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(WiP) A prostitution and player slavery mod 0.10.2c

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I like the amount of gold tavern work (without prostitution) gives relative to the amount of real time you need to spend on it! Personally I almost never worked the full 8(?) hours because it would take me almost an an hour ^^ I guess I can blame myself for that because my favourite timescale is 12 but even half of that is a long time to spend in one place not doing lots.


Personally I liked to work in short bursts: I reported for work in the evening just as the inn started filling up, took all their orders and then played a few songs (with "Become A Bard" mod) while customers were on "cooldown", rinse and repeat a few times until I reached the half of work day minimum. Then I would sign off and go shopping ^^


I think it makes sense because I doubt Hulda really needs a second waitress any time other than during the peak time.


It didn't give me as much gold as killing bandits in dungeons would have but because I'm playing with Requiem I don't really have lots of (safe) ways to get monies at low levels and the ways I do have can take lots of time! ^^

So I think as long as you balance tavern work and adventuring and not go out of your way to sit there grinding for 25 hours a day the waitress job can offer a fun distraction from normal gameplay while giving a fair amount of gold for the time and attention it requires. Ohhh and unlike adventuring it won't increase your skills so there is a little trade off!

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Don't even bother with trying to figuring out gold earn against the game. My first perk in all my characters is almost always alchemy, I can loot and harvest all the holds and town and sell potions while pumping Alchemy and Speech to make everything even more profitable the next round. A lot of the times the first real fight I see is when vampire attacks when I hit level 6, and the guards will kill them and I get to loot their superior equipment and get more gold from the rest  :P


Focus on balancing within the mod. Say if Hulda has a quest that ask for 500 gold a night from the PC, then back calculate what task you want to have the PC do and how many times within the day.

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@Ms Leeches: We thought about reseting the timescale back to default, no matter what the player has set as her/his default, for the duration of the shift.

But another idea might be quick jobs for helping out for a few in-game hours. But those would only take place at hours where there are actual customers in the taverns, like the evening.
We got to think this thru again and check what possibilities we have and weight them against each other.

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Solution for boring day time in Bannered Mare could be adding some new NPCs that fool around the tavern from late night till afternoon.

That could be night shift guards going there in the mornings

During the night some traveling merchants could drop by (peddler type actor)

Companions could drop by every now and then - or rather their clones to avoid messing up with their vanilla daily routine - guess it wont make a difference if you are not allowed to leave tavern anyway.

And a player follower can become a new client if you make her/him wait inside tavern while working - this could be made that if Lydia is off duty she goes to Bannered Mare for several hours.


Guess like 6 (Sinmir and Uthgerd sit there 24/7) new NPCs and waitresses would have enough to do no matter at what time you would start working.


Yet another thing that you could be asked to clean the place if there is no one around that wants to order anything.

Or an dialogue option with Hulda "seems like no one wants anything for now" and she would send you to get supplies instead - to local farmers for example.

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Its not about evenings but late nights and mornings when there is only Sinmir Uthgerd And Saadia (or not - if you complete her quest).

You can set daily routine of that traveling merchant to come to tavern at 3 am and stay till 9 am.

Night shift guards could come at 9am and stay till 3 pm.


For example of course.


After 3 pm vanilla NPCs should start to appear.

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Great first step of a mod.


Thought I'd throw in my two cents real quick on the last few posts regarding NPCs and non-peak times.


1. If someone needs more NPCs for off-hours, I think they should look at some NPC adding mods. I've been using Interesting NPCs and Inconsequential NPCs together.  I personally don't want more NPCs added to the Bannered Mare, even during non-peak hours (at one point, I had 4 NPC mods running at one point and inns were a nightmare... it was a giant mosh pit just to get to the inn keeper to rent a room for the night during peak hours and non-peak hours were just as packed as vanilla peak hours -- how can anyone sleep with all the noise?).


2. Has anyone noticed that the Bannered Mare locks its front door at certain times?  It is not a 24/7 establishment.  I don't remember the exact times... but have woken up around 8am or so on several occasions and when trying to leave have found the front door locked.  I also remember a couple other play-thrus where trying to arrive at certain hours would leave me stuck out in the cold if I couldn't lockpick my way in.  The door will unlock about 10am.  Anyway, my point with this is that this particular tavern has a closing time.  If you show up just before closing time after peak hours, you're gonna get slim pickings.


3. Anyway... while I don't think non-peak times should really be an issue (if you show up during non-peak times, you should expect non-peak pay or tips), if the non-peak times is an issue, perhaps Hulda could implement open/close hours (to reflect the tavern being open/close).  So Hulda only hires someone between certain hours, otherwise would just tell the character what hours to show up for.   For example, if the character shows up after midnight, Hulda could say 'It's too late to start a shift tonight, but come back tomorrow around 2pm if you're available.'  Then around 6am each morning, Hulda could automatically find the character and say something like 'I'm about to close up for the night and need to cash you out.' which would start the shift ending dialog sequence.



I think the idea of Hulda sending the character on an errand would be neat (and amusing if you get sent on an errand then get locked out for the night).


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Well, a lot various mods can add NPCs to Bannered Mare - just keep in mind that not every one of them can become customers for APPS. It depends how that modder made their behaviors - they need to act like guests not just stand there.

For example Lurius Liore from Wyrmstooth mod can become a customer but Theodyn Bienne from same mod cannot.


To be honest it seems that best could be if 2-4 npcs could be added by MCM option.

People who don't use that many mods - or don't want to touch 2gb mods like interesting NPCs - would definitely appreciate that.

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Interesting NPCs is worth the insane time it takes to download and install it but that's a little off topic and iNPCs only really adds one additional NPC to serve in the Bannered Mare anyway.


Anyway I believe we were asked about what an average day of serving looks like for our characters.  No time altering mods though I am using Realistic Needs and Diseases which I believe increases the cost of food and drink.  I probably should have paused more while I logging my actions, if people are wondering why the first few entries were so unproductive.  Also my character was wearing a chastity belt so she wasn't solicited for sex.


Started 4:02 pm

1 food order for 34 gold in tips


one hour time marker passed

1 request to dance refused


one hour time marker passed

1 food order for 25 gold in tips

1 request to dance refused


waited for 1 hour

No people interested in service

waited for 1 hour again


2 food orders for 76 gold in tips


one hour time marker passes

2 dance requests refused

1 food order for 18 gold tip


one hour time marker passes

wait one hour

1 food order of 23 gold in tips

1 refusal to dance

one hour time marker passes


End shift some time around 12:30 am or 1 am.


Totaling things up.  176 earned in tips.  Eight or nine hours worked for 610 in wages.  58 gold spent on food and lodgings.  I'm beginning to think the problem with the wages might be that the time counter isn't resetting for me.  But still, my character could survive fairly well on just tips.  Perhaps I should just try playing on hard mode for serving though I wouldn't mind if in the next release you unlocked the settings so we could alter them ourselves.

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RnD... yeah that makes sense because the tips are based on the base gold value of the drinks and food. So you naturally gain more tips by playing with such mods.


I've tried to balance it around Vanilla settings. So a 8 hour shift would net you 240 golds from wages + around 100 - 200 gold from tips and other "activities" (When you are not an experienced char already).

Good catch on the timer. This is definitely a bug. I will look into it and figuring out, why that happens.


You actually can set almost everything on your liking when you set the difficulty to Custom.

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How it should work:

you talk with Hulda and ask for "well payed work", she gives you details and ask you to sit, then she picks clothes (and at the same time Saadia should approach you unless you completed her quest). After that Hulda should talk to you and give you clothes, boots, book and a broom. Quest Tavern Work should start at this point.

You equip both clothes and boots and you should be ready to work. Ask ppl with "do you need anything" or something like that - tho option is available only on npc that sit in the tavern i guess (if they for example listen to bard option would likely be unavailable). On Saadia option is available only when shes cooking.


At which point you got stuck Trivial?



Not sure what you mean but i do used both of those at the same time few months back and cant recall any conflicts.

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Warning: This mod is not compatible with "Dual sheath redux". D.D. messes up with the bodyslots, so no second weapon will be shown

APPS as of now doesn't even use those devices at all. Well except little difference when you wear belt while working in the tavern.


Slot 60 is by defalut used by Devious Devices Integration for devices underneath function.

In MCM menu of that mod you will find an option to change it to different slot - i've set it to 61 and got no conflicts so far.


Also you can change which slot Dual Sheath Redux is using in patcher app. Did that aswell as there was a conflict with left hand rings that i use. Used slot 57 and again - no conflicts so far.

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Stellar work, dude. This is going to be so awesome when it's finished! No major bugs encountered for me, even when I had a timescale of 200 to speed things up a bit! Sometimes the customer's requests weren't registering though, and it required me to ask them again, but that's all.


Again, this is friggin' awesome.

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