assets 2.8.2 was the requirement.

Plus I was pretty sure I had the latest versions because I installed them one day before the 2.8.2 update for Integration -.-


Thank you

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@sashalag: the new 'owners' are, after all, an ending to the quest - and an opportunity for interactions with other mods.  For example, having Deviously Helpless kick in...


If the speech debuff from the blindfold in Cidhna Mine is stuck, console command 'player.modav speechcraft 20' should fix it - but I want to know how you removed the blindfold, so I can figure out how the debuff got stuck.

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I got the speech debuff stuck because i found randomly a key with another mod. Maybe that is the reason.


A question:

Since i can t seem to trigger the final part of the pirate event i need to know a couple things..


-Should a captain return to the ship? if yes when?

-Using DD restrained and other mods i have alternative methods of removing devices rather than via dialogue. could it be an issue?

-the 40 count is based on number of dialogues or sex or what?



ty a lot

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The pirate quest advances via dialogue - skip the dialogue (by getting loose via DD Restrained), and you break the quest.  As previously posted, the Captain never appears in person.



extremely clear.


I had the chance to test it without DD restrained.


Issue is when a pirate triggers the autosex scene, it goes "hostile" for a fraction of second.


In that situation, DD helpless triggers :| so i m not able to talk with any pirate until DD hepless istance wear off, at that point the autosex cooldowns and so it start again.


I uninstalled it to try, but at that point if i fail the mission, as the char get sold to pirates they become hostile :< (in this case DD helpless would trigger i suppose).

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@darkfender666: With latest Deviously Helpless (v1.15), I am not able to reproduce any situation where the automatic suspension of Deviously Helpless fails.  It gets suspended prior to moving to the Dainty Sload, and is not re-enabled until after I leave the area (e.g. by failing the quest).


@hinugundam: I believe you are confusing normal Skyrim behavior (random crashes) with an effect of this mod.  Show me a reproducible bug, and I'll listen.

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Was getting ready to do this quest and realized my earliest save is with the quest to clear the mine in Karthwasten already in my quest log. My character has not been to Markarth yet though. Im wondering if it matters what order you do these ( my goal is try Pirate prize ) 


Should I Start and finish Cidhna then clear the mine or.. yea. I just hope you dont need to actually pick up the quest to clear the mine AFTER finishing Cidhna.

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I don't think the order of the Karthwasten and Markarth quests matters.  If you've done both, and sided against the Silverbloods both times, the 'Pirate Prize' should trigger.  But as I've said, it is easy to force the 'Pirate Prize' quest to start (using the console), so you can fit this into your character's career wherever it makes sense to you.

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Oh my god! this is absolutely awesome! from the beginning to the end! I would like to play the entire skyrim redone this way!


I tried all the variants except the one where i help the silverblood in the mine quest.


Now I am trying the pirate quest ending. escaping is very easy, 40 turns are too much! 

Another question: if the quest advances to the stage where i got free from bindings but did not obtain the key, can I reach the "bad ending" or not?


After the first "tour" of the ship the pirates only seldomly approach my pg for sex and I have to initiate it by dialogue and with the gag is not so smooth... so trying to achieve 40 fucks in quite long.

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Glad you liked it. :cool:


My average in testing the Pirate quest was about 15 encounters, so yeah, 40 might be too high a threshold.  I did find that hanging around the galley (or the neighboring passage) tended to result in pirates taking turns; I might get in one attempt at gag talk in between force-greet encounters.  Hanging around an area with only one pirate gave me more chances to 'talk' my way free.


Once you get to stage 20 (free of restraints, not free of the ship), the 'bad end' is still quite possible - and that's true even if you don't accidentally get restraints added back on.


I didn't intend the 'bad end' to be a real challenge to avoid, and I don't want to set the threshold low enough that player might feel rushed.  Rather, the alternate ending was put in because something of that sort was strongly implied by the existing dialogue, and I thought it was best to honor that threat.  Heck, none of these quests is an actual challenge - there's always at least one obvious way out.


I could give the first mate some other options (so getting the key away from him would be riskier), rather than fiddling with the 'bad end' threshold.

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Of course I didn't mean that the "bad ending" should be something too scary for the player, but also not something too hard or tedious to achieve. in fact, now you can easily escape in 10 encounters. But now that i managed to see the bad ending once, i think i will always try to escape earlier. ;)


The best "mood" i had during the adventure was at the forsworn camp as the pet of Madanach. Could it be expanded with more missions such as "meet the neighbours"?


Since at that point the PG is the willing slave eager to serve his master, even if she has no bounds to him.


An easy way to "prosecute" the repeatable quest at the camp could be that you receive the visit of a messenger with a letter in which madanach requires your help keeping his men happy. :D


But what i would really see is more missions such as "meet the neighbours" or the pirate quest.


I have also tried the counterpart mission by helping the silver blood, but it wasn't quite the same. it could be expanded too. maybe adding the pirate event or an alternate event in which are the forsworn to kidnap you. also your interaction with the silver blood in the treasurery could be expanded for more immersion.

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