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The current animation setting for female vs female aggressor seems to be bugged, since I set them all to not require the lesbian tag, but when I attempt to rape, the only animatinos available are the lesbian ones.


Now, this is after I used an imported Json file of defeat that have all these disabled from the start. I remembered when I first tried this a couple days back, disabling all the requirement tags of female vs female aggressive animations does seems to work and I was given all the aggressive anims available, but this time it's not working properly.


Anotehr question, can we somehow remove the default requirement tag for these animation settings? Or are they there to stay?

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First I'd just like to say I really like this mod, it's probably one of the best ones this site and I can't imagine playing Skyrim without it.


Almost every feature works very smoothly, the only major issue I've come across is that 8 times out of 10 when I try to kill an NPC using the (G) Action button menu, my own PC gets killed in the process, this is a bug I've noticed with almost every version of the mod I've tried over the last few years. Has anyone else encountered this glitch?


Apart from that the only other minor issues I've had are;

the paradise halls integration not working properly, (though to be honest PH hasn't had an update for a long while)

and the Feed option not actually satiating my PC. (though I am using the Vampiric Thirst mod, so that might be the problem)



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Hello, Goubo, let me thank you first for the great stuff you create. I use both Defeat and Tools and they work fine for me. I had some issues with Tools, but I solved them.

However... I've already reported it in the Tools' thread - there's a problem I've encountered just lately and I have no idea how this happened and how to deal with it. Shortly: seems that Defeat and Tools borrowed a hotkey from SexLab and... they won't give it back. I set the "0 )" key for advancing the stage in SL animation and it worked find until recently. Now when I press it while an SL animation is played I get the Tools' menu with anims to select. When pressed with no animation being played - I get the Defeat options menu (which I set "H" for). Strangely enough, the keys I mapped for Defeat and Tools work as well (the problem persist even though I rebind all the keys again). So finally I had to change the SL key.

On second thought, maybe it turned out to be something good... Probably I can bind the two keys for Defeat and Tools to something else, as I have the universal "zero" key for both of them ;).

Well that's an odd behavior, will check that out.


I cant take armor from defeated enemies.Rob option is gone and Inventory option dont show equiped items

Can you tell me what enemy, that would be helpful.


Hi, Goubo, is there any way to use all the rape animations I selected in SL framework?   


In fact, I have already select what I want during rape in SL framework, but I have to set a lot of tags for them to act in defeat....

No, because there is no way to search animations in the aggressive part of SexLab by tags sadly, I can make it so it willl use default aggressive animations if there is no tag at all though.

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I'm gonna add a difficulty slider for the struggle for Player as aggressor as well as an option to disable the struggle on knocked down victims.


It would be appretiated :)


Also (and i dont know if someone else is having this problem too) when you fail to fill the bar and you go "ragdoll" i can't find a way to draw my weapon (or attack for that matter) once i get up. 

That is, i can move, jump, press keys to access inventory or spells, but no matter how many times y try pressing mouse button or R my weapons keep sheathed, meaning i can't attack any more


The 2 options are already added.

For your other problem try to go in first person mode and unnequip your weapon.



Oh, didnt know you updated to 5.3.2 already. Will try it out ! :D

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Unwanted, non-optional, longtermed, negatice face expression of the character after rape is the final reason to skip this mod  ( beneath ugly screaming voice and self-cover animations, plus very often rape not starting,plus follower much longer in bleedout animation then shout be)) .

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Unwanted, non-optional, longtermed, negatice face expression of the character after rape is the final reason to skip this mod  ( beneath ugly screaming voice and self-cover animations, plus very often rape not starting,plus follower much longer in bleedout animation then shout be)) .


You might find that constructive criticism gets better results.

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Unwanted, non-optional, longtermed, negatice face expression of the character after rape is the final reason to skip this mod  ( beneath ugly screaming voice and self-cover animations, plus very often rape not starting,plus follower much longer in bleedout animation then shout be)) .


Never experienced any of that. Your game has other issues.

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Unwanted, non-optional, longtermed, negatice face expression of the character after rape is the final reason to skip this mod  ( beneath ugly screaming voice and self-cover animations, plus very often rape not starting,plus follower much longer in bleedout animation then shout be)) .


There's a 'troll as victim' animation out there somewhere that Goubo might find useful.  Sounds like it would be almost perfect


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Hate to break this to you but I think the "break undies support" is messing it up again, when I updated to version 5.3.0 the mark and surrender buttons wouldn't function and people would walk away and leave me frozen in defeat scenes.


Version 5.3.1 fixed this which was when u removed break undies, after updating to 5.3.2 the buttons are back to not functioning with me. :/

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Love the 5.3.2 update finally allow me to rob armor part directly from inventory other than doing it over and over again.

BTW, perhaps it's finally time to consider to replace the execution animation into sex animation from funnybuziness animation pack or the impale animation?Just ragdoll and kill the victim when animation finishes?Just a thought, just a playful thought.

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Unwanted, non-optional, longtermed, negatice face expression of the character after rape is the final reason to skip this mod  ( beneath ugly screaming voice and self-cover animations, plus very often rape not starting,plus follower much longer in bleedout animation then shout be)) .

You again?

Are you aware this kind of message won't help me improving the mod? especially if you rant about problems such as expressions which my mod doesn't touch at all...

It seems every problems of your game is from my mod so why don't you just skip it? I'm sorry to let you know that I won't be able to make the perfect working free mod for ya.


Hey, i'm loving the mod but can you help me with something ? I noticed some animation options where you can change the "set of animations for each situation" but when i do this they mostly don't work...example : I'm trying to see the Feet animations and no matter where i select this tag it will never appear...what am I doing wrong/how can i see other animations ? Seems like they always go with the default set for each

The animations need to be enabled in the NORMAL SexLab animations page, make sure they are.


Hate to break this to you but I think the "break undies support" is messing it up again, when I updated to version 5.3.0 the mark and surrender buttons wouldn't function and people would walk away and leave me frozen in defeat scenes.


Version 5.3.1 fixed this which was when u removed break undies, after updating to 5.3.2 the buttons are back to not functioning with me. :/

I don't see why the two would be related, try to use Reconfigure option from MCM settings page, if the problem persist check your papryrus log, it should have a lot of errors if the mod can't install properly.

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so you say you dont touch expression, but how comes this expreession then after defeat rape ? i have expressions disabled in sexlab.

then, after the rape, before you get control back of your character this ugly voice comes. this voice must be from skyrim vanilla sounds, i didnt found this sound in zaz or anywhere.

this voice comes always in such situations ( also whipping, milkomatic etc) when no other voice has been created for it.

very often defeat does not react when my charater is clearly under 20% health. it never reacts when the health is 0- character dies, that is why i tried death alternative (again), but

there i got the same problem as in defeat aftermath events : character no keyboard control, epc doesnt help

follower stay much longer in bleedout animation,. character has to fight alone to the end.

well you can say my game has other issues. i doubt that all i find in defeat comes from other issues. i can not place everything to maria edens faullt. (but most)

defeat was a simple and perfect mod long ago, before death alternative came. no ugly scream voice, no coverself, fast reacting.


now, what can you do ? the most disappointing behaviour of defeat is, that it does not react for sure when the health goes under 20% and cant react when the health goes under 0 %hat makes defeat fail in most combats.  and if rape hjappens the end of thje rape and regaining control of the character is problematic.

and try to find that voice please.


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so you say you dont touch expression, but how comes this expreession then after defeat rape ? i have expressions disabled in sexlab.

then, after the rape, before you get control back of your character this ugly voice comes. this voice must be from skyrim vanilla sounds, i didnt found this sound in zaz or anywhere.

this voice comes always in such situations ( also whipping, milkomatic etc) when no other voice has been created for it.

very often defeat does not react when my charater is clearly under 20% health. it never reacts when the health is 0- character dies, that is why i tried death alternative (again), but

there i got the same problem as in defeat aftermath events : character no keyboard control, epc doesnt help

follower stay much longer in bleedout animation,. character has to fight alone to the end.

well you can say my game has other issues. i doubt that all i find in defeat comes from other issues. i can not place everything to maria edens faullt. (but most)

defeat was a simple and perfect mod long ago, before death alternative came. no ugly scream voice, no coverself, fast reacting.


now, what can you do ? the most disappointing behaviour of defeat is, that it does not react for sure when the health goes under 20% and cant react when the health goes under 0 %hat makes defeat fail in most combats.  and if rape hjappens the end of thje rape and regaining control of the character is problematic.

and try to find that voice please.


Please watch your tone! Goubo didn't owe anybody anything, he share what he do his best for us without your money or anything...

I'm very grateful for his great effort..

So do respect the author and make proper suggestion. 


BTW, I think the voice you mention is come from vanilla game.. but it just fine...

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Either he is using a very terrible Google translator or English is not his native language. Magic if English is difficult for you you could try German, right now people look at your comment me too, and think that you are just trolling instead of really Telling what the problem is.


You have not supply any load order, mod list what type of pc you are using. Without these no one is capable to even begin helping you.

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Does the current version have a disable prostitution dialogue option ?

No, why? It's hidden so just don't use it?



Cause thats one thing that made your work significant and neat, option to choose to want or not want a feature. That simple.

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so you say you dont touch expression, but how comes this expreession then after defeat rape ? i have expressions disabled in sexlab.

then, after the rape, before you get control back of your character this ugly voice comes. this voice must be from skyrim vanilla sounds, i didnt found this sound in zaz or anywhere.

this voice comes always in such situations ( also whipping, milkomatic etc) when no other voice has been created for it.

very often defeat does not react when my charater is clearly under 20% health. it never reacts when the health is 0- character dies, that is why i tried death alternative (again), but

there i got the same problem as in defeat aftermath events : character no keyboard control, epc doesnt help

follower stay much longer in bleedout animation,. character has to fight alone to the end.

well you can say my game has other issues. i doubt that all i find in defeat comes from other issues. i can not place everything to maria edens faullt. (but most)

defeat was a simple and perfect mod long ago, before death alternative came. no ugly scream voice, no coverself, fast reacting.


now, what can you do ? the most disappointing behaviour of defeat is, that it does not react for sure when the health goes under 20% and cant react when the health goes under 0 %hat makes defeat fail in most combats.  and if rape hjappens the end of thje rape and regaining control of the character is problematic.

and try to find that voice please.

If the author says this mod doesn't alter expressions then I would be pretty certain he knows what he is talking about. You on the other hand have a long history of getting something stuck in your head and failing to give it up until we rub your nose in it.


Perhaps just once you could stop and consider what other mods might be interacting with this one and examine those mods to see which one is changing the expression instead of stubbornly repeating the same accusation.

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There is one other mod that uses the cover up animation (not sure where they got the animation or if it from one of the staple mods or not) Sexlab Sexual Fame uses it, and it tends to have the character covering herself even when dressed. I uninstalled that mess.

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Cheers, I want to do a observation,

I will say first, I do not have a powerful pc, I have 250 plugins and I have heavy mod (frostfall, cloak of skyrim, wet and cold, etc), so I know sometimes I will have some conflicts.

I install defeat 3.5.2, but when I defeated in battle only appears the bar, I have two follower but never knocked out (I made sure to have the correct options in defeat menu), to reduce mods I uninstall sexlab eager because I have sexlab confort, and when I returned to play, it worked, as much as agressor and victim (also the follower option agressor or victim), but here is where I want to ask.

The follower as aggressors, I have two followers, let's say they go to rape a X victim, if they do a thresome, no problems, but if the message says they are go to rape, but only one take part, the other stays as waiting their turn, but the first end and the second does nothing. The bad thing is that the second follower It stays there, You can not talk to him, if you go away does not follow you, if teleports, He walks to where the person who was going to rape it's found. Why is this happening?

another thing, if you rape a person asleep in a bed, when it ends the person is under the bed, any way to fix this, and the disabling teleport from sexlab It is a great option for me, but to work properly sexlab defeat, must be disabled, there any way for that option not work with rape, and so we can use it without problem with this mod

and a question, follower as agressor, It could be done only when they have a certain number of aroused.


the above problem persists, uninstall, clean data and install again, but still the problem, and I note that also if by mistake kill the npc that my follower It was heading to rape, ocurrs the same (You can not talk to him, if you go away does not follow you, if teleports, she walks to where the person who was going to rape it's found.)

I want to ask something else, that's just out of curiosity, the tag rape, It recognizes who will rape and who will be receive?, I ask because I noticed that whenever a woman (pc or npc) will rape a man, almost 99% of the time uses animations in which is her that receives, (I have the latest update of the great animations like funnybizness).

greetings and pass a good night


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so you say you dont touch expression, but how comes this expreession then after defeat rape ? i have expressions disabled in sexlab.

then, after the rape, before you get control back of your character this ugly voice comes. this voice must be from skyrim vanilla sounds, i didnt found this sound in zaz or anywhere.

this voice comes always in such situations ( also whipping, milkomatic etc) when no other voice has been created for it.

very often defeat does not react when my charater is clearly under 20% health. it never reacts when the health is 0- character dies, that is why i tried death alternative (again), but

there i got the same problem as in defeat aftermath events : character no keyboard control, epc doesnt help

follower stay much longer in bleedout animation,. character has to fight alone to the end.

well you can say my game has other issues. i doubt that all i find in defeat comes from other issues. i can not place everything to maria edens faullt. (but most)

defeat was a simple and perfect mod long ago, before death alternative came. no ugly scream voice, no coverself, fast reacting.


now, what can you do ? the most disappointing behaviour of defeat is, that it does not react for sure when the health goes under 20% and cant react when the health goes under 0 %hat makes defeat fail in most combats. and if rape hjappens the end of thje rape and regaining control of the character is problematic.

and try to find that voice please.

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so you say you dont touch expression, but how comes this expreession then after defeat rape ? i have expressions disabled in sexlab.

then, after the rape, before you get control back of your character this ugly voice comes. this voice must be from skyrim vanilla sounds, i didnt found this sound in zaz or anywhere.

this voice comes always in such situations ( also whipping, milkomatic etc) when no other voice has been created for it.

very often defeat does not react when my charater is clearly under 20% health. it never reacts when the health is 0- character dies, that is why i tried death alternative (again), but

there i got the same problem as in defeat aftermath events : character no keyboard control, epc doesnt help

follower stay much longer in bleedout animation,. character has to fight alone to the end.

well you can say my game has other issues. i doubt that all i find in defeat comes from other issues. i can not place everything to maria edens faullt. (but most)

defeat was a simple and perfect mod long ago, before death alternative came. no ugly scream voice, no coverself, fast reacting.


now, what can you do ? the most disappointing behaviour of defeat is, that it does not react for sure when the health goes under 20% and cant react when the health goes under 0 %hat makes defeat fail in most combats.  and if rape hjappens the end of thje rape and regaining control of the character is problematic.

and try to find that voice please.

Have you try to reduce your mods (the ones using a lot of scripts, like npc mods), sometimes a never react defeat sometimes caused by script lag, or too low health treshold, or too little free memory space, or another mod malfuction (like MNC when you have too much sex with a single creature and the creature won't detect you as enemy anymore) 


little memory space can be RAM or GPU, for example you have your desktop wallpaper auto changing every 5 minutes, then expect lag or fps stuttering while that happens, or you have desktop gadgets like clock etc.


character no keyboard control, epc doesnt help


you mean the hud is appearing but you can't move or the hud didn't appear anymore and you can't move?

if you set post assault to DA event or another event, try to change the post assault to END (the rape would end without any event like left for dead somewhere or robbed) to minimize any script lag problem


about voice, for as long as I have used this mod (guess from 5.0) I have never heard of ugly voice except from sexlab itself and armor re-equipping sounds


now, what can you do ? the most disappointing behaviour of defeat is, that it does not react for sure when the health goes under 20% and cant react when the health goes under 0 %hat makes defeat fail in most combats.  and if rape hjappens the end of thje rape and regaining control of the character is problematic.


and if you think this mod gives you more problem rather than pleasure feel free to uninstall it, the guide is in the main download page rather than mocking someone abilities in modding though you are better or not better than him/her.

If you can't keep up your temper here, no one will answer your problems A N Y M O R E


or, why don't you make your own SL Defeat? I will try it for you.

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