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Hmm yeah there's have to be something on Spunks end to put semen & sperm in the vaginal location for Males receiving Mal sex if they used the female animation, for pregnancy to read it I guess, Pregnancy doesn't check anal for sperm, and I don't think spunk has any sperm tracking for anal.

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I happen to notice a post in this thread by a arm chair critic. After thinking about it for a bit, I have decided to put my $0.25 cents in.


I used to do mods for games. Not the "Fallout/Morrowwind" series. I my case it as "Star Fleet Command".


I played the table top game, from  Amarillo Design Bureau back when it came out in 1979. So when Star Fleet Command came out, as basically a computerized version of the table top game, I was thrilled. The thing was, the models in the game were not based off the miniatures, and the rules were not in line with the ADB game. So I started drawing. I built Kzinti, Tholians, Lyrans, Hydrans, Federation, Klingon, Roman, Intersellar Concordium, et all. The miniatures from my collection in 3D to great detail.


I edited the rule and specs and the Ship System Displays to make the work in the game.


When I published them on a site for other folks to use. Most of the comments were positive, but there where the arm chair critics.


"Why didn't you do clan badges for the Kzinti?", "Where are the ship markings for the Lyrans?" "How come you don't differentiate between Imperial Klingon Ships and Klingon Penal Ships?" 


I spent a lot of my free time, drawing, modifying code, making plug-ins, researching items in the various volumes of the Star Fleet Battles Rules and going through old editions of "Captain's Log" I had and tracking down copies to insure I got the rule changes. 


A mod changes a game, it is not complied into it. I could not change the logic of the main code, I could only modify what it did. That creates limitations as to what I could do (and what the folks working on Fallout/Morrowind can do). A mod can't be debugged the same way the main game code can, and you can't test it with every other mod out there. There are going to be issues. Sometimes there is a fix, other times two mods just won't work with each other, and the user has to make a choice. 


The only thing I ever asked for was, "Thanks, I enjoy using your mod." 


I think in the comments on my work, about one fifth of them were that simple, positive feed back.

Most were, "I like what you have done, but. . . ." or "You suck" or worse.


I no longer make mods for games for public use. That pretty much cured me of it. I still do things for myself, but no longer share.


So, while my experience over a decade old, it seems there are still the "Arm Chair Critics".


To them I say, "TAANSTAFAL" There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. This mod and every other one, cost time, effort on the part of the creator(s), frustration is testing, loss of gaming time, just to make something to share. The payment required is simple, say "Thank you for making this mod". If you hate it, follow my Grandmother's advice, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".


To Doctasax, Halstrom, ZAZ and all the others who have given up their time to make this and other mods for use, "Thank you!, I appreciate your effort and time for creating this and other mods for me to use."


Sorry to disrupt the flow of the forum, but had to get it off my chest.



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Hey Doc, I have a question.


Is the shader supposed to disappear after a short while? I'm asking, because there is this new wash-up feature that is supposed to get rid of it. Or is this just for the "smell" system? If so, is it possible to have the shader be active until the washing feature is used, or is there a limitation with the engine and/or the decal system?


(Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere already...)

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Well, the thing about the washing's indeed that a shader should stick around long enough until then. Because it's unrealistic to have it continue to stream down a character's body for days on end, I had to come up with a system that switches out the 'drip' shader for a permanent, lighter shader so that it looks like it's dried up. It's quite possible that one isn't always very visible depending on your settings - tweaking the opacity to make that transition go pretty seamless considering the timing came at that cost.


In all, shaders are pretty difficult to work with because I can't adjust their timing, placing or opacity or anything like it through script, and sometimes they just disappear for really no reason other than that maybe you switched perspective by going into callback dialog for instance. Every time I touch the system I have to delve into a shitload of individual shader records, tweak things by hand, go in-game to watch, go back out to tweak some more... bleh. I can't even reliably detect if one is visually playing. The HasEffectShader function only tells us if one should be playing rather than if one is according to what your eyes tell you.

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Ah okay, that would explain why it seems to disappear suddenly. I did notice that the visibility depends on the lighting as well.


The shaders are technically the same as the blood shaders, right? I'm going to try and up decal lifetime and max decals in my fallout.ini. Maybe that will make it "stick". :lol:


Edit: Found "iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame" in fallout_prefs.ini. Going to up this as well and see how it goes. Default is 3.

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I don't think they're the same as blood decals, which I believe are more related to impact data and probably involve meshes too. The effect shaders I use are really magic effect shaders, the kind you'd see on people in Oblivion when they're affected by some type of magic. Also the shader overlay when Boone's spotting for you etc, more of a texture draped around the actor.

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Tried it (once) and it seems to have lasted longer, which might be purely circumstantial or due to the fact that I watched very closely. It was not noticable in lit areas and slightly noticable in dark areas. Does the shader strength setting affect the initial shader only or the second one as well?

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The permanent ones are all at 0.1 opacity - visibility there is really a matter of how 'thick' the chosen texture is, and sure, lighting plays a role too. The dripping ones differ, but fade to 0.1 to make the transition as seamless as I could.

There's a lot of tinkering that can be done there if people wanted to make some 'flavor' patches or something. The only thing blocking that a bit atm is the tracking script reading a hard-set timing value, which I can easily switch out to another variable that such a patch can set on its own.

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Point me in the right direction and I'll give it a go. I've already altered the lust effects more to my liking, so I wouldn't have a problem to tinker with settings, regular GECK stuff and textures as well.


Though I would be very reluctant to dive into the coding side of things. I'm not yet really comfortable with arrays, UDFs and all that jazz. I'm still working through your tutorials (which are much appreciated btw).

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When I mentioned 'people', I was really talking about that mythical 'someone' who always takes on all the work, but hey, if you're up for it. :)  It doesn't require scripting at all, everything is really in the settings of the effect shader records. The shaders are named according to species, then volume option, then texture option. If you open one up, look to the left, you'll see:


- alpha fade out time ; this is 0 for the permanent ones, 45 for the dripping ones. If people want longer 'dripping' times, that's where that happens. I need to add a variable to the script that handles the switching between 'drip' and 'permanent' to follow suit with whatever changes happen here. Maybe I'll just stick it in my MCM so all anybody who wants to make such a patch needs to do is tell people to set it to a particular duration.

- full alpha ratio : the opacity of the shader at the start. This is where the different 'volume' options come into play - it's quite possible the lower volumes could use a bit of a boost in opacity there.

- persistent alpha ratio: the opacity of the shader at the end

- texture animation speed : the dripping ones have some intel there, that's the speed at which the dripping happens

- RGB settings in 2 places for some species having a weird color spunk


For testing, I think the pms function worked in console when I did it - been a while.


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I'm people too! :lol:


This would be something I'd do primarily for myself (like my lings hair fix), but if it turns out alright, I'd be more than willing to share. I know that you were going for a realistic effect there, and the current setting is probably the most realistic, but I'd be willing to sacrifice realism for more visibility. 


Thanks for the detailed info, I hope I'll be able to make something with it.

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Okay, so I have a slight problem. I have SexoutNG's stable release installed, but it says I need 21093b15+. I have 93 installed, along with the 10 bodies but it says that I only have version 2109310, so what do I need and where can I find it? I installed the bodies from the 94 beta, but I can't find anything else to update! So yeah, anyone who can point me in the right direction would be extremelly appreciated! Thanks for any help you people offer!

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@FortuneHunter I see that this is your first post ever, so I'm going to assume that you are new to Sexout.  Have you verified that JUST Sexout and SCR have been installed correctly?  If you haven't done that yet, you can download Sexout Sex.


Make sure that you have the latest NVSE beta (from the nvse silverlock site, which actually takes you to Dropbox to get the file) and the latest NVSE Extender file, which is in the NV Non-Adult Downloads here on Lovers Lab.


I know that I had the requirements installed but was getting prerequisites CTDs, so I uninstalled my Sexout mods, made a clean save, and then reinstalled them.  No more prerequisites CTD.

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I already had Sexout Sex before I installed this, so I know it Sexout and SCR work correctly, as well I have the latest NVSE beta and Extender file. I hope I won't have to uninstall all of my mods, it took me a while to get them on there, but if that's the only other option then I guess I don't have a choice.


Since you know SO and SCR worked before, you won't have to uninstall ALL your mods. if need be, just uninstall the Sexout related mods.


But first: check and double check that you do have the latest of everything (sexout bodies 1.1.0, sexout core 2.10.93 and sexout data 2.10.93). If you don't have a 3rd party bodymod installed you MUST have all 3 files. Then double check that you have the correct NVSE version (currently 5.0.2 beta) and the correct NVSE (NX) extender (currently 16). If you have all those, then first try to uninstall the SexOut related mods and readding them one by one.


If that doesn't solve the issue, then something else is going on.


- Moo

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Okay, I'm not sure what causes the CTD so until then...

If anyone who has these washing-related CTDs feels adventurous enough, add the attached ini to your data/nvse (I think), and install the nvse dll from the debug folder in this package. Go in-game, trigger the CTD, then post your nvse.log from your root folder.


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Okay, I'm not sure what causes the CTD so until then...

If anyone who has these washing-related CTDs feels adventurous enough, add the attached ini to your data/nvse (I think), and install the nvse dll from the debug folder in this package. Go in-game, trigger the CTD, then post your nvse.log from your root folder.

The debug DLL's crash my game for some reason.


I can tell you from what I can see when playing the game though, is that when you click on the drink activator, your mod wants to do one thing but IMCN wants to do another resulting in the crash.

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Okay, I'm not sure what causes the CTD so until then...

If anyone who has these washing-related CTDs feels adventurous enough, add the attached ini to your data/nvse (I think), and install the nvse dll from the debug folder in this package. Go in-game, trigger the CTD, then post your nvse.log from your root folder.

The debug DLL's crash my game for some reason.


I can tell you from what I can see when playing the game though, is that when you click on the drink activator, your mod wants to do one thing but IMCN wants to do another resulting in the crash.



Not being cause by Spunk and IMCN I have this same problem and I don't use IMCN just standard hardcore mode in the game. Running some tests now but I can't be on to much longer it is late for me 

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