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So I've got a big bug, not sure if there's a work around or if it's ok or what, but SOS overwrites as LOT of sexlab files (mostly .pex files with the word ulti in it, sounds important) is this an issue?


Both contain the "PapyrusUtil" mod ( http://www.loverslab.com/topic/23713-papyrusutil/ ).  Since both currently contain version 2.3, it doesn't matter what order you install SOS and SL, but one will overwrite the other.  Nothing to worry about ... until 1 updates to a newer papyrusUtil version, then you will need to pay attention to the install order.  Or you can install either one first, install the second one, then install the latest PapyrusUtil on top of both.

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Alright, I've got all 3 addons installed, and they're loaded after the core file, and that second file, but I still have permaunderwear, what's wrong?


edit: I also dont get the "hey stud..." dialouge option, and in the PC/NPC settings it says there is no schlong.

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The "Hey, stud" dialogue is disabled by default.  You have to enable it by setting the dialogue option from "none" to "campy."  As for the rest, go back to the mod overview on the download page or the very first post in this thread and follow the steps under "Troubleshooting."

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Hello, i'm using the latest version of SOS with the Horsecock addon by b3lisario. It works really fine on male characters, but is there any way to disable it for females? Whenever i create a female char or use Alternate Actors to control a female NPC, it equips the horsecock addon onto the female. I don't want this to happen.

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i just dl sos yesterday and all girls have dicks (wich was the plan) but not the men (also the plan) when i use the sos config spell on a male npc they all say not schlongified and when the said men are naked its just a hole in the hips that i can see straight through

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Not sure if anybody else here knows about this, but I seem to have come across a way to make Frostfall and Schlongs of Skyrim play with each other nicely. As in having both torso armor providing heat AND having schlongs.


The mods I have installed are:


-XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended with TBBP



-Schlongs of Skyrim

-Realistic Ragdolls and Force


And I use this combiner




Specifically SOS Basic 15 since I also use the belt fastened quivers animation. I booted up my game and suddenly torso armor was being registered with Frostfall, and after maybe half an hour of testing I didn't come across anything odd that would imply either mod is struggling to function.


EDIT: Crap, scratch that. This only seems to work with specific armor sets like the female vampire armor and stuff. I really should have tested more than a handful of outfits. :(


I think this is what you were after:


Frostfall+Schlongs of Skyrim Compatibility Patch 1.0





This needs a sticky or something, took me a while to realize it was SOS causing chest piece to not register with Frostfall.  Who knows maybe it takes some days if they ever realize it at all.


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any information about chances that Vampire Lord finally recives his schlong?

No. There are no new since last time you asked.



Hello, i'm using the latest version of SOS with the Horsecock addon by b3lisario. It works really fine on male characters, but is there any way to disable it for females? Whenever i create a female char or use Alternate Actors to control a female NPC, it equips the horsecock addon onto the female. I don't want this to happen.

Use horsecock v0.2
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Hi, :) I've translated in italian language SOS 030-BETA. If I have your permission i'd like share with other italian (or not)  people uploading the archive.


Some screenshots:

Oh nice, yes you can upload the translated file. I would like to include it in the next SOS release. Mille grazie


BTW SOS has already been localized to japanese (ありがとう Shiene). You can download the japanese file from here. Any translation to other languages is welcomed.


Translators for Schlongs Of Skyrim


I'm trying to figure out how to translate the non-MCM strings:

- dialogues

- vanilla armor edits

- message boxes and some notifications

- spell descriptions

The best way I found, localizing the esp file with TESVEdit. But I'm hesitant to do this right now. Once the esp file is localized I didn't found a way to edit the file in CK without breaking the translated strings, which would make SOS hard to update.




And now a skeleton edit. I've been fiddling with the skeleton stuff that controls how the schlong behaves to body movement, when you walk or jump.


I think it looks better if I remove the rotation thing completely, it looks more natural.

For you to test, I'm attaching an archive that overwrites the skeletons SOS needs (male, beast male, and werewolf) with these changes.


What I don't like of these edits is that I think nobody uses the skeletons included with SOS, since they are almost vanilla and right now almost every other skeleton has the schlong bones.


EDIT: forgot to say this should fix the bending issues at the start of Sexlab animations.

SOS - skeletons - no rubber schlong.7z

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b3lsario, so with the skeleton changes you made, how does the schlong react to movement?  It doesnt move at all now?  I'm actually hoping for even more movement.  I'd love it if the schlong bounced all over the place like one really would if I were running naked....  Granted, the present side movement is a little weird, it's too slow, among other issues, but I think it would look even more unnatural if it didnt have any movement.


I tried getting hdt for sos working, but even though I have it installed, I never got it to do anything.


And you're right, most of us aren't using the default skeleton.  Most of us are using xpms ...

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Ok so while installing SOS I noticed that it overrides some of SexLab's scripts. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad or if it might break something with SexLabs.


The scripts are called:














As well as also trying to override the skeletons I have installed by "XP32 Maximum Skeleton"


Soo.. I need some advice on this to figure out what should override what.


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redlove: Both SOS and SexLab install PapyrusUtil and JContainers.  As long as you are using the latest version of both, you are ok, it's overwriting filles with the same file.  SOS has its own skeleton, so you have to decide whether you want the XP32 Maximum Skeleton (which, if you have the latest version is compatible), or SOS default.  Most people go with the XPMS32 one.  But if you have trouble, or conflicts, you might be need to go with the SOS skeleton.


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Just did a clean install of Skyrim after a several month long break and I'm noticing that with SoS now, the 'Regular shape' is looking like the 'Muscular' shape at larger sizes. Where prior, the larger the regular shape became, it would keep the overal shape but increase in size and length. Now, the larger it gets it doesn't seem to gain as much length and it begins to bow out in it's center like the muscular shape does. Can't stand how this looks. Was this a prior change with SoS, and if so is it possible to revert it?


It's possible I've missed a previous discussion on this in the hundred plus pages on here (did several searches that turned up nothing) so apologies if this has been brought up and answered before.


Few things I noticed while fiddling:

 - Size < 12 or so, doesn't gain that bowed out shape in the middle

 - When loading a test save with a max schlong sized character, the regular shape will appear for half a second before morphing back to this new bowed-out shape


Image attached is a comparison of the old shape and the new one I'm getting now.


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I seem to be experiencing some sort of shrinkage bug. No matter the size or settings I select, it always shrinks down to an incredibly small size. I have been using it for a while. Reinstalling the mode hasn't had any effect, I haven't installed any new mods.

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Just did a clean install of Skyrim after a several month long break and I'm noticing that with SoS now, the 'Regular shape' is looking like the 'Muscular' shape at larger sizes. Where prior, the larger the regular shape became, it would keep the overal shape but increase in size and length. Now, the larger it gets it doesn't seem to gain as much length and it begins to bow out in it's center like the muscular shape does. Can't stand how this looks. Was this a prior change with SoS, and if so is it possible to revert it?


It's possible I've missed a previous discussion on this in the hundred plus pages on here (did several searches that turned up nothing) so apologies if this has been brought up and answered before.


Few things I noticed while fiddling:

 - Size < 12 or so, doesn't gain that bowed out shape in the middle

 - When loading a test save with a max schlong sized character, the regular shape will appear for half a second before morphing back to this new bowed-out shape


Image attached is a comparison of the old shape and the new one I'm getting now.

I use this post-204983-0-99340600-1405439712_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-88221400-1405439874_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-13828400-1405439895_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-21479700-1405440005_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-47513000-1405440225_thumb.jpg Smurf penis is the most realistic (size 10)

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B3lisario, would it be possible to build functionality into SoS to remove or unequip the "Ragged Trousers" item from werewolves?  It's the invisible equipped trousers that are causing the werewolves to run around deschlonged.  I thought about making a small mod, but have no idea how to even go about attempting it.

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I seem to be experiencing some sort of shrinkage bug. No matter the size or settings I select, it always shrinks down to an incredibly small size. I have been using it for a while. Reinstalling the mode hasn't had any effect, I haven't installed any new mods.

I dont' think SOS is doing that.

It only modifies size at game load or when you explicitly tell him so by its features like the MCM thing.

Check your installed mods that might do something to your schlong.



B3lisario, would it be possible to build functionality into SoS to remove or unequip the "Ragged Trousers" item from werewolves?  It's the invisible equipped trousers that are causing the werewolves to run around deschlonged.  I thought about making a small mod, but have no idea how to even go about attempting it.

I already did that in 2.05.029
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B3lisario, would it be possible to build functionality into SoS to remove or unequip the "Ragged Trousers" item from werewolves?  It's the invisible equipped trousers that are causing the werewolves to run around deschlonged.  I thought about making a small mod, but have no idea how to even go about attempting it.

I already did that in 2.05.029




GAH!  I didn't even know it was up to .29!  Every time someone posts a complaint that their dickgirls' peens aren't floppy enough I get a notification, but let the actual files get updated and not a peep from the LL notify system.  >:-[

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