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[CLOSED] Project C.I.T.R.U.S. - Old WIP thread


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So I just downloaded the requirements for this and want to give it a run. But I've never used BS2 or OS in Mod Organizer so not sure how well that's going to work out for me. :lol: I just wanna' see what you've got going on here and I may be able to amuse myself for a while playing with it. :D


Any pointers on using BS2 with MO? I've only ever played with BodySlide a little bit when it first came out and didn't use MO at that time.

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He's referring the Krista's Lady Body I bet.


I prefer not to give more publicity to said dilettante hence my original vagueness.  I apologized again for taking the thread to unrelated topic.  I felt that given the tools available the lack of superior usable characters might be an issue of not enough collaboration between artists and toolmakers.  I thought a little prize/contest would help.  Immediately after posting it I realized coming from an user who is not part of the community to make such statement is hubris and borderline insult to all modders so I retracted my original posts.



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I'm a bystander but from where I'm sitting there's a metric ton of collaboration. Blabba has 3748 different projects going, Groove is keeping one step ahead with the skeletons, while directing the, "You broke my game traffic," back to the HDT tutorials. Gerra is making amazing python tools for modders. Hydrogren pops out HDT in full force, now I have jiggly upon jiggly and collisions. Then some crazy nut goes and applies it to hairs, and then cloth!  ANK Alan pops out a fresh new body accompanied with  HDT enabled vagina, and what a week later, daemonic goes and makes it actually work. There's SoS collision in the works.  Ashal has produced a platform that's a animation and scripting bonanza. I'm sure I'm forgetting some people as well. Regardless its all awesome.

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He's referring the Krista's Lady Body I bet.


I prefer not to give more publicity to said dilettante hence my original vagueness.  I apologized again for taking the thread to unrelated topic.  I felt that given the tools available the lack of superior usable characters might be an issue of not enough collaboration between artists and toolmakers.  I thought a little prize/contest would help.  Immediately after posting it I realized coming from an user who is not part of the community to make such statement is hubris and borderline insult to all modders so I retracted my original posts.


lol, stop apologizing. Nobody takes issue with what you said. Or if they did then they didn't post anything about it so they don't count anyways lol.


But yes, if your inquiry was for asking about a more higher poly body, or at least a body shape/morph similar to Lady Body/Demonica.

All I know is that Unibody (the mesh used by CITRUS) was a higher poly body than Lady Body 2.1. I have no idea what the current poly values are in comparison as I have not downloaded krista's latest updates/works.


I also made a special remark about krista's works and why I will not currently support them as morphs or sliders for citrus.

It's basically because my good friend clp2011 has alerted me that he would like for me to refrain from making such morphs until reached out to krista somehow to ask for permission. However, since krista is not a native english speaker and I do not know of a way to contact said person, I'm just refraining from making it because I am too lazy to go 'permission hunting'


It should be noted that, technically speaking I do not require permissions from other body modders for CITRUS (since I do not directly use their assets anyway) that I *could* do this, but the potential for trouble and pissing off certain modders who take issues with such things and might potentially put them out of modding or withdraw from modding would be a grave disservice to the other users who enjoy their work.


(Should be noted though that I will be giving generic credit to ALL body modders for what they've done to the bodies of skyrim and leaving all their work out to be freely modded upon, and of course Dimon99 for special mention because we used a UV layout based on his version as it's the most supported)

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Your femalebody_1_msn file is a png format. Do those work or does it need to be converted into .dds?


Dammit could have sworn I deleted that dam file lol.


There *should* be a .dds version?


Well it doesn't matter, you can use any normal map you want for the body and feet that are UNP compatible.


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Yup, I opened the files and looked them over and I also noted the .png msn file. :D


I started a new MO profile and got BS2 and CITRUS installed in it. Started a new game and the generated 0 weight body showed in ECE during character creation. So it's apparently working. I didn't go any farther to play with it any more, but it was rather simple to get up and running.

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So I just downloaded the requirements for this and want to give it a run. But I've never used BS2 or OS in Mod Organizer so not sure how well that's going to work out for me. :lol: I just wanna' see what you've got going on here and I may be able to amuse myself for a while playing with it. :D


Any pointers on using BS2 with MO? I've only ever played with BodySlide a little bit when it first came out and didn't use MO at that time.




The BS2 guide is . . . misinformed.

  1. Install BS2 as a normal mod. make sure you use the right level for the location of the data dir.

    MO will whinge about "not proper installation". That's fine, it's expected.

  2. Right panel > Data tab > surf down to find bodyslide.exe > rclick it > "add as executable" (you may need to set it to open as administrator to bypass the stop msg)

Done. At this point, anything you have that is to be part of BS2 (slidersets, etc) can be installed the same way, and when you start the app, MO will compile a complete BS2 dir for the running instance. 


Here's some strongly suggested tips... it will be more organized if you do this.

  1. Make a new profile specifically for bodysliding shit.

    This way it doesn't have to get in all the other stuff and vice versa. I had a problem for a while with the compiles getting put in the wrong places.

  2. Add to the load list stuff pertaining to BS2: CBBE base body, CBBE textures, BS2 mod, BS2 sliderset mods.
  3. Move all that to the very bottom of the profile. This is pretty much just for convenience.
  4. Make a category "bodyslide" so that you can show only the stuff that matters in this profile.

I also duplicated my CBBE mod and renamed it to "FFW" (what I call my build). I have it underneath everything else, at the very bottom, and the builds always go there. If you have armor sets (CT77's Remodeled or the Tera set for example) have those above it somewhere, doesn't matter where.

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Missing a single morph out of dozens available is no loss at all considering the goal of CITRUS is to make it easier for artists to create better things.  Hence I used the term dilettante, which for those who are not familiar with English (American?) highbrow slang is NOT a praise.

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He's referring the Krista's Lady Body I bet.

I already made a note about Lady Body and any support for Krista's 'mods'.

Thanks for enlightening me though.








So I gave the beta2 a whirl last night and here are my observations:


The sliders are too "powerful", meaning that every increment simply affects the body too much, some of the sliders I couldnt take above 20% or my character would look like a freak.

I'm missing a few basic sliders from the normal bodyslide, namely Breasts, BreastsSmall and BreastsSH. I feel that the sliders in Citrus exaggerate their individual function too much and I'm missing basic sliders to modify the size of the breasts.

That's kinda where I was going with the "gross sliders" request. There's tons of capability to refine, but not much "lump of clay" to start with.


Also, blabba, having the "default" sliders from BS2 would allow use of existing BS presets. You'd be able to bring them in then use these sliders to specify the shit outta the mesh . . . it would definitely increase adoption.

Some sliders have been renamed or 'merged' into other sliders.

BreastSmall -> Breast Petite

Breasts -> Pointless, use the other sliders to increase volume of breasts

BreastsSH -> Breasts Huge or Large (I forget which)


What I was saying and what crate alluded to, a generic "breasts" slider actually isn't pointless. The sliders in the set all tend to do pretty specific things for shaping things. Having a generic Breasts (or torso or abdomen) slider for a general embiggening of an area is like lumping more clay onto an area. Then use the different sliders to refine the shape. For example, the main body that I use came from a slider set that had a "ADM Lower Body" (I think it was called) that affected the overall weight of the entire lowerbody. I bumped that up a ways, then used the legs/thighs/calves/etc to zero in exactly to where I wanted.


Also, having at least some of the 'original' sliders will save some measure of work. even if it's not exactly compatible, being able to bring in any previous work may save from having to redo everything from scratch.


Also also, can the slider range be re-defined? having a slider at zero that scales from -100 to 100 would be kinda cool.


Also also also, there's a voide between about mid pubic and waist, where the original "Hips" was. There's nothing that affects the weight of that region it can be sculpted in various ways, along with other parts, but just just adding weight or filling out.

1. The point of making the normal breasts bigger should already be successfully covered by the Breasts - Large/Huge sliders.

You're right, it is... And by dibella, and mjsk, and cherry, and a number of different sliders that expand that shape in very different ways. Getting it simply filled out isn't simple.


All I'm suggesting is a small handful of sliders that affect broad areas without specific shaping... Similar to the "ADMLowerBody" slider from the original HDTBody... or just plain "Breasts" or "Hips" or "Waist".

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You're right, it is... And by dibella, and mjsk, and cherry, and a number of different sliders that expand that shape in very different ways. Getting it simply filled out isn't simple.


All I'm suggesting is a small handful of sliders that affect broad areas without specific shaping... Similar to the "ADMLowerBody" slider from the original HDTBody... or just plain "Breasts" or "Hips" or "Waist".



I'll look into it. No promises though.


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Hey Blabba,


first of all, BIG THANKS for all of your efforts, I really appreciate it! I have just downloaded the 2.0 beta, and I think it's awesome to say the least! The overview in Bodyslide is very good thanks to the naming schema and the sliders are top-notch. I think it was a good idea to extend the "range" of each slider into exaggerated regions, that keeps me as a user from having to manually type in values >100% all the time (standard CBBE bodyslide heavily suffered from this).





1) Nipple Size Slider: The slider values seem to be inverted? The more the slider approaches 100%, the smaller the nipples get. I don't know if this was intended, but it seems a little counter-intuitive to me, given the slider name. Other than that, it works fine though.


2) Spine: Does this slider have any effect at all? If so, I was unable to see it.


3) Butt Crack: Great idea and I love the effect, but the "effect area" should be extended a bit to affect the upper butt regions too, otherwise it can look funny.





As promised, I've uploaded my very first CITRUS preset - and I'm quite pleased with the results. Here's an image of the body in Bodyslide2:








You can find the XML preset file in the attachment of this post. Currently, only the "big" body version has been edited, the slim version is entirely untouched. I'm quite happy with the first results, I hope that there will be a vanilla armor replacer soon.






I don't know if its possible, but not being able to edit this detail bugs me a lot. The breasts of CBBE (and also CITRUS to some extent) are rotated outwards. Trying to fix this up with the nipple distance slider usually does not give the desired result. Here's a picture of how I imagine this slider to work:









Also, any chance we can get back the "chest depth" slider from the HDT body? I think that this region really is a bit messed up in the Touched-By-Dibella breast (also in the original, not your fault), and that slider could help to fix it.




Again, congrats on this release, please keep up the excellent work, this is totally going to blow both CBBE and UNP out of the water when it releases!








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What a good idea about the separate profile for body slide. Another small annoyance I had with Body Slide and MO was that if the armor I was sliding contained a body it would replace my in game body with it. My file size would drop from a 1k nif to around 300. 

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What a good idea about the separate profile for body slide. Another small annoyance I had with Body Slide and MO was that if the armor I was sliding contained a body it would replace my in game body with it. My file size would drop from a 1k nif to around 300. 


On the seperate profile you have all Stuff like Bodyslide, Presets, BS armors, etc. loaded. Stuff only needed for generation.

But on the play Profile you only load the Output files, and can hide the other Stuff if you set up a new category. If you set the config up you can directly generate into the "Mod Organizer"  Mod Folder. (ex. "D:\Mod Organizer\mods\BS2 Output").


Is there a gerneral help, FAQ and advice thread for Bodyslide2 Setup? Stuff like this should be put there, and I have some more like basic formatting the layout of BS2.

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Only problem with MO and bodyslide is potential persmissions issues if you installed skyrim into Program Files (which you shouldnt do anyways). Install Skyrim into some other random folder and you wont ever have a problem with Bodyslide.

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New layout stuff: I managed to make the GUI even smaller and tested some other stuff (change font, color, BG). I mostly changed the buttons on the bottom, they had MUCH space between them.




And I noticed you can slide the capped text to the right if you mark the text and move the mouse to the right. Marked it in the Pic.


Also I said "Advanced Sliders" is hardcoded. Nope, I was wrong.

From "settings.xml" from CITRUS B v2.0:

You can set what you want in Advanced. But if you want custom categories we need an update from Caliente that allows that.
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Hey Blabba,


first of all, BIG THANKS for all of your efforts, I really appreciate it! I have just downloaded the 2.0 beta, and I think it's awesome to say the least! The overview in Bodyslide is very good thanks to the naming schema and the sliders are top-notch. I think it was a good idea to extend the "range" of each slider into exaggerated regions, that keeps me as a user from having to manually type in values >100% all the time (standard CBBE bodyslide heavily suffered from this).





1) Nipple Size Slider: The slider values seem to be inverted? The more the slider approaches 100%, the smaller the nipples get. I don't know if this was intended, but it seems a little counter-intuitive to me, given the slider name. Other than that, it works fine though.


2) Spine: Does this slider have any effect at all? If so, I was unable to see it.


3) Butt Crack: Great idea and I love the effect, but the "effect area" should be extended a bit to affect the upper butt regions too, otherwise it can look funny.





As promised, I've uploaded my very first CITRUS preset - and I'm quite pleased with the results. Here's an image of the body in Bodyslide2:








You can find the XML preset file in the attachment of this post. Currently, only the "big" body version has been edited, the slim version is entirely untouched. I'm quite happy with the first results, I hope that there will be a vanilla armor replacer soon.






I don't know if its possible, but not being able to edit this detail bugs me a lot. The breasts of CBBE (and also CITRUS to some extent) are rotated outwards. Trying to fix this up with the nipple distance slider usually does not give the desired result. Here's a picture of how I imagine this slider to work:






Also, any chance we can get back the "chest depth" slider from the HDT body? I think that this region really is a bit messed up in the Touched-By-Dibella breast (also in the original, not your fault), and that slider could help to fix it.




Again, congrats on this release, please keep up the excellent work, this is totally going to blow both CBBE and UNP out of the water when it releases!








Wow, that looks amazing. Any chance you can do the same with the Manga body?

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Are there presets for UN7B shape or better yet. Demon's Featured 7base version in Beta2?



Demon's feature set (demonfet) is on the download page for his tbbp v3... They are the 2 different versions of a 7base shape that he put out. The Demonfet is a 7base breast on a wide shoulder with narrow waist, and hips with legs about the size of UNP.


Both bodies are similar (demonfet and UN7B), but I think Demon's has a smaller waist.


Also are there any preset Body Slide/Outfit Studio 2 sets that have the base shape using a UNP UV map (so the nipples and hips will line up correctly on a skimpy armor to a UNP based body... like Citrus).

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New layout stuff: I managed to make the GUI even smaller and tested some other stuff (change font, color, BG). I mostly changed the buttons on the bottom, they had MUCH space between them.




And I noticed you can slide the capped text to the right if you mark the text and move the mouse to the right. Marked it in the Pic.


Also I said "Advanced Sliders" is hardcoded. Nope, I was wrong.

From "settings.xml" from CITRUS B v2.0:

You can set what you want in Advanced. But if you want custom categories we need an update from Caliente that allows that.



Are you using "XML Notepad" to edit this? It's a superior dedicated xml viewer editor, not a plugin or a view for a text file. (Microsoft)


And have you found any parameters for the preview windows? 

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