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So I reinstalled those things and checked to make sure if everything else was up to date and the "spunk's up" text is still popping up every few seconds. It's like it's reinitializing itself over and over or something. That's why my changes in mcm don't save. I'll make them and then the text would pop up and it will change the mcm numbers back to default. Now I am running the game through TTW (Tale of Two Wastelands), do you think that would make a difference? Although everything else I have installed works fine with it. I could live with the pop up if the textures show up but haven't been able to get them yet since I can't adjust the numbers to notice them yet.


I don't want to keep bothering you with my little problems, I'm sure you have better things to do. A lot of times these things work them self out when I use a later release so if that's the case here I can wait for it. Thx again for the help.


edit: I toggled the debug mode messages in mcm and when the pop up comes up it says  Spunk:Main:Init:3  in the console. Not sure if that's changeable or if it means anything that helps.


(It is at the bottom of my load order too if that matters)




Check the versions VERY VERY carefully and you will find that your NVSE is under version.

You will probably have to load the Beta Version of NVSE.




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Update: 0.83 (20141207)


re-added the notification custom events that bugged out last time, install NVSE 4.6.2 !

spunk now administers NG's cum spurt at orgasm if arousal tracking's on

application of shaders and smells no longer dependent on semen tracking being on

made the "remove from tracking" options in the debug menu functional
reworked smell tracking to work the same as semen/sperm tracking, increased the script's frequency
ar_nulled all global arrays before rebuilding them
cleaned up some redundancies

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Where is the option to enable the cum shaders? When I load up a save everything loads ok but I get "faction smells and visual cum are disabled"


I looked everywhere in SCR and spunk menus and made sure "use shaders" and "use faction smells" were checked, but I still get the message that they are disabled, and they don't seem to be occuring, am I missing something?

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I see, in that case could there be some other reason it isn't working then? I am using the Nekomimi race, does that mean I need to do the steps in "The race category system & using the ini:" section to add the effects?


Edit: I messed around with it a bit more, set the shaders to always appear, but now characters having sex will turn pink, I assume there is problem with my SCR install somewhere?


Another Edit: I'm getting an error message in the console window "Error in script 3100ed97 attempting to call a reference on a NULL reference or base object

File Sexoutspunk.esp offset: 0xE7B1 Command <UNKNOWN>

Error in script 3100ed97

An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result"

any ideas what that might be?


Even MORE Edit: Okay so apparently I downloaded the wrong file,  the one I downloaded only had the esp in it, so I had assumed the textures and other requirements would come from SCR,  oops  :dodgy: 



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I see, in that case could there be some other reason it isn't working then? I am using the Nekomimi race, does that mean I need to do the steps in "The race category system & using the ini:" section to add the effects?[/size]


Edit: I messed around with it a bit more, set the shaders to always appear, but now characters having sex will turn pink, I assume there is problem with my SCR install somewhere?[/size]


Another Edit: I'm getting an error message in the console window "Error in script 3100ed97 attempting to call a reference on a NULL reference or base object[/size]

File Sexoutspunk.esp offset: 0xE7B1 Command <UNKNOWN>[/size]

Error in script 3100ed97[/size]

An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result[/size]"[/size]

any ideas what that might be?[/size]

You need to turn on the Spunk Debugging Logging feature and post the Txt file here for DocSax to look at.

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Pretty sure I've found the problem at this point, I didn't notice there were files other than just the esp in the other download until I tried to add the neko race to the .ini only to find there wasnt one.


I will let yah know if this fixes it, I'm fairly sure it will though

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Uhm... now the game is saying Spunk needs nvse 4.6.2+... the most updated version I can find is 4.6.1B


edit: so doctasax left a dropbox link to  4.6.2 on the home page, I was looking on the NVSE page for it..


Anywho the mod is now officially working, hooray

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uhm... now the game is saying Spunk needs nvse 4.6.2+... the most updated version I can find is 4.6.1B


edit: so doctasax left a dropbox link to  4.6.2 on the home page, I was looking on the NVSE page for it..


Anywho the mod is now officially working, hooray

Why is 4.6.2 on a dropbox page instead of the NVSE page? I'm still giving it a try, but is this provided by the NVSE team, or might them making a different 4.6.2 be a future concern?

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Update: 0.84 (20141218)


You can tell NPCs to go wash themselves, they'll look for the same activators that the player can use (sinks, toilets, valves etc), but will prefer not to use toilets unless they're the only water activators around). As with anything that forces packages on actors for a time, beware of ruining quests & such. As with the player, NPCs washing will remove them from smell and shader tracking, remove them from smell factions, remove the shaders, and remove any (virtual) trace of semen on the outside of the body in semen tracking.

Eligible people for washing, both NPCs and the player, will now be cleansed when they swim. Because it's better to splash in radioactive water than feel crusty.

People who are eligible for washing (shader, smell, or outside semen spurt in semen tracking) can be identified by modders with the boolean "Spunk:CanWash" evfl. See the addendum to my nx tutorial on how to detect it in dialog conditions.

Efforts to extend washing to placeable water like the troughs at Goodsprings Source or puddles in caves etc. were futile, for the moment.

Internal stuff that nobody cares about:
Switched shader handling to a similar system to semen/sperm/smell tracking. This was previously in a spell but now that shaders switch to a permanent state, that meant those spells need to run longer, giving way to the usual problems on cell change etc.
An added bonus is that the shaders are less visibly 'switched out' when a new one is added because it's technically just adding another layer and handling each one separately (although there's no visible layering that I can see), and I can use a less problematic handling of switching shaders & reapplying them in case of perspective change (only applicable to the player)
adjusted control mechanisms to follow suit, added 'remove actors from shader tracking' to debug menu
Streamlined "remove actor from x tracking" mechanisms, because with some of that going on during the tracking of the actual actor and other stuff (debug, washing) being able to remove an actor at any time, I needed just too many workarounds and barely could keep track of what did what.
delayed the start hook from running if any of the actors involved in the new act is still running my end hook from a previous act (can happen if sex is restarted from a cb and is set using the result script of dialog)

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Hey I think there might be a problem with the new version. I've been having a lot of CTD's after dialogue and while trying to isolate the problem my biggest culprit is Spunk unless I'm missing something from my load order.




Primary Needs HUD.esm=1
ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm=1
ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm=1
rePopulated Wasteland.esm=1
T6M Equipment Replacer NV.esm=1
JIP Selective-Fire.esm=1
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1
SexoutLust - pHUD.esp=0
Better Casinos.esp=1
Ghost Variants.esp=1
Ghost Variants Adjutant.esp=1
Ghost Variants Safe.esp=1
OCD-Cass outfits.esp=0
Alternative Blood Spout.esp=0
Improved VATS and Autoaim fix with Better Binoculars.esp=0
Karma Perks.esp=0
XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two per level.esp=0
Sprint Mod.esp=0
T6M Under Wear.esp=0
T6M Lingerie NV.esp=0
SCS - CombatArmour.esp=0
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp=0
A Better Cass.esp=0
SexoutPowderGangers (HPT Tweaks).esp=0
Tryout - Hard Prison Time.esp=0
shilohds-desert succubus core.esp=0
T6M Unique Item.esp=0
T6M Old World Blues Replace.esp=0
MRRadioactivs Griss Vector.esp=0
Type3 Leather Armors.esp=0
Distributed Necklaces and Chains Neck Seam Concealer.esp=0
Holster Gear.esp=0
Armor by Race w Undies.esp=0



I can start a new game and everything but when I try to talk with Doc Mitchell to determine my tag skills, I get a CTD only when I have Spunk active.


edit: When I use version 0.83 I don't get CTD's. Unless it's something wrong with my game specifically, it seems to be causing crashes.

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Guest Devocracy

Speaking of issues, the only issue I've ever had with Spunk is with lust effects.  I don't like Spunk affecting my stats, so I always disable lust effects.  The thing is if I don't disable it before the mod fully loads the first time I use it, and it adds the active effect under effects, even after I disable lust effects, it will continue to say lust satiated or whatever and leave the charisma and I believe luck or perception stat each a point higher, however once lust effects is disabled, the active effect will no longer ever change to take points away from charisma.  But if I manage to disable lust effects before the game says "Spunk is up", the active effect never goes into place and my SPECIAL stats remain unchanged.

The other pain about that is it makes it impossible to do a clean save because if I disable all the sexout mods to do a clean save, as most know, any stat increase or decrease sexout mods add to the game will remain even when the mods are disabled.  With wear and tear, I just wait 24-48 hours to make sure the "Porked" or whatever other active effect goes away first, and with clothing from sexout that adds charisma points, I just make sure its removed before I do a clean save.  But Spunk, if that lust active effect gets added, I can't figure out a way to get rid of it even if I uncheck every single thing under Spunk's options.

What I'm getting at is this, is there a console command I can use to get rid of it after Lust effects has been disabled?  Or am I always just stuck rolling back to an earlier save in order to do a totally clean save? 

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Hey I think there might be a problem with the new version. I've been having a lot of CTD's after dialogue and while trying to isolate the problem my biggest culprit is Spunk unless I'm missing something from my load order.

Impossible to say without a log. Also, check your nvse version. 0.84 needs 4.6.2 minimum 


Speaking of issues, the only issue I've ever had with Spunk is with lust effects.  I don't like Spunk affecting my stats, so I always disable lust effects.  The thing is if I don't disable it before the mod fully loads the first time I use it, and it adds the active effect under effects, even after I disable lust effects, it will continue to say lust satiated or whatever and leave the charisma and I believe luck or perception stat each a point higher, however once lust effects is disabled, the active effect will no longer ever change to take points away from charisma.  But if I manage to disable lust effects before the game says "Spunk is up", the active effect never goes into place and my SPECIAL stats remain unchanged.


The other pain about that is it makes it impossible to do a clean save because if I disable all the sexout mods to do a clean save, as most know, any stat increase or decrease sexout mods add to the game will remain even when the mods are disabled.  With wear and tear, I just wait 24-48 hours to make sure the "Porked" or whatever other active effect goes away first, and with clothing from sexout that adds charisma points, I just make sure its removed before I do a clean save.  But Spunk, if that lust active effect gets added, I can't figure out a way to get rid of it even if I uncheck every single thing under Spunk's options.


What I'm getting at is this, is there a console command I can use to get rid of it after Lust effects has been disabled?  Or am I always just stuck rolling back to an earlier save in order to do a totally clean save?

I'll add an extra check & cleanup to Lust tracking to handle turning lust effects off.

There's no simple console command for any of spunk - I used to try & work some in but stuff just gets too complicated for that, and I end up writing special cleanup scripts instead. Might as well place them inside the system or add them to the debug menu instead.

For the purpose of making a clean save, you can always turn off lust tracking entirely - all systems clean up everything if turned off.

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Guest Devocracy

I ran into a *new* problem, and I'm not sure if its Spunk, sexout re-size, or wear and tear  since I installed the three mods at the same time.

Once in awhile during a sex animation, the NPC will just vanish during the animation and the animation goes into a never ending loop, and using the pull out option, it'll say the pc has pushed away the npc but the animation continues.  I've used wear and tear before and never had the issue.  I'm thinking it may be spunk because it seems to happen when the pc or the npc orgasms during the animation.  I had de-bugging disabled so I'm afraid I don't have a debug log, and I'm currently playing without the three mods to see if the issue happens again. 

I'm also curious about something.  The version of NVSE this mod requires, why isn't the version available on the Silverlock site?  Is it a tweaked version for Sexout or are the makers of NVSE holding out when it comes to its official release?

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