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The whole setting relationship rank via console is actually something I use for Saadia every time I play through her vanilla quest. For some reason, completing her quest in her favor doesn't increase her disposition towards you even though you're saving her life. Considering all the silly things the player can do that raise an NPCs disposition, saving someones life apparently isn't important enough to Bethesda to include.


And for those who don't know how to change her disposition, open the console and click on Saadia (or use "prid" command) so her reference ID shows up, and type:

setrelationshiprank player 1


It won't change anything other than her initial hello line without AA. With AA, it'll be mixed in with the rest of her hello lines added after reaching the appropriate stage of the quest.

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Yeah I got from the start why you didn't want to do that, I'm good with it. I actually thought that Amorous sets all NPCs to rank 3 once they become lovers, because my companions (lydia, Jenassa, Anekke and my added in Uthgerd) have all been rank 3 and rose to 4 once I did the submit seduction. Which is why it's odd I'm not seeing companion stuff with girls like Ysolda. I was going by the assumption (there's that word again) Amorous does this, so figured setting it to 4 wouldn't be much of a difference to make those other mods work.


I have no idea if uninstalling Amorous would break your save, but my roll of the magic 8 ball says fuck yes. You don't just remove a whole set of faction and NPC alterations and expect those NPCs to just go back to what they were doing before you installed it. Not that I have any idea why anyone would want to do that mind.

I'll make sure to post here if I get married later and having a harem full of rank 4 lovers messes it up, or causes any other issues. If my poor save survives to that point of course for once, sigh.

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If I remember correctly, vanilla NPCs that are followers get the relationship rank set to 3 when they become followers (in most cases).  There were some discussions in the early posts of Submit about the relationship rank.  Some of the weirdness with Bethesda's relationship was when you become Thane of a hold, the rank is also set to 3 with the Jarl ...  EXCEPT for the Rift.  For some reason, it was only set to 2.  dk had a hard time trying to figure out why seduction did not work for the Jarl of Riften because originally to be able to seduce the Jarls, you had to have a relationship rank of 3 AND be a Thane.  He had to change the rank check to 2 because of Riften.  Typical Bethesda "logic".

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Yeah I got from the start why you didn't want to do that, I'm good with it. I actually thought that Amorous sets all NPCs to rank 3 once they become lovers, because my companions (lydia, Jenassa, Anekke and my added in Uthgerd) have all been rank 3 and rose to 4 once I did the submit seduction. Which is why it's odd I'm not seeing companion stuff with girls like Ysolda. I was going by the assumption (there's that word again) Amorous does this, so figured setting it to 4 wouldn't be much of a difference to make those other mods work.


I have no idea if uninstalling Amorous would break your save, but my roll of the magic 8 ball says fuck yes. You don't just remove a whole set of faction and NPC alterations and expect those NPCs to just go back to what they were doing before you installed it. Not that I have any idea why anyone would want to do that mind.


Exactly and precisely, sir. Especially in the part about uninstalling AA. I swear if I ever uninstall Skyrim, AA will remain intact on my HD!


Well, it doesn't make sense, maybe. But the temperature is too high and the beer is too much (or too little?)...


Anyway, I just wanted to say that the whole system of relationships and dispositions in Skyrim is disappointing. And in fact, imo, it does nothing but dividing NPCs into "regulars" and (potential) followers. Oh, yes, there is this marriage thing. According to Bethesda wife/husband = lover... like always? Where's realism in that? AA is more realistic...

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Some NPCs like Lydia actually start out at Rank 3 Disposition in the base game.  So it's a short hop to 4 if you have a Mod that progresses them.


Pretty much everything I do has Uninstalling in Mind.  That's why I went to the effort of making Lover Essential Quests for every lover and sticking them in a Quest Alaias instead of directly setting their Essential Flag.  Believe me that would have been way less trouble.


AA should be completely safe to remove at any time.


Unfortunately you can progress a lover up to Disposition 3 in AA (if you roll lucky when making love) and that came from SexLab Romance.  Perhaps I should rethink that.  Otherwise, removing AA leaves no trace of itself behind.  Theoretically.




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No effect of Amorous left behind? You mean this guy would actually regrow his head? Okay that's just creepy.




Okay I'm kidding now and I was killing him without Amorous installed, I'm just trying to make a point that every mod leaves some trace of itself, regardless of how much the author works to avoid that.

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Oh it was just a joke, don't despair and start altering Love & Death or somethign to make it easier to uninstall (actually in theory if you had like an uninstall script that just spawned a new copy of him he should go back to the creepy stalker routine). Hopefully you had no intention of doing that, I'm just seeign too much of mod authors recently changing their mods beyond their original vision.


To be fair though aside from that one creepy stalker being missing from the game, yeah I think Amorous should leave little behind. Removing a faction entirely wouldn't have any particular adverse effect unless it was a faction used by other mods (let's say Eager NPCs did a addon and made all AmorousAdventuresLoversFaction members count towards it mod, instead of expecting you to set relationships to 4). No NPCs are moved to anywhere they're not moved back after, you have a separate immortality system as you said, none of your scripts run continously with updates as far as I know. Yep, in theory just uninstall, run script cleaner basic to be sure, and SKSE.ini ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 should fix the rest. So say someone off youtube installed it, tried out Camilla, disliked the sex aspect, uninstalled, their save should still be in good shape.

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Not to beat a dead horse into the ground but...


If you look at the completely opposite end of the scale, Bethesda defines disposition -4 as "Archnemesis".  That's something unique - The Joker to your Batman.


You can see what they were going for.  It's a short scale but at every step there is a quantum leap forward in effect.  At Disposition 4 the amount of personal Swag you can take from the NPC without it being considered Theft increases 500%.


I've had lovers in the real world.  Doesn't mean they let me unmount their Television from the wall and take it out the door with me.  On the other hand, it's entirely possible a husband or wife might let you do that ... you know, because you're married.  See?


So Disposition is controlling a few things in the game.  Also it is a NPC stat, not a faction.


To me it doesn't make any sense to debase Bethesda's system anyways.  It's much cleaner design just to make your own faction and make an NPC gain ranks in the faction towards whatever the end goal is.  That way, if someone did not like the Mod, you did not burdon their save with a bunch of NPC stat changes.


Of course this Mod is guilty as well of setting Disposition up to a point.  But to borrow a line from Jurrassic Park, when I started out modding I was so preoccupied with whether or not I could that I didn't stop to think if I should.


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Yep, if you marry Camilla you can pick up the Golden Claw without any problems, and they'll still do comments about it being there. It's the only way to get it to certain displays without stealing it (which is hideously easy, I can steal it with 15 sneak and heavy armor on while Lucan is standing at the disk, just stand right behind him and grab the claw that's in his FOV and he won't care and won't notice it's gone).

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This is feedback that falls in the way-too-late category but I've doen Amorous Serana now through the Soul Carin including Valerica. To be honest I would have preferred playing a bit Molag Bal with her with a rough animation, but I can see why it didn't occur as well. So far incredibly good work, all of Serana's dialogues just flow perfectly, Valerica was a little stunted at times of course due to how little you had to work with, but was still really good, as good as anything else in the mod, just not as good as your latter work with Serana and Jenassa.


Also I let Serana turn my werewolf paladin to vampire... and funny thing happened, I kept my werewolf Beast Form as well as gained a Vampire Lord form, so I'm now a Werepire.

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Well, you know, while I've learned a few voice editiing tricks as time has gone on, I am still completely at the mercy of what there is to work with.


If anything sounds good it's only because the scraps of dialogue there is to work with happens to coincide with the story being told.  Even now it's hard to turn shit into gold if I need them to say something completely at odds with what is naturally available in the files.  Also, the cadence and flow of the voice actress herself plays a huge role in how editable the voice is.


Anyways, I'll be honest, I'm damn sick of editing voice files.  These last updates are going to be the Phoning It In Edition.




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Imagine Amorous Adventures Fallout 4 edition, with a voiced protagonist with 13.000 lines of dialogue, no longer being able to rely on silent protagonist filling in the blanks... hoo boy.


That would be awful for me.  That would be what is already a ridiculous amount of work X 2. 


Having the Player silent is much better for me.


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Imagine Amorous Adventures Fallout 4 edition, with a voiced protagonist with 13.000 lines of dialogue, no longer being able to rely on silent protagonist filling in the blanks... hoo boy.


That would be awful for me.  That would be what is already a ridiculous amount of work X 2. 


Having the Player silent is much better for me.




A Fuz Roh Doh for the player putting his or her (oh yes, keep in mind your female players, it's actually a ridiculous amount of work x3) dialogue to subtitles timed like with Fuz Roh Doh for NPCs in Skyrim will probably be one of the first things available, if there's not even mods that change the entire dialogue system to silent protagonist (and those will come as well).

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You know by the way, if you ever feel the need to give say Mirabelle or Vex or another uniquely voiced NPC a silent dialogue quest... I'd still be totally interested in it, and I think a lot of people here would. Should certainly make it easier and faster to produce!

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Oh, you are absoloutly right.  I forgot there would be a male and a female voice.  Yeah, some other poor masochist would have to come along to make that Mod.  I'd have to sit that out.


Right now I'm sitting here working on Brelyna.  She has the FemaleYoungEager voice - easily one of the hardest to work with but so many popular characters have it (Jordis, Ysolda, Camila, Elisif...).  The voice actress talks fast and throws a lot of emotion into the lines so it's hard to cut together without making her sound like she's jittering with palsy or something.


Also, it is a shame with Mirabelle.  I'm guessing they just ran out of money or time for the voice actress.  Their code just unceramonoiusly disables her and that's the end of that.

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Right now I'm thinking if the player finishes Mirabelle's Love Quest then the player will get a "Summon Mirabelle" spell.  She'll appear looking all divine and hot looking.  She can fight like a conjured follower, or just to make sweet love.


I'm sure there is an argument to be made about the lore friendliness of such a summoning, but it's sounding kind of cool to me right now.

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Right now I'm thinking if the player finishes Mirabelle's Love Quest then the player will get a "Summon Mirabelle" spell.  She'll appear looking all divine and hot looking.  She can fight like a conjured follower, or just to make sweet love.


I'm sure there is an argument to be made about the lore friendliness of such a summoning, but it's sounding kind of cool to me right now.


I like the idea of summoning Mirabelle, as for lore friendliness you can already summon a hero from Sovngarde after you progress far enough in the main quest. Gormlaith could have made an interesting choice for another lover but she probably has too few lines of dialogue.

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