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Hello guys. New version of Approach is up. It includes:


New AskForSex dialogue:

- You can resist rape attempts

- You can reject someone rudely

- You can ask for money in return for sex


I have also fixed one framework bug and started changing Approach to allow for NPC-NPC approaches as well (75% done). 


Beware - it requires the newest version of Attraction to work. I will upload it shortly.


Sounds cool, will give it a try when its up ;)


Umm silly question but how come the new d/l is like a 10th the size of the previous ones? Nm worked it out no sound files with the new version


For upgrading we have to do a clean save?


Sounds like new game time although uninstalling and using a save game tool to remove dead scripts and then installing will be how i try.

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I finally installed this mod. The improvement is obvious and great. So far I love it. Great job. But I do not understand some of the terminology in settings like "weight" and similar. What is better, lower weight or higher? Would someone will be so kind to give me a basic settings suggestions. Here is what I want to have: my PC is bisexual so I want to set settings that he will not care about genders and I want him to be approach often. Is that possible?

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I finally installed this mod. The improvement is obvious and great. So far I love it. Great job. But I do not understand some of the terminology in settings like "weight" and similar. What is better, lower weight or higher? Would someone will be so kind to give me a basic settings suggestions. Here is what I want to have: my PC is bisexual so I want to set settings that he will not care about genders and I want him to be approach often. Is that possible?


You need to set those settings:


1. Set your character to Bisexual in SexLab - Diary MCM

2. Set your character's attractiveness to 100 in SexLab - Attraction - Player MCM

3. Set sexuality to 100 bisexual, 0 hetero, 0 homo in SexLab - Attraction - Sexuality MCM


If you still will not get approached enough for your taste:

1. Set multiplier to 10.0 in SexLab - Approach MCM


Generally men like lighter and lower women while women like heavier and bigger men. You can change their preferences in SexLab - Attraction MCM.

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I finally installed this mod. The improvement is obvious and great. So far I love it. Great job. But I do not understand some of the terminology in settings like "weight" and similar. What is better, lower weight or higher? Would someone will be so kind to give me a basic settings suggestions. Here is what I want to have: my PC is bisexual so I want to set settings that he will not care about genders and I want him to be approach often. Is that possible?


You need to set those settings:


1. Set your character to Bisexual in SexLab - Diary MCM

2. Set your character's attractiveness to 100 in SexLab - Attraction - Player MCM

3. Set sexuality to 100 bisexual, 0 hetero, 0 homo in SexLab - Attraction - Sexuality MCM


If you still will not get approached enough for your taste:

1. Set multiplier to 10.0 in SexLab - Approach MCM


Generally men like lighter and lower women while women like heavier and bigger men. You can change their preferences in SexLab - Attraction MCM.



Thank you very much! :)

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Installed and is working for me on my existing save after uninstalling loading save and waiting 24 hours and then saving and using the save game tool to remove the dead scripts and then installing the new version.


Didn't even have to use the setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1 command to get the mcm to show ;)

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Will try this.  I think it's pretty essential to have people actually approach an attractive PC.


Is there any chance of taking Sexlab nudity into account?  Or presence of devious devices?  This mod could easily address the immersion breaking problem of "why does nobody seem to care if the PC is walking around nearly naked"?  I think this mod would get a massive popularity boost if you had some dialog that's likely to fire off if the PC is wearing a bunch of devious devices.


The great thing with this mod is that it allows a spectrum of approaches, so putting in kinkier options doesn't have to mean "everyone in Skyrim suddenly becomes a serial rapist".  It opens up the possibility of "even if you're not highly attractive, you look highly available".


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Will try this.  I think it's pretty essential to have people actually approach an attractive PC.


Is there any chance of taking Sexlab nudity into account?  Or presence of devious devices?  This mod could easily address the immersion breaking problem of "why does nobody seem to care if the PC is walking around nearly naked"?  I think this mod would get a massive popularity boost if you had some dialog that's likely to fire off if the PC is wearing a bunch of devious devices.


The great thing with this mod is that it allows a spectrum of approaches, so putting in kinkier options doesn't have to mean "everyone in Skyrim suddenly becomes a serial rapist".  It opens up the possibility of "even if you're not highly attractive, you look highly available".


Some sort of DD detection for PC/NPC would be pretty good since i've noticed that if you stick a NPC in DD stuff so there arousal is high they will approach you a lot even though theirs no way they are going to get relief


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Installed and is working for me on my existing save after uninstalling loading save and waiting 24 hours and then saving and using the save game tool to remove the dead scripts and then installing the new version.


Didn't even have to use the setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1 command to get the mcm to show ;)


Thanks for the report. Thats great to hear!


Will try this.  I think it's pretty essential to have people actually approach an attractive PC.


Is there any chance of taking Sexlab nudity into account?  Or presence of devious devices?  This mod could easily address the immersion breaking problem of "why does nobody seem to care if the PC is walking around nearly naked"?  I think this mod would get a massive popularity boost if you had some dialog that's likely to fire off if the PC is wearing a bunch of devious devices.


The great thing with this mod is that it allows a spectrum of approaches, so putting in kinkier options doesn't have to mean "everyone in Skyrim suddenly becomes a serial rapist".  It opens up the possibility of "even if you're not highly attractive, you look highly available".



Will try this.  I think it's pretty essential to have people actually approach an attractive PC.


Is there any chance of taking Sexlab nudity into account?  Or presence of devious devices?  This mod could easily address the immersion breaking problem of "why does nobody seem to care if the PC is walking around nearly naked"?  I think this mod would get a massive popularity boost if you had some dialog that's likely to fire off if the PC is wearing a bunch of devious devices.


The great thing with this mod is that it allows a spectrum of approaches, so putting in kinkier options doesn't have to mean "everyone in Skyrim suddenly becomes a serial rapist".  It opens up the possibility of "even if you're not highly attractive, you look highly available".


Some sort of DD detection for PC/NPC would be pretty good since i've noticed that if you stick a NPC in DD stuff so there arousal is high they will approach you a lot even though theirs no way they are going to get relief


Since you guys are talking about this, I'll tell you what I planned to do next. If you think I should change the order or add something go ahead:

1. Finish NPC - NPC support.

2. Flesh out Whistle / AskForSex dialogues a bit.

3. Create 'groups of approaches' that would be easy to turn on / off from scripts as needed.

4. Make sure one NPC can only participate in one approach at a time

5. Remake Whistle to support NPC - NPC, as well as multiple participants as a proof of concept.

6. Create Sex, Dance, Nudity, Rape reactions. (might as well add DD)

7. Make sure NPCs don't ask for sex in front of their spouses / fiancees.


8. Add extortion approach (NPC approaches you to extort money / sex / equipment using their superior strength or social standing - threatening to report a false crime)

9. Add invite to inn for a beer approach (not sure how to do this one yet)

10. Add invite to home for dinner approach (not sure how to do this one yet)

11. Remake approaches AskForSex, Extort, Beer and Dinner to support NPC - NPC



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I am loving the progression of this mod. I will be trying out this new version tomorrow. The only 2 things I could add is turning off followers. Occasionally I get a horny follower who asks for sex every 20 seconds if I say No and eventually just give in the shut them up Haha.


Also, I see the talk of adding in DD is starting up. I think the mod is great and all but I have found it immersion breaking for myself, and would humbly request somehow not making it require DD.


Great work here!

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Since you guys are talking about this, I'll tell you what I planned to do next. If you think I should change the order or add something go ahead:

1. Finish NPC - NPC support.

2. Flesh out Whistle / AskForSex dialogues a bit.

3. Create 'groups of approaches' that would be easy to turn on / off from scripts as needed.

4. Make sure one NPC can only participate in one approach at a time

5. Remake Whistle to support NPC - NPC, as well as multiple participants as a proof of concept.

6. Create Sex, Dance, Nudity, Rape reactions. (might as well add DD)

7. Make sure NPCs don't ask for sex in front of their spouses / fiancees.


8. Add extortion approach (NPC approaches you to extort money / sex / equipment using their superior strength or social standing - threatening to report a false crime)

9. Add invite to inn for a beer approach (not sure how to do this one yet)

10. Add invite to home for dinner approach (not sure how to do this one yet)

11. Remake approaches AskForSex, Extort, Beer and Dinner to support NPC - NPC



OK, well if you ask my personal taste, I look for the PC <-> NPC interactions.  In mods I typically disable anything not involving the PC, because it generally reduces script load and increases stability.


For example, in Defeat I turned on the ability to get followers involved, but I had to turn it off again because of bugs.  I kept having NPCs decide "let's assault a summoned Dremora", but by the time they got around to doing it the summoning had expired and everything would freeze.  I'm not saying your mod would have that bug, but I get nervous about the issues from stuff like that.


I wouldn't want to see my followers just suddenly start having sex because someone approached them and I got no say in the matter... that could be annoying if I'm trying to get somewhere fast.


I would definitely appreciate a lot of the stuff on your list though.  #6 is especially interesting, and #7 because sometimes approaches really don't make sense.


#8 would require some care to balance, because it's hard to get costs to match up to PCs of various levels, and basically everyone is higher status than a starting character.  The idea of reporting a fake crime is neat though!

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Since you guys are talking about this, I'll tell you what I planned to do next. If you think I should change the order or add something go ahead:

1. Finish NPC - NPC support.

2. Flesh out Whistle / AskForSex dialogues a bit.

3. Create 'groups of approaches' that would be easy to turn on / off from scripts as needed.

4. Make sure one NPC can only participate in one approach at a time

5. Remake Whistle to support NPC - NPC, as well as multiple participants as a proof of concept.

6. Create Sex, Dance, Nudity, Rape reactions. (might as well add DD)

7. Make sure NPCs don't ask for sex in front of their spouses / fiancees.


8. Add extortion approach (NPC approaches you to extort money / sex / equipment using their superior strength or social standing - threatening to report a false crime)

9. Add invite to inn for a beer approach (not sure how to do this one yet)

10. Add invite to home for dinner approach (not sure how to do this one yet)

11. Remake approaches AskForSex, Extort, Beer and Dinner to support NPC - NPC



OK, well if you ask my personal taste, I look for the PC <-> NPC interactions.  In mods I typically disable anything not involving the PC, because it generally reduces script load and increases stability.


For example, in Defeat I turned on the ability to get followers involved, but I had to turn it off again because of bugs.  I kept having NPCs decide "let's assault a summoned Dremora", but by the time they got around to doing it the summoning had expired and everything would freeze.  I'm not saying your mod would have that bug, but I get nervous about the issues from stuff like that.


I wouldn't want to see my followers just suddenly start having sex because someone approached them and I got no say in the matter... that could be annoying if I'm trying to get somewhere fast.


I would definitely appreciate a lot of the stuff on your list though.  #6 is especially interesting, and #7 because sometimes approaches really don't make sense.


#8 would require some care to balance, because it's hard to get costs to match up to PCs of various levels, and basically everyone is higher status than a starting character.  The idea of reporting a fake crime is neat though!



I also prefer the pc/npc interactions too.  While I like a little npc/npc stuff in the background to help the world feel more alive, I have also found that npcs interacting with each other can cause glitches.  I like the approach multiplier you included.  Perhaps there could be an npc approach setting different than the pc approach setting so could tailor it for our unique playstyles.


As for your list ... I think 2, 6 and 8 look particularly interesting. I'm still curious about 1, of course... please don't stop that if you're so close to done. :)

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To my taste, NPC/NPC interactions are equally (if not more in some cases) important than PC/NPC interactions, as it adds immersion greatly (I think the world is actually supposed to do just fine without the PC, it must be able to live by itself). So, I absolutely look forward to seeing NPC/NPC approach interactions (although, of course, situations where NPCs start sex randomly right in the street in the daylight do not add to immersion and therefore should be avoided in some way :) ).

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I'm very thrilled with this update. Have only two questions:

1. I haven't seen yet that someone approached to my follower. Is there some tweaking that I have to make?

2. I noticed that wherever I go, in 90% of cases guards approaching to my (bisexual) PC. Approaches are: On every 6 guards, one women.Is there a way to change that?


One observation: My female PC was is lesbian sex act with NPC. During the sex Another (male) NPC approached her and asked for sex. I accepted, but since she was already in sex act, that NPC walked away. There is also interruption during my PCs conversation with another NPC. Few times when she was talking to others, an NPC would approach to her, interrupt the conversation and walk away saying - "Too bad, you don't know what you've missing." (or something like that).

Same problem of interruptions and failing to accept or decline the sex is when my PC is forging armor or weapons, or creating new armor and weapons.

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I updatet (with uninstall - 24h Wait - Save Game Clear) to new Version, of Attraction/Approach, I can confirm that i also lost the the Sexlab Journal as someone wrote in the Attraction Threat, everthing except the Time got reseted.


I also notetd that the Information with that Status Hotkey is kind of slow compared to the last version, sometime i got nothing at all on the Screen. After walking a bit through Riverwood and looking up the Status of different NPC's i found a lot of this in my Papyrus Log :




[08/28/2014 - 05:09:37PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hjoromir) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:09:43PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hjoromir) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:09:45PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Alvor) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:09:49PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Zora Fair-Child) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:09:50PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hod) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:16PM] Sexlab Approach: Papyrus too slow for cloak frequency setting by 6 seconds.
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:17PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Alvor) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:17PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hjoromir) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:17PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hod) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:17PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Zora Fair-Child) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:34PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Alvor) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:37PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Zora Fair-Child) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:37PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hod) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:37PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hjoromir) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:53PM] Sexlab Approach: Papyrus too slow for cloak frequency setting by 75 seconds.
[08/28/2014 - 05:10:54PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Embry) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:11:00PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Embry) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:11:04PM] Sexlab Approach: Papyrus too slow for cloak frequency setting by 3 seconds.
[08/28/2014 - 05:11:05PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Embry) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT
[08/28/2014 - 05:11:08PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Embry) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT






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I updatet (with uninstall - 24h Wait - Save Game Clear) to new Version, of Attraction/Approach, I can confirm that i also lost the the Sexlab Journal as someone wrote in the Attraction Threat, everthing except the Time got reseted.


I also notetd that the Information with that Status Hotkey is kind of slow compared to the last version, sometime i got nothing at all on the Screen. After walking a bit through Riverwood and looking up the Status of different NPC's i found a lot of this in my Papyrus Log :




[08/28/2014 - 05:09:37PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hjoromir) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:09:43PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hjoromir) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:09:45PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Alvor) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:09:49PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Zora Fair-Child) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:09:50PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hod) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:16PM] Sexlab Approach: Papyrus too slow for cloak frequency setting by 6 seconds.

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:17PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Alvor) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:17PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hjoromir) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:17PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hod) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:17PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Zora Fair-Child) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:34PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Alvor) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:37PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Zora Fair-Child) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:37PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hod) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:37PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Hjoromir) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:53PM] Sexlab Approach: Papyrus too slow for cloak frequency setting by 75 seconds.

[08/28/2014 - 05:10:54PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Embry) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:11:00PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Embry) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:11:04PM] Sexlab Approach: Papyrus too slow for cloak frequency setting by 3 seconds.

[08/28/2014 - 05:11:05PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Embry) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT

[08/28/2014 - 05:11:08PM] -- SexLab -- NOTICE: ValidateActor(Embry) -- TRUE -- Cache HIT




So, I was wondering why my SL journal reseted.


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To my taste, NPC/NPC interactions are equally (if not more in some cases) important than PC/NPC interactions, as it adds immersion greatly (I think the world is actually supposed to do just fine without the PC, it must be able to live by itself). So, I absolutely look forward to seeing NPC/NPC approach interactions (although, of course, situations where NPCs start sex randomly right in the street in the daylight do not add to immersion and therefore should be avoided in some way :) ).


I couldn't agree more. I've stopped using Random Sex for that reason and run Radiant Prostitution only for the wench action - and really like that the wenches take their clients to out of the way locations. I also like Lovers Comfort while playing a thief for the same reason. 

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is DD devious devices? i dont have that and dont want to use it. i would have to keep using the last version before it is implemented, because i do not want DD installed at all. the last thing i need is some bondage thing i cant take off when a dragon attacks in the wild (and that can happen apparently from reading the mod description). i understand if you want to add it, if others want - its your mod. its just if you add DD support, it will then have DD and a million other DD mods as requirements unless i am totally wrong. (why they cant just stick all the stuff in one DD mod i dont know, by reading it you need at least 3 DD mods for it to work). 


i would like npc-npc encounters for all the immersion reason others say, and i guess there will be a toggle to set that off for those who dont want it. however; the way i want to play i WANT them to just get it on where they are. not to wander off out of sight. i am also using a spectator crowds mod for that reason with the crime options and morality guards off. so i want a toggle to STOP the npcs going to someones home or wherever out of sight for the sex - this is the problem i have with lovers comfort, you never see anything unless YOU are married or have a follower masturbates while you are home after midnight. for me lovers comfort may as well not be installed since it never does anything that i ever see.


for the person asking about nudity, it alreadys raises arousal in npcs who are valid and see the npc - and i believe there are already mods that take that as a basis for either an approach or rape, but yes it would be good to have that also taken into account. the way i see it, if you are naked you probably are hoping for an approach. so you are likely saying yes to whoever asks. but if not, maybe they are so aroused they dont accept no. so i can see the logic...but arent there already rape mods? and isnt rape getting a bit beyond an 'approach'? sounds like mission creep :D


with the resist thing...i dont personally use it in defeat mod and i hope it can be toggled off in this one when it appears. i dont want to bother with resisting. i hope it doesnt conflict with defeat because i still want to use that. i cant install and try the update to this and attraction right now, because of the diary reset it mentioned with attraction. i dont want to turn on foreplay again to boost that rating to grand master again! also, i have gotten tired of constant restarting the game because of mod updates lol. i think i will finish this playthrough, then update.


thanks for the hard work, and great mods!

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Absolutely loving this mod!  By far one of my favorites.  There are a million mods for rape, a few for my pc to initiate sex through chat, and as far as I know this is the only one that has anyone but me initiate non rape sex.  Cant thank you enough!


I was hoping someone could tell me how to do to modify it.  I have already found the text in the approach quest in the CK and changed both the male and female propositions to something I like better.  I saw that there is a simple qualification to see if the person asking is male or female or has a negative relationship status and picks a different proposition based on that. 


I would love it if someone could tell me how to add a check for if they are a follower (in the follower faction) or not so I can have a third different proposition based on that.  My male follower is my companion and his propositions should be more personal then a strangers.


Hope you continue to work on this and add lots more functionality.  Thanks so much :)


Edit: I don't have the new version from yesterday.  Gonna have to get that asap.

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Installed and is working for me on my existing save after uninstalling loading save and waiting 24 hours and then saving and using the save game tool to remove the dead scripts and then installing the new version.


Didn't even have to use the setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1 command to get the mcm to show ;)


Thanks for the report. Thats great to hear!


Will try this.  I think it's pretty essential to have people actually approach an attractive PC.


Is there any chance of taking Sexlab nudity into account?  Or presence of devious devices?  This mod could easily address the immersion breaking problem of "why does nobody seem to care if the PC is walking around nearly naked"?  I think this mod would get a massive popularity boost if you had some dialog that's likely to fire off if the PC is wearing a bunch of devious devices.


The great thing with this mod is that it allows a spectrum of approaches, so putting in kinkier options doesn't have to mean "everyone in Skyrim suddenly becomes a serial rapist".  It opens up the possibility of "even if you're not highly attractive, you look highly available".



Will try this.  I think it's pretty essential to have people actually approach an attractive PC.


Is there any chance of taking Sexlab nudity into account?  Or presence of devious devices?  This mod could easily address the immersion breaking problem of "why does nobody seem to care if the PC is walking around nearly naked"?  I think this mod would get a massive popularity boost if you had some dialog that's likely to fire off if the PC is wearing a bunch of devious devices.


The great thing with this mod is that it allows a spectrum of approaches, so putting in kinkier options doesn't have to mean "everyone in Skyrim suddenly becomes a serial rapist".  It opens up the possibility of "even if you're not highly attractive, you look highly available".


Some sort of DD detection for PC/NPC would be pretty good since i've noticed that if you stick a NPC in DD stuff so there arousal is high they will approach you a lot even though theirs no way they are going to get relief


Since you guys are talking about this, I'll tell you what I planned to do next. If you think I should change the order or add something go ahead:

1. Finish NPC - NPC support.

2. Flesh out Whistle / AskForSex dialogues a bit.

3. Create 'groups of approaches' that would be easy to turn on / off from scripts as needed.

4. Make sure one NPC can only participate in one approach at a time

5. Remake Whistle to support NPC - NPC, as well as multiple participants as a proof of concept.

6. Create Sex, Dance, Nudity, Rape reactions. (might as well add DD)

7. Make sure NPCs don't ask for sex in front of their spouses / fiancees.


8. Add extortion approach (NPC approaches you to extort money / sex / equipment using their superior strength or social standing - threatening to report a false crime)

9. Add invite to inn for a beer approach (not sure how to do this one yet)

10. Add invite to home for dinner approach (not sure how to do this one yet)

11. Remake approaches AskForSex, Extort, Beer and Dinner to support NPC - NPC



2, 3, 9, and 10 would be my preferences for priority..  don't really care as much about NPC-NPC parts, in fact I would want a way to turn those off if they are included in the future.


A variety of approaches is really what will make this shine imo.  Like I said in my earlier post I would love if the approach varied based on who was approaching you.  A stranger whos friendly has one proposition, while a follower or lover would have something different to say.

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Probably my mistake. When I load this mod my PC crash. Old and new versions. I run TSS5 and come a message that says


"Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error.  Code: 2.".


It stops when " [00:09] Background Loader: [sexLabAroused.esm] Loading file", witch It seems is the mixing file.


SexlabArroused works fine with the last edition.


Any idea what I have done wrong and how to solve it? Thanks for reading it, and for thinking a solution.


(Sorry for my bad English)

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