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Dr. Franky Stein (my imaginary assistant) and I have been cooking up some things in the lab for the inevitable update... some are horrifying, some are fun, and some are big.  Gore and death by sex enabled dragon... just watched him have a lot of fun at steadwatch.  That poor camp, I always test stuff there.  Everyday they are greeted with some unholy abomination.  To test screams the puppy, I opened the gate, tossed him in, and closed the gate.



Edited by sd2336
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20 minutes ago, sd2336 said:

Yep Im a 3ba guy myself.. but the original uunp harem mods are something special each body and skin is custom.. it makes a difference.  The good news is that you will interact with them as summons.. so you wont be dressing them up.   So body compatibility isn't really an issue.. Its like the creatures in your game with wildly different bodies and skeletons.  No worries they wont effect your 3ba setup in any way.  They just look pretty ? ....... They really are something to behold...




They really do make a BIG difference, summonable 50 foot one in addon 6..




ok I understand, thanks.  that took bout 4, 5 hrs...got all the mods.  she does look pretty cute/hot.  I need to figure out how to get her larger jugs in succubus form.?






Just started with her.  she was in normal form in dimhollow, now I guess in succubus form.  I don't know anything bout the succubus.  she used a few spells leaving dimhollow...I was like damn.  I like the glow to her face...just seems brighter than the sarenahollic...think I like her alot more this way.  Thanks bunch...

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13 minutes ago, leesjig said:


ok I understand, thanks.  that took bout 4, 5 hrs...got all the mods.  she does look pretty cute/hot.  I need to figure out how to get her larger jugs in succubus form.?


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Just started with her.  she was in normal form in dimhollow, now I guess in succubus form.  I don't know anything bout the succubus.  she used a few spells leaving dimhollow...I was like damn.  I like the glow to her face...just seems brighter than the sarenahollic...think I like her alot more this way.  Thanks bunch...

You are welcome and thanks for sharing your screenshot ? Let me know if you have any questions.  Stop by that chest in riverwood.  Summon Screams and admire his cuteness.  Then enjoy the carnage! 

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Vor 2 Minuten sagte sd2336:

Gern geschehen und danke, dass Sie Ihren Screenshot geteilt haben ? Lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie Fragen haben. Schauen Sie bei dieser Truhe in Flusswald vorbei. Beschwöre Screams und bewundere seine Niedlichkeit. Dann genieße das Gemetzel!  


Just for my understanding of Serana:

there is a "normal" vampire form - as you know it from the "vanilla" game - here with the corresponding "rework"


there is a "Succubus" form - but no real in-game transformation ala "Vampire Lord" is carried out - the mod does it by means of -> clothing aka equipping with horns

Is it correct that way??


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20 minutes ago, Miauzi said:


Just for my understanding of Serana:

there is a "normal" vampire form - as you know it from the "vanilla" game - here with the corresponding "rework"


there is a "Succubus" form - but no real in-game transformation ala "Vampire Lord" is carried out - the mod does it by means of -> clothing aka equipping with horns

Is it correct that way??



It is cosmetic with the horns, on the technical side she has three different triggers for deadly succubus sex.  She comes out of the box with her full succubus abilities.  She also has extreme gore effect abilities, and other over the top insanity stuff.  The journals from her, and her family lay out the trashy horror story of how this all happened.


As this mod continues to fly off the rails of what any sensible modder would do, we shall see what other horrors I can cook up.  Tlam99 comes up with these fantastic toys I get to play with.. Like the one that allows everyones favorite trash mod monster, Doom Skull to exist.  You can all meet her soon.  She is in no way pleasant.



Edited by sd2336
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18 minutes ago, sd2336 said:


Es ist kosmetisch mit den Hörnern, auf der technischen Seite hat sie drei verschiedene Auslöser für tödlichen Succubus-Sex. Sie kommt mit ihren vollen Succubus-Fähigkeiten aus der Box. Sie hat auch extreme Gore-Effekt-Fähigkeiten und andere übertriebene Wahnsinns-Sachen. Die Tagebücher von ihr und ihrer Familie legen die trashige Horrorgeschichte dar, wie das alles passiert ist.


Da dieser Mod weiterhin von dem abweicht, was jeder vernünftige Modder tun würde, werden wir sehen, welche anderen Schrecken ich mir ausdenken kann. Tlam99 kommt mit diesen fantastischen Spielzeugen, mit denen ich spielen kann. Wie das, das es jedem Lieblings-Trash-Mod-Monster ermöglicht, Doom Skull zu existieren. Ihr könnt sie alle bald treffen. Angenehm ist sie auf keinen Fall.




Thanks for the answer,

I'm going to "rebuild" this a bit for my own "roll-play" - that depends of course if Serana equips anything independently (initiated by triggers).
thus goes against my own idea

what do I mean by "roll-play":
Serana is in her "normal" vampire form when not in combat - no horns

In the fight, she then uses the "transformation" into the "Succubus" instead of the "Vampire Lord" - although fighting is then probably almost everything outside of houses or cities...

..unless I can get my hands on a mod that lets me change their loadout at the touch of a button
(there is something like that - just have to look around in peace or one of the users who is reading along has something ready)
Then I can also give her wings - because a Sucubus without wings - um - clear your throat - ... well - no - doesn't work at all (for me!)

(no - no request to you to build something like that into the mod - there are ways to solve it in other ways)


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Continuing to play with this mod and continuing to enjoy it! Appreciate all the changes you keep adding as well (just don't burn yourself out!).


No doubt it was shocking and incredibly amusing to see Serana wreck her enemies with carnage and new spells/abilities.


SDA adds a lot of bi-polar cuteness and innocence to her. Would be interesting if she "voiced" (idle comments, combat comments, and dialog... doesn't have to be literally voiced) more of the Queen of Screams personality. Should would be even more of a psychopath ?


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9 minutes ago, ck2modfan said:

Continuing to play with this mod and continuing to enjoy it! Appreciate all the changes you keep adding as well (just don't burn yourself out!).


No doubt it was shocking and incredibly amusing to see Serana wreck her enemies with carnage and new spells/abilities.


SDA adds a lot of bi-polar cuteness and innocence to her. Would be interesting if she "voiced" (idle comments, combat comments, and dialog... doesn't have to be literally voiced) more of the Queen of Screams personality. Should would be even more of a psychopath ?



Im glad you like it, It is a lot of fun.  It has so many different elements and characters that you will find new things with them for a long time.  Each succubi is unique and a blast to get to know in combat.  


Yes SDA adds the perfect element, that coupled with her personal journal shows, she is indeed a psychopath. 


If I do anything with dialog, Shadowman2777 would be involved and he is a busy guy.  But its not off the table.. I'll probably have to bribe him with a mod someday.


Did you get addon 6,, the monsters are a riot.  Have fun and keep me posted.  ?


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8 hours ago, Miauzi said:


Thanks for the answer,

I'm going to "rebuild" this a bit for my own "roll-play" - that depends of course if Serana equips anything independently (initiated by triggers).
thus goes against my own idea

what do I mean by "roll-play":
Serana is in her "normal" vampire form when not in combat - no horns

In the fight, she then uses the "transformation" into the "Succubus" instead of the "Vampire Lord" - although fighting is then probably almost everything outside of houses or cities...

..unless I can get my hands on a mod that lets me change their loadout at the touch of a button
(there is something like that - just have to look around in peace or one of the users who is reading along has something ready)
Then I can also give her wings - because a Sucubus without wings - um - clear your throat - ... well - no - doesn't work at all (for me!)

(no - no request to you to build something like that into the mod - there are ways to solve it in other ways)


Quick and easy way in SDA add the succubus stuff you like to the adventure outfit.  Put other outfits in city and home slots.  She will equip her succubus look, when she is ready for action.

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Vor 1 Stunde sagte sd2336:

Fügen Sie in SDA schnell und einfach die Succubus-Sachen hinzu, die Sie zum Abenteuer-Outfit mögen. Legen Sie andere Outfits in Stadt- und Heimatslots. Sie wird ihren Succubus-Look ausstatten, wenn sie einsatzbereit ist.


i.e. clothing slots that are situational and can be equipped (configured) by me??

real? Sounds great!!

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Off to test the new monstrosities of the day on the poor people of steadwatch...  like I do every day.. poor people...  Todays theme was bones.  Tlam99 is responsible for that giant skeleton, and it's awesome!    




Went about as expected.. you'd think after several weeks of my daily insane bullshit, they would have abandoned that camp by now...




The new menagerie of monstrosities will be included in the next update.

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Optional Director's cut Addon for the Carnal Compendium v2 just added!
It is light, and can be installed or upgraded anytime.
Added new director's cut addon version 2.  lets make this trashy horror show into a creature feature!  A menagerie of Summonable Monstrosities, all gore and death by sex enabled.. deathhounds, gargoyles, werewolves, dragons, a giant skeleton, lurkers, a 50 foot succubus, ghostly steed, plus everyone's favorite trash mod monstrosity.. Doom Skull, and more! Fixes all found issues and adds new npcs, spells, staves and items.  Plus lots of tweaks including new updates to the knightmares and blood harem.  v2 has a lot!  Skyrim has never seen horrifying creatures like these.  Requires all previous addons 1-5 and: Succubus explosion addon



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Vor 30 Minuten sagte walkingfree2020:

Ich wünschte, dies würde nicht speziell einen neuen Serana-Ersatz erfordern. Ich habe meine eigene, die ich vor einiger Zeit gemacht habe, die ich wirklich liebe xD



a really sweet "Weifu"

but the mod author showed a way to use his own "present" from Serana...
..you then still play their "race" (from the mod) but basically replaces the "exterior" of it

wait for the author to reply or just go back a few pages


I, too, have grown fond of my Serana "replacement" - but her new (Asian) look fits even better into my new "role play" story

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5 hours ago, leesjig said:

The succubus always look like this:


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They never look like succubus, always have these red and black hoods on, never clothes or armor on.  Anything to let know how to fix the succubus look.  Thanks.        

Yes the cultists do appear like that.  For this trashy horror mod the  appearance fits the  bill.  Nudity is part of  their devotion to the cause. ?  You  will find in combat that they indeed do have succubus powers.


Some of the actresses really wanted to be a part of this mod, but didn't want their friends and family to know they were in such a depraved production, so I cast them as death cultists and put them in hoods. The death cultists are armed with gore causing weapons and are actually quite terrifying in game.


The summoned succubi do all have horns, in the latest director's cut version the death cultists also got an increase in wardrobe.  Have you summoned some of the groups?


Keep in mind this mod is modeled after trashy b-horror movies and sticking to succubus lore, such as they have to have wings and a tail, wasn't high on the priority list.  ?



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yah i got it working so far made like 4 patches with my mod and did some minor tweaks in the esp for further compatibiity with factions and spells. works good so far i thiink on my current save but going to start a new game now. making a male character this time. my crrent save is a succubus race female and she is kinda smoking ;) 


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30 minutes ago, walkingfree2020 said:

yah i got it working so far made like 4 patches with my mod and did some minor tweaks in the esp for further compatibiity with factions and spells. works good so far i thiink on my current save but going to start a new game now. making a male character this time. my crrent save is a succubus race female and she is kinda smoking ;) 


Looking good!  Let me know how it goes and I hope you enjoy the mod, it was a lot of fun to make.  I highly recommend the latest directors cut addon.. form IDs are the same so your patches will still work.   See the faq, to make sure you enable seranas kangmina features before you rescue her.. Have fun!

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29 minutes ago, sd2336 said:

Yes the cultists do appear like that.  The summoned succubi all have horns, in the latest version the deatch cultists also got an increase in wardrobe.  Have you summoned some of the groups?


Our walk from dimhollow to the castle, she did summon the priscilla succubi prolly 6, 8 times, but no groups of succubus yet.  Serana left back at the castle, so I'm waiting for her to rejoin me.  Was kind of sad when Serana left me, I liked watching her blow shit up.  My bad with miss-understanding of the cult group...getting things mixed up.  So priscilla succubi is her main summon?  Haven't seen any other succubus or groups yet.  Thanks 



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22 minutes ago, leesjig said:


Our walk from dimhollow to the castle, she did summon the priscilla succubi prolly 6, 8 times, but no groups of succubus yet.  Serana left back at the castle, so I'm waiting for her to rejoin me.  Was kind of sad when Serana left me, I liked watching her blow shit up.  My bad with miss-understanding of the cult group...getting things mixed up.  So priscilla succubi is her main summon?  Haven't seen any other succubus or groups yet.  Thanks 



Get the spells to summon the groups in the chest in riverwood.. it will be surrounded by cultists hanging out and dancing.  I recommend starting with the pet playthings and going from there, pick and choose the ones you like and kill the ones you don't.  You can always resummon them.  They will travel with you, until they die.  Priscilla is her main summon and priscilla also summons things.. how many things depends on your version.  the latest directors cut is indeed the most wild.  Have fun and enjoy!


Oh the summoned succubi can be hard to kill, so use the molag fire bal, or if you have the latest directors cut; frankensteins lightning or the flames of hell.  If you are having issues getting rid of them. 

Edited by sd2336
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