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That sound like the normal behavior of spunk ,no conflict there.

If i´m not mistaken that is not the effect from the rape penalty mcm setting .That should just lower lust for the set time.

The frustation effect is from the sex act itself and will only last a short time ( mcm setting in spunk too ).It might be (semi)random. Don´t know what is considered in its calculation.


Try setting the sex animation length to 60 sec or more in sexout ngs mcm menu and the arousal factor in spunks mcm arousal tracking to a higher value. That way you will have a better chance to see the possitive counterpart of it (orgasm).

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Hello, I will need some clarification about Lust and Spunk and pHud for Lust.

- what is the correct load order for Lust, Spunk and pHud?

- my pHud Lust updates correctly but I don't see any value for Arousal. Maybe my pHud is outdated because I'm still using my pHud setup which worked before for Lust (about 6 months ago) and I did not update my hud since then.


Load order doesn't matter to spunk & lust. The hud plugins should be somewhere after the Hud mods (ohud etc) and sexoutNG.


There is no arousal display - arousal is only really a factor during sex, and at that time menus are hidden by NG anyway so there's no point.

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Not sure if this is a compatibility issue. I downloaded a few couple perk mods. I then got raped by my characters dog. My character became frustrated. I set the rape to one day my character gets laid it may go away but there is no satisfied. So i get laid again and boom I'm frustrated again. This mod does play well with assault right?



That sound like the normal behavior of spunk ,no conflict there.

If i´m not mistaken that is not the effect from the rape penalty mcm setting .That should just lower lust for the set time.

The frustation effect is from the sex act itself and will only last a short time ( mcm setting in spunk too ).It might be (semi)random. Don´t know what is considered in its calculation.


Try setting the sex animation length to 60 sec or more in sexout ngs mcm menu and the arousal factor in spunks mcm arousal tracking to a higher value. That way you will have a better chance to see the possitive counterpart of it (orgasm).


Yes that's normal frustration from not orgasming. Although I have to say that if you're still under 'rape penalty' your chances of orgasming during a non-rape act are also smaller than usual.

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There is no arousal display - arousal is only really a factor during sex, and at that time menus are hidden by NG anyway so there's no point.

Ah, that explains why it's blank now. I was expecting it to be available for use with things like Orgasm Ray gun hits and Vibrotrons etc. Basically forcing the actor to be aroused to the point they collapse in orgasm whether their Lust is high or not :)
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I can probably figure out something at some point that'll allow orgasms to be triggered by something that isn't actually sex, probably using custom events, but not now. I'd have to fill in some blanks left by certain intel being set at sex start that wouldn't be set in that case, allow for there not being a cum target actor, things like that.


Then there's also the matter of the arousal meter taking up screen space for most of the time in-game while not displaying an actual value, and not displaying anything during sex either, so it'd be only for an arousal gun mod or whatever you'd have planned. I'd need to look into toggling the actual meter through script.

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I can probably figure out something at some point that'll allow orgasms to be triggered by something that isn't actually sex, probably using custom events, but not now. I'd have to fill in some blanks left by certain intel being set at sex start that wouldn't be set in that case, allow for there not being a cum target actor, things like that.


Then there's also the matter of the arousal meter taking up screen space for most of the time in-game while not displaying an actual value, and not displaying anything during sex either, so it'd be only for an arousal gun mod or whatever you'd have planned. I'd need to look into toggling the actual meter through script.

No problem, just keep it bouncing around in the back of your mind for a few months before I get back into the Sisters of Perpetual Chastity mod, got plenty on my plate for now.
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There is no arousal display - arousal is only really a factor during sex, and at that time menus are hidden by NG anyway so there's no point.

Ah, that explains why it's blank now. I was expecting it to be available for use with things like Orgasm Ray gun hits and Vibrotrons etc. Basically forcing the actor to be aroused to the point they collapse in orgasm whether their Lust is high or not :)



I see this explains everything thank you.

About the arousal meter. Afaik with old Lust there was displayed arousal value all the time and arousal value did change over time when vibrator or anal plug was equipped.

In fact my PC did collapse in orgasm when vibrator was equipped but honestly I'm no longer sure whether it was caused by vanilla sexout or my own sexout modifications :)

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Well, google tells me that in C it's supposed to mean some number that isn't a number, like a division by zero, a logarithm result of a negative, a square root of a negative, that sort of thing. I'm unsure how to detect & protect against it in future though.

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Doc, any way we could stop rape pen checksum working? Or maybe a little on/off button will be greatful.

I love to get into trouble, but don't want lust to go away, any help?


With the "days to recover from rape" mcm option, you could be rid of that in one game day. I'm running out of room in those mcm scripts as it is, so adding another option to make rape less damaging to your character's desire for sex is not high on the list.


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Update: 0.8


Needs NVSE 4.6+


- if sperm tracking is on, semen tracking is turned on automatically

- fixed a remarkably stupid mistake possibly causing my end hook to run forever sometimes and fail to clear up the tracked acts array

- added a new debug tools option that'll open a messagebox menu - the plan is to add more stuff there as/if needed
parked the "start log" mcm option inside the new debug tools menu
added the option to erase the tracked acts array to the debug tools menu: only click on that if told to do so, never ever click on it while any act is ongoing


- added custom events that other mods can register to:

basic notifications (no specific args yet):

"SpunkOnStartDone" : dispatched when spunk's completed it intel detections on sex start
"SpunkOnInitsDone" : dispatched when spunk's gone through its inits on game load
"SpunkOnEndDone" : dispatched when spunk's completed handling the end of an act


with args:

"SpunkOnOrgasm", dispatched when spunk's finished handling an actor's orgasm, includes the following args stringmap:

[ Actor ] : rActorWho'sOrgasmed
[ eventName ] : SpunkOnOrgasm
[ eventSender ] : SexoutSpunk.esp
[ NXFloats ] : (Array ID #61) ; all spunk-based nx EVFLs on the orgasming actor
[ NXForms ] : (Array ID #62) ; same, evfos
[ NXStrings ] : (Array ID #65) ; same, efsts
[ Orgasm buff ] : rBuff (eg Orgasmic event, lvl 'nice' (0D02AFE7))
[ Orgasm strength ] : iStrength
[ Spunk targets ] : (Array ID #0) ; array holding actors who've gotten the orgasming actor's cum on/in them. May be uninitialized if no cum was involved!
[ Time last orgasm ] : 0.000000 ; last time the actor orgasmed before this time
[ Time this orgasm ] : 6.390671 ; time of this orgasm
[ Times cum this act ] : 1.000000 ; number of times this actor's come so far in this act


I think the notification ones above can also come with intel like this; I just need to do it.


- With event handlers it's now possible for me to detect people activating a water source and wash spunk off. Adapting to this obviously involved a few other changes. Instead of spunk on the outside of the body simply disappearing, both visually and virtually, it needs to stick around longer so you have time to go wash it off.

Any shaders left will function as before, although the visual trickle may seem slower. Before it would normally disappear, it is now replaced with a permanent static one of more or less the same opacity as what it has then. It should give the impression of the cum having dried up.

Depending on an MCM option any time you activate a sink or toilet or any activatable water source, you will either get the option to remove it, or it'll simply be removed. "Removing" means stopping the shader, removing all outside spurts from semen tracking & removing the actor from smell tracking.

Removing should also work on NPCs if they activate a water source; no option will be given.


- Changed colored spunk to only color the spunk, not the actor, while I was at it.

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Jaam is responsible for developing NVSE these days with the blessing of the IanPatt, but he doesn't have access to update the silverlock website, so the "official" release channel is currently the thread that t3589 linked to. Ian does update the site with the new versions, but it sometimes takes a few days or a week.

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Stupid question: Do I need a cleansave without spunk for updating to 0.8? As you haven't mentioned it, maybe not?


[Edit] Update of NVSE and Spunk without cleansave ... Spunk told me to reactivate sperm tracking for preg. Everything seems to be fine ...

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Hi Doc,


I did a clean install of spunk 0.8 (yep, with NVSE 4.6), It seems to be running fine, shaders applied and whatnot. I've had a couple of crashes though, which was unusual since I've never had any before, might not be related to spunk but it might be worth mentioning.


Anyway, checking the console, I've been getting a lot of.. stuff? check the screen shot and tell me if its something i should worry about, please not that the lines keep flooding for as long as I'm running the game. I'm hitting the sack now, I'll try to capture a log file when I wake up before going to work if needed.





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