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35 minutes ago, JB. said:

My, my, there are amputations in the new Fallout series. How's that? I thought that only a psychopath could come up with that and that it couldn't add anything to a story? A laureate member of the Spanish Inquisition told me so. Today I take my torch and join the mobilization, this cannot go unpunished. Writers writing a story reflecting the harshness of a lawless wasteland? Ha, such nonsense. More Disney stories, please.




Edit: Of course, I've been sarcastic, I'm enjoying it. 

I am very disappointed with this TV series, although the props look quite decent, and it's apparent that the screenwriters really wanted to tell a good story... But it seems they might really need to play the game again.

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5 minutes ago, icevapour said:

I am very disappointed with this TV series, although the props look quite decent, and it's apparent that the screenwriters really wanted to tell a good story... But it seems they might really need to play the game again.

You Sir are in the minority. The show is awesome. I would like to know why you think they need to play the game again. There is no need the world is pretty much accurate. You must remember its a new story not based on a specific fallout game.

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2 hours ago, JB. said:



Edit: Of course, I've been sarcastic, I'm enjoying it. 

Was pleasantly surprised about the setting. It's also not shying away from any violence and still has the hint of (dark) humor of Fallout. I'm on E6 of 8 and must say it's quite good. "I thought I was getting sold as a sex slave" made me think of this mod 😅



Also a reminder for everyone to block updating their Fallout 4 for the 25th as the new patch will nuke most mods.

Set the following file read-only to prevent it from updating no matter what Steam does. "no auto update" can sometimes still trigger an update.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\appmanifest_377160.acf"

Edited by naaitsab
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On 11/6/2022 at 8:17 PM, boon666 said:

i need help, the mod stop worki ng on the "lucky day mission" after murphy giving the slave mark to pc

i am using hardship, will of atom and harressment, 



Just a fan of the mod...


I get this, the way to overcome it... got this problem when this mod first came out, and in the current play-through I started a couple of Weeks ago.


Problem... The first building you get taken to, after you exit Vault 111.

- After Sex, things just stop.

- When getting outside, things just stop.


What I did...

1. Load the save, after you get your Collar and Mark after you first enter.

2. Keep trying until you can get the Sex Scene to lead to the outside, and get the Scene after you exit to continue.


I make hard saves, with the mission name, at the start of each mission, in case it decides to stop working.

  I get this problem occasionally, having to reload to an earlier save, or hard save.



save "mission name"


They wont get overwritten... make one for each mission, so you can back track...

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2 hours ago, osculim said:

You Sir are in the minority. The show is awesome. I would like to know why you think they need to play the game again. There is no need the world is pretty much accurate. You must remember its a new story not based on a specific fallout game.

I cannot deny that the costumes and props throughout the series are very good. However, the plot is obviously a disaster for me, a veteran player of Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and Fallout: New Vegas. For example, the NCR is inexplicably destroyed, and it's important to note that the NCR is not a small force; such hasty treatment is really hard to accept. I understand that for the Enclave to counterattack, the NCR had to be weakened, but the abruptness is truly hard to swallow. I even suspect that Todd is intentionally using this series to erase the influence of the old Fallout (OBSIDIAN, Black Isle). Of course, the overall quality of the series is still very high, and I recommend watching it.

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Seen a great mod, sadly on Skyrim only. But it would have shown how Sex Obsessed and Sex Traumatised Nora would become, when not in Dialogue Scenes, or Fight Scenes. When addicted to Cum and Sex, maybe even Dog or other Creature Sex.


Take a look at it's Previews, I know it's for Skyrim, but it's fun to see.


Cum Dreaming mod, Skyrim.


Possible Idea...

Mentally Sick... When Nora finally escapes, very traumatised... All she can think about is Sex, Cum and her body being physically abused.

Cure... Nora will have to constantly wear an Institute Dampening Collar, to stop the effects.

Quest... Dampening Collar Quest.

Cure... Cured after 1 Year, of constantly wearing the Collar. Resets if Unequipped...


Days without Sex...

It could be a good affliction, for when Nora finally escapes the Slavers. Starting small, and getting longer, the more Days she goes without Sex and Cum.

Day 1... once a Day mild Peckish Plays on screen.

Day 2... twice a Day. Peckish

Day 3... twice a Day . Hungry

Day 4... 3 times a Day. Hungry

Day 5... 4 times a Day. Hungry

Day 6... 5 times a Day. Starving

Day 7... 6 times a Day. Starving



Stage 1... CS Peckish for Semen

When travelling with Preston, you may awaken with Semen on your Lips. 

  You start seeing people Cumming on your Face, in your Day Dreams.


Stage 2... CS Peckish for Sex

Seeing anyone Naked, will set your Loins on fire, 5% chance of Sleep Sex.

  You start seeing people having sex with you, in your Day Dreams.


Stage 3... CS Hungry for Semen

  You keep Day Dreaming about a Cum Covered Face.


Stage 4... CS Hungry for Sex

  You see Cocks wherever you go, in extremely vivid Day Dreams.


Stage 5... CS Ravenous for Semen

  Cocks, Cocks, Cocks... you see them everywhere in your Day Dreams. All filling your Face with Cum.


Stage 6... CS Ravenous for Sex

  Officially broken, you see Cocks, Cum and violent sex scenes in your Day Dreams.


Stage 7... CS Cock Hunter

  You can't get away from your Sex Worker past, a naked body is enough to send you Day Dreaming of Cock and Extreme Sex.

    10% chance of waking up doing the nasty on top of your current Companion.


Stage 8... CS Animal Hunter

  Your time pleasing all manner of animals, has left you with urges and Day Dreams. 

    Sleeping whilst Dogmeat is your Companion, has a high chance that you will awaken with him on top of you. Expect a lot of Puppies...

      After you gain this affliction, Dogmeat can't be dismissed. No matter what Companion you have with you, Dogmeat will tag along with you.




Just some ideas, just ignore this post, if you don't like them... 🙂


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Problem I see with amputation events.

In runaway slave the left arm is taken. The pipboy arm.

Now my slave runs around with a floating pipboy, where her arm would have been.

Maybe restrict amputations to the non-pipboy arm - or move it to the intact arm.

No idea what to do for double amputations...

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8 minutes ago, fred200 said:

Problem I see with amputation events.

In runaway slave the left arm is taken. The pipboy arm.

Now my slave runs around with a floating pipboy, where her arm would have been.

Maybe restrict amputations to the non-pipboy arm - or move it to the intact arm.

No idea what to do for double amputations...

There is a mod on nexus Pip-boy Remover, should fix your problem


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Well my Corvega problem magically fixed its self somehow, as I hadn't changed any files. My theory is Fallout being weird, since that was the very first time the cell had been loaded. After exiting and entering the cell a couple of times for the different missions I am guessing the place was fully cached and loading properly.


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12 hours ago, Krazyone said:

...Just some ideas, just ignore this post, if you don't like them... 🙂

JB. recently made Sex Attributes a required mod for Commonwealth Slavers. That covers a lot of what you describe.


For example:

  • Aggressive sex causes the player to start losing their mind after orgasming a few times.
  • Once the character loses their marbles they become "mind fucked", which basically means that their arousal goes up faster and they open themselves up to perversions.
  • Perversions cause you to crave the type of partner for which you've developed a perversion, so if you're at The Pit and you're mind fucked when the super mutant rapes you... you might have to make more trips there just to satisfy your cravings.
  • Each perversion has three stages, though I'm not exactly sure what each stage does.
  • Sex Attributes also has cum inflation where your character's belly will get bigger if she's getting railed a lot in quick succession.

I also use Better Living Through Cumistry, which has its own cum addiction system that reinforces seeking out particular targets to get some of their cum. BLTC lets you store cum in glass vials after having sex so you can take them with you and use them to craft an antidote, or drink them like potions since receiving cum grants stat buffs depending on the type of critter your character fucks. Giant creatures give really nice stat buffs, and they last quite a long time which makes The Scientist a nice mission to run just for the buffs.


Add in Sex Education for exp gain for having sex. I usually start low and increase it as my character levels - roughly 5xp per level. Sex Ed is compatible with AAF Spectators, which has nearby NPCs walk to and watch characters having sex: They whistle and clap. Sex Ed can be set up so that you get negative exp for spectators, or positive exp for spectators; I usually have it set to half the exp gain for having sex per spectator. With both Sex Ed and AAF Spectators, you'll have no problems getting perks to survive in the wasteland.


TL;DR: I'd suggest messing with the Sex Attributes MCM settings. I have mine set to something like:

  • After 2 orgasms from aggressive sex your character will start becoming mind fucked (default is 3).
  • Orgasm cooldown is set to 750-1000 seconds (default is 200 seconds).
  • Perversion chance is set to 33% (default is 50%).

Since the collar blocks orgasms, and only allows one orgasm per AAF scene, it can take some time to become mind fucked, but with orgasm cooldown set to 1000 seconds you can usually get another scene going before the timer expires.

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Another mod that conflict with CS -

Lucy Abernathy Replacer - A Face Replacer For Lucy From Abernathy Farm  [a140 Nya - Lucy Abernathy]


When activated, it's not possible to reach Abernathy farm in _CS_threat quest, CTD happen. 

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4 hours ago, Jarnin said:

JB. recently made Sex Attributes a required mod for Commonwealth Slavers. That covers a lot of what you describe.


For example:

  • Aggressive sex causes the player to start losing their mind after orgasming a few times.
  • Once the character loses their marbles they become "mind fucked", which basically means that their arousal goes up faster and they open themselves up to perversions.
  • Perversions cause you to crave the type of partner for which you've developed a perversion, so if you're at The Pit and you're mind fucked when the super mutant rapes you... you might have to make more trips there just to satisfy your cravings.
  • Each perversion has three stages, though I'm not exactly sure what each stage does.
  • Sex Attributes also has cum inflation where your character's belly will get bigger if she's getting railed a lot in quick succession.

I also use Better Living Through Cumistry, which has its own cum addiction system that reinforces seeking out particular targets to get some of their cum. BLTC lets you store cum in glass vials after having sex so you can take them with you and use them to craft an antidote, or drink them like potions since receiving cum grants stat buffs depending on the type of critter your character fucks. Giant creatures give really nice stat buffs, and they last quite a long time which makes The Scientist a nice mission to run just for the buffs.


Add in Sex Education for exp gain for having sex. I usually start low and increase it as my character levels - roughly 5xp per level. Sex Ed is compatible with AAF Spectators, which has nearby NPCs walk to and watch characters having sex: They whistle and clap. Sex Ed can be set up so that you get negative exp for spectators, or positive exp for spectators; I usually have it set to half the exp gain for having sex per spectator. With both Sex Ed and AAF Spectators, you'll have no problems getting perks to survive in the wasteland.


TL;DR: I'd suggest messing with the Sex Attributes MCM settings. I have mine set to something like:

  • After 2 orgasms from aggressive sex your character will start becoming mind fucked (default is 3).
  • Orgasm cooldown is set to 750-1000 seconds (default is 200 seconds).
  • Perversion chance is set to 33% (default is 50%).

Since the collar blocks orgasms, and only allows one orgasm per AAF scene, it can take some time to become mind fucked, but with orgasm cooldown set to 1000 seconds you can usually get another scene going before the timer expires.


In this new play-through, I hadn't turned on Sex Attributes. I usually have it installed in all my play-throughs.

  The Cum Inflation, in normal play-throughs, I turn off. As Nora can get ridiculously inflated, when Pregnant.

    I've got the default pregnancy turned off in Commonwealth Slavers.


I still like the Day-Dream sequence, for that Cum Dreaming on Skyrim.


Sex Education mod... I was following it, but I've never used it.


AAF Spectators... I usually install it, but I didn't want characters to get out of their spot, and maybe stop quests being activated.


Perversion... I usually use in other play-throughs Sex Attribute Perversions and Provocative Perks. I use additional mods sparingly, as I didn't want to mess up the game.


Better Living through Cumistry... I've been following it, but never installed it. I'll have to give it a go...


Thanks for the info... I'll set up the Sex Attribute with your settings.

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Possible Bug... _CS_Weapon 300  not stripping Ivana, or giving Vaultmeat the Cane, or advancing to next Stage.


I'm new to finding and advancing the Quest Stages, just worked it out today.



Fixed it by...

SetStage _CS_Weapon 310 ... to advance to Caning, and give you the Cane to Cane the Ivana.
Click on Ivana ... unequipall ... she will then equip the Collar and correct ASA Outfit.


Make a Hard Save, before doing this...   Save "Weapon"

Edited by Krazyone
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21 hours ago, JB. said:

My, my, there are amputations in the new Fallout series. How's that? I thought that only a psychopath could come up with that and that it couldn't add anything to a story? A laureate member of the Spanish Inquisition told me so. Today I take my torch and join the mobilization, this cannot go unpunished. Writers writing a story reflecting the harshness of a lawless wasteland? Ha, such nonsense. More Disney stories, please.




Edit: Of course, I've been sarcastic, I'm enjoying it. 

Bethesda is creatively bankrupt and can't seem to get their own lore right. Here we have yet ANOTHER "I'm looking for my dad" story after Fallout 3 (I'm looking for my dad), Fallout 4 (I'm looking for my son). They could've came up with something better than this honestly. That being said the show is good for the casual viewers, but for those who paid attention to the lore a lot of things simply don't make any sense like the Brotherhood of Steel now trying to be the U.S. 2.0 when in the lore they've broken away from the U.S. government and only care about collecting old era tech and weapons.

Edited by Neppy
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I don't know if it's still considered compatible, but is there a way to fix an issue where when I try downloading Rad Morphing Redux, the Commonwealth Slavers esp file doesn't load? Is this a plugin limit issue or is there something I'm doing wrong?

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23 minutes ago, packprof said:

Playing version 2.53.  Defeated the super mutant, raiders are bidding for my services, 2 selected, fade to black, crash.  Attached is my crash log.


crash-2024-04-15-15-35-23.log 52.64 kB · 0 downloads

There is nothing from my mod, but everything points to this mod. 




And to these files. Weapons, textures, shaders. 







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51 minutes ago, AAAA76 said:

I don't know if it's still considered compatible, but is there a way to fix an issue where when I try downloading Rad Morphing Redux, the Commonwealth Slavers esp file doesn't load? Is this a plugin limit issue or is there something I'm doing wrong?

It should be compatible, although I haven't tested it lately to be sure. I don't recommend it anymore because now I implemented cosmetic surgery so I already take care of the "physical transformation" part. 

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Having some trouble with what I think is the last mission of the bomb.  I lead the raiders to the spot where the minutemen are, they appear and a never ending battle ensues.  5 minutemen liberators kill the raiders who go down but don't die, minutemen start to walk away, raiders recoup and fire and the whole process starts again.  Tried sleeping on top of the red rocket.  That stopped the battle but seems to have broken the quest.  I'm a little stuck.

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7 minutes ago, BlueYellowGreenRed said:

@JB. Is there a command to obtain the Junkie perk and Animation outside of CS? Id like to use it in a different playthrough, which doesn't involve being a slave. Similar to how i still use CS Earrings & nose ring and sometimes shackles while not playing a CS run. 


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I need assistance in an installation and downloading because I have no idea if i am downloading it correctly. I've tried to reinstall and I would like assistance if possible. Thank you :)


Editing to add, how do I install on Mod Organizer 2?



Screenshot 2024-04-15 164313.png

Edited by Lordchodemeister
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6 hours ago, packprof said:

Having some trouble with what I think is the last mission of the bomb.  I lead the raiders to the spot where the minutemen are, they appear and a never ending battle ensues.  5 minutemen liberators kill the raiders who go down but don't die, minutemen start to walk away, raiders recoup and fire and the whole process starts again.  Tried sleeping on top of the red rocket.  That stopped the battle but seems to have broken the quest.  I'm a little stuck.


hmm sounds like one of two things happening here.

1 - you are playing with a very high level game

2 - you have a mod that makes minutemen much tougher


in either case what should happen is the Bomb Brothers (who are essential) should kill the minutemen eventually.  the extra raiders dying is not a big deal

as they are just cannon fodder.  


something you can try is to roll back to a save before that battle starts, and after the battle starts use the console to kill the minutemen (might want to leave one alive

for the Bomb Brothers to kill).  after the raiders (Bomb Brothers) win the battle the quest should progress.


of course you can always try looking at the stages guide to see where you are and what stage needs to run to progress, but personally i would try the roll back

and kill the minutemen route first.


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