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(WiP) A prostitution and player slavery mod 0.10.2c

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I installed the mod and ran FNIS afterwards. I can speak to Hulda about well paying work and after I agree she tells me to sit down while she gets my clothes. But after that nothing happens. I'm sorry if this problem has been adressed before but there are so many comments to read throu.

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You mean she didn't even give you clothes?


You are supposed to sit on one of the stools in front of bar table. Not sure if it matters on which of the two stools you sit - some people say it matters.

Then most likely Saadia would come to ask you if you need anything (thats a vanilla skyrim thing), then Hulda should give you clothes, boots and a book.

Equip clothes and boots and you're ready to work.

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You mean she didn't even give you clothes?


You are supposed to sit on one of the stools in front of bar table. Not sure if it matters on which of the two stools you sit - some people say it matters.

Then most likely Saadia would come to ask you if you need anything (thats a vanilla skyrim thing), then Hulda should give you clothes, boots and a book.

Equip clothes and boots and you're ready to work.


No, sorry :/ Nothing happens no matter which barstool I choose. She tells me to sit and wait for her the get my clothes but then she just stands there.

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or just a unfinished part but when I do the whore quest line in The Bannered Mare. When it gets to the part with the two prostitutes after the sex scene nothing happens they just stand there and have no dialogue at all.

It's the end of the mod as it is right now.


The prostitution part won't be explored in the next update as well. Instead, the next thing we get is a "test mod" containing a dominant follower. With some luck, we'll see it in August. Stay tuned!

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So I finally ponied up and tried this, after someone suggested it when I wished we could have dominant followers in a mod, like a pimp follower is what I was referring to. Someone that insisted you prostitute yourself, or such.


They pointed me here, and I tried it out. Very nice I have to say, even if only one inn has the quest right now.


I would really like to hope that the 'dominant follower' package can be applied to any, or at least a variety, of followers. In particuar I'm hoping to slap it on J'zargo or Derkeethus, possibly some installed followers of the beast race variety. Yes I'm a furry. Keep up the good work, hun! I really hope the aforementioned things come to pass. ;3 We all look forwards to your work!

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The planed follower function can be applied to almost every NPC (restricted by how much the game will make them glitch w/o more or less heavy edits to them [Vilja and Serana are already excluded as they WiLL glitch]) but this has to be done using the CK, as we won't go for spells as this is unimmersive.

The APPS mod that follows later will give NPCs sub or Dom stats, so you may meet what you're looking for but will not include follower functionality for those NPCs.

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So I finally ponied up and tried this, after someone suggested it when I wished we could have dominant followers in a mod, like a pimp follower is what I was referring to. Someone that insisted you prostitute yourself, or such.


They pointed me here, and I tried it out. Very nice I have to say, even if only one inn has the quest right now.


I would really like to hope that the 'dominant follower' package can be applied to any, or at least a variety, of followers. In particuar I'm hoping to slap it on J'zargo or Derkeethus, possibly some installed followers of the beast race variety. Yes I'm a furry. Keep up the good work, hun! I really hope the aforementioned things come to pass. ;3 We all look forwards to your work!

Bromm made a quest for you to become J'zargo "fucktoy" in hes sexlab solutions 2. Never tried that one, some ppl say its not working very well as of now.

Tho after initial try he decided it would be better to make separate mod out of this.

So - something you could wait for  ;)


If he would ever made that separate mod using APPS framework then well, that would be something.

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The planed follower function can be applied to almost every NPC (restricted by how much the game will make them glitch w/o more or less heavy edits to them [Lydia and Serana are already excluded as they WiLL glitch]) but this has to be done using the CK, as we won't go for spells as this is unimmersive.

The APPS mod that follows later will give NPCs sub or Dom stats, so you may meet what you're looking for but will not include follower functionality for those NPCs.


No! My Lydia! I understand Serana might glitch out everywhere but isn't Lydia a standard housecarl follower? Hoping there's a way around the glitch. Lydia, always being pushed around by Dragonborn, finally snapping and showing who's the boss would be most excellent.

Maybe after asking her to carry around useless junk too many times would trigger it?


Also I can imagine Nazeem being a closet case sub.


Nazeem: Have you been to the Cloud District yet?

Dragonborn: No I haven't. But have you been to Black Reach yet?

Nazeem: ... No.

Dragonborn: Why it's the most fantastic underground city of snow elves! You must be a pleb to have not been there.

Nazeem: I'm no pleb! I demand you to take me to this Black Reach!


.... Some time later in Black Reach ....


Nazeem: There's nothing here but mushrooms!

Dragonborn: Yes.


Dragonborn then knocks the fucker out and proceeds to lock him up in chastity.

And sells him off to the farmers.


Dragonborn: So long Nazeem. Hope you choke on Farmer mushrooms.

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Ups. Sorry, my fault. i meant Vilja. i corrected my post. ^^
Who one then turns into a full fledged sub or dom is completly up the the modder. We kept everything as modular as possible, so most stuff can be used by modders as-is to have a follower/dom/sub that works almost exactly the way our APPS NPCs do. Almost exactly b/c the APPS NPCs will be bound into a story and by this have a personality which can't be added the easy way no matter how hard we try ... so ya, basic functonality [which is actually alot of functionality and shit that can and will happen] can be done w/o creating any script or dialogue.

Experienced modders can ofc add own dialogue, personality and "tasks" and if needed even completly disable almost all APPS stuff (like dialogue) and by this completly run his own stuff, just letting APPS handle the new values and their calculation.


As for your beloved Lydia: You'll soon² be able to invite her out on a drink. Sounds simple but took us almost 1 month to create due to our obesssion to details.


²soon means somewhere in the near future³

³near future means when we're done

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Bromm made a quest for you to become J'zargo "fucktoy" in hes sexlab solutions 2.

Tho after initial try he decided it would be better to make separate mod out of this. Never tried that one, some ppl say its not working very well as of now.

So - something you could wait for  ;)



Sorry to go off-topic, but could you point me in the direction of that separate mod?  I tried looking in a few places but I can't seem to find it.  I think it would be a perfect addition to my "too many sex mods" MO profile.

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Bromm made a quest for you to become J'zargo "fucktoy" in hes sexlab solutions 2.

Tho after initial try he decided it would be better to make separate mod out of this. Never tried that one, some ppl say its not working very well as of now.

So - something you could wait for  ;)



Sorry to go off-topic, but could you point me in the direction of that separate mod?  I tried looking in a few places but I can't seem to find it.  I think it would be a perfect addition to my "too many sex mods" MO profile.


Its not up yet.. just planned.

And it wont be for quite some time i guess.

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As for your beloved Lydia: You'll soon² be able to invite her out on a drink. Sounds simple but took us almost 1 month to create due to our obesssion to details.


²soon means somewhere in the near future³

³near future means when we're done


Our modders were too scared to ask Lydia npc to go out with them for a drink. Hence 1 month delay.

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Nope. Not going to happen. Her character and background story forbids such actions.

But don't let this fool you in believing that she won't put you in precarious situations.

Her interessts in your toon are split in two but both are real and she'll not only make you share them but answer them accordingly.


On the other hand, one of the other dom types (only 3 planed) will very likely put you in the situation that you seem to wish for.
This is only in the full APPS mod and you'll have to find the right person/dom to experience such a situation, which means as well that you'll have to find the right dom for your toon.

But if you know what you have to look for or where to go, then it won't be this hard to figure out.

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Oh, trust me. If my girl would receive such order i would do my best to be disobedient unless i would have no other option - and if so i would start whining about not having such options  :D

Just wondering about possibilities.  :P

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