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(WiP) A prostitution and player slavery mod 0.10.2c

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I'll just say this, I (and probably others too) don't mind side-effects, but would it be possible to keep them optional, meaning you can turn all of them off in the MCM. A lot of players use Sexlab Aroused because it is needed for a different mod, but otherwise would not use it by itself. Nothing against it really, just not my cup of tea.

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The more we make optional, the more code we need and the more possible error sources we create and the more possible problems arise.
Not to mention that a framework should no limit the mod author that uses it, so he must have the possibilitie(s) to force something -> more code => even more possible error sources.

There are limits to everything based on different aspects and finding those limits is actually what we do most of the time when we brainstorm over certain things.
But we're not at this point of development yet and even tho we already had some short discussions about those things, we'll discuss those in detail when time has come and (as always) involve our dear players in the decission making (only where it makes sense ofc).

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I think there already exist a mod that does auto masturbate base on arousal, Sexlab Release I think it is called.

It also checks if near enemy/in combat before playing the animation.


DDi has the horny animation that plays pretty much whenever it wants, but I think combat stops momentarily when PC is playing that animation.

However, Skyrim seems to have issue with too many animation trying to play at once and cause weapon drawn/attack animation to mess up, and it is usually a pain to get it to function again.

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Actually tho atm its when that animation starts combat is freezed. So any enemy that was attacking you just stops and starts to stare at you during that.

Shame they are not yelling "WTF are you doing? We're fighting here!"  :D


I always imagine the enemies thinking, "What in Oblivion is she doing?  Is this some kind of trap to get me off guard?"  :lol:

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lovely mod so far, gotta say, tho i have run into an issue.. after starting the whore questline in whiterun's tavern, i got as far as the oral 'test' part.. and then nothin- i regain control of my char, the two girls who were testing me have nothing for me, cant even do the waiter quest anymore..

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Better example for what i have in mind is an event of char trying to masturbate while belted. Happens sometimes when you run belted with 100 arousal. This one cannot be disabled in any way and mods still work with it.

Untruth ^^ It's one of random device events just like plug vibration and you can adjust its frequency or even totally disable it in Integration's MCM
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We started preparing the test mod for release by having decided to release it in episodes. Else it would take way to long before we can finally release something.

This'll make it easier for our translators as well.
Should be 3 episodes + bug fixing releases. So be prepared for that.

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Ist es normal, dass es nicht weiter geht, wenn ich den ersten Probesex mit einer der Huren absolviert habe? Es heißt dann nur, "Quest Durchhaltevermögen absolviert" und dann kommt nichts mehr. Ist das normal?

Ja, es ist normal. Lesen Sie die OP, bitte!


...damn, my German is rusty.

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We started preparing the test mod for release by having decided to release it in episodes. Else it would take way to long before we can finally release something.

This'll make it easier for our translators as well.

Should be 3 episodes + bug fixing releases. So be prepared for that.


Before you posted this my big concern was: "nothing will be released this year"

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We started preparing the test mod for release by having decided to release it in episodes. Else it would take way to long before we can finally release something.

This'll make it easier for our translators as well.

Should be 3 episodes + bug fixing releases. So be prepared for that.


Before you posted this my big concern was: "nothing will be released this year"


I have to admit, I wasn't above jumping to such conclusions myself ;)

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We always start out easy, then we have more and more ideas including ideas on how to implement them and this way we create massive release delays. :D

We're just this good. :P

But honestly: The test mod was supposed to have "only" ~500 lines of dialogue and is now at >1000 and we're only half way thru. -.-'

So episodes will contain pretty much playable content and background functionality to test.

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Yep, that sums it up pretty much. It's not like we develop something and release it as-is, we are testing and creating fallbacks for almost every possibility. And we want to create our mods the most immersive way we think is doable. So we do one step forward, two steps back in some cases.


But we hope, when we release it, it will be worth all the trouble for us and the waiting time for you.

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Yep, that sums it up pretty much. It's not like we develop something and release it as-is, we are testing and creating fallbacks for almost every possibility. And we want to create our mods the most immersive way we think is doable. So we do one step forward, two steps back in some cases.


But we hope, when we release it, it will be worth all the trouble for us and the waiting time for you.


That what you Germans do: create quality products.

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