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(WiP) A prostitution and player slavery mod 0.10.2c

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That also means, the follower will have its own framework to be that functional and properly will not work with any other follower mod.

Does this mean simply that the follower will not be a valid target for the enhanced features of other follower framework mods (EFF, ATF, UFO etc?) or that the system you set up will actively conflict, and the player must chose between installing APPS or an enhanced follower mod?


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No. He was more referring to the functionality and that it has the dimensions of a framework ... being located in the APPS framework.
Followers will be fully vanilla compatible, so every follower framework that handles vanilla followers correctly can handly our followers as well.
Heavily scripted and manipulating follower frameworks like AFT and UFO might lead to inconsistency or even glitches, not allowing our followers from being dismissed the vanilla way, using the wrong fighting style and other nonsense but such frameworks shouldn't be used anyway or never use the advanced functions from those frameworks and hope it does not start adding and removing packages as it pleases (having followers even follow you to prison in regular follower mode [xPO can solve this if the framework does not interferre to much]).

The framework i recommend is EFF, as it fucks less with Ai packages, essential states and skills ... and it's lightweight to, by being way less script heavy.

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Thanks for the kind words, but i'm not so sure about that as we just do what we want to do ... especially spending to much time on small details, delaying release dates like champions.

i mean honestly, we redid the whole "find free chair" code again ... after having it changed already 3 times. Maybe 4 times is a charm?

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Is there an estimated release date for the next update on this mod?

On the previous page.


Unless they would go even more wild with little details  :lol:

it's so true, it's not funny. -.-'

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I will spoiler a bit about the game play because we are aware that are some points in Skyrim where followers have to be dismissed.


At some point or another you might lose control over her because she does not want to be dismissed anymore. But she still will follow your orders. You are still the boss when it comes to battles, dungeon raiding and progressing quests. So if you have to part ways for a while to complete a quest for example, she will agree to leave you. Or she will still follow you but will not interfere in your quest.


That also means, the follower will have its own framework to be that functional and properly will not work with any other follower mod.


this sounds cool, if you get this feature working as planned

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Next announcement from Team APPS: we've ultimately decided Skyrim engine is inadequate for what we want to do with this mod, so we're rebuilding the game from scratch :lol:

I wish there was enough manpower for that.



Yes, we'd like to see something, even it means we're the beta testers for the project its better than waiting on a rebuild, its already expected on august - Yuck

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I'm sorry, I couldn't bring myself to read 70 pages.

Please, can anyone answer me, what should I do after I agreed to work as a whore in the inn? I served food, then was asked if I want some more money (hell yeah, money!), agreed, waited till shift ends, was tested by two sweet girls aaand that's it. There is no dialogue to contimue working as a whore or serve food from innkeeper. Should i wait couple of days for something, do some other quests or I can uninstall this mod and wait for new version? I'm confused. Thank you in advance.

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Serial Killers Strippers!


There are strange folks in the world. Psychologically disturbed, I'm telling you.


Imagine the scene: you are with your significant other and you are ready to get into business, if you know what I mean. So, you stand still for a while and then all your clothes disappear. *POOF*, they vanish into thin air. And then you have intercourse. Simple. Clean. Elegant. Right?


Not for that strange breed of sexually depraved animals. Serial strippers think it's way better to remove each piece of clothing one by one! Not only that, but you can actually see them animating their hands and going through the body motions to remove their garments, each animation different for each piece of clothing! Crazy folk! And we have APPS to blame for this psychosis!



So, there you have it folks, a glimpse into what I'm working on for APPS at the moment.


It's a cool feature where, instead of stripping in one go, you will be able to press a button and have one item (or group) of clothing removed at a time while playing a suitable animation. If you want to speed up things, you can keep the button depressed and it will go through all your clothing without any more input.


It is, of course, more immersive to undress this way. Also, imagine the possibilities! Strip-tease! Mini-games where you have to strip your "X" item in that specific moment! Having a slave obey stripping commands issued by her master!


This feature is possible thanks to aqqh who made stripping animations for specific items of clothing. Thanks! :shy:


I have completed the first part of the feature: deciding what to strip and grouping them into categories. It sounds deceptively simple; there is actually quite a bit of logic behind it to take into consideration SexLab, the user's configuration and the modder (we are building a framework for fellow modders afterall!). Now comes the part of playing these animations for each group. A member of the team told me "this now is the easiest part", but I suspect there are unforeseen logical complications hiding in there.


If you have any suggestions/wishes about this, don't hesitate to post and we'll see if they can be implemented, or at least considered for a later release. Oh, and if you have any stripping animations that you'd like to forward our way, or even create some for us, please do! :shy:

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Also, imagine the possibilities! Strip-tease! Mini-games where you have to strip your "X" item in that specific moment! Having a slave obey stripping commands issued by her master!

Some quick time events could be neat. OFC there is nothing like that in Skyrim



Goubo did try to make something like that in hes Defeat mod.

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Serial Killers Strippers!

Serial strippers think it's way better to remove each piece of clothing one by one! Not only that, but you can actually see them animating their hands and going through the body motions to remove their garments, each animation different for each piece of clothing!

Excellent! Some of that was already in Heromaster's teaser... I hope this can eventually be included as a standard part of SexLab... the current undress animations (when turned on) or lack thereof (otherwise) are... offputting.

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