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Is there a way to set it up so that an alcohol effect is applied to a victim only if the agressor is a humanoid? I can set up the alcohol effect on victims just fine but it applies even if the aggressor is say a dragon, I'd like to avoid that.


Not yet. It's on the TODO list.


Hi and thank you for this amazing mod and update.  I want to add http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10565/? to drug my character out occasionally through SL Util however, I don't want to have multiple profiles for multiple drugs.  I was wondering if there was a way to create it so that one option could use any one of the drugs added similarly to what you've done for alcohol/poison/food etc.  I've went over your readme and couldn't find anything for multiple items under a single profile.


Only one item. Maybe in one of the next versions.


This opens up so many possibilities.

Thank you!


Will this load items or spells from plugins?

I keep getting:



item not found




Name=Equip Tongue 7






I made the .esp substitution after skyrim.esm failed.

Am I missing something?


Your ini looks OK. Format is <module name> : <item id>. In items ID number, 4c  is not required, but should not be a problem (4c is modules load order number).


I do not have that mode, so I can't test it. Don't even know where to find it.


Is that id (000d72) really an equipable item?


Does a character already has that item?  Im asking this, because if characters doesn't have that item, Skyrim (not me) will try to re-equip all items when character gets any new gear. Result can be a mess.


You trying to add that item to NPC or PC? If its PC, you can quickly check your inventory, if item is there and equiped.

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The Tongues.esp is 'EQTongues' mod from the forums here on LL.

I can post a copy if you like, or try and find it.

I play a male, was trying to equip on a female NPC (follower), not in her inventory.

Note: I did not do a clean install, and I changed the INI files several times after the install,

but did use the refresh in the MCM.

I made several different equips that did not work.

It's gotta be something in my load, I'll keep trying.




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The Tongues.esp is 'EQTongues' mod from the forums here on LL.

I can post a copy if you like, or try and find it.

I play a male, was trying to equip on a female NPC (follower), not in her inventory.

Note: I did not do a clean install, and I changed the INI files several times after the install,

but did use the refresh in the MCM.

I made several different equips that did not work.

It's gotta be something in my load, I'll keep trying.




Uploaded new version. There was a bug with MCM option Misc\Reload effects (refresh list of effects). You could get duplicate effects (old and new).


I downloaded that toungues mod. My ini:



Name=Equip Togue 7







and it works for me.


Try with new version. Its posible that problem was "Reload effects" not working as it should.

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Now it works,

Though it isn't rock solid, (for me that is).

I have a very dirty game right now, no pun.


In my brief test I noticed that the timed intervals for equips worked flawlessly,

so did orgasm stage spells,

but the 'through the end of sex' option only yielded a momentary equip which reverted to the normal state.

Sorry for not being more scientific with my assessment.


That being said, this mod is great.

Thanks again.


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Hi, great mod, thanks for all the hard work.


I'm playing as a character with zero magicka regen, is there any way to use this mod to increase magicka? Increasing magicka regen obviously won't work. Heal doesn't seem to increase the magicka either as it seems implied in the OP? I've even tried the custom script thing to add a magicka potion but this doesn't work either for me. Taking the .bak out of the give ectoplasm script, the script runs but I am not given an item. It says custom script and the right number, but doesn't say it's applied it to anyone. I've tried all sorts of conditions.



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I noticed with the new version we can make our own effects or whatever it is.


My question is thus:


Using PSQ's drain ability and death by drain, would it be possible to add something that would apply to only the NPC's (not my psq succubus) so that on orgasm the NPC is temporarily made essential (or gives a ridiculous health regen) with a setup that allows us to select that it only applies to non-enemy factions (ie: merchants, townsfolk)


I ask because there a quite a few non essential npc's and PSQ death by drain can therefore kill NPC's you otherwise would not want to kill.

Example: belethor and any beggar when doing the recruitment for the Sex Guild.


The dev for PSQ said he is looking into adding an option so that we can determine who is affected by death by drain but that is a ways off yet.

But I noticed with this, we can have the effect of adding health\regeneration at different stages of sex but i am not sure how to set it so that it would only effect non enemy factions.

And the last thing i want to do is add health regen to a bandit that I'm trying to kill by draining.

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Another question separate from my above question.

If i wanted to make an effect that functions similar to the debuff from Lovers Victim (ie: essentially stop health regen) is this all I need to do?


create an ini with this text




Name=Regeneration Health -500%
Cmd=msg:Being raped leaves me feeling weakened




or could this be used?




Name=Regeneration Health = 0
Cmd=msg:Being raped leaves me feeling weakened




or is more needed?

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1. You can't really create "new" effects. You can activate effects (spells, abilities) from other mods.


2. I don't have a check for factions or friend-foe, ally-enemy detection. Don't even know how to do that.


3. Ini like:


Name=Regeneration Health = 0
Cmd=msg:Being raped leaves me feeling weakened


Will do nothing.


a. if you want custom command, then Type=0 is wrong. It should be Type=cmd

b. even if you would have Type=cmd, it would only display a message(notification) on screen. Command "msg" only displays a message.



To get the desired effect (no regeneration) you could:

1. Use builtin "Harm (-1)" and set a long duration. It will not stop regeneration, but every 3 seconds, your char will be drained by 1. Should not kill you, but it will be very annoying.


2. You can also set "Harm (-10)" and set long duration. This hurts more, but is not insta-kill.


3. Create a new ini that has:

Name=No daytime regen


this will give you "NPC vampire" ability. -100% regeneration at day time.


4. Create a new ini that has:

Name=No HP regen and angry


this will give you "werewolf" ability. -100% hit points regeneration and a bit bigger stamina/HP. Call it "I am hurt and want revenge".





If you activate ini with "addspell" command, then:

- if in MCM menu, under effects Options, you set no duration (default, 1 sec/once/instant), then ability will stick forever

- if you set duration (10 sec or more), then ability will be added and then removed when SexlabUtil1 effect expires



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1. You can't really create "new" effects. You can activate effects (spells, abilities) from other mods.


2. I don't have a check for factions or friend-foe, ally-enemy detection. Don't even know how to do that.


3. Ini like:



Name=Regeneration Health = 0




Cmd=msg:Being raped leaves me feeling weakened


Will do nothing.


a. if you want custom command, then Type=0 is wrong. It should be Type=cmd

b. even if you would have Type=cmd, it would only display a message(notification) on screen. Command "msg" only displays a message.



To get the desired effect (no regeneration) you could:

1. Use builtin "Harm (-1)" and set a long duration. It will not stop regeneration, but every 3 seconds, your char will be drained by 1. Should not kill you, but it will be very annoying.


2. You can also set "Harm (-10)" and set long duration. This hurts more, but is not insta-kill.


3. Create a new ini that has:


Name=No daytime regen






this will give you "NPC vampire" ability. -100% regeneration at day time.


4. Create a new ini that has:


Name=No HP regen and angry






this will give you "werewolf" ability. -100% hit points regeneration and a bit bigger stamina/HP. Call it "I am hurt and want revenge".





If you activate ini with "addspell" command, then:

- if in MCM menu, under effects Options, you set no duration (default, 1 sec/once/instant), then ability will stick forever

- if you set duration (10 sec or more), then ability will be added and then removed when SexlabUtil1 effect expires


Ok thank you very much. I think I will try that werewolf version as it last day and night if set correctly. thank you.

Out of curiosity could I, within the same ini, can i put a second [main} with the msg in it so that it applies debuff and posts the message?

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2. I don't have a check for factions or friend-foe, ally-enemy detection. Don't even know how to do that.



There are faction based reactions and also each NPC has a RelationshipRank with the player and with every other NPC (default rank is 0 which is most NPCs).


Explained best here: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim%3aDisposition


There are these functions in the Actor.PCS file you can use:


; Obtains this actor's faction-based reaction to the other actor
; 0 - Neutral
; 1 - Enemy
; 2 - Ally
; 3 - Friend
int Function GetFactionReaction(Actor akOther) native

; Obtains the relationship rank between this actor and another
int Function GetRelationshipRank(Actor akOther) native
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Would there be any way to have the "script event" custom effect play an idle animation (after sex of course) like I can do with the console?  I added some custom effects to equip ropes and a gag on my pc during rape, and I would like to put her in the hogtie position after the rape is through.



I found a way.  I installed the Zaz Resources mod and used SexlabUtil1 to cast a Zaz idle spell on the PC.  I can choose the idle position ahead of time, so other positions besides hogtie are possible as well.


SexLabUtil1 is a great mod by the way.


One thing I have found is that you can't use two or more custom effects in quick succession.  Two Custom effects in two different slots for the same event only seems to get you the custom effect in the last slot.  Also the "On Orgasm" and "Sex End" events seem to happen too soon after one another for Custom effects in each.  The same with "Sex End" and "After Sex", just too close together timewise.  I had a custom effect for the "On Orgasm" event, and any custom effect for the "Sex End" event would not happen, but a custom Effect for "After Sex" would still work.  There must be enough time between "On Orgasm" and "After Sex" for  custom effects in each to still work.

Edited by jwind
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- extra conditions

- a way to have multiple custom commands

- if there are muliple commands, have a way to execute one at random or all in a sequence

- play idle/animation custom command

- pause/delay command so everyting is not executed at the same time


- i'm also sure someone will say "sound"




Steam is evil by the way. Easy to get great and cheap stuff, but day has only 24 hours :/


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For the sake of the people in this thread



Please add an option to play




You have the mod which they need, if you add this one additional item.

There,s no crying in SKYRIM !!!


Open console, select player (or any NPC), type "sae IdleChildCryingStart" (sans quotes) and there will be crying ;).

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New version. Expanded custum effects functionality.


You can now:

- have Cmd section at start, on tick(3 seconds) and end

- activate sequence, multiple commands at the sme time or one random sequence of commands

- added many new commands like add, remove spells, items, perks, start an animation, change actors weight, even play with skeleton nodes, expressions, ...



Carefull tho. Some commands are "safe".


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I REALLY like the new improvements.  Just a question though.  How do we add custom effects from a mod that has spaces in the filename?  I tried putting the filename in quotes (i.e. "Devious Devices - Assets.esm"), but that did not seem to work.




Cmd=item:"Devious Devices - Assets.esm":00002dc7



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Is heal+1/+10/+100 working? I can't seem to get it to work since .11. Thanks.


Yes. Just tested it.


You have SKSE version 1.7 or higher? I use stuff that is only available in SKSE 1.7.


Skyrim sometimes doesn't upgrade mods right. Clean save (disable mod, start game, wait a couple of mins, make new save, restart game with new save, save again, exit, reactivate mod, start game with the newest save). What if you start a new game?

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I REALLY like the new improvements.  Just a question though.  How do we add custom effects from a mod that has spaces in the filename?  I tried putting the filename in quotes (i.e. "Devious Devices - Assets.esm"), but that did not seem to work.




Cmd=item:"Devious Devices - Assets.esm":00002dc7




Cmd=item:Devious Devices - Assets.esm:00002dc7


(no quotes)


I just tried :


Cmd=item:Futa equippable.esp:000d6a


and got something in inventory.

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Is heal+1/+10/+100 working? I can't seem to get it to work since .11. Thanks.


Yes. Just tested it.


You have SKSE version 1.7 or higher? I use stuff that is only available in SKSE 1.7.


Skyrim sometimes doesn't upgrade mods right. Clean save (disable mod, start game, wait a couple of mins, make new save, restart game with new save, save again, exit, reactivate mod, start game with the newest save). What if you start a new game?



Thanks for the reply. I just tested it, and it seems that heal +1 with the duration of until the end of sex does not work. Tried with fresh save and everything. +10 seems to work, but I haven't tried the other values. Thanks for your time and efforts; this mod glues my whole experience together.

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I posted this under Beeing Female. 

Has anyone experienced an increase in Brawl Bugs after updating SexLab Util?


I am trying to find out which mod is causing that issue.



Not sure if it is related to Beeing Female, but I thought I would report it.


I upgraded SexLab Util and Beeing Female at the same time. 

Since then, I have experienced several instances of the infamous Brawl Bug (NPCs suddenly turning hostile).


Is Beeing Female using any kind of cloak effect?

Has anyone experienced the same recently?


I will post the same in SexLab Util just in case.


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This mod doesn't use any cloak spells. I checked. TBH I had to check wiki to find out what that cloak thing even is.


This mod does casts spells. But only if you set it up like that.


In theory (if I understand what brawl bug is), its possible that effects:

- Calm (whoever hits me). This effect cast Calm on whoever hits someone that has sex.

- Disease. It activate every 3 seconds

- Maybe Alcohol. I give you item and then 'use' it. Its implemented as Disease, will proc every 3 seconds for as long as effect lasts.


By the way, I had that 'NPCs suddenly turning hostile' a couple of times. Even long time before I even started modding Skyrim. Even before mods existed (there was no CK yet). It doesn't have to be Brawl bug. It can be 'i kicked a chicken'.


Once I started new game with Alternate start, and a couple of NPCs in Whiterun hated me, attacked me on sight. I was new, I did nothing. Even guards protected me, and attacked that hostile NPC. Because it was new game, I just started another one. This time everything was OK. Same mods. Once bugged, once OK.


Anyway. Maybe its cloak spell, but maybe not. Maybe even my mod.


Use old save? Disable something? Disable everything?


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