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Don't know if it would be possible to change their spit to paralyze so you don't have to have the tentical animations it would also make them more dangerous to high lvl characters. So they could paralyze your party and just impregnate you one at a time.

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I was thinking it only took a few days as well, at least from what I could remember.  So when a game month passed and no hostility I began to wonder.  I really was hoping they would grow to full size so that's still disappointing.


Will look for your results.


I would think any of my ideas would be possible.  The one part I see as being a potential problem would be how to handle the belly bursting.  Is there an animation that could be used or would one one have to be created?  No idea, and I'm not far enough along with modding yet to make and import animations.

Don't know if it would be possible to change their spit to paralyze so you don't have to have the tentical animations it would also make them more dangerous to high lvl characters. So they could paralyze your party and just impregnate you one at a time.


In theory it wouldn't be hard, its just adding the paralysis chance effect (its a standard effect) to the spit attack.  I've not looked at how EC+ does things but I know adding it to a regular chaurus, chaurus reapers and hunter are pretty easy to do.  Any yeah, it does make them more dangerous, much more so.

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I was thinking it only took a few days as well, at least from what I could remember.  So when a game month passed and no hostility I began to wonder.  I really was hoping they would grow to full size so that's still disappointing.


Will look for your results.




You might find this string of messages interesting.  I have made no changes to hatchling behavior so it should still hold true.

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Thx for the link, that is interesting.  I don't use Beeing Female, never have so if that's necessary then I'm just out of luck.  I do use Aroused Creatures Redux.  I also upgraded SexLab to the current version which is past 1.59... and that's come with its own issues.  Wondering if the new version of SexLab buggered something.

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Ugh I hate doing this but I can't figure out whats going on. I get no animations, only sounds and my idle animations :/ All my other  sexlab animations work. I've updated animations with FNIS and registered the animations EC+ in MCM menu then for the heck of it I updated with FNIS again. In the MCM menu everything checks out there. Let me know if I can give any there info to help sort this out. Many thanks in advanced

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Thx for the link, that is interesting.  I don't use Beeing Female, never have so if that's necessary then I'm just out of luck.  I do use Aroused Creatures Redux.  I also upgraded SexLab to the current version which is past 1.59... and that's come with its own issues.  Wondering if the new version of SexLab buggered something.


The main thing is to make sure the little dears have a good food supply to help them grow!  ;)

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Didn't know that, never saw that in any notes anywhere.  Okay so raw meat then I take it.  Well, finally a use for all that venison I never pick up. 


Putting the following in a spoiler for those who'd rather discover the detail on their own.  What I did find after some experimentation as that they seem to grow to a point... well, some of them do.  But they never reach adult hood.  They can spit and if they turn hostile that can trigger infection if you have spit attack enabled (I do not, doesn't fit with my desired gameplay, just personal preference).  They do not appear to ever gain the ability to rape via the more "normal" means and even if you manage to catch one and target it to alter its arousal (via Sexlab Arousal Redux) it doesn't seem to respond.


That said, here's my "in character" report.




Chaurus Hatchery


Aedan Malgrynn, Arch-mage


Having on several occasions fought Falmer and noticed their proclivity to use chaurus as guard creatures the way we might a dog or even the rare trained bear, I became curious as to how they accomplished this.  Chaurus, when full grown, are fearsome predators and dangerous adversaries in combat, traits that could prove quite useful.  I have observed the habit of Falmer to capture and sometimes keep humans and mer as slaves, and they seem to have a particular interest in females... adult women.  Pursuing this I came to realize that at least some of these captive women were used for breeding purposes.  As I later discovered through direct observation the chaurus can and will lay its eggs inside the womb of a mammal, with an apparent preference to human or mer.  Why this is was not initially apparent but become clearer later in my research.


It is a matter of some debate as to whether the chaurus can be classified as male or female, it is in fact single sexed and appears to be more akin to female than male as all chaurus produce eggs.  The ovipositor it uses to lay these eggs can easily be mistaken for a male sexual organ, especially when the chaurus is engaged in laying eggs in the womb of an adult female human or mer; the act appearing very much like a sex act which I suppose it is after a fashion.  The fluids it uses to both ease the egg laying process and seal the womb might be confused by the lay observer for semen, which it is not.  The eggs, when layed are already fertilized, or at leas a portion of them are.  Not all of these eggs will hatch, in fact at best only 50% ever seem to do so.


Gestation in the womb is rapid, much faster than any normal pregnancy and can be observed as completing its cycle in as little as 3 days.  During this time the surrogate mother's body reacts as though it were a normal pregnancy, lactation may begin, the breasts swell considerably and the mother may well exhibit maternal instincts towards her unnatural "brood".


I had resolved to test the viability of raising chaurus myself and so I acquired a suitable female slave for the purpose and took her to a cave known to be inhabited by falmer and their pet creatures.  I was in luck and found a lone chaurus reaper, full grown and quite large.  With the slave bound and helpless I carefully deposited her where it could find her, using invisibility to mask both my intrusion and escape.  Then from a safe distance I waited and observed.  I had taken the extra step of stimulating the slave to enhance her arousal in the hopes this might aid in triggering the desired response.  Although the slave was not particularly valuable if eaten, I did care to have to repeat this portion of the experiment too often, I found it tedious.


Fortunately her aroused state gave off a slight musk the chaurus seemed to detect and indeed it approached with clear intent to "mate" rather than eat.  The slave's reaction was one of terror but being naked and locked in iron restraints she could do little but scream, the chaurus did not seem at all bothered by this.  After a few moments it grabbed her and positioned her and began "mating".  The egglaying process took several minutes to complete after which the chaurus simply left and the slave remained in a state of shock.  I used a paralysis spell to anesthetize the chaurus while I retrieved the slave who was more than happy to leave.


After confriming indications the slave had been "impregnated", that word being something of a misnomer, but no other word seems quite suitable. I traveled with her to Markarth where I intended to carry out the next phase of the experiment.  We moved by arranged carriage for the sake of speed and the driver was paid extra not to ask questions.  I think the flash charred rabbit did as much to convince him to mind his own business as the gold.


Arriving at Markarth I proceeded to the abandoned house left vacant after the recent incident with the mine.  its former occupant has been an agent of the Forsworn and no one had desired to occupy the residence afterwards.  Since it was directly adjacent to my own home and in an area not much frequented, and also owing to the sturdy dwemer construction I felt it would make an excellent laboratory and hatchery. 


I instructed the slave to remain in one of the bedrooms.  She was well trained enough I did not have any particular concern for her attempting to escape.  Her pregnancy was progressing rapidly and after only 1 day she was already clearly showing physical signs.  I marveled at the effects on her body and its ability to adapt, no doubt somehow enhanced by the chaurus parasitic eggs within her.  A property I intend to research later.  I had observed in my travels that the falmer fed the chaurus a great deal of meat and so I left the slave and went to the market for buy whatever they had available, which as it turned out was not much.  Being a skilled hunter from my youth, I ventured outside Markarth and did quite a bit of hunting bringing back meat from goats, rabbits, venison and even some beef and dog meat.  These I stored for later.


After 3 days the slave gave "birth" to a clutch of eggs.  The birth seemed not at all traumatic and in fact I suspect she actually enjoyed the experience.  This may be due to a previously undocumented effect of the parasite eggs, some aphrodisiac secretion perhaps.  Also, she showed no distress what so ever at either her pregnancy, the birth of the "eggs" afterwards.  Indeed she seemed content to remain in their vicinity, eating and cleaning a bit, almost as if she were maternally bound to them in some way.  Is this part of the reason chaurus seek out such victims, as natural protectors for their young?  I was not certain how soon the eggs would begin to hatch so I deposited the meat in the room in a large pile around the eggs and waited.


After only 1 day the first of the eggs hatched.  In all there were 24 eggs, of which a total of 12 would eventually hatch over the next 6 days.  The first of them, the "alpha" quickly ate some of the meat and within a day could be seen to be visibly larger than its kin, it would remain so.  Clearly the first to hatch are at an advantage and most likely to grow into the strongest.


Over the next week, the remainder hatched leaving 12 infertile eggs I later collected for study and alchemical use.  Although not 100% identical to those I had recovered from falmer lairs, the eggs seemed to hold all the same alchemical properties.  And being a master alchemist I am more than qualified to make that determination.  They also taste just as bad.


Of the chaurus that hatched I was surprised to find that not only were they initially not hostile, but even a little shy.  They skittered about constantly as they explored the interior of the house, even managing to push open doors that were not securely locked.  They do not appear to have any facility for jumping and little ability to climb, facts I may take advantage of in future experiments to better "hem" them in for observation.  The speed at which they move is... alarming, and made observing them difficult.  Alpha however was always easy to spot, he was and remained larger than the rest the entire time.


At the end of the 2nd week I had noticed that only about 6 of the 12 chaurus appeared to be growing.  The others were still quite diminutive, and not much larger than when they had hatched.  There was plenty of food, they had eaten barely half the quantity of meat I had provided.  It appeared their larger brethren were controling access to the food.  This may indicate another aspect of their natural life cycle, only the strong survive and they pursue this aggressively.  I suspect the other six might not have survived at all had I not provided so much food that the larger ones simply could not prevent access to it all.  I have little doubt that if one had died the others would have readily resorted to cannibalism.


This brings me to another surprising discovery, despite the falmer's tendancy towards providing meat; chaurus are actually omnivores.  In fact they are capable of eating almost anything.  I observed the young chaurus eating cheeses, bread, and even consuming wine left behind by the former occupants of the home.  The wine had the predictable amusing effects, a drunk baby chaurus skittering and tumbling across the floor is almost... adorable, a word I rarely have use for but in this case it seems fitting.   Over the next two weeks I oberved them eating both cooked and raw potatoes, apples, etc.   They did not seem to care for salt or wheat, but beyond that they would eat almost anything.


One can imagine the devastation a large number of chaurus could visit upon a farming community, or perhaps most amusing if someone were to drop a few clutches of fertile eggs into a certain meadery owned by a certain arrogant woman...  but I digress.   Chaurus are far more dangerous to human and mer civilization than their physical attacks, they could devastate crops, livestock, destroy fields.  I wonder if the falmer have any conceptualization of just how powerful a weapon they potentially possess?


By the 4th week I had made a disappointing discovery, the chaurus had stopped growing.  A few had nearly reached the size of Alpha, but none quite matched him and the six smaller once were still just fingerlings.   There was still plenty of food, and I had even provided fresh meat, but nothing seemed to help.  They appeared healthy in all aspects so far as I could ascertain but were still immature "nymphs" if I may use that word here.  Some unknown condition must trigger their final metamorphosis into adulthood, perhaps one like that which occurs in their final stage of their life cycle.  These young chaurus were sexually immature, their chitin still someone soft and they were for the most part unhostile.  They had a limited ability to spit their acidic poison if provoked as I eventually discovered the hard way.  Fortunately I am in the habit of wearing very heavy armor and was not adversely affected.  The slave never seemed the least disturbed by her "offspring" and appeared quite content to co-habitate with them, parhaps another effect of the "pregnancy".


Frustrated I decided to test what potential they had for combat.  Using frenzy spells I provoked both the chaurus and slave into hostility while I remained safely concealed by invisiblity to observe.  The fights were short lived, even naked and unarmed the slave was more than a match for the smaller ones.  The larger once were able to injure her but with my intervention soon turned on each other.  In the end only two were left and I disposed of both with flame spells.  Both attempted to hide from me rather than the brazen and ferocious attacks I had come to expect from chaurus.  Post mortem dissection revealed they had no usuable chitin or other parts suitable for alchemy.  Their sexual organs are immature as well.


It would seem the Falmer still hold some secrets to the process of raising and training chaurus which are yet to be discovered.  I hope to continue my experiments as a later time.  I also hope that it is mer who discovers these secrets and how to use them, before the falmer realize the weapon they possess and use it against mer. 




An there you have it.  Hope this mod see's continued development and in particular with regard to the suggestions / requests I posted earlier.  Would be quite fun I think.  At any rate, its a good mod and I'll be keeping it in my load order.


One technical question, since both this mod and SGO III use NiOveride for scaling, would the residual breast growth cause problems if turned on?  Right now I have it turned off, but that would be a nice effect to have it its compatible.  Would be even nicer if the two mods detected each other, allowing EC+ infections to trigger milk production as per SGOIII, would be a great combo.

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Ugh I hate doing this but I can't figure out whats going on. I get no animations, only sounds and my idle animations :/ All my other  sexlab animations work. I've updated animations with FNIS and registered the animations EC+ in MCM menu then for the heck of it I updated with FNIS again. In the MCM menu everything checks out there. Let me know if I can give any there info to help sort this out. Many thanks in advanced


I've had the same problem. I reregestered the EC+ animations, saved, reloaded, and checked SL 1.61b for their presence in the toggle animations list. The only way I could get the EC+ animations to show up there and play in the game was to deactivate all my NSAP and SLAL animations first. Strange considering SL 1.61. should have plenty of room for all the animations.


If I load the NSAP and SLAL animations before the EC+ ones, the EC+ ones don't appear. If I load the NSAP and SLAL animations after the EC+ ones are registered and visible in the SL animation list, the EC+ ones disappear.


If anyone can clear this up, I'm sure both power2me and myself would be grateful.

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I installed the mod a few days ago now and tried to get my character impregnated, But for some reason this won't happen. The button in the MCM where i can enable/disable Pregnancy is not able to be ticked on or off. Can somebody explain to me what's going on or what i'm doing wrong?


Look in the MCM Version Check, it sounds like you may not be using the right skeleton, so worth checking first



I'm having the exact same problem except I'm running the newest xp32 skeleton (1.95) and even tried reinstalling it. The MCM menu still says that the skeleton is the problem, but I have no idea how to fix it.


Ugh I hate doing this but I can't figure out whats going on. I get no animations, only sounds and my idle animations :/ All my other  sexlab animations work. I've updated animations with FNIS and registered the animations EC+ in MCM menu then for the heck of it I updated with FNIS again. In the MCM menu everything checks out there. Let me know if I can give any there info to help sort this out. Many thanks in advanced


I've had the same problem. I reregestered the EC+ animations, saved, reloaded, and checked SL 1.61b for their presence in the toggle animations list. The only way I could get the EC+ animations to show up there and play in the game was to deactivate all my NSAP and SLAL animations first. Strange considering SL 1.61. should have plenty of room for all the animations.


If I load the NSAP and SLAL animations before the EC+ ones, the EC+ ones don't appear. If I load the NSAP and SLAL animations after the EC+ ones are registered and visible in the SL animation list, the EC+ ones disappear.


If anyone can clear this up, I'm sure both power2me and myself would be grateful.


I had that problem but I just ran a new install with a new run of FNIS and it worked out. Have you tried that?

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I installed the mod a few days ago now and tried to get my character impregnated, But for some reason this won't happen. The button in the MCM where i can enable/disable Pregnancy is not able to be ticked on or off. Can somebody explain to me what's going on or what i'm doing wrong?


Look in the MCM Version Check, it sounds like you may not be using the right skeleton, so worth checking first



I'm having the exact same problem except I'm running the newest xp32 skeleton (1.95) and even tried reinstalling it. The MCM menu still says that the skeleton is the problem, but I have no idea how to fix it.


never mind i had the maximum skeleton, not the maximum skeleton extended

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Didn't know that, never saw that in any notes anywhere.  Okay so raw meat then I take it.  Well, finally a use for all that venison I never pick up. 


Putting the following in a spoiler for those who'd rather discover the detail on their own.  What I did find after some experimentation as that they seem to grow to a point... well, some of them do.  But they never reach adult hood.  They can spit and if they turn hostile that can trigger infection if you have spit attack enabled (I do not, doesn't fit with my desired gameplay, just personal preference).  They do not appear to ever gain the ability to rape via the more "normal" means and even if you manage to catch one and target it to alter its arousal (via Sexlab Arousal Redux) it doesn't seem to respond.


That said, here's my "in character" report.




Chaurus Hatchery


Aedan Malgrynn, Arch-mage


Having on several occasions fought Falmer and noticed their proclivity to use chaurus as guard creatures the way we might a dog or even the rare trained bear, I became curious as to how they accomplished this.  Chaurus, when full grown, are fearsome predators and dangerous adversaries in combat, traits that could prove quite useful.  I have observed the habit of Falmer to capture and sometimes keep humans and mer as slaves, and they seem to have a particular interest in females... adult women.  Pursuing this I came to realize that at least some of these captive women were used for breeding purposes.  As I later discovered through direct observation the chaurus can and will lay its eggs inside the womb of a mammal, with an apparent preference to human or mer.  Why this is was not initially apparent but become clearer later in my research.


It is a matter of some debate as to whether the chaurus can be classified as male or female, it is in fact single sexed and appears to be more akin to female than male as all chaurus produce eggs.  The ovipositor it uses to lay these eggs can easily be mistaken for a male sexual organ, especially when the chaurus is engaged in laying eggs in the womb of an adult female human or mer; the act appearing very much like a sex act which I suppose it is after a fashion.  The fluids it uses to both ease the egg laying process and seal the womb might be confused by the lay observer for semen, which it is not.  The eggs, when layed are already fertilized, or at leas a portion of them are.  Not all of these eggs will hatch, in fact at best only 50% ever seem to do so.


Gestation in the womb is rapid, much faster than any normal pregnancy and can be observed as completing its cycle in as little as 3 days.  During this time the surrogate mother's body reacts as though it were a normal pregnancy, lactation may begin, the breasts swell considerably and the mother may well exhibit maternal instincts towards her unnatural "brood".


I had resolved to test the viability of raising chaurus myself and so I acquired a suitable female slave for the purpose and took her to a cave known to be inhabited by falmer and their pet creatures.  I was in luck and found a lone chaurus reaper, full grown and quite large.  With the slave bound and helpless I carefully deposited her where it could find her, using invisibility to mask both my intrusion and escape.  Then from a safe distance I waited and observed.  I had taken the extra step of stimulating the slave to enhance her arousal in the hopes this might aid in triggering the desired response.  Although the slave was not particularly valuable if eaten, I did care to have to repeat this portion of the experiment too often, I found it tedious.


Fortunately her aroused state gave off a slight musk the chaurus seemed to detect and indeed it approached with clear intent to "mate" rather than eat.  The slave's reaction was one of terror but being naked and locked in iron restraints she could do little but scream, the chaurus did not seem at all bothered by this.  After a few moments it grabbed her and positioned her and began "mating".  The egglaying process took several minutes to complete after which the chaurus simply left and the slave remained in a state of shock.  I used a paralysis spell to anesthetize the chaurus while I retrieved the slave who was more than happy to leave.


After confriming indications the slave had been "impregnated", that word being something of a misnomer, but no other word seems quite suitable. I traveled with her to Markarth where I intended to carry out the next phase of the experiment.  We moved by arranged carriage for the sake of speed and the driver was paid extra not to ask questions.  I think the flash charred rabbit did as much to convince him to mind his own business as the gold.


Arriving at Markarth I proceeded to the abandoned house left vacant after the recent incident with the mine.  its former occupant has been an agent of the Forsworn and no one had desired to occupy the residence afterwards.  Since it was directly adjacent to my own home and in an area not much frequented, and also owing to the sturdy dwemer construction I felt it would make an excellent laboratory and hatchery. 


I instructed the slave to remain in one of the bedrooms.  She was well trained enough I did not have any particular concern for her attempting to escape.  Her pregnancy was progressing rapidly and after only 1 day she was already clearly showing physical signs.  I marveled at the effects on her body and its ability to adapt, no doubt somehow enhanced by the chaurus parasitic eggs within her.  A property I intend to research later.  I had observed in my travels that the falmer fed the chaurus a great deal of meat and so I left the slave and went to the market for buy whatever they had available, which as it turned out was not much.  Being a skilled hunter from my youth, I ventured outside Markarth and did quite a bit of hunting bringing back meat from goats, rabbits, venison and even some beef and dog meat.  These I stored for later.


After 3 days the slave gave "birth" to a clutch of eggs.  The birth seemed not at all traumatic and in fact I suspect she actually enjoyed the experience.  This may be due to a previously undocumented effect of the parasite eggs, some aphrodisiac secretion perhaps.  Also, she showed no distress what so ever at either her pregnancy, the birth of the "eggs" afterwards.  Indeed she seemed content to remain in their vicinity, eating and cleaning a bit, almost as if she were maternally bound to them in some way.  Is this part of the reason chaurus seek out such victims, as natural protectors for their young?  I was not certain how soon the eggs would begin to hatch so I deposited the meat in the room in a large pile around the eggs and waited.


After only 1 day the first of the eggs hatched.  In all there were 24 eggs, of which a total of 12 would eventually hatch over the next 6 days.  The first of them, the "alpha" quickly ate some of the meat and within a day could be seen to be visibly larger than its kin, it would remain so.  Clearly the first to hatch are at an advantage and most likely to grow into the strongest.


Over the next week, the remainder hatched leaving 12 infertile eggs I later collected for study and alchemical use.  Although not 100% identical to those I had recovered from falmer lairs, the eggs seemed to hold all the same alchemical properties.  And being a master alchemist I am more than qualified to make that determination.  They also taste just as bad.


Of the chaurus that hatched I was surprised to find that not only were they initially not hostile, but even a little shy.  They skittered about constantly as they explored the interior of the house, even managing to push open doors that were not securely locked.  They do not appear to have any facility for jumping and little ability to climb, facts I may take advantage of in future experiments to better "hem" them in for observation.  The speed at which they move is... alarming, and made observing them difficult.  Alpha however was always easy to spot, he was and remained larger than the rest the entire time.


At the end of the 2nd week I had noticed that only about 6 of the 12 chaurus appeared to be growing.  The others were still quite diminutive, and not much larger than when they had hatched.  There was plenty of food, they had eaten barely half the quantity of meat I had provided.  It appeared their larger brethren were controling access to the food.  This may indicate another aspect of their natural life cycle, only the strong survive and they pursue this aggressively.  I suspect the other six might not have survived at all had I not provided so much food that the larger ones simply could not prevent access to it all.  I have little doubt that if one had died the others would have readily resorted to cannibalism.


This brings me to another surprising discovery, despite the falmer's tendancy towards providing meat; chaurus are actually omnivores.  In fact they are capable of eating almost anything.  I observed the young chaurus eating cheeses, bread, and even consuming wine left behind by the former occupants of the home.  The wine had the predictable amusing effects, a drunk baby chaurus skittering and tumbling across the floor is almost... adorable, a word I rarely have use for but in this case it seems fitting.   Over the next two weeks I oberved them eating both cooked and raw potatoes, apples, etc.   They did not seem to care for salt or wheat, but beyond that they would eat almost anything.


One can imagine the devastation a large number of chaurus could visit upon a farming community, or perhaps most amusing if someone were to drop a few clutches of fertile eggs into a certain meadery owned by a certain arrogant woman...  but I digress.   Chaurus are far more dangerous to human and mer civilization than their physical attacks, they could devastate crops, livestock, destroy fields.  I wonder if the falmer have any conceptualization of just how powerful a weapon they potentially possess?


By the 4th week I had made a disappointing discovery, the chaurus had stopped growing.  A few had nearly reached the size of Alpha, but none quite matched him and the six smaller once were still just fingerlings.   There was still plenty of food, and I had even provided fresh meat, but nothing seemed to help.  They appeared healthy in all aspects so far as I could ascertain but were still immature "nymphs" if I may use that word here.  Some unknown condition must trigger their final metamorphosis into adulthood, perhaps one like that which occurs in their final stage of their life cycle.  These young chaurus were sexually immature, their chitin still someone soft and they were for the most part unhostile.  They had a limited ability to spit their acidic poison if provoked as I eventually discovered the hard way.  Fortunately I am in the habit of wearing very heavy armor and was not adversely affected.  The slave never seemed the least disturbed by her "offspring" and appeared quite content to co-habitate with them, parhaps another effect of the "pregnancy".


Frustrated I decided to test what potential they had for combat.  Using frenzy spells I provoked both the chaurus and slave into hostility while I remained safely concealed by invisiblity to observe.  The fights were short lived, even naked and unarmed the slave was more than a match for the smaller ones.  The larger once were able to injure her but with my intervention soon turned on each other.  In the end only two were left and I disposed of both with flame spells.  Both attempted to hide from me rather than the brazen and ferocious attacks I had come to expect from chaurus.  Post mortem dissection revealed they had no usuable chitin or other parts suitable for alchemy.  Their sexual organs are immature as well.


It would seem the Falmer still hold some secrets to the process of raising and training chaurus which are yet to be discovered.  I hope to continue my experiments as a later time.  I also hope that it is mer who discovers these secrets and how to use them, before the falmer realize the weapon they possess and use it against mer. 




An there you have it.  Hope this mod see's continued development and in particular with regard to the suggestions / requests I posted earlier.  Would be quite fun I think.  At any rate, its a good mod and I'll be keeping it in my load order.


One technical question, since both this mod and SGO III use NiOveride for scaling, would the residual breast growth cause problems if turned on?  Right now I have it turned off, but that would be a nice effect to have it its compatible.  Would be even nicer if the two mods detected each other, allowing EC+ infections to trigger milk production as per SGOIII, would be a great combo.


Good job!  I have not had time to try yet, but I usually lay hatchlings where I leave lots of dead bodies lol.

Going to do Dawnguard and leave a bunch in Castle Volkihar after :P


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I'd also like to see a MCM option to change what the spit attack does.  Rather than the tentacles (which I never really liked, its kind of immersion breaking for me) I'd rather have a simple paralysis effect or even better would be the web effect similar to arachnophobia (maybe a bit simpler so it doesn't take so much scripting) or a choice between the three (tentacles, paralysis or webbing).

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I installed the mod a few days ago now and tried to get my character impregnated, But for some reason this won't happen. The button in the MCM where i can enable/disable Pregnancy is not able to be ticked on or off. Can somebody explain to me what's going on or what i'm doing wrong?


Look in the MCM Version Check, it sounds like you may not be using the right skeleton, so worth checking first



I'm having the exact same problem except I'm running the newest xp32 skeleton (1.95) and even tried reinstalling it. The MCM menu still says that the skeleton is the problem, but I have no idea how to fix it.


Ugh I hate doing this but I can't figure out whats going on. I get no animations, only sounds and my idle animations :/ All my other  sexlab animations work. I've updated animations with FNIS and registered the animations EC+ in MCM menu then for the heck of it I updated with FNIS again. In the MCM menu everything checks out there. Let me know if I can give any there info to help sort this out. Many thanks in advanced


I've had the same problem. I reregestered the EC+ animations, saved, reloaded, and checked SL 1.61b for their presence in the toggle animations list. The only way I could get the EC+ animations to show up there and play in the game was to deactivate all my NSAP and SLAL animations first. Strange considering SL 1.61. should have plenty of room for all the animations.


If I load the NSAP and SLAL animations before the EC+ ones, the EC+ ones don't appear. If I load the NSAP and SLAL animations after the EC+ ones are registered and visible in the SL animation list, the EC+ ones disappear.


If anyone can clear this up, I'm sure both power2me and myself would be grateful.


I had that problem but I just ran a new install with a new run of FNIS and it worked out. Have you tried that


I ashamed to say no I haven't tried that lol. Ill give it a go right now, thank you :)


EDIT: Didn't work for me unfortunately. I  the "prepare for uninstall dealy for EC+ and un-installed then reinstalled with NMM then ran FNIS of course. Didn't change anything so I used SL to rebuild animation registry still didn't help :'( 

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So, everything is working fine expect the stretching/pregnant belly. I have all requirements installed from this mods list as well as the mod "being female", since I was told I would need that mod too to get the pregnant belly work, but I can´t seem to make it work. Any advice? I enjoy the chaurus, so it´s a really nice addition, I would love to add this awesome mod permanently.


You don't actually need Beeing Female for the belly, but it's always a nice addition ;)


What you do need is

1) A compatible skeleton, I'd highly recommend XPMSE

2) A compatible body mesh, either CBBE HDT or UUNP HDT/Special*

3) RaceMenu or, if using ECE, NiOverride**


* Only choose one of the three options

** NiO already is included in RaceMenu

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Installing NiO over RaceMenu is no issue, just redundant.

Nah, I would say the issue is your PSB body as it's outdated iirc. Remove the PSB body and let BodySlide create a "CBBE HDT" body instead, that one should work.

Fill Her Up also uses NiO for scaling, so they should not interfer, that's what NiO is made for, getting multiple scaling instructions and combining them properly.


For the skeleton, do you use XPMS or XPMSE? The latter one by Groovtama is the one I've linked to, which you should use. And make sure that absolutely nothing overwrites anything of the skeleton!!!

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It is my understanding the Estrus 1.20 install (not activation) is still required to make EC 4.20+ function.  Specifically the Dwemer and Slime animations.


EC+ just uses the resources so you do not even need the .esp or scripts folders at all. I repacked a version without them which I use to avoid accidentally installing Estrus for Skyrim


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They say a spider spit makes all vanilla enemies friendly forever, in spider add-on v3.94.

I got that bug so I have to give up my saved file.

I wanna know if chaurus spit in this mod does same thing.

The only thing that happens with spit is to check if it is from a chaurus, and then check vs the chance set in the mcm that it triggers an EC attack - nothing else.

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They say a spider spit makes all vanilla enemies friendly forever, in spider add-on v3.94.

I got that bug so I have to give up my saved file.

I wanna know if chaurus spit in this mod does same thing.

The only thing that happens with spit is to check if it is from a chaurus, and then check vs the chance set in the mcm that it triggers an EC attack - nothing else.

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Need some help here please. I cannot get the animations to work. Everything is installed and working correctly. All other sexlab animations work fine. Ive ran FNIS multiple times. The animations are listed in sexlab and checked. Ive reset the animation registry and uninstalled other animation mods to make sure there is room for EC+ animations in sexlab. Everything triggers fine but PC just stands there making noises, no animation. Creature pack installed and working. Got no more ideas. Halp

Is EC+ definitely compatible with the latest Sexlab?

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Need a bit of help here as well. Whenever an EC attack is triggered via a spit attack, the sound effects from Estrus are not being played. Instead I get the classic overused moaning sound effects from Sexlab. What could be the cause of this? This doesn't happen when an attack is triggered by a spell / voice, by the way. I should also mention that some animations from Estrus are registered as masturbation animations and can select them to be played from other mods that enable masturbation (though I'm not sure if it's supposed to be that way or not)

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