Popular Post jib_buttkiss Posted November 7, 2022 Popular Post Posted November 7, 2022 (edited) Bimbos Of Skyrim LE/SE View File BIMBOS OF SKYRIM This mod adds three main things: >A variety (currently 15) of female NPCs and around Skyrim bimbofied in various ways. A few offer longer quests for you, some have smaller ones, and all can be approached for sex. >A bimbofication curse that can transform you, your followers, or any female NPC into giggling ditzy blondes if they fall foul of it. >A fully voice-acted follower! She's "romanceable", a spellcaster, and has tons and tons of dialogue! And a few smaller things as well, such as NPC hypnosis, a way for your male player to be turned into a woman, slutty clothes and jewellery, some fun quest rewards... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TAVERN BIMBOS: Skyrim’s a dangerous place for a woman. Even if you can avoid the rapist slavers or horny creatures, there’s all kind of magic around that could mess with your head, leaving you a broken, sex-addicted, slut. It’s not surprising that there might be victims of that kind of magic around… In various cities around Skyrim, you’ll find some women who are... not quite normal. Each of them has a unique story as to what happened to them. Some of them offer quests where you can to help or learn about them, and some of them are just sluts. These bimbos can currently be found in the following cities: Riften, Dawnstar, Windhelm, Winterhold, Whiterun, Solitude, Falkreath, Morthal, Rorikstead, Markarth and Riverwood, though some of them won't appear until you trigger other events. For specific spoilers about each character, check the following dropdown of their locations and triggers: Spoiler >Dawnstar: Jill stays in the Windpeak Inn all day. >Riften: Buttslut wanders the city during the day and works the Bee and Barb at night. She has a small quest for you. Windhelm: Roni wanders the city during the day and spends the night in Candlehearth Hall. Krista Giordano hangs out in the marketplace during the day, visits Candlehearth Hall in the evening, and spends the night in her aunt Viola Giordano's house. Vallie lives with her husband Holdan out behind the city, and offers various bimbo-related services. However, she won't put out unless you're a bimbo too. >Whiterun: Anaita stays at the Bannered Mare and has a small quest for a nice reward. Lyli Battle-Born will wander the city in the day and spend the night in the Battle-Born Manor, but only if you resolve her quest that way. >Winterhold: Lyvvi might move in to the the College of Winterhold, depending on how you complete Lyvelia Tarlin's quest. >Solitude: Telariel spends her time in the Winking Skeever. To be honest, she’s not really much of a bimbo. Be careful starting fights in there- she’ll kick your ass (up to level 15 or so). Erina is a priestess at the Temple of the Divines who runs errands around the city from 10am-3pm. She has a quest to help her (or to not!) >Morthal: Tarria can be found at the Moorside Inn, but only after you progress one of the other quests. >Falkreath: Cindil spends all day at the Dead Man's Drink Inn. >Riverwood: Allessandra roams the town during the day and works the Sleeping Giant Inn at night, but only after you progress one of the other quests. >Markarth: Belle works as a maid in Understone Keep, and has a small quest for you. She also has extra dialogue if you marry her. >Rorikstead: Lumiette hangs out in the Frostfruit Inn. Her quest can be started by talking to either Dawnguard or Court Volkihar members once you've joined up with them. The goal for these NPCs was to add stuff that felt organic- like they could be a default part of Skyrim (if Skyrim had quests about bimbofication and mind broken sluts). They should feel like they integrate right into Skyrim like they belong- assuming your Skyrim is a sex-filled porn world like mine is. QUESTS: There are five longer quests in the mod, alongside the smaller ones listed above. In order from longest to shortest, they are: Childish Games: Morella Gray-Mane and Lyli-Battle-Born in Whiterun have been rivals their whole lives. Talk to Morella to help her win once and for all. After each step, wait for her letters! Siding with Morella through this whole questline will unlock her as a follower. Once she's a follower, Morella fights as a Destruction mage, and has a basic romance system- give her gifts and hugs to make her happy, make her happy to ask her for sex. She has lots of dialogue, too! If you abandon this quest early, Allessandra will instead appear at the ruined hut near the Western Watchtower. Rescue her from there to make her move in to Riverwood. Lyvelia's Dirty Work: Lyvelia Tarlin, a mage at the College of Winterhold, would like you to retrieve a package for her. What could possibly go wrong? Acolyte of Dibella: Erina is an acolyte priestess at the Temple of the Divines in Solitude. She's also the target of a nasty curse. Help her out! Or just enjoy her misery... The Whore of Rorikstead: Once you've joined the Dawnguard or Harkon's court, one of your superiors will tell you about a vampire spotted in Rorikstead that needs to be dealt with. Depending on who you're allied with, "dealt with" may have different meanings... A Fair Little Favour: Jarl Elisif the Fair needs some help with an embarrassing little favour. Once you've proven your fashion sense and trustworthiness to her (by modelling Radiant Raiment clothes to her and completing "Elisif's Tribute"), she'll ask you for help with it. It sure would be a shame if you accidentally revealed it to the whole of Solitude... THE BIMBOFICATION CURSE: There's any number of things in Skyrim that can mess with a poor adventurers head. Rough sex, cursed sluts, horny rapist Dremora, drinking spiked potions, dressing like a slut, all of these will add to your (or any NPCs'!) bimbo corruption stat. When it reaches 100, the lewdness and debauchery seeps into your soul, starting the bimbo curse. Once this happens, it's too late. A cursed player or NPC will be slowly transformed into a bimbo slut, with one change manifesting every 24 hours (configurable in the MCM). Once fully bimbofied, she will: Spoiler >Have new greetings, farewells and idle chatter >Have thick slutty makeup and nail polish applied, and be outfitted with some lovely accessories. >Have their body altered to better suit their slutty desires (you can adjust by how much or disable this completely in the MCM, but adjustments won't retractively change any morphs that have already taken place) >Have their hair replaced by a platinum blonde hairdo, taken either from a set of HG hairs (or YPS if you have it), applied directly as their headpart (or not, if that's causing you problems and you switch to using wigs in the MCM). >Replace their clothes with something sexy from this mod and stiletto heels (you can just take these away from followers like any other gear if you want.) >Equip a set of bimbo-themed jewellery modelled by the brilliant @LoneViper >Every now and then refuse to interact with you until you talk to them like a slut (you can ask them more about this under the “Hey, you little bimbo…” dialogue option.) >Have a dialogue option to fuck them at any time (under “Hey, you little bimbo…”) >Have a dialogue option to whore them out for gold (under “Hey, you little bimbo…”). Tell them you want to sell their body (they'll always agree, excitedly), then go talk to other NPCs and offer her to them. If you're feeling generous, you can give her away for free. Careful though, whoring is a crime and there might me consequences for you if you try pimping to the wrong person! (they can be turned off in the MCM though). If you pimp to a guard the risk is higher, but so is the reward! >Occasionally strip or masturbate randomly >Be an exhibitionist >Come up with a new "simpler" name for herself (these are custom-defined for lots of NPCs in the bimboNames.json file. If your NPC isn't in that file, you can easily add her. If you don't she'll pull a name at random from bimboNamesRandom.json instead). >Be slightly worse at combat- they are a bimbo after all (some 10% debuffs to some abilities) >Have a very high SL arousal all the time >Be unable to lose arousal by masturbating. A good bimbo needs to fuck! >Randomly approach other NPCs and beg them for sex (you can disable this too, if it annoys you). As well as these, the player will experience some even stronger effects: Spoiler > Skill loss: every sex act will make her dumber, causing her to lose rank from random skills. This is only a Fortify-type loss, so it won't affect perks, and it's configurable in the MCM. > New dialogue options with NPCs, so that you can freely act like the bimbo slut that you are! >Intrusive "thoughts" appearing as notifications every hour. Your poor bimbofied Dragonborn will giggle happily at each of these, and get horny. >Clothing restrictions forcing you to dress like a good little slut. Going against these will penalise you. (restrictions on each part of your outfit can be toggled in the MCM. Don't want to have to wear heels? Turn High Heel control off. Want that bikini from that other mod to count as slutty? There's an MCM button to tag it as such.) If you lose your new bimbo outfit, you can buy a replacement set from Taarie or Endarie at Radiant Raiment, or from Vallie near Windhelm. >Your overwhelming need for sex will lead to unavoidable begging for sex with NPCs a few times a day, unless you have sex to satisfy yourself. You can't help yourself, but you can get out of it by putting on a show and giving them your clothes instead (they'll keep them though), having sex to satisfy your need, or, once a day, just asking them to say something sexually degrading nice. Followers or fellow bimbos have special responses for this, too. It can be turned off in the MCM. >Rarely, more intrusive events, like spontaneous masturbation, stripping, or arousal spikes. I think I set these rare enough to not be too annoying, but if it is they can be turned off in the MCM. >A quest added to your log ("Be A Good Girl") calling for specific sexual acts. Doing these will give you a HP buff and present you with a new goal, to give your ditzy Dragonborn some direction in life. >A new minor power to help you out! Use you Flirty Charm to calm all human enemies nearby for a short time. Then, offer sex to up to 3 of them to make them realise that you're not a threat, and calm them permanently! Of course, your new friends might help themselves to some of your stuff, but what do you care? Sex! >Another minor power, Battle Cheerleader! You're useless in a fight, you might as well cheer your follower on! Activate this power to dance and chant, buffing up to 5 allies while you cheer. Activate it again to stop. >Another another minor power, Makeover!. Use this to customise your bimbo's looks. Importantly, you can also use this to remove your bimbo hair, in case you need to equip a head item for a quest (like the Dark Brotherhood chef one). >There's also an optional hardcore mode that will totally tank your character so that she needs to rely on a big strong follower to do everything for her. Naturally, your follower will use you like a sextoy all the time, but any good little bimbo would be delighted with that. This is definitely not for everyone and I personally don't recommend it, but if that's your thing, it's here. As of 1.6, it can be turned off again. By the way, you might have noticed (if you looked at the mod images) a certain... size to the NPCs. That’s not my body preset- most of the bimbos have inhumanly perverse bodies to really complement their slutified brains. This is done using NiOverride and should work alongside any other body modifying mods you use- I haven’t come across any issues yet. But they might look be a bit weird looking if your bodyslide preset is really big by default. If so, there's a patch in the downloads to remove the static morphs on the tavern bimbos. It'll be a bit unimmersive to have, for example, Roni giggling about having big boobs when she doesn't, but that's your call. Anaita at the Bannered Mare in Whiterun is a good starting point for this. On an unrelated point, the note she gives you for her quest gives you a health regen buff for a few hours every time you read it, because reading it feels so good! Isn't that nice? You should definitely make sure to read that note every day. I'm sure nothing bad could happen... An active spell effect will tell you corrupted you are. You can reduce your bimbo corruption by talking to court mages, alchemists, priests, or Vigilants of Stendarr, but there will always be a price involved... After you choose to pay it, you can ask to give the cure to an NPC instead to reduce their corruption. Even if a follower has submitted to the bimbo curse, they will still fully function as a follower. Just be ready to hear her daydreaming about fucking the bandits currently trying to kill you. If you want to force the curse onto an NPC, you can enable debug dialogue in the MCM. This will open a dialogue option with any female NPC, where you can trigger the curse on her. Doing this will immediately max out her bimbo corruption, so that the next check will start the curse on her. Other debug dialogue includes an option to block the follower from being bimbofied (though doing that is Lame), unblock it from her, or check her current corruption level. If you want to force the curse on yourself, there's a button in the MCM. The curse can be also disabled completely for either the player or NPCs in the MCM if you choose. Just about everything is configurable in the MCM, from the size of the curse's body morphs to what adds corruption. Just be sensible- don't go changing things mid-bimbofication unless you want some weird shit to happen. If you're big into your RP, you can set the curse to only advance stage when you sleep. Note that the player bimbo curse progresses one hour at a time. If you wait for 24 hours or fast travel 5 hours away, it will still only count 1 hour. If you wanted to, for example, wait past a whole level of the curse, you'd need to wait for 1 hour, 24 times. As of 1.7, this is not the case for the NPC curse any more! FIGHTING OFF THE BIMBO CURSE: Visit any priest, court mage, Vigilant of Stendarr, or alchemist to purchase a corruption-reducing cure for you or any NPC. But you'll need to supply some items, and the better quality they are, the better a cure you'll get. Use bad enough items, and your cure might even backfire... CURING THE BIMBO CURSE: You can't. But you can suppress it! Once anyone in your game is bimbofied, rumors will lead you to the researcher Holdan in this house behind Windhelm (or you can just go there, you don't need to wait). He can teach you to make a potion that will turn you back into yourself- but only for a few hours! He also sells a few every now and then. You'd better keep a good stock of them, or you can say goodbye to being able to think! There's also an option to prevent your bimbofied Dragonborn from using them herself, requiring a follower to take a Tonic from your stock and use it on you when they see fit. This duration can be set in the MCM, but is scaled against your corruption score (down to half, up to triple). If you want to keep your curse cured for longer, lower that corruption. Oh, also, the potions aren't strong enough to keep you un-bimbo'd if you act like a bimbo. Any sex will immediately cancel your cure. These Bimbo Tonics can also be given to an NPC bimbo using the Hey, you little bimbo... dialogue option to suppress their curse for a few hours too (no scaling here- it'll be the exact duration set in the MCM). If you give them additional ones in their inventory, they'll automatically drink them when their current one ends and stay cured. GENDERBENDING: But what about men? Are they affected by bimbo corruption? Yes! As long as you have YPS Fashion installed, if your player character reaches 100 corruption, he will instantly be transformed into a woman! But not into a bimbo... His Her corruption will reset back to 0, giving you a chance to live you life as a woman and behave yourself this time! Because if you don't, and that corruption hits 100 again... Well, we know what happens to women! You can disable the bimbo curse and keep only the genderbend feature if you want to use BoS purely as a genderbending mod. YPS doesn't cover NPC males, so they will just become passive spreaders of the bimbo curse instead, adding corruption to anyone else they have sex with. This is also what happens to the male player if you don't enable the genderbend feature. NPC Hypnosis: Skulking around the back alleys of Riften, a man has developed a potion that will allow you to hypnotise any NPC you talk to. By asking them to smell it (“Does this perfume smell a bit strong to you?”) you’ll hypnotise them, adding a Trigger to their dialogue options that can be selected at any time. This leads to a dialogue menu where you can instruct them to do a whole list of things: Spoiler >Set their arousal to 0 or 100, or lock/unlock it. >Access their inventory >Make them love you (disposition = 4) and be marriable >Make them masturbate or have sex with you >Say something nice about you, or degrading about themselves >Pour a vial of cum on their face (you'll need this mod's Vial of Cum) >Take their clothes off (this will persist until something updates their inventory) >Remove their clothes permanently (this sets their default outfit to naked), or put clothes back on >Become an SLA exhibitionist (or stop being one) >Make them fuck random passerbys >Add (or remove) subconscious desires to them. They will talk about these desires in idle and greeting/farewell dialogues, but never actually act on them (currently). Two exist so far: a desire to be degraded, and a desire to be a pretty pretty princess. >Trigger the bimbo curse on them. >Make them a follower >Un-hypnotise them. They'll be removed from your control, but any changes you made to their mind will stay. You can always come back with a new hypno potion if you want to re-hypnotise them again. This is done sensibly by adding the NPC to a “Hypnotised” faction, so go wild, put Skyrim under your control, you won’t kill your save file. Hypnotising someone uses up the potion. More can be bought from the man in Riften, but they’re not cheap. You’ll also need to complete a basic quest for him before he’ll sell to you. As well as controlling them, this offers a more immersive way of running debug functions (e.g., locking arousal). But since this works on any (non-child) NPC, you’re liable to break things if you go too crazy with it. Hypnotise Lydia and make her masturbate in public, fine. Hypnotise Ulfric Stormcloak and make him marry you, don’t blame me for anything that breaks. PC Hypnosis: You're not the only one with that idea! Starting at a configurable level, you'll start receiving letters embedded with a trigger phrase that makes you obey them! Will you try to find who's sending them and stop them, or resign yourself to being given a new degrading order every few days? You can adjust the level this quest starts at and the time between receiving each letter in the MCM. YPS IMMERSIVE FASHION INTEGRATION: If you have YPS Immersive Fashion installed, the Player Bimbo quest will pick it up and use it's events instead of this mod's. I HIGHLY recommend this! By the end of the curse, you'll have so much YPS Fashion on you'll get the Prettiest Woman in Skyrim YPS buff. YPS is required for the genderbend feature! YPS also has some integration with BoS. Using makeup or being fashion addicted in YPS has a chance to add bimbo corruption, and I hear there's more being planned... If you use YPS hair, make sure you have a default hairstyle set for length 15 ("classic"), as that's the length this mod grows your hair to (by default, adjustable in the MCM). Your hair won't be locked, so you can still pick your style, but if you ever cut it too short it will grow right back to classic length. You can adjust your YPS hair and makeup colour using the Makeover! power. You can also use it to choose this mod's bimbo wigs instead, if you'd prefer (for some reason). If you don't want to deal with YPS at all, you can turn YPS integration off in the MCM. When an NPC is bimbofied, she will replace her hair with a suitably long one from YPS's lists, if you enable this. If you don't one of this mod's included hairsyles will be used instead. Some things will only work properly with version 6.4 or newer of YPS, so get that update! (In older versions (of both YPS and BoS), piercings don't track between the two mods, and that sucks). SKYRIM SPECIAL EDITION: For SE/AE, install the SE patch, overwriting the original mod. This patch fixes the textures and meshes. If you're in SE and using a 3BA body, the SE patch also includes bodyslides for 3BA (thanks, @Efgad and @audhol!) If you like 3BA and you want to be really specific with your morphs, @CheddarTrauma has made custom morph files with all 3BA nodes in them, here. BOTOX: If you want the Botox faces, grab EITHER the LE or SE version, to match your game version. CUSTOMISING THE MOD: Bimbos of Skyrim uses .JSON files to make complex customisation easy. By simply editing text files, you can edit: -The thoughts that appear when you're a bimbo -The story messages that play during bimbofication -The names that bimbo NPCs are given (and add custom names for your modded followers) -The nodes edited by the bimbo body morphs (you can add new sliders here, unlike the ingame MCM where you can only adjust values) Just follow the existing formats to make your changes, and run your edited JSON through a checker like JSONLint to check for syntax errors. The JSONs are stored in \Data\SKSE\plugins\BimbosOfSkyrim. If you mess up your morphs, there's a second copy of the JSON files saved as a backup in the same folder. FACES, CLOTHES AND OTHER TECHNICAL NOTES: This mod adds some clothing items. By default, these are CBBE Bodyslide! But the SE patch includes 3BA bodyslides and a patch for BHUNP was made by @jah15 here updated by @M2Dakhere! @Shadowsonic18 has also adjusted the Slavetats for UNP/BHUNP and 3BA in this comment here. All the clothes are Bodyslide! Remember to build them in Bodyslide before using them! If your NPCs are floating heads, this is why! If you ask me about this in the thread instead of reading this, I will just make fun of you!!! If you really want the outfits gone, you can download the NoOutfits patch. This replaces them all with your setup's Tavern Clothes and boots, and will probably cause more trouble than it'll fix, really. The screenshots here were taken with the Botox female face replacer, because I use it and like it. If you want your NPCs to look like they do in the screenshots, download the Botox patch and overwrite the base mod with it. If you don't, they should just take any normal replacers you have. If you want to Botox this mod's NPCs but not the rest of Skyrim, just rip the textures out of Botox and install only those. There's a voice pack made by @thor3222 here to voice all major quests and interactions as of! The pack has an .esp to edit a few lines of dialogue to make them voice-compatible, but the .esp won't work for LE users. You can safely disable it and 95% of the voiced lines will still work. If you use Dragonborn Voice Over, @GrimReaperCalls made a voice pack here! It's only for 1.7.2, so a some lines will be missing. @SweptMM made an updated voice pack for 1.8.2 here! If you want to customise the bimbo outfits, it's easy to do with either XEdit or Creation Kit. Just follow this comment. If you want to customise the bimbo thoughts and 'dream' story popups, you can easily do so in the .json files. A few more things to take note of: >The mod should be compatible with basically everything EXCEPT any mod that heavily alters the Cliffside Retreat, Ruined Hut near the Western Watchtower, or Cell {34,10} out behind Windhelm. They will block Acolyte of Dibella, Childish Games, or access to the Bimbo Tonic, respectively! Apart from that, pretty much the only thing the mod interacts with outside itself is plonking the NPCs down in the world. >There is also a tiny navmesh edit in the House of Clan Battle-Born! This shouldn't cause any problems, really though. >Yes, the ESP has an assbackwards nonsense name and all mod IDs are prefixed with CC_ even though that has nothing to do with the name of the mod. I know, it was stupid but now I can't fix it without redoing everything and breaking compatibility. >If you use the Crash Fixes mod, you need to set alignHeapAllocate to 1! Otherwise, morphs might cause crashing. >Slavetats locks your menus when applying to actors. If you have an NPC bimbofying somewhere, you might get locked randomly while her Slavetats apply. This tweak fixes this so that you can access your menu- but it's experimental and there's reports of it causing it's own problems, so use at your own risk. >95% of the mod will work for a male or female NPC, but some stuff is restricted to women. #1: The Hypnosis quest will not automatically start for a male character unless you enable it in the MCM. #2: Male PCs can't experience the full bimbo curse- they will become passive spreaders of the curse instead of transforming. The full thing just doesn't work well on guys. Everything else will be fine though. >This is the first proper mod I’ve put together. It should be fairly robust but I wouldn’t go around actively trying to break it, because you probably will if you do. OTHER MOD INTEGRATION: Bimbos of Skyrim comes with soft integration for some other mods too! These include: -Love Sickness: Being Lovesick will make you gain more corruption, and bimbos will get Lovesick faster! -SexLab Inflation Framework: Thanks to Okshi91, the mod comes will full SLIF support. -Vampiric Cum Addiction: If your poor Dragonborn is both a bimbo and a vampire, she'll need to drink cum to sate her vampiric hunger instead of blood! -CumSwallowNeedsAddon: Gain corruption equal to the load size you swallow. There's an multiplier setting in the MCM, and also an adjustable cap for corruption per load, so that big things like Dragons don't bimbofy you instantly. -Sexlab Sexual Fame RELOADED: Many actions you take as a bimbo will add either Airhead or Slut fame in SLSFR. -More to come in future updates. Some other mods also integrate with Bimbos of Skyrim! These (to my knowledge) are: -YPS Immersive Fashion: All that pink makeup's gotta make you feel like a bit of a bimbo! YPS has a setting to make makeup usage add bimbo corruption. -Cum Addiction Begging Addon: An addon for Cum Swallow Needs or Sexlab Survival. Get addicted to cum, then be forced to beg for it, adding corruption. -Immersive Lap Sitting Arousal: Sitting in random people's laps and grinding on them until they cum? You deserve all the corruption you'll get. -Being a Cow: Cow mutations cause bimbo corruption. -Collectible Waifu Cards: Adds collectible anime girl Trading Cards to collect all over Skyrim. Be careful if you find the rare Tavern Bimbo card- it's very corrupting... There are also a variety of patches, tweaks and addons made by other modders as well: -Bimbo Skin Tanning: Have your bimbos become tanned as the curse corrupts them! Very customisable. -Bimbo Demeanor: Using Gunslicer's animations and OAR, dynamically gives bimbos some more appropriate animations. -Immersive Jewels Tweak: Tweaks jewel usage in the mod to better support Immersive Jewels. -MellowDrama's Tweaks: Remove Dragon Bone requirements, or swap out some clothes and textures for different ones. -KID Slutty Clothing .ini: Using Keyword Item Distributor, automatically tag clothes from a variety of mods as bimbo-appropriate or corrupting. Finally, there's a few tweaks made by me, for things people have asked for but don't quite fit in the main mod for various reasons: -Femmed Doms: Change male dominant NPCS from the mod to female, for those who prefer to be dominated by women. -Hypno Notes Label Tweak: Change the names of the notes from the Hypnosis quest so you can tell which is which without having to read them and get hypnotised. -Boneless Tonics: Changes the recipe for the Bimbo Tonic to use Dwarven Oil instead, for those who don't have Dragons in their playthrough. -No Outfits Patch: If you're running some odd bodytype that the BoS clothes won't conform to, this patch replaces them all with Tavern Clothes from your setup. GREAT OTHER MODS TO USE: These mods go great with BoS! Use them alongside it for a better experience: -YPS Immersive Fashion : Of course! Lots of integration here! I'd say it's a must have! -Sexlab Hormones: The OG bimbo mod, and a great source of bimbo corruption! Works great alongside BoS as long you disable one of the two mods' PC bimbo curses! Seriously, some weird shit happens if you get double-bimbo'd, don't let it happen. -Love Sickness: This plays into the "fuck yourself dumb" bimbo trope perfectly! FOR MODDERS: Spoiler If you want to add soft integration with BoS to your mod: 1- I'm flattered, and 2- There's a couple of events and useful globals to interface with. These are: -The "CC_ModBimboCorruption" event to increase or reduce the player's bimbo corruption. Call it like so: SendModEvent("CC_ModBimboCorruption", string MessageToPlayIfThisTriggersBimboCurse, int corruptionChangeValue) Just remember that the bimbo curse is triggered at 100 corruption- if you're adding large corruption values often the player will be a giggling mess pretty quick. If you reduce corruption the string will never be used, but still needs to be sent. -And the "CC_ModActorCorruption" event to increase or reduce an NPC's bimbo corruption. Call it like so: int eventHandle = ModEvent.Create("CC_ModActorCorruption") ModEvent.PushForm(eventHandle , actor TargetNPC) ModEvent.PushInt(eventHandle , int corruptionAmount) ModEvent.Send(eventHandle) This has both a ceil and a floor, so there's no need to worry about sending huge amounts at it. -The isPlayerBimbo global. This is 1 if the player has been bimbofied, 0 if not. -The CC_NumberOfBimboNPCs global tracks the current number of bimbofied NPCs -The faction CC_PassiveBimbo_NPC will cause an NPC to spread corruption to their sex partners, but be immune to bimbofication themselves. I use it for characters that are evidently bimbos, but aren't literally bimbofied via the curse. The faction CC_BimboBlocked causes an NPC to be immune to the bimbo curse. Corruption still gets added to NPCs in these factions, but they are passed over by the curse-triggering scanner. -The global CC_VersionNumber tracks the version of BoS. Currently, it's 1.771. For specific story concepts, there's: -The OnCapCorruption(Form sender, Int corruptionMod, int corruptionCap) event adds corruptionMod points of corruption to the player, even if the curse is disabled, but will only increase their corruption score up to corruptionCap, or 99. -SendModEvent("CC_ToggleBimboCurseEnabled", "", 0) will allow you to enable or disable the player bimbo curse, and the StorageUtil int CC_IsBimboCurseEnabled indicates whether it is enabled or not. If anyone wants to build direct expansions to BoS, there's some deeper integration available: -Advance the bimbo curse on the player directly by using setStage(CC_bimbofyPlayer , x). Make sure to do it in order. Reference the CC_bimbofyPlayer for stages. If you override the curse this way, the auto-advance timer will not start and the story messageboxes will not pop up. -Advance the bimbo curse on NPCs directly by calling CC_BimbofyNPCv2.doBimbofy(actor bimboToBe, int hoursToPass, int hoursPerStage) You might need to do some math to land on a specific stage, but I recommend giving it 999, 0 to fully bimbofy her immediately. This will work on any NPC, even those in the bimboBlocked faction. It will NOT enroll her in normal curse progression- but if her corruption does cause the curse to start on her normally, she'll pick up from where she's at. You can set CC_silenceNPCBimboStories to 1 before calling doBimbofy to disable the messagebox story popups, for a silent curse progression. -An event is broadcast by the curse on every stage advance: BoS_CurseAdvance_Event(form actor, int stage). You can subscribe to this to trigger your own curse effects in addition to the default ones. Just note that the stage value is a bit messy- for the PC, it takes the quest stages from CC_BimbofyPlayer (which are random and arbitrary), and for NPCs it's a nice linear 1-16. Sorry. -Another event is broadcast when a bimbo has her curse suppressed: BoS_SuppressToggled_Event(form actor,int isSuppressOn) (i.e., receives 1 when suppress starts and 0 when it ends). This allows you to correctly cure your custom bimbo curse effects when the curse is suppressed. -An event is broadcast by the player bimbo curse's timer on it's hourly tick update, so you can sync any extra curse events with it without implementing your own timer. It's the same BoS_CurseAdvance_Eventcurse, but with stage=999 (so do a check, if stage==999 && bimbo==player, it's the player's curse doing it's hourly tick). -You can hasten/slow the player's progression through the bimbo curse by editing the global variable CC_hoursSincePCCurseAdvance. -CC_IsPlayerGenderbent is set to 1 when the player gets turned into a woman by this mod. -Bimbofied NPCs are added to the CC_BimboNPCs so you can track them. KNOWN ISSUES: Spoiler >Are all your bimbos are just floating heads and hands, with invisible outfits? Build the outfits in Bodyslide. >Some of the timers in the mod pass hourly, not by their whole duration. So if you wait for a 10 hour block, it still only counts as one hour. This affects the player bimbo curse, the gap between Lyvelia's quests, and possibly others too. >The Lyli's Bedroom cell has a "_" in it's name, so Skyrim SE/AE users cannot make saves in that cell. >Childish Games: most of the "meet me in the evening" requests are just flavour and the timings are not actually enforced >Childish Games Part 1: the counter for "Underwear Dropped" can be a bit funky. It's just a visual bug, the quest will still progress correctly once you drop them all. >Childish Games Part 3: an overly crowded Bannered Mare (such as one with a more-NPC mods) might make it a bit hard for Lyli to move around, or you to hear her >Childish Games Part 4: if you get to Lyli's room too fast she may be passed out on the floor instead of in bed. This won't cause problems, it's just a bit dopey. >Something seems to make the clothes hide necklaces/other accessories when worn by the player. No idea what, but it's fine on NPCs. It might even just be a problem in my personal modlist. >Some priests and alchemists don't count for corruption reduction. That's a vanilla thing, it's not my fault poor Acolyte Jenssen doesn't count as a priest. >The Flirty Charm power might not work the first time it's used in a save file (maybe) >Sometimes when you load morph values from a .JSON, they'll show up as silly decimals (e.g., 3.00000000000001 instead of 3.0). It's fine, it's basically just a visual bug. Google "floating point precision loss" if it bothers you. >Your character being vampire'd will fuck with your bimbo transformation, even if cured after. Blame Todd Howard, this happens to like every mod that changes your face. >When an NPC gains corruption from multiple sources simultaneously (eg, raped by a Dremora) the info messages printed to the console will display incorrectly even though the corruption was added correctly. >If the mod is installed mid-playthrough, if the base game NPCs Mikael, Lami or Endarie are dead, the Childish Games Part 2 ("Making Love") quest will fail to start, blocking the rest of the questline. Skipping that quest with the console won't help, as those NPCs are required for the other parts of the questline. This can happen with other quests too, such as the Elisif's Little Favour quest. >The Leather Harness Bra's inventory object is mistextured, but I don't have the skills to fix that so it's staying like this. >The OBody mod can cause crashes when this mod morphs NPCs affected by it. Either disable NPC morphs or Obody if you're getting crashes. >Apparently the "Time Flies" mod causes some problems with curse progression? >Not that you'd ever know, but my CC Testing Cell causes an instant crash in SE/AE. It's just my debug NPC, she has no facedata, don't worry about it. Just stay out of my room and you'll be fine. REQUIREMENTS/INSTALLATION: Hard: (necessary for the mod to run, but if you don’t have these then what are you doing here anyway?) -Sexlab Framework: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/150-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v162-updated-jun-3rd-2016/ -Sexlab Aroused (basically any; R, X whatever): https://www.loverslab.com/topic/130406-sexlab-aroused-extended/ -Fuz Ro Doh: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14884 -And any requirements that they have. Recommended: (you don’t 100% need these but things will suck without them) -A proper skeleton that supports body sliders: I use https://www.loverslab.com/topic/25971-xp32-maximum-skeleton-special-extended-xpmsse/ -Bodyslide (to build the clothes) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015 -Racemenu (for body changing): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624 -Slavetats (for bimbofication makeup): https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/619-slavetats/ -YPS Immersive Fashion (for a way better Player Bimbofication Curse: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2583-immersive-hair-growth-and-styling-yps-devious-immersive-fashion-2020-05-09/ -Botox. Required only if you're using the Botox Patch: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89635 Technically, only the textures. You could remove the ESP and headMorphs to stop Botox affecting the rest of your game (see here.) Don’t like it? Don't use the patch. -And any requirements that they have If you're on SE/AE, these mods all have SE/AE versions out there. Go get them yourself, I'm not your dad, don't make me do it for you. To install correctly, install all the required mods, making sure you've got the correct LE or SE/AE versions, then install this mod after them. If you're on SE/AE, install the SE patch as well as the base mod, and make sure the patch loads after the main mod! Remember to build the outfits in Bodyslide and run FNIS before playing! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: -@DeepBlueFrog for the inspiration with Sexlab Hormones! I wouldn't have ever made this if I hadn't started with his awesome stuff. -@Lily SushiSloot for voice acting all 1705 lines of dialogue that Morella Graymane has! -@LoneViper for the brilliant bimbo jewellery. -@Okshi91 for some very damn significant code edits, contributions, and fixes. Seriously, like, a lot of contributions. A lot. -@AphroditesEye for writing a massive chunk of dialogue for the Morella Grey-Mane follower, and doing some real rapid testing during the 1.7.2 debacle. -@audhol for making some custom clothes, converting the Princess Dress, and a bunch other little things for the mod! The Alicia set is his work, a lot of the conversions of other gear was him, and he also redid my file structure so I didn't have to. -@botticelli for some significant fixes done to my backend code, for fixing the repeating bimbo quest before I even knew it was broken, and just continually dropping into the thread with fixes and advice. -@emily1673 for adding functionality to YPS so I could integrate with it better, literally just because I asked her to. -@terrorofmorrowind for making some custom Slavetats, and the bodyGen file for SE. - @CheddarTrauma for some enhancements to the MCM. -@Efgad and @jah15 for the conversions to other body types. -T.ara for permission to use a couple of small ZaZ assets in here, so that it wouldn't be a requirement any more! -Everyone else who has helped, advised, or given any feedback at all in the mod's forum thread! -Anyone and everyone who has shouted me a coffee on my Ko-Fi tip jar! I don't do this for money, but a coffee's a coffee! -Animations used are Gunslicer's GSPoses, used under general permission. -KS Hairdos is used under its general permission for the bimbo wigs. -The actual headpart hairs taken from HG Hairdos 2, and used under general permission. -The Sultry Dress is used from Tiwa44 Minidresses under general permission -The Pink Miniskirt is used from NH Miniskirts under it's asset use permissions -The Pretty Princess Dress is used from Garuda B Skyrim's twitter mod posts, converted and reused under the permissions in their bio (at the time of writing this, at least). -The Dildo was made by Billyy, and was used with permission -The Tied Cloth Bra, Black Frilled Microskirt, Stockings, and Leather Harness Bra are from MSC- Kinky Stuff ,used under general permission, and converted by Audhol. -The White Bra, Panties and Heels are used from R18PN02 lingerie, converted to Skyrim here and used under general permission -The Mesh Dress was modified from one of Sorceress99's old conversions (here) of this dress, then reworked by Audhol. Sorceress hasn't been online for over 3 years, the original author hasn't for over 6, so I've used the .nif with the provision that if either ever come back, I will either immediately obtain permission or remove their files from this mod. -Eyeliner texture for the bimbo curse Slavetat used from YevMods Makeup Pack -Spilled breast milk texture adapted from this mod. -Giggling sounds sourced from Various Places Around the Internet. I can't even remember all of them. -High heels pulled from DoubleZero’s Formal Affair outfit and used under general permission -CPU for the Papyrus for Skyrim Guide (dead link, he's gone, which is a shame. This thing is really useful, if any one wants it DM me.) -Everyone who's given feedback and ideas and found bugs in the mod's forum thread. I have a Ko-Fi tip jar! If you want, you can use it to toss me a few coins! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Looks like Loverslab breaks if your changelog is too long, so I've moved all previous patchnotes here. Each major version, I'll move the previous version's patch notes over to there. Submitter jib_buttkiss Submitted 11/07/2022 Category Sexual Content Requirements SexLab Framework, SexLab Aroused, Fuz Ro Doh Special Edition Compatible Yes Edited November 7, 2022 by jib_buttkiss formatting 24
Pryingrying Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 This looks really neat! I'll try playing with it soon. Does the curse affect male followers? I assume not since switching sex can get real freaky in the skyrim code
jib_buttkiss Posted November 7, 2022 Author Posted November 7, 2022 22 minutes ago, Pryingrying said: This looks really neat! I'll try playing with it soon. Does the curse affect male followers? I assume not since switching sex can get real freaky in the skyrim code Yeah, it's a shame but no bimbofying your male followers. You're right that sex changing can get real weird. Maybe I'll look into it eventually, but it's a long way down my list. 1
zwdragonbone8314 Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Hi do you planning to convert it into the SE version? 1
RGB22111 Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 I'll second hopes for an SE version. This seems like a fun addition to my modlist. 1
Pryingrying Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Hey! Just played through on AE/SE, seeing as everyone is mentioning it I will go over the experience! I haven't done anything with hypnosis yet. There will be 'spoilers' so be warned. This was also not done on a fresh save. What worked: All the quests worked! The short ones were okay but one note, much like vanilla skyrim mods which is your goal, so mission accomplished! The 'main quest' worked, I enjoyed it quite a lot, though Lyvelia needed 6 days, not 3, though the dialogue mentioned 3. Might just be you coding in half days? The player mini transformation was fun, though I can see that being a bit immersion breaking if the hormones curse is already active. I would want it to possibly be permanent for the player, but without the features for it I understand why it's not. The follower transformation worked well, looked a bit weird on my orc follower but blonde and pink isn't great with green haha. Slavetats worked on SE Every NPC was functional dialogue wise What didn't: There were two big things I noticed that didn't work: The outfits Body resizing The outfits could be a local thing, I'd need someone else to check, say, the solitude whore to see if she also has glowing translucent triangles around or when your follower gains heels. Is building through bodyslide required? Body resizing likely doesn't work due to the change in NiO for SE with it being combined with racemenu I believe, which was honestly quite sad as the flavour text and convos didn't quite work visually due to this. Otherwise it worked on AE, no crashes during my time playing. I'm excited for what's in store! 2
steelmagpie Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Looks fun... Installed and off to play... Lydia, oh Lydia.. I have a surprise for you.... hahahaha...
zwdragonbone8314 Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Hi, I confirm that this mod can be played in AE version, but the outfit may have some problems.
jib_buttkiss Posted November 7, 2022 Author Posted November 7, 2022 (edited) 3 hours ago, Pryingrying said: Hey! Just played through on AE/SE, seeing as everyone is mentioning it I will go over the experience! I haven't done anything with hypnosis yet. There will be 'spoilers' so be warned. This was also not done on a fresh save. What worked: All the quests worked! The short ones were okay but one note, much like vanilla skyrim mods which is your goal, so mission accomplished! The 'main quest' worked, I enjoyed it quite a lot, though Lyvelia needed 6 days, not 3, though the dialogue mentioned 3. Might just be you coding in half days? The player mini transformation was fun, though I can see that being a bit immersion breaking if the hormones curse is already active. I would want it to possibly be permanent for the player, but without the features for it I understand why it's not. The follower transformation worked well, looked a bit weird on my orc follower but blonde and pink isn't great with green haha. Slavetats worked on SE Every NPC was functional dialogue wise What didn't: There were two big things I noticed that didn't work: The outfits Body resizing The outfits could be a local thing, I'd need someone else to check, say, the solitude whore to see if she also has glowing translucent triangles around or when your follower gains heels. Is building through bodyslide required? Body resizing likely doesn't work due to the change in NiO for SE with it being combined with racemenu I believe, which was honestly quite sad as the flavour text and convos didn't quite work visually due to this. Otherwise it worked on AE, no crashes during my time playing. I'm excited for what's in store! Hi! Thanks for the feedback. Glad you're enjoying it! Sounds like your orc friend looks like a proper slut now, a bit silly or not! (jokes aside maybe I'll add something for this, Khajit and Argonians are going to look even worse). I think the glowing triangles are an unconverted mesh/texture issue. I've attached a patch for SE that might have fixed this, could you install it (overwriting the main mod) and let me know if it helps? If it does, I'll add it to the main post and call it SE compatible (minus the body resizing). Bimbos of Skyrim SE Patch v0.02.zip Edited November 7, 2022 by jib_buttkiss 1
Elvenar Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 I don't want some of my followers to turn into bimbo. Is there some tips to prevent this? Thank you for work!
zwdragonbone8314 Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Hi Just try the 0.02 patch, the triangle mesh no longer exist. So it works. I am currently dong the main quest, gathering the ingredients to remove slutmarks. I got all the required ingredient but Lyddia has no new dialogue with me.
Kryona Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Looks like a nice mod! Kinda unrelated but what armor is Lydia wearing in the first 'before' picture?
ebbluminous Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Love the sound of this one. Hopefully a proper SE version will be forthcoming 1
cmblue Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Ah typical - I finally delete LE for SE and something like this comes out! Are you planning on a SE release with the body shape resize system? 1
xesfer Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Does the bimbo curse works on Player Character? If it doesn't, do you plan to add this option to PC too? (I know sexlab hormones, but I'd like a "lean" alternative). I'll second hopes for an SE version too. Thanks
ebbluminous Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 10 minutes ago, xesfer said: Does the bimbo curse works on Player Character? If it doesn't, do you plan to add this option to PC too? (I know sexlab hormones, but I'd like a "lean" alternative). I'll second hopes for an SE version too. Thanks The description clearly states it is for NPCs
xesfer Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 Thank you Ebbluminous. I was hoping for a simpler alternative to hormones but so this is not the case. What a pity ,
jib_buttkiss Posted November 7, 2022 Author Posted November 7, 2022 Thanks for checking the SE patch. I'll add it to the main post and call it partially compatible. The body modification issue is sadly beyond me- I literally don't own Skyrim SE to update the scripts. (It should be a simple-ish job for someone who knows how to do it though). Some replies: @Elvenar: Currently the way to prevent your follower being bimbofied is to not let her be such a slut! But yeah I'll add a way to block chosen NPCs from the curse. @zwdragonbone8314: Thanks for trying that patch! Regarding being stuck with Lyvelia, Pryingrying was okay; is it possible that you don't have the exact items she's asked for? The check I used is pretty primitive so you'll need to make sure you have the right stuff before she'll talk to you. @Kryona :The armour in the before picture is syke23's Triss Armour ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4708 ). The after is one of the dresses from Pfiffy's Arousal Based Breast Adjuster (ABBA). @xesfer: I originally left the curse as NPC only as Hormones really is the definitive PC bimbofication mod, but if there's demand for this a a lite version of that I could add it to the PC at some point 1
w0wlol Posted November 7, 2022 Posted November 7, 2022 After playing around with it a bit (on SE after running it trough CAO) I did find that it was working quite well, one major thing that I personally feel is missing is a dialogue option to bang a follower turned into a Bimbo! No reason they couldn't be our little personal f*cktoys after all I also feel like being able to take Lyvvi along as a travel cocksleeve/pussymuncher would also be a nice option (if we decide not to save her).
w234aew Posted November 8, 2022 Posted November 8, 2022 Looked at the NiOverride code a little, seems pretty straightforward; if I can get the new CK to work properly with Papyrus I'll try modifying them to work in SE/AE (no promises on timeline). 1
Code Serpent Posted November 8, 2022 Posted November 8, 2022 (edited) This looks pretty good. I'll definitely keep an eye on it. One thing though, I noticed you made changes to the npcs' bodies through a script that runs at startup. You can do this more easily through Body Gen. You make a folder chain: 'Meshes\Actors\Character\BodyGenData\[Plugin Name with Extension]' and make two files: morphs.ini and templates.ini. In the templates file you make a bunch of different 'body types' by setting specific morphs, then in the morphs file you specifically assign those body types to npcs. My mod Devious Lore does this if you want to see an example. There's also this thread that talks about it in detail: Edited November 8, 2022 by Code Serpent 1
jib_buttkiss Posted November 8, 2022 Author Posted November 8, 2022 (edited) On 11/8/2022 at 2:41 PM, Code Serpent said: This looks pretty good. I'll definitely keep an eye on it. One thing though, I noticed you made changes to the npcs' bodies through a script that runs at startup. You can do this more easily through Body Gen. You make a folder chain: 'Meshes\Actors\Character\BodyGenData\[Plugin Name with Extension]' and make two files: morphs.ini and templates.ini. In the templates file you make a bunch of different 'body types' by setting specific morphs, then in the morphs file you specifically assign those body types to npcs. My mod Devious Lore does this if you want to see an example. There's also this thread that talks about it in detail: Oh, that is interesting, thanks. That just took me not even 5 minutes to implement. There might be a refactor coming that uses that instead... It won't work for the mid-game changing for bimbofication, but it makes setting up the tavern whores a lot easier. EDIT FROM THE 2024: just testing something, ignore this: Edited October 31, 2024 by jib_buttkiss
Code Serpent Posted November 8, 2022 Posted November 8, 2022 2 hours ago, jib_buttkiss said: That just took me not even 5 minutes to implement. There might be a refactor coming that uses that instead... Good to hear. Hopefully you'll release that next version soon as the script doesn't seem to be applying morphs to them with my setup, despite my own morphing mods working. Also, I just wanted to say how good the writing is in this! I can't count the number of mods I've had to uninstall due to the writing bothering me (and the number of times I've had to rewrite stuff for my own mods because of my standards) but this mod is such a breath of fresh air from that.
zwdragonbone8314 Posted November 8, 2022 Posted November 8, 2022 10 hours ago, xesfer said: Thank you Ebbluminous. I was hoping for a simpler alternative to hormones but so this is not the case. What a pity , Actually, if you play the main quest, you will know that the curse would happen to player too.
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